Member Reviews

This is a big fat NO from me. Thank you to Netgalley for giving me a copy of this for review. This was nothing but a huge cringefest and I could not get even slightly interested in the store. NO. NO. NO. DONT DO IT.

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Like to read about space traveling aliens? Me too! Ms. Fay is a paranormal romance write I can depend upon for a sweet and pleasurable read. When I'm in the mood for something heart warming and fun, I like to pick up her books and enjoy the time flying away to far away yet familiar worlds.

In this first book in the Shadow Quest series, it starts out dark with Analia fighting to escape her captivity. She remembers very little from her childhood. Every once in a while a dream may come and keep her going, but all she knows is that she can no longer live this with tyrant keeping her chained up, starving and a slave. Stowing away on a ship is her only hope of a different life.

Sebastian is a captain who knows every inch of his ship. He also is ultimate responsible for his entire crew. When a stowaway sneaks up on his ship and he doesn't realize it until it is too late, he is furious yet oddly attracted to her. The interactions between Sebastian and Analia are typical alpha male miscommunication with struggling female. It's cute if a bit frustrating at times. It does play into the whole men are from Mars and women are from Venus.

The journey the two of them take both physically and metaphorically is interesting and I want to read the next book in the series. This paranormal romance is recommended to alien lovers who enjoy a good space opera.

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This was a steamy read that I read through rather quickly. I really liked both characters. I liked that the world that this author is building. I highly recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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So, this book has been sittting on my kindle for a few months. And after finally getting around to read it, well I'm certainly glad I did.

The sass. The angst. The character building. I'm in love with this story as well as it's characters and I can't wait to read more!

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The Demon's Possession by Kiersten Fay is a fun out of this wold read! Yes, pun intended! lol I loved these characters who are total opposites which adds to the angst and fun! It's a sexy paranormal romance. With interesting characters and room for future books, I love authors who take "no good side character left behind" to heart!

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When escaping from a malicious captor Anya sneaks onboard a ship, a ship that is captained by a Demon by the name of Sebastian. While traveling the universe Sebastian is hired to deliver 1 special package to a pirate. Anya has a secret that no one can ever know about. Can she fulfill her destiny without being captured again, and how does Sebastian fit into her destiny?

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own!

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A sexy sci-fi with a suspenseful and detailed storyline, this one’s not your average romance. With characters as diverse and interesting as these, the plot moves seamlessly while holding your attention. There’s action as well as romance, and the supporting characters feature well within the plot, as I’m sure there will be other books in the series. Fans of Fay will be happy with this one!

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A huge thanks to the author and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.

This was all of the space romance, sexy pirate/bounty hunter/ship captain that I didn't even know was missing from my life. The fireworks between Analia and Sebastian are phenomenal and had me biting my nails in anticipation from the first moment they saw each other.

Analia is a stowaway. She is desperate to escape the relentless imprisonment she ha endured for as long as she can remember. She has abilities she needs to hide. She has a mysterious past that she can't remember. She fears her life will be spent in isolation and loneliness. And then she meets Sebastian.

Even at his scariest he doesn't scare her. She sees how protective and tender he can be. And his golden gaze is irresistible. But pushing him to accept her and pursue the connection between them proves to be a nearly impossible task.

I cannot wait to read the second book in this series!!!!

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A space fantasy romance about a Sebastian a ship captain who is a demon and Ana who is a slave girl with some special powers.
Has a somewhat story with drama,action and passion romance..
I do believe I read this before under a different title..
It was a okay read.
Voluntarily reviewed.

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This book is so long and drawn out, I wanted it to be over ten chapters in. I
Honestly, if this bo9k was not free I would have either returned it or just stopped reading by chapter 5, but I mustered on like the good reader I am. By chapter 10 I was over her I’m not telling who I am crap and all of the secrets she was holding on to, then by chapter 19 she was just annoying to me, and I do wish the button would have worked and she was sucked out into space in the beginning. There is nothing relatable to these characters or situations it is the same stuff just dragged out over way to many chapters. Chapter 25 when she gets captured all over again, blah blah blah why couldn’t she just listen to him for once and stay on the damn ship but no she has to prove something to them that she needs to go with them, again and who comes along and has to rescue her again.... I was just over this book at this point. Could have been at least 5 chapters shorter and maybe it would have been better???

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ARC received from the publisher through NetGalley in return for an honest review, thank you.

Sebastian and Analia were really great main characters and they were really nicely fleshed out with their motivations making sense. There were a few clichés but I honestly did not mind them and considering this book was written almost ten years ago, they probably weren't at the time. The side characters were interesting and I would like to continue this series to see how their stories pan out.
The love scenes in this book were fairly steamy and filled with passion. I like how some of the plot threads introduced were wrapped up and some of them were left hanging for the sequels.
The only real negative I had was after the main couple had got together I felt like there was a slight lull in the story before the ending. I look forward to reading more from this author. Thanks.

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What I enjoyed: Close to midway through the novel, the story took a turn I didn't fully anticipate. As I learned more about Analia's past, I discovered I genuinely wanted to follow her journey to the ultimate end. Therefore, I will be picking up the next installment (this is book one of the Shadow Quest series).

Sebastian and Analia are charming enough. Sebastian, the demon captain of the Marada, is super sexy and very Alpha male. Analia starts out timid, and as her confidence grows, she becomes the emotional anchor Sebastian needs.

All of this inevitably leads to what made the story less likable. The couple is a bit stereotypical. I honestly almost stopped reading it, although when the plot began to thicken, I was glad I didn't.

Typically sci-fi is not my go-to, but The Demon's Possession was a nice diversion from my normal genre.

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This was a quick and enjoyable read. For some reason, the space part of the description didn't click with me right away and I started reading expecting a pirate space travel was a pleasant surprise. I would have liked to have seen some more character development, but from the looks of this one ended each charter will be getting their own book in the series.

Sebastion was likable if a little emotionally stunted. Analia really came off as 'kidnaping bait', but I know there needed to be a reason to lead into some of the steamer scenes. Speaking of the steamier scenes, they were very well written. I do think these were slightly more tame than some of Mrs. Fay's other books, but good none-the-less.

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I’m calling The Demon’s Possession Scifi Romance. You can call it paranormal romance too, but it reads more like space opera featuring characters of extraordinary abilities.

Analia, the heroine, has unique abilities and because of those talents, has been a slave for most of her life. She knows nothing of life beyond the abusive conditions she lived in for what seemed like two hundred years. Somehow, she finds the courage to escape and stow away on the merchant ship Marada.

The Marada belongs to the demon Sebastian, his brother Calic and sister Sonya. Since the word demon has always had such negative connotations, I will point out right now that these are the good guys in this story. When Analia is discovered on the ship by Sebastian, the demon family, along with their demon friend Marik, introduce Analia to the life of freedom she had only dreamed of. This includes learning about attraction and romance with Sebastian. Analia’s naiveté about everything, including men, a result of her life-long imprisonment, conflicts with Sebastian’s worldly experience which is influenced by an act of betrayal by the women in his life when his home world was invaded centuries ago.

Analia is a woman that is over 200 years old. Due to her nearly lifelong enslavement, I can understand her naiveté about ‘normal’ life. However, she is emotionally very young and trusts too easily for someone with her age and background. I would like to have seen a lot more suspicion and wariness in Analia. Likewise, I was not convinced the demons were also centuries old. I think the need for these characters to be hundreds of years old old had more to do with the background events leading up to the story than needing experienced, old and wise characters. In reading the book, I eventually ignored the age thing, because I was enjoying the overall story so much.

A strange commission for the merchant ship, enemies chasing Analia, danger onboard the Marada, as well as the growing romance between Analia and Sebastian keep the story strong and the pages turning. Eventually, events impel Analia and Sebatian toward a new purpose. Which will, of course lead to a new adventure in the series.

This is the second time I have read this book. The first time, was back in 2013. This time, I read a newly released version, which I enjoyed very much. I felt ending was stronger and left me feeling satisfied with how events were wrapped up. This could be me with foggy memories of the original version, but regardless, I truly enjoyed this book. The Demon’s Possession has a lovely romance, plenty of action and lots of really great characters that set you up for the next installment. I am ready to re-read the series, hopefully soon!

Through NetGalley, the author provide a copy of her book in exchange for my honest review.

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For most of her life, Analia has been a slave on a starship - her own energy used to power the ships reserves. A methodical escape leads her to stowing away on a transport ship filled with a bevy of alien races including a devilishly handsome captain and his siblings. While her circumstances grant her asylum on this new ship, Analia must decide how she will be, figure out where she came from and decide whether or not she can trust this new crew with her gift - all while outrunning the madman who held her captive for so long.

This was a very well plotted sci-fi romance. There were many interesting side characters and some solid world-building. I look forward to the next book in the series.

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I really enjoyed this book. It's the story of a romance between Anya, an alien who at the start of the book knows very little about herself, not remembering her home world or even knowing her race. She's been the slave and suffered greatly before escaping and finding herself on Bastien's merchant ship. Bastien, a demon, has just taken on a contract which includes a binding that all on board stay until the job is done, so giving his relationship iwth Anya time to develop.

I found previously abused Anya's immediate and overpowering sexual attraction to Bastien rather jarring, it seemed so unlikely given her past - and frankly a bit of a cop out plot wise to have them so powerfully in lust from the word go. But I did appreciate Bastien keeping the physical side of things slow until he's sure Anya is comfortable, which of course he should but sadly not something you always see in stories like this.

The tension of the unknown delivery, wondering whether Anya's previous owner will catch up with them, the mystery of what/who Anya is, Bastien's boisterous brother and sister and other quirky characters all added up to a very enjoyable read. Recommended.

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Another great read by this author, absolutely nothing like her previous books.. take a ride into space.

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This is another book/series/author that I “stumbled” upon in my search for something new to read. I liked the premise, who doesn’t like a good demon hero? Especially one who has no intention of finding his one true mate? Those are my favorite. It’s so much fun watching them fight the inevitable. 😉

Analia had been through so much and she was more than a little broken. She had lost her will to survive more than once, but she always found a way to fight back. When the opportunity came to finally escape, she took it. She had no idea what she was escaping to, but it had to be better than the captivity she had lived in so far. What she found when she ended up on Sebastian’s ship was a family. Of course, it didn’t happen immediately, they weren’t an easily trusting bunch. There attraction was powerful, but they fought it as long as they could. Everyone around them knew they were destined to be together long before they did.

Another thing that I’m a sucker for is strong supporting characters and The Demon’s Possession had plenty. There was also plenty of action, suspense and a bad guy who everyone was ready to defend Analia against. I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of the demons find their HEA. Net up is The Demon Slave and it features Marik, who was one of my favorite support characters in The Demon’s Possession.

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**Copy Provided by Netgalley and Victory Editing for an honest review**

This is the first book that i have read by this author and i loved this book. Analia, who is called Anya as a nickname, is a very strong character and has been through hundreds of years of torture on the ship Extra and finally gets a break to escape and ends up on the ship Marada. Here her whole life changes when Sebastian finds her at the brink of death.

Sebastian is the captain of the ship and is also only one of four Demons on board, two are his siblings and the other is a former slave that they freed.

Anya fits into life onboard easily making friends everywhere she goes, but Sebastian struggles with his feelings for her and always feels particularly protective towards her.

I loved the twists and turns and all of the supporting characters, each cannot help but make you smile and you so want them to get a happy ever after.

Really looking forward to reading the rest of this series.

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I didn't really know what to expect from this book going into it. This ended up being one of those stories that I felt just meh about.

While the plot was interesting and the synopsis drew me in, I just wasn't captured by the story. Nothing really stood out that I could grab onto to give me that strong hold that I normally get from books. 

Maybe I was just in a funk while reading this one..

I did end up giving it a lower 3 out of 5 stars. Even though I wasn't all-in, I could still appreciate the intense relationship and paranormal / sci-fi vibes which I found to be a nice aspect. 

It was just a MEH book.

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