Member Reviews

I love a good second chance romance. Unfortunately this one miss the mark for me. Maybe I wasn’t in the right reading mood. But I struggled connecting with these characters. Honestly I would’ve loved to have seen more of their relationship development. But I did enjoy some parts of this sweet and fluffy romance .

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The third book in Harlequin Desire’s latest continuity series, Dynasties: Seven Sins, INSATIABLE HUNGER by Yahrah St. John is a tempting friends-to-lovers romance. Ryan and Jessie are both trying to do what they think will be best for them in the long run, but both skirt around the real situation--they should be together and always should have been that way. Even with Ryan’s potential job at Black Crescent and Jessie’s on-again-off-again almost-fiance, they are a great couple, with tantalizing chemistry from the start. While there’s little conflict and quite a bit of focus paid to how thin and trim everyone is, this quick and sexy romance set amongst America’s wealthy elite is an easy way to spend an afternoon.

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I downloaded this series because I thought it sounded interesting. I’ve since realized this series isn’t for me and I won’t be reading or reviewing. Thank you for the opportunity.

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4 Stars / 2.5 Steam Fans

The third book in the Seven Sins Dynasty series shows how the Black Cresent Scandal affected Jessie and Ryan. Jessie and Ryan are friends, next-door neighbors, and both have family secrets driving their paths in life.

Video review available in Week 46: Nov 8 – Nov 14 weekly book reviews.

For other video book reviews, check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Romance Book Talk.

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This was a decent read. It was light, sweet and quick to read. The characters were likable and the overall plot was good. I recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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A second chance romance. If you like those, you'll like this. It's well written and flows fast. Nothing to write home about but it will pass the time.

Will go live on the blog - 11/18/2020

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If you love friends to lovers and want a short, steamy romance, this is a great one! Harlequin desire can be hit or miss for me, but I really enjoyed this one! The pacing and storyline was great. I loved that they were in the Hamptons. 4 stars

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Insatiable Hunger turned out to be sweeter than I expected. I had it pictured as a grittier read, but it ended up being rather fluffy. That's not necessarily a bad thing - just not what I was expecting. There is some drama to come between our couple, but for the most part, this one is a light, quick read. A sexy read, but still light and quick. All in all, it's an entertaining friends to lovers romance, but there are some interesting secrets and a twist that relate back to the first two books in the series. Things can still be followed, but it's easier if you read the series from the beginning. I think this one would appeal to anyone who enjoys a friends to lovers romance in an interconnected series. There is an underlying event that's the catalyst for each book, and like the first two in the series, the couple has chemistry and the characters are interesting.

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There's something about seeing the Harlequin logo that has me one-clicking, ready to indulge in a great romance. And this author definitely brought me that. This story really got to me.

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This is pretty much the ultimate in friends-to-lovers romance with a heavy helping of heat!

Ryan has always been there for Jessie. From childhood play dates to a shoulder to cry on, the highs of high school and the lows of her family falling apart, he's been her rock in the storm of life...but she's never seen him as more than a friend. While he cherishes the connection they have, he's always harbored feelings that tended to run hotter than simply friendship...but she's always been unavailable in that arena, tying her hopes and dreams to his rival...until tonight. All it takes is one dance, one glance, one moment when she's finally having second thoughts (SERIOUS second thoughts) about her current romantic life, and her eyes are opened. Road to happily ever after? Umm, about that...

The obstacles these two put in their own ways certainly keep the story rolling, but it makes you keep second guessing as to the will-they-won't-they relationship status! I liked Ryan for pretty much the entire story, though his second guessing himself was a bit heart breaking. He was a good guy who just set his sights on the unattainable girl, but unrequited love never made someone less desirable. Jessie meant well, and was honestly a good person, she was just stuck in the past. It took her eyes being opened to a different betrayal (of a sort) to really accept what was for WHAT WAS and possibly think about a different future than the one she originally set her feet on. It will drive you crazy, but in a GOOD way, and the final turn of events will have your heart sighing.

So, if you like the trope, don't mind a good dose of steam, and really would like to see the good guy finally win (or not...can't spoil it for you!)...this might just be the next MUST READ on your TBR list!

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Insatiable Hunger is a standalone novel in the multi-authored Dynasties: Seven Sins series and features a ‘friends to lovers’ trope romance.

The story actually begins fifteen years earlier, when a swindler, Vernon Lowell steals millions of dollars from both his family and clients at Black Crescent Hedge Fund. He later disappears, leaving the wreckage of destitute families in his wake, including Jessie Acosta’s. The Dynasties: Seven Sins series follows the stories of the heirs and families impacted by Lowell’s actions. It’s a compelling premise and a great way to tie all the stories in the series together.

We learn that while the loss of everything they own sends Jessie’s father into a spiral of depression, while her mother holds it together, working to keep a roof over their heads and pushing Jessie and her brother to be their best in school, resulting in a scholarship to their private school. Ryan Hathaway is Jessie’s best friend who’s been secretly in love with her since he was six. He’s sweet, a bit reserved and sometimes picked on at school. When Jessie goes on to her new school, their friendship fades.

Fast forward to Ryan and Jessie’s 10-year high school reunion. The attraction between Ryan and Jessie sparks from across the room. It turns out Ryan’s in the running to be the new CEO of Black Crescent, which is a dream job for him, but is also the company that led to the ruin of Jessie’s family.

I really loved Ryan as a protagonist. He’s my kind of hero – an overlooked beta with a good heart. Jessie is compelling because she’s had to work hard all her life to rise above her family’s losses. She’s an attorney who wants to make partner but it’s unclear if she’s doing it for herself or to make her family proud.

Friends-to-lovers is a favorite trope and St. John pulls it off wonderfully, giving us a surprisingly sweet and hot story at once. Yahrah St. John is a new-to-me author and I look forward to reading more by her.

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Full review appeared at Reader's Edyn on 07/17/20

Jessie has decisions to make. She’s been on the path she created for herself with nothing but her future in mind. Still dating the perfect guy from high school, they are nearing the time of their marriage. They have been working tirelessly to meet their career goals so that they may begin their life together. But this has all taken place with spending very little time together; mostly in different countries. As anticipated, they grew apart. An encounter with her former best friend turned smoking hot sexy guy, Ryan, has her re-evaluating the path she has been relentlessly carving out for herself. Suddenly she realizes she needs to make some changes and it looks like a fling with Ryan will be the way she moves on. But Ryan has his own future plans he has been working toward and he is literally just a breath away from grasping on to the position he has been seeking. Except that position stands firmly against everything Jessie believes in given the atrocious way the Black Crescent scandal affected her family all those years ago. Once Jessie finally decides on her future moving forward, the lingering question that her relationship with Ryan hangs on is: can she be with him and get past the fierce hatred she holds for Black Crescent?

Ryan has loved Jessie for just about as long as he can remember. But she never saw him as anything past her confidant. Hugh was always that golden boy that she saw her future with, so when he has a chance to make a move at their reunion, he cannot waste the opportunity. Never imagining his brazen move triggers Jessie to reassess her life choices, he quickly finds himself in a “casual” relationship with her. But Jessie has been holding back a bit of the truth and Ryan’s continuation in seeking the CEO position with Black Crescent continues to shim a wedge between them. With Jessie firmly denouncing the very company Ryan dreams of taking over and reshaping, it comes down to whether he loves her enough to walk away from his dream job. But with Jessie’s recent betrayal, he isn’t sure he can afford to be the lovesick fool he has always been in the past. Now it’s Ryan who has some serious thinking to do and decisions to make.

This is my 3rd book in the series. I have been following it since the beginning and plan to complete it. I was intrigued by a series written by several authors, but all each holding a recurring theme that binds them all together; even to the point where other characters from previous books continue to make appearances as the series progresses. For this series, it is most frequently Joshua Lowell. He is the current CEO of Black Crescent – the company that ruined the lives of so many fifteen years ago. But the damning deeds were carried out by his conniving sire and Joshua has worked tirelessly to repair the company, it’s reputation, and make whatever restitution he can to all of the affected families. Having found his HEA, he is now ready to step down and let someone else take the reins so he can live his own life. And so this theme recurs throughout the books, providing an air of familiarity.

Ryan actually made a few appearances in the previous book. As one of the candidates up for the CEO position, Ryan was a part of the interviews that Allison (the FL from the previous installment) conducted. I did not much care for Ryan after his interactions with Allison. I had the feeling that he was trying to woo Allison behind the scenes intending to gain an upper hand in the interviews. At least that was the impression I took away from him initially. He had a rather bad reaction toward one of the candidates in the previous book and I immediately took a dislike to him for that outburst. His anger and animosity seemed misplaced and inappropriate at the time. Consequently, going into this book I was wary with his character. But I can happily report that his character completely morphed into something else entirely within the pages of this book and I ultimately enjoyed him most of all as I was reading. He possesses many positive characteristics and I admired his reasons for seeking out the CEO position. I, myself, believing he would be the best of the candidates to lead the company. However, we are left not knowing if he does take the position or not. I suppose, as far as the plot goes, this was a good move. After all, the search for the CEO has been what has liked these books together – aside from the BC scandal itself – so revealing the CEO at this point in the series could have been a bad tactical move. However, I was annoyed with Ryan’s decision because – I will just admit it – I didn’t care for Jessie much at all. Ryan’s biggest flaw was his weak spot for Jessie and not being able to get her out of his head.

I just never really warmed up to Jessie. She struck me as more of a petulant child who was stuck in the misdeeds of the past, unable to break free of that stigma. She could have easily been written as a strong woman who rose above the ashes, but instead, she remained the brat who forced Ryan to decide his future if he wanted any chance of having one with her. She does eventually give a little, but for me, it was absolutely too little too late. The damage had been done and given the lack of any kind of grand gesture from her, I was underwhelmed. True love doesn’t force one to give up on their dreams and conform to the wishes of one. Also, given the extent of loss that Zane experienced in the previous book, Jessie never really lost much. Yes, her family was affected, but Zane’s situation had been so much worse. If he could let that chip on his should go for the woman he loved, what the hell was Jessie’s excuse? Also aggravating was the completely predictable situation within her family that she and her mother finally have a row about. I had called it in the beginning and wasn’t wrong. But what galled me even more, was Jessie’s reaction given that she wasn’t much different. Pot meet kettle. She hadn’t completely broken things off with Hugh when beginning her relationship with Ryan and never even came clean about it with either of them until she had made her own final decision. Selfish, much? But what finally clenched my dislike was when she completely jumped Ryan’s shit for kissing her in public. She accused him of doing it intentionally when he was just lost in the moment. Bitch move. Honestly, I don’t think I would have had a problem with Ryan walking away from her for good at that point. Clearly, I just never connected to Jessie.

Chase Hargrove makes another appearance as one of the CEO candidates. He is once again in an odd and somewhat unprofessional position with Haley – Joshua’s assistant. I don’t know what the deal is with those two, but it’s uncomfortable, so I wonder what his role will be as the series progresses. Another turn off for me was the materialistic obsession this author held for everything pricey. She describes a lavish kitchen, constantly mentions Armani suits, and each time Ryan gets into his Porsche, it is written as the “Porsche 911 Carrera". Who the frick cares? It’s a Porsche. I got it. You do not have to mention the dang name of it each time. Message received. These guys have money. I am a sucker for a billionaire romance, but this was like intentionally drawing attention to expensive items because the reader needed a reminder? I’m not sure, but it became completely annoying after a while.

However, there is a silver lining here. I may not have enjoyed this book as part of the series. True. However, this book could be read as a stand-alone. There was enough back story provided that I do not believe a reader new to the series would have any issue with easily falling into this book. Some of my prejudices I carried over from the previous books. For that reason, I wonder is perhaps my knowledge from the beginning was more of a hindrance than an advantage in this case. Overall, the story was still enjoyable. It was sexy at times and there were some interactions between Ryan and Jessie that I enjoyed. But if it was my first read in the series, I doubt I would be coming back. At this point, I am invested and want to finish the series up. Admittedly, I also want to see what happened next knowing we will be reading work by another author. Hopefully, things will look up as this is not the best book in the series. So far it’s ranked in order. I connected with the first book the best and then the second was somewhat near second. Sadly, this was a far third. I hope this does not indicate that the series will continue to dive. Having alternate authors can be a bonus, but sometimes also a crapshoot. This one missed the mark for me. Still entertaining, but lacked the connection and sympathy I felt in the previous installments. As far as Ms. St. John’s work, I am unable to accurately assess if she would be a good fit for me without reading another of her books. Next time I will be searching for a stand-alone that is not part of a series so that I know for sure if we are a good match as reader and writer.

Kindle version provided by NetGalley/Harlequin in exchange for an honest review.

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Three and a half stars

Insatiable Hunger by Yahrah St. John is the third in the Harlequin multi-author continuity called the Seven Sins. Ryan Hathaway has always had it bad for Jessie Acosta, but she's always seen him as the guy next door.

Jessie's family was one of those devastated by Vernon Lowell's betrayal when as CEO of Black Crescent, he absconded with the savings of many of the town's families. Her father was crushed and never truly recovered his footing, while with a hand from the O'Malleys, Jessie and her brother are able to finish schooling and find their own way. In part because of that help, Jessie's felt indebted to their family friends and bound to please her parents, so even though she's been ambivalent about dating Hugh O'Malley for eons, she's remained in that lackluster relationship.

All that begins to change when during a school reunion, she spends some time with her old friend Ryan, and begins to see him in a different light.

Yahrah St. John writes Jessie and Ryan's shared attraction in true Desire fashion--sizzling and full of lush promise that gets delivered in spades. It's a delight to see them realize that they share more than mere friendship, and that taking action on their mutual feelings brings them more than just physical pleasure but a building emotional connection.

It is also very satisfying to see Jessie finally recognize that her tying her future entirely to pleasing her parents has not just hobbled her relationship with them, but ultimately her happiness. And it's also excellent that she's able to truly come clean with Hugh. I did find myself disconcerted by some unexpected family drama and some of the timing of their journey. Jessie and Ryan do have a hard time being completely honest about their emotions at times, and while that is definitely realistic, it was also sometimes hard to witness.

This was my first read by Ms St. John, but it won't be my last!

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This is the third book of Harlequin Desire Dynasties: Seven Sins. Another family who was hurt financially in the town of Falling Brook by Joshua Lowell’s father, when his father left town with billions of people’s money in a Ponzi Scheme. Jessie Acosta parents almost lost everything they had because of their investment and Jessie vows to make everything better for her parents by living the life she felt they wanted her to live. Then there is the boy next door neighbor Ryan Hathaway who has loved Jessie ever since they were 6 years old, and they are best friends.
Now years later Jessie and Ryan attend there prep school reunion and the sparks flies between them especially Ryan but then in walks Jessie long time boyfriend Hugh to the reunion.
I love how the characters were well developed and you can feel the emotions of each character, especially when Jessie and her mother had a serious talk about her relationship between her and Jessie dad. With Ryan you could feel the insatiable love and hunger he felt for Jessie.
I highly recommend this book to read, there is romance, love, jealousy, secrets, plot twist and drama.
Cassandra H.
#HarlequinDesire #Netgalley #Insatiable Hunger #YarahStJohn #SevenDeadlySins #Romance

I received a ARC from Netgalley and this review is of my honest opinion and review.

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This is not one of my favourite books I have read. I did enjoy it in most part but I found I got annoyed with Jessie.

Like most Harlequin books this was a quick and easy read that is perfect for just relaxing for a couple of hours.

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Acosta VS Hathaway

Enjoyed this nail biter as I turn the pages reading how Jessie Acosta navigates to find peace. Watching her grow and gain courage as she faces the sins of an unscrupulous man, a mother's secret life, a father's depression, and the boy now man next door. This story shows that the actions of people cause grief unknowingly to others.

I received an electronic copy of this book from NetGalley for an honest review.

#Netgalley #InsatiableHunger

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The premise of this book is that Ryan has been in love with Jessie since they were children, but Jessie started dating Hugh when they were still in high school and feels obligated toward Hugh's family. At their ten year high school reunion, Jessie and Ryan have a moment. This leads to Jessie and Hugh taking a break. When Ryan invites Jessie to the Hamptons for the 4th of July, things really heat up between them. But is it just a physical thing or could it be something real?

Although this was better than the first Yahrah St. John book I tried, I really struggled with the fat shaming surrounding Ryan. There was a lot of value judgment in his looks and what he eats and how he exercises based on how he used to look compared to now. I just didn't love how that was handled. I also ultimately didn't love the relationship between Ryan and Jessie even though there kept being parts of it where I would sink into their story. For me, Ryan was really pushy and I like, sort of understood, but also like... Jessie JUST got out of a decade long relationship, so it didn't seem unreasonable for her to need some time. At the same time, Jessie was so dumb about like, everything? And also, communication really would have helped the two of them figure things out. I also just felt like there were weird dynamics between them but I would have given the book three stars if it had stuck the landing. Unfortunately, I just didn't buy the HEA at all in the end.

(And there's this random storyline thrown in with Jessie's mom and Hugh's dad that was just kind of gross. Idk.)

Anyway, regardless, I like where the overarching series is headed and I'm looking forward to what's going to happen with Black Crescent.

Thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin for the opportunity to read and review this book!

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Jessie and Ryan were not only neighbors as children but best friends as well. Fifteen years ago Jessie’s family was left destitute when they trusted the wrong man with their investments however with the help of the O’Malley family they managed to get through the situation and she has been dating their son Hugh for years even though they are rarely in the same place.

Ryan has loved Jessie for as long as he can remember but she has always been focused on Hugh. Their ten year school reunion has Jessie wondering if the man for her is really Ryan rather than Hugh. Between Jessie being torn between what her family wants and what she wants, Ryan’s career plans and Jessie’s family secrets their journey wasn’t without its obstacles.

There was no denying the chemistry between them and although Ryan was fully invested in their relationship from the beginning Jessie had to decide between following her heart or following the wishes of her family.

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Thank you to both NetGalley and Harlequin for this book.

While I enjoyed how easy and quick it was to read the book, it wasn't one of my favorites. I honestly spent most of the book annoyed with Jessie and how selfish she was. She seemed to only care about her feelings and not Ryan's.

See Ryan had been in love with Jessie since they were 6 years old but Jessie was blinded by her "loyalty" to her family and was with someone she didn't love because she felt that she needed to be with him.

Jessie's family lost all their money when Black Cresent was stolen from. Because of that, Jessie felt that she needed to be the perfect daughter for her family even though they never asked her too. She dated who her parents wanted her to date, and she stayed with him until she found that she had feelings for Ryan. This is the same Ryan who she grew up with but did not give the time of day too because she that wasn't who her parents wanted her with. It wasn't until their ten-year high school reunion that she finally started to see Ryan in a new light.

The whole relationship between Jessie and Ryan was Ryan begging Jessie to see that he was the perfect man for her. And honestly, I was ready to get Ryan for myself because it seemed like Jessie did not appreciate what was right in front of her!

While this is the third book in the Dynasties: Seven Sin series this is a book that can easily be read a standalone. It was a quick read. I read it in less than 24 hours just because I started it late at night and finished it the next morning. I usually love all the books by Yahrah St. John but this one just misses the mark for me.

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I’m scratching my head on this one...with the theme of this series, the title suggests this could be “gluttony” but it could also symbolize “greed”...upon reading, neither seems to fit.

Maybe I’m overthinking it, but a sexual appetite to fit the description of the above options, would indicate more than one person, a bit of a player, or just can’t get enough...there was none of that.

Instead, this story was a little on the sweeter side. Boy falls in love with the girl next door...she has no idea, (because girls can have guy friends without thinking they want more, right?) and since she’s struck by duty to her family, thinking there’s a debt to be paid for the lifestyle she lived, she stays with the golden boy...not the boy next door.

Plot twist! There are some secrets that unfold, and this book should be read after the first two or you won’t know who any of the characters are.

Overall, this book was just fluff. Reading dialog (which was very good) and a few sentences to determine setting can get a less patient reader through it rather quickly. There isn’t much to glue you to the pages, but it was enjoyable.

<b>**3 More Sweet than Savage Stars**</b>

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