Member Reviews

This is a story with many layers. Lana is something of a lost soul looking for someone she can cling to and who will love her. Does she give her heart away too easily? Will she find that elusive happy ever after? It’s worth reading to find out.

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A strange book to read but I did persevere. At times l was enjoying it and other times it was difficult to follow. Thank you for letting me read it.

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Unfortunately, this read wasn't for me.
I found it difficult feeling any connection with the story or the characters, and found the plot didn't flow all too well.

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This story is filled with the pain of Lana losing her adoptive parents, so she clings to Lars, desperate to hold on to anyone that will not leave her. She meets Raphael when she is six months pregnant and the first thing he does is talk to her unborn child. She instantly falls in love with him. They take for hours as if they have known each other forever.
As time and years go by, Raphael comes back into her life. She doesn't know what to do with the feelings she is having. Which pushes him away. She is insecure in so many ways and unsure of what to do about Raphael.
As she and Raphael move on with their lives separately, you have to wonder if they were really meant to be together or if they were just two ships that passed in the night a few times.

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I found this story to be as real as if I were living it. I have lived this life where I felt the instant love of a man and it never went away. I thought he was my Mr. Right but he turned out to be all wrong.
Anyway, this story is filled with the pain of Lana losing her adoptive parents, so she clings to Lars, desperate to hold on to anyone that will not leave her. She meets Raphael when she is six months pregnant and the first thing he does is talk to her unborn child. She instantly falls in love with him. They take for hours as if they have known each other forever.
As time and years go by, Raphael comes back into her life. She doesn't know what to do with the feelings she is having. Which pushes him away. She is insecure in so many ways and unsure of what to do about Raphael.
As she and Raphael move on with their lives separately, you have to wonder if they were really meant to be together or if they were just two ships that passed in the night a few times.
I really enjoyed this story and although there were some grammar errors, it wasn't enough to distract from the story. This is the debut novel from this author and I look forward to reading more from her in the future.
**I received a free copy of this ebook from the publisher through NetGalley and all opinions in this review are my own**

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I understand that this book was translated from German. I had a very hard time engaging with the characters or the plot. It may have been beautifully written and the translation took away from it. I don’t know.
Many thanks to Jedida A Harrison and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I get that this book was written in German and translated. It was hard to follow. The book starts off with Lana pregnant and after losing her child falling into a depression. Raphial helped her get out of the depression and then there was Michael I don't know what was going on with this book but it was hard to follow and get attached to anyone. Sorry I was hoping for more.

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I get that this book was written in German and translated. It was hard to follow. The book starts off with Lana pregnant and after losing her child failing into a depression. Then there was Raphial who was not the father, then there was Michael I don't know what was going on with this book but it was hard to follow and get attached to anyone. Sorry I was hoping for more.

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Ok so I believe the original book is written in German and then they did a rough translation for English readers to enjoy. It was super challenging to fully appreciate what should have been a masterpiece because I was trying to understand the translations and make sense of them.

For the book itself, I am literally speechless at this point because it was really "different" and out there. I can safely say I have never read anything like that, and I had to take a moment to ask myself "What did I just read?"

It begins with Lana, who was given up for adoption at birth to a really nice couple who unfortunately passes away in her teens leaving her completely alone. It becomes clear she has issues with not knowing her real birth parents, feeling abandoned, alone in the world, etc. At this point, she hooks up with Lars (long time friend) because he is there and available, they never entertain marriage, but due to societal pressure based on age and friends they think having a baby is a good idea to bring them closer, so they do and bam pregnant!

After a devastating turn of events, Lana finds herself in a deep dark abyss of depression which Raphael pulls her out of. They fast become companions and Lana feels herself opening up only to be shut down once again by Raphael's departure. She meets Michael and they develop a comfortable relationship yet Lana still has thoughts about Raphael.

Lana and Raphael eventually meet each other again and old feelings resurface. This is the part of the book that I really disagree with- why stay with someone because you are feeling obligated, more so why are you staying when you are thinking about another man? Eventually, things escalate to a physical state with Raphael only to have him admit that he is fed up with her games and indecision and he is moving on with his life, so you crawl back to Michael and play with his love once again?

Then if it couldn't get any more twisted, you are pregnant and on the fence about the father of the baby? So you throw caution to the wind and tell Michael who obviously flips out and leaves you only to come back and treat you like dirt. With the indiscretion out, you flee the country for the next couple of years where you develop a sense of enlightenment and are able to return and emotionally deal with your past. But fate is a cruel mistress and you are dealt the ultimate blow which leads you running into another man's arms?

I must admit the ending had me even more perplexed than the drama in the middle. This is not your conventional love story, and it gave an extremely realistic overview of how life actually happens which is not always destiny and love but sometimes trying to make the best with the hand you are dealt with. I cannot say I agree with a lot of Lana's choices or the why's and how's but it was quite a story.

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