Member Reviews

I wasn't sure what to expect with this book but straight away I got hooked into the story. Cara grows in confidence when she meets Millsy in a bar. They develop a friendship where they agree to be each other's plus one to events. They realise they have more in common as they go on a road trip to meet Millsy's Gran and Cara finds that her ex Lloyd hasn't changed and she should trust her own instincts. A really great read and I will look out for more of Portia's books. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for letting me review this book.

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A nice easy predictable read - perfect for light summer reading. Though I liked the book, there wasn’t a lot of depth to the characters. Cara has dated many many guys - enough to know there isn’t someone out there for her. She meets Millsy at his wedding to her friend. Though the wedding didn’t work out, they built a great friendship throughout the experience and he becomes her friend. This book follows the predictable friend-to-lovers formula.

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The Plus One Pact is an adorable and clean Adult Contemporary Romance. Cara is struggling with the dating scene. She strikes out every time she tries to date someone on a dating app, and she's beginning to give up. When she is stood up by the last available guy on her dating app, she is ready to throw in the towel. At least until a handsome stranger comes over to save her. Millsy notices Cara has been stood up, and wants to help her. He enlists friends to give her a makeover and revamp her life as he tries to help her navigate the dating scene. They become fast friends, but could it ever be more?

I found this book to be so cute and I liked that it focused more on Millsy and Cara's friendship for the summer instead of forcing a romance. Sometimes books jump straight into romance, but there are a lot amazing relationships that begin as just friends and organically grow into something more. That is Millsy and Cara's story. They spend the summer being each other's Plus One's to family events - while trying not to *ruin* said events (there are some close calls!). At every point of the books, they are what the other needs in that moment, it's truly beautiful.

As much as I enjoyed the friendship aspect, I almost wish the book was longer so you got to see more of the relationship aspect. It seemed to end kind of abruptly so I feel another few chapters could have continued the story without feeling unnecessary.

The Plus One Pact was an easy read that makes you wish you have a friend as good as Millsy. Because at the end of the day, it's important to be friends with your partner.

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The ultimate feel good read, I love a light hearted read and have found I am gravitating to them more recently and this one made me laugh throughout.

When Cara meets Millsy and they come to an agreement to be eachothers plus ones for some family events, neither of them anticipated how well they would get on or the mischief they would find themselves creating.

A story that made me chuckle throughout as they create havoc at each event and quickly strike up a lasting friendship. This book is light hearted and will keep you entertained right until the last page.

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I first of all live the cover of this book, it instantly drew my eyes to it and made me want to see what it was all about.
I love the title too
The book started off great and just got better and better as it went on. The 2 main characters were brilliantly written.
Cara is a hopeless, unlucky in love, clumsy woman who tries her hand at dating online, after being stood up one night she gets chatting to millsy.
He, again is a fantastic character, sounds delicious and is an all round good guy.
The story describes their friendship and how it builds with lots of accidents and chaos along the way. A beautiful friendship formed. Overall my only negative point is that the ending was rushed, it all came to a head and the end of the story in a page and a half where it could easily have been spread over about 10 pages.
All in all though I thoroughly enjoyed it and having not read this author before I will now look for more by her.
Thank you to netgalley, the author and the publishers for the opportunity to read this ARC for my honest review

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Thank you netgalley for another great read.
Cara was so unlucky in love and ran out of matches on a dating site. Her luck finally changed when she was befriended by millsy one night.
Millsy helps Cara become more confident in herself and they make a plan to be each other’s plus ones.
I was really sad when I finished this book. I read it within a day as I couldn’t put it down.

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Have you ever wanted to read a complete makeover montage? Well, here's your chance. (It's more fun in movies, btw)

This was light-hearted, which was what I wanted, but it was so, so, so predictable.

Thanks to Netgalley for the copy.

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A little disappointed in that I just couldn’t buy in to the premise of how Millsey and Cara meet and become friends and go from there.
Neither had much character added to them and all of the family and friends were not much more than just a name.
This all makes for a quick read but doesn’t pull you in and doesn’t make you want to stay reading to get to the HEA. I did make it to the end gratefully.
No one would ever make besties in one night and allow that new found bestie to be taking them for a free makeover, look and outfit. Even I can’t buy into that romance story it is a fairytale too far

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Cara's done enough dating over the last few months to know that there are no eligible men left. Bad date after bad date, somehow they keep getting worse. With a summer full of events ahead of her, Cara is desperate for a plus one who will keep her company and help her dodge the ever-annoying questions about her single life in the city. One night Cara meets handsome actor Millsy, who is in the same predicament as she is. Cara and Millsy are quite different, but they get along well and need each other's help. The two make a pact to be each other's plus ones for the summer, but just as friends of course...

Marketed as a romantic comedy book, The Plus One Pact follows Cara and Millsy as they attend each other's summer events, which include weddings, baby showers, and parties. Told from Cara's point-of-view, readers see Cara and Millsy build a strong friendship that eventually blurs the line between the two being just friends and being in a relationship. As the book progresses, Cara struggles with her conflicting feelings towards Millsy because she can't imagine how he feels about her.

Cara is your stereotypical rom-com lead: a young woman who struggles with dating but is ~totally fine~ with being single and dating around, even though her status as a single woman is nearly all she really thinks and talks about. Millsy is your stereotypical rom-com male: a serial dater who never gets serious about women, but is mysteriously drawn to Cara. This book is exactly what you want if you're looking for an easy romance read, but there's nothing special about it. While the concept is interesting, The Plus One Pact plays out exactly how you think it will.

This book moves so slowly with no action really happening until the last handful of chapters; so the reader is just sitting in Cara's mind for 200-something pages as she's like: "Wow, Millsy is such a great friend, but what are these feelings of jealously emerging when he's talking to another girl?" I don't think this is a bad book, but it didn't stand out as a remarkable romance book for me. The writing was clear and I kept turning the pages, but The Plus One Pact didn't excite me at any point. For me, the book just circled around the stereotypical romance tropes and tried to include "feminist" characters to downplay some inherently sexist plot lines. The Plus One Pact just really lacked luster for me, but if you're looking for a basic, easy romance book, look no further.

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A fun read that made me smile and root for the characters.
Even it's a bit slow at times it kept me hooked and I found it enjoyable.
The cast of characters is well thought, the storyline is good and it's perfect for this bleak times.
An book perfect for some well done escapism read.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

Things I liked about The Plus One Pact:
1. I liked Cara's and Millsy's jobs. They were unique and fun and added to their character traits.
2. I think that Cara's struggles with high school friendships drifting apart due to families and babies and her struggle to date in her late 20s via apps are really relatable.
3. I loved the terrible dates at the beginning. They were funny and really made you feel bad about Cara.

Things I didn't like:
1. This whole story relies on miscommunication. Cara believes what other people say about Millsy without ever witnessing these traits herself. All it would take was a single conversation about past relationships for Cara to clear things up. They were living together. You're going to tell me that they can't talk about their pasts some week night? I think the miscommunication trope is lazy and not engaging to read. Adults have conversations.
2. I hate that she went out with Jay and didn't trust "her best friend" telling her that he was a jerk.
3. The entire family not standing up to her aunt and cousin for being terrible.
4. The author's treatment of Cara's makeover and body size. I don't mind people getting makeovers to feel confident but we were reminded how Cara looked soooo different and soooo much better now that she changed everything about herself. I wish we could have seen her feel confident as herself.
5. The whole "he can't like me because he's cool and I'm a dork" thing. Do adults really feel like this? This isn't middle school.

Overall, the beginning of the book was fun but I started skimming the end because I just couldn't handle the lack of communication and Cara's immaturity.

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First I should state, I really like friends to lovers romances. I also really liked the first book I read by this author "Make or Break at the Lighthouse B&B". So I was excited to read this story. The book took me a long time to get to get through, and at the 75% mark in the book, I took a step back to think why it was dragging. Sadly, this book lacked chemistry, tension building all those things that make a good romance, esp with a friends to lovers story line. While the situations they were in ended up being humourous, I found very few that I actually laughed at. So the book was OK, but it lacked romance. *I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and this is my voluntary and honest review.

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This book was so slow that I finally gave up. I am literally 46% way through the book (according to my eReader) and there has been not even one spark between the main characters. Not one stolen glance. Not one heated look. Nothing.

And at almost halfway through the book almost nothing has happened. Meet. A makeover. 2 events where they posed as dates with no romance or chemistry. That's it. This much story could have been written in 2-3 chapters, not 13.

I almost never stop reading a book, but this one I just couldn't finish.

I was given a free advanced copy of this book by Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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I really, really enjoyed the book and would give more than 5 stars if I could. It was the first book I have read by this author and I am just going on amazon now to look at her other book to download.
The author wrote so well. The pace and writing style were excellent and the story kept me fully entertained Like some other reviewers I was so involved in their lives I would have loved a peak into their future with an epilogue, but it doesn’t matter really as I am sure they lived happily ever after but maybe burnt down a few houses in the process.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me to read such an enjoyable story.

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This was such a delightful rom-com of a book! I loved the adventures of Millsy and Cara. Or usually misadventures, which were pretty hilarious.

The makeover scene was delightful. At first I thought Millsy was up to something shady, but in the end it really just brought Cara out of her shell. And when he told her in the end that she was always beautiful I may have melted a wee bit.

The friendship and loyalty here was great. The MCs balanced each other really well and brought out the best in one another. Millsy might be my new book boyfriend. I adored him.

I guess the only thing really missing would be I wish we could have had some details on C & M's romp on the bus after the hen do, but even without that, I enjoyed the book a lot. It's a sweet story with really likeable characters.

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Took me a little while to get engrossed in this book. But when I did I didn’t want to put it down. The main characters were easy to relate too and easy to fall in love with. It’s a lovely story of how love appears in the most unexpected places and wonderful friendships are made.

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When Cara gets stood up on a date, she meets Millsy: he's handsome, flirty, and very charismatic. She's dreading a few upcoming family events that she'll have to attend alone, and so he is. So they make a pact: they'll be plus ones for each other at their events for the course of the summer.

This was such a fun read! Their friendship was fast and natural and really a joy to experience. I loved that, for the most part, they handled their drama like adults: talking through their issues and being honest with each other. I really appreciate that in a romance book. Drumming up drama just to draw the plot out always frustrates me, especially when I'm rooting for a pair like I was rooting for these two, so I was really glad the obstacles between the two weren't drawn out.

The reason I docked it a few stars was that sometimes the voice felt kind of unnatural; I knew I was reading a book that was doing exposition, and that can be jarring. But besides that, I really loved the voice of these characters and the way their relationship built, how they were best friends and got along so well before realizing that they wanted it to be more.

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Cute premise, a nice escapism book for the lockdown. Fun read, and will be recommending to my friends who need a laugh and like Hallmark movies.

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The Plus One Pact was the type of book I was looking for when I received it. Its light-hearted, feel good reading and I think it definitely has an audience who will fall head over heels. I enjoyed the book but I also think it was very predictable with how it would go. It was

Cara and Millsy are 2 new friends who agree to be a plus for each other for the events coming up in their lives. You see them navigate the "just friends" relationship they have while also going through some mishaps along the way.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

This was a light romantic comedy. It reminded me Plus One (the movie) combined with Bridget Jones' Diary. My biggest frustration as the emphasis throughout in regards to the main character's makeover. While it provided her more self-confidence and her motivation was ultimately to do it for herself, it was frustrating the continued mentioned that it made her look more like Millsy's type. I would recommend this one if you're interested in

Friends to lovers
British romance and humor
Slow burn
Wedding and family hijinx
A dog who forgets sometimes he can't swim

The Plus One Pact is fun. Told completely from Cara's point of view, I enjoyed the humor and easy relationship between Cara and Millsy.

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