Member Reviews

Refraining from becoming overwhelmed with emotion, this book did not shy away from discussing difficult subjects (abuse, miscarriage, etc.) that are important aspects of women’s lives. Although references to multiple versions of ones self did at times become confusing, and the suggestion to read the author’s previous works was just this side of gauche, the overall work provided an in-depth examination of what it means to be a woman and how to be our best version of a woman.

I thought this book was okay, some bits I found a bit unnecessary or redundant. I think I would've benefitted from reading this when I started university and I felt it would have really helped me when I was struggling. I think it is a good book, I just read it at the wrong time.

Got me thinking about the important issues of our times. Captures the vibe of where we are at the moment. I enjoyed it.

Refraining from becoming overwhelmed with emotion, this book did not shy away from discussing difficult subjects (abuse, miscarriage, etc.) that are important aspects of women’s lives. Although references to multiple versions of ones self did at times become confusing, and the suggestion to read the author’s previous works was just this side of gauche, the overall work provided an in-depth examination of what it means to be a woman and how to be our best version of a woman.

Down to earth and realistic, I thought it was a wonderful read that every woman who is searching for herself should read. If anything it lends as a good reminder to appreciate who and all that we are even in our humanness.

Not going to lie... the cover is beautiful, the topic amazing but the book was just boring...
I was expecting a fun, uplifting reading but it sounded like homework.
I requested this boom expecting to learn and love more of this genre, of this reality we women have to face, but it wasn't at all what the synopsis presented...
Not trying to offend the author, I'm pretty sure other readers will love it. Its just...not for me unfortunately.

Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for providing me with an advance readers copy in exchange for an honest review.
I requested this book, hoping to feel uplifted as a woman with a self-help/development type book, and give me a more enlightened view on being a woman. Although, this is absolutely not what this book provides.
I found it incredibly hard to get through this book, and considered stopping at multiple points. It was incredibly repetitive, it felt like a copy and paste project gone wrong - and I genuinely thought at times that perhaps this wasn't a real book, but instead just an advertisement for the authors other books that were shamelessly plugged in this book every other page. I especially didn't enjoy the way that the author said that women shouldn't care that men get paid more, but rather that they get paid for being their own individuals?! ok... yes, you want to get paid for your own work, but saying that you shouldn't want to get paid as much as men because YOU ARE NOT A MAN was the straw that broke the camels back for me.
In this book, the author writes that this is a book for women, by a woman - yet, in the next chapter continues to tell you to share this book with all the men in your life which was the first of many contradictions that this book held. Whilst continuing to tell me, that as a woman I can poop, I have boobs and a vagina, thanks for letting me know? I really don't understand the need for this book, and I wouldn't bother to revisit it as I feel as though I've gained nothing from this read.

This book is not sugar coating what it means to be a woman (on the title or anywhere else). It's not all easy or glamorous and in this book, you will feel seen and heard because of the real and authentic voice of the author. ~review on amazon
Genuine...soulful conversations between women! I enjoyed the funny, entertaining and no judgment read...along with a soulful heart to heart and honest talks between women...I highly recommend the book and hoping others learn to love themselves!! Go read...you won't be disappointed!!

I highly recommend this book. After going through some personal issues in my own life, this book helped me tremendously.

More people need to read more books like this! With shades of Caitlin Moran's "how to be a woman' there is some GREAT stuff in here - give time to yourself, be a kick ass woman, find your purpose as a woman. A quick read, an easy read and one we should all read. Can't wait to recommend to my customers, and friends!

I like to grab self help books. Jacqueline is always uplifting. I admire anyone who can come out of a rough background and see roses

Thank you Netgalley and the author for the gifted copy, all thoughts are completely my own
This was a lot more spiritual than I was expecting. It just really wasn't for me.
2.5 stars

While this feels like, at the start, a comfortable, open, honest conversation with a friend, a good one, by the end, I was really happy just to finish and get away. It might be about the fact that I'm not particularly feminine, it might be about the fact that I disagree with a set of assertions in the later parts of the book.
I don't think one book can explain what it is to be one thing, and it's difficult to put my finger on why it annoyed me quite so much, but I found myself rolling my eyes - a lot - by the end.
I'm not entirely certain this would be one of the books I share with my daughter. It's just not quite there.

Women, are you ready to BE and live your YOU?
In this practical and exciting book, Jacqueline Pirtle - a female powerhouse - presents unique and easy ways for women to align with their powerful purpose, truth, and their natural zest for life.
Jacqueline believes that you already have it all in you; wisdom, strength, power, and so much more––and that through realizing the monumental female-force that you ARE, you will lead a life that is precisely custom made to fit what you came here to BE and experience.
This book touches you in your heart––a space where your guards and hair are down; the dress or pants, high heels or tennies, and make-up is off; where rawness, honesty, and vulnerability open the gate for every woman to be her “everyday woman” with an “everyday girl” inside, and where you are not afraid to shed a tear. Where, instead, you are ready to feel, heal, and shift to your female power.
Jacqueline wrote these words in her purest rawness and honesty, and invites you to meet and connect with her in that truthfulness of femininity. So, in her words, “Let us learn how to fly together and bathe in the delight of being free women and the real ‘hotness’ that we all are.”
Jacqueline Pirtle, aka FreakyHealer, is a holistic practitioner, speaker, and the bestselling author of 365 Days of Happiness andParenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops. Her passion for mindful happiness shines through in all areas of her life and work, helping clients to shift into a high-for-life frequency––a unique experience that calls people into their highest potential in their NOW! Jacqueline has appeared on Women Inspired TV, been featured in online and print magazines, and interviewed on podcasts and radio shows. Her professional background is in holistic living and red wine and dark chocolate tasting.

I really loved this book! It just feels like you are having an open and honest conversation the whole way through with the author. I think every woman should read this.

As someone who has a guilty pleasure in self-help books, I thought this sounding intriguing and would be a refreshing look into the life of the modern woman and the day to day "struggles" that may become us - trivial or otherwise.
This was not that book.
For starters I did not connect at all with the author. I instantly found the writing and self-perception pretty annoying, and as an atheist found the level of spirituality (*cough* angels *cough*) tiresome.
This book may be life-changing, inspirational and awakening for some.... But I doubt it. Disappointed as from the cover and blurb, this sounded like it could be so much more.
Thank you to netgalley for providing this book to me for an honest review.

I received a digital copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Unfortunately, this was another disappointment for me. I should have done some background research of the author before requesting this book. The author is a healing energy consultant and a happiness coach and this can say it all without you having to read the rest of my review. If you're an atheist/agnostic like myself, interested in reading about current science, debates, biographies and history, this is definitely not for you. It's not just about the author's narrative being all about telling people what they want to hear using catch words and oversimplifying things in a confusing manner, but also it makes books like these that are 'just for women' contribute to creating a sense of 'us' versus 'them', which at the end don't end up contributing towards equality at all. The hugest and most ridiculous contradiction within the author's claims (if you're able to make an abstract of the spiritual juju) is that the first claim is that all energy is equal (and therefore we all are), followed by the claim that our energies are not equal, and that they're influenced by gender and our thinking (thus dissolving her point altogether). On top of that, she claims that our spiritual selves choose our gender at birth, the point where I just face-palm. The last major problem she attempts to address is trauma and victimhood resulting from trauma, but fails majorly yet again by proposing the solution is to dissociate your physical self from your spiritual self, a totally unhealthy practice from my knowledge of psychology and psychotherapy that may even make you look insane. In a lesser degree, she also tries to empower women by discrediting men with weak disclaimers (you don't get to do both, sorry), then jumps back to ranting about equality, compassion and empathy (a paragraph copy-pasted throughout the book). Oh yes, and lastly, she seems to believe in angels too. A cringe and total waste of time.

I chose this from NetGalley and thought that it looked like a fun self development, uplifting sort of read. Unfortunately it would appear that my vibrations are not on the same frequency as the author.
The description for this book said "Jacqueline Pirtle presents unique and easy ways for women to align with their powerful purpose, truth, and their natural zest for life" <em>Source Google Books</em>. So I was anticipating a light hearted informative read that would help me to appreciate my zest for life. Unfortunately not.
I really struggled to read this, and if I am truely honest I didn't manage to finish it, in part because I like reading and get little time to do it, that I am not going to spend my time reading something that I am not enjoying.
I personally found the book to be repetitive with large chunks of a chapter a copy and pasted from the previous chapter. This for me, meant that my interest was not maintained and I would skim through, keen to get to the next bit of new writing in the hope that I would learn something beneficial.
I appreciate that Jacqueline has been through some very difficult things and I admire anyone who can come out the other side with compassion, drive and a motivation to make the best of the life given. However whilst she is clear that she does not tell us this to gain our sympathy, she does refer to this with a regularity that makes me question why she keeps referring to these difficult events.
Based on her need for us as a reader to not feel compassion for her, she has written a whole chapter on Compassion and Empathy. The basis being that by experiencing compassion or empathy for someone you are taking on negative feelings that are not yours to own.
She gives and example of if someone has a headache would you knock yourself over the head with a frying pan so you could share their pain, the obvious answer is no! But for me, by being compassionate and empathetic you can help to find ways to ease someone else's pain. Is that all part of being a good person?
Many of the opinions in this book seem to be around focusing solely on yourself and your own well being, however it has a selfish air to it that I find unpalatable. I think there is a balance between taking care of yourself and still being able to care, feel compassion and empathy to others without it taking away from you.
If you are looking for a fun and witty take on being a women and what it means, this is not the book for you.
If however you have a clear connection to your spiritual energy and subscribe to the thought that we have our physical self and our spiritual self then you may very well get something out of this book.

I loved this book! I loved how the author laid out the premise of the book in the beginning as sort of a syllabus of what we can expect. In the beginning we are reminded that we are not just a physical being but an energetic being foremost and that is where our power lies. This was thought-provoking and I noted this to remember to apply in my daily life.
"You can understand, find solutions and overcome anything on the soul level and space of consciousness." This really helped me in my daily life.
I also really like the chapter on balancing all aspects of the self-physical, energetic, soul and consciousness.
The chapter on compassion and empathy really opened my eyes to a new perspective and I found that to be one of the most helpful chapters to apply to my daily life.
I found this book refreshing and full of good, useful information. Would recommend to all of the women in my life!

This is an interesting book. Like one reviewer, I also was turned off by the author’s defense of adding the bit about pooping to the title. I am not a prude or someone who takes offense easily, I just think this addition was not necessary. The book covers a lot of territory about women, which made it interesting for me. However, I found the style the author used to be a bit disjointed, jumping around and choppy. Still, there was a lot in the book of interest. I do think it was geared toward a woman who is still searching for herself or whatever. I expected a much lighter tone but realized almost from the get-go that this was not to be. There are many women out there who may and will benefit from the book, though not all women. I still think it is worth your while to give it a try, as every reader can benefit from at least some of it, and readers should be able to figure out what to latch on to and what not to. I received this book from NetGalley to read and review.