Member Reviews

Sebastian has been commissioned to deliver a curious parcel to a ruthless pirate named Ethanule. But when a bewitching young woman mysteriously appears on his ship, he finds it impossible to focus on the job...and to keep his hands off her.When I started reading I couldn't put it down.Kiersten Fay is magnifysent and amazing writer.I cannot wait to read more of there books.Keep up the great work.You should definitely read this book.Can't wait for the next book.

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Blog post online: Wednesday April 22nd

Hmmm, I don't know what to think of this book. It definitely kept me curious, enough so that I finished the book. I didn't really feel like I should DNF it, but I also knew I wasn't going to give this book a high rating...

Writing style: I love Fay's writing. I wouldn't even have picked up this book if her name wasn't on the cover. This book was less wel written than her Creatures of Darkness series, but still very enjoyable.

Characters: I don't know what it is with Fay's characters, but I always love them. They're so complicated and different and aaah. Anya barely knows anything of the world because she's been isolated most of her life, but with the help of Bastian she becomes surer of herself. She's still fumbling about though, which is great because most of the time the main character becomes super powerful and talented within 300 pages... Anya is very realistic. I can't wait to see more of Cale and Sonya and Marik... Those demons are hella interesting.

Story: I was intrigued by Anya's backstory (or lack thereof) and that definitely kept me going. But eventually the story started to drag and it was only Bastian does this, Anya reacts, Anya does this, Bastian reacts, oh now they're having sex, and again, and again. Towards the end it started to get a little more interesting, but then all the exciting parts were rushed through and I didn't get to enjoy them.

So I'm not quite sure yet what to rate this book as I was somehow compelled to keep reading... I'll leave my rating at 2,5 stars, I have read better books which I've rated 3 stars and I've read much worse books that I've rated two stars so this is the proper balance.

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Analia has been a slave on the Hell Ship for as long as she can remember. When one day, a guard is complacent when leaving, she grabs the first chance of escape that's ever arisen. Stowed away and trapped in a maintenance compartment of the first merchant ship she came across, she's waited to long to reveal her presence to the crew but dying free is now a choice she can make for herself.

Sebastian has been Captain of the Marada for over 400 years, since he, his brother, and his sister escaped the destruction of their planet. When he discovers the dying stowaway, he can't understand his draw to her. She's stubborn, won't tell him how she got on his ship, and seems to have no knowledge of any of the simplest things.

As Analia discovers the worlds for the first time through her interaction with the crew of the Marada, she begins to discover the what it means to be attracted to someone for the first time. But the secret she hides is what her previous owner kept her for, when her new crew mates discover it will she become a slave again? While Sebastian and Analia circle each other, the delivery contract they're under turns out to be a big trap. And while Analia was worrying about her secrets, little did she know that is was her unremembered past that is the actual problem.

Book one of the Shadow Quest quartet by Kiersten Fay turned out to be an expected, enthralling tale. I got sucked into the characters almost from the beginning and couldn't put it down until I finished it at into the night. I was so captivated that although I had received this novel as an ARC, I immediately jumped to Amazon to find out when book two would become available. My timing was great, as I realized book two became available the next morning. Guess who was up at 5:00 a.m. to download it?

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Analia has been kept a prisoner for many years, and suffered great pains in the meantime. One day, she is lucky to escape her cell and smuggle into a merchant spaceship to get as far away as possible from that horrible place. That’s where she meets Sebastian, for he is the captain of the ship, and finds her nearly dead from starvation and exhaustion.

The book was alright, and the premise sounded interesting enough. Unfortunately the writing let it down for me, as it wasn’t to my style (e.g., the sentence structure, and sentences were too short). The writing sometimes looked very... juvenile, if that makes any sense. Like the writer doesn’t have much writing experience.

Furthermore, there were quite some grammatical errors which also made the story hard to enjoy, so I would suggest having a proper look around the book again and edit it where needed.

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A spaceship, a stowaway, a demon captain and a evil nemesis. OH MY!!
This was a enjoyable change of pace from my same old same old. Sebastian is a demon and the captain of his ship. Analia has been a slave for as long as she can remember.She stows away as her only escape from the horror she has endured.
They are destined mates and there attraction is immediate.
I loved all the quirky characters and am looking forward to reading there books.
There is a little resemblance to a couple of other series I have read in the past but not enough to take away from this story.
Thank you NetGalley and the author for a copy of this book.

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Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
This was actually the first novel I had read from this author that had made me fall in love with her characters. Anya is incredibly brave and powerful although she experiences incredible cruelty and pain. She is able to overcome that trauma and turn it into strength. With Sebastian's help she is able to experience the freedom and beauty of her surroundings in a safe place.
I loved Sebastian most of all because he is a fierce but gentle demon. He uses his strength to protect Anya and his heart to bring her comfort and happiness. He is so in tune with her desires and ensures she is comfortable with his sexual advances.
Also enjoyed the other crew members that become fiercely loyal to Anya and help enrich the story. Can't wait to read their stories!

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