Member Reviews

Thanks to all for this book I’m reviewing.
This book was fascinating! I can’t believe I did not know about this subject. My father was a massive WWII buff; I think that was because of his father’s reticence to discuss. But not once had this ever been brought up at our many breakfasts. Regardless of where one soldier was imprisoned it was a horrid and fearful experience. I won’t in any way compare or contrast prisons, camps, or other buildings along with the people who were held. That’s disgusting. Those people were survivors regardless of how long they were held or how long they lasted. That being said I can say this book was written very well and I think many people interested in many WWII topics could find this book a good purchase.

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A great read to gain a new perspective on WW2. This book is extremely detailed and informative- if you’re looking for a light read this isn’t the book, this book is academic in its detail and nuance. You’ll come away having learned so much.

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an intense read. An excellent resource for information on the war from a perspective most people don't think about. Will be passing along the recommendation to my history loving friends.

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Thank you for providing me a copy of this book.
Sorry I wasn't able to go on and finish this book.
I'll try again next time and leave a feedback.

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Very interesting to read. I had no knowledge of these prisons. So it was interesting to me. Great to learn new knowledge. The book was very factual. Well written too

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