Member Reviews

I found this book very interesting and learnt some interesting facts.
The writing was not the best.

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I do love a bit of true crime and anything about serial killers grabs me immediately. This was fascinating, and easy to read.
Great book for fans of true crime.

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This book examines some of the worst, most evil serial killers on record, from Fred and Rosemary West to Ian Brady, and tries to understand what made them the way they were. What drive them to want to kidnap, torture, and kill, their victims.

This was an uncomfortable read in places. And that's good. That's a good thing. Because if you are left unmoved by the contents of this book and the descriptions of such horrific murders, you should go see someone.

This is the kind of book I'll revisit every now and again, as I look for inspiration for my own book.

I recommend this book to anyone interested in knowing what made the evil people tick. I gave Serial Killers: The World's Most Evil four stars.

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I have a morbid fascination for reading anything about true-crime, this book did not disappoint. Recommended.

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Serial Killers: The World's Most Evil is absolutely fascinating. This is the second book I have read by Nigel Blundell and I am far from disappointed. I was ecstatic to learn of the serial killers in other countries. Some I actually had not heard of and others made my jaw drop. That doesn't happen too often anymore. As macabre as it sounds, I really enjoyed this book.

Thanks to Netgalley, Pen & Sword, and Nigel Blundell for an ARC in return for an honest review

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On an internationally acknowledged Scale of Evil, these are the world's worst serial killers. The qualifications for entry to this list of the vilest criminals of all time are a propensity for sadism, torture and murder without a shred of remorse.
Using expert evidence, this book looks behind the shocking headlines and delves into the minds of monsters. What drove them to crime? What turned seemingly ordinary members of society into sick slayers. How did they self-justify their heinous deeds? And, quite simply, how did they get away with murder?
What does the book promise to deliver to the reader?
Nigel Blundell looks at a variety of well known and not so well know serial killers. It is a basic look at each case so therefore does not go into too much detail which might be easier to read for those who are just starting to read into true crime. It is a fairly easy to read book, where some areas can be quite choppy but its not enough to lose track of what is going on.
I liked this book, it was interesting to see a mixture of killers from not only America but also the UK. There was a lot of information I already knew about the majority of killers mentioned as I am a huge true crime fan but there were some smaller less known names that was also interesting to read about. It was a shame to see that some big names such as Ed Kemper, Jeffery Dahmer and The Zodiac were not included.
If you are looking to make a start into true crime this would be a great place to start, but if like me you are a big fan then its a nice read to freshen up on a lot of cases you already know.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for gifting me a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a great read for those with very little serial killer knowledge. For those who do know this one doesn’t really offer much new in the way of information. I wish it went a bit more in depth but it was a quick read.

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I do love a good true crime book and a binge read on serial killers and I thought that this one was great!

I really liked the layout and the chapter length was spot on, it made the book a punchy read and was on that I could dip in and out of reading a few chapters here and there.

There was just the right amount of detail on each of those mentioned too so you could use the book as an introduction if needed and go away to read more about the different serial killers mentioned.

It was concise and kept to the main facts too and didn't have a lot of waffle as some books do, it did not sensationalise the killings either but it does go to show how evil some people really can be.

It is 4 stars from me for this one, highly recommended!

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My advice: Do not read this book alone or in the dark. It is scary!!!!!
It is very well written but still scary to think about.

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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Each chapter is like a mini book report for different serial killers. There are the famous ones like BTK and Son of Sam along with lesser known killers from different countries.

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Was interesting reading the authors insight in to these serial killers. A lot of them were known to me so I new the history. But this book gave a different edge to it. It didn’t flow quite as well it was a bit up and down at bits. But on the whole an interesting read

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Brilliant but terrible the story’s of so many true crimes
Really well written , perfect for avid crime /crime thrillers readers like myself
Well done

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A book for any real crime lover. True crime. I must say that there wasn’t anything new within the book, but that could be because I have read a lot of true crime over the years. But saying that this is a great book for anyone who is new to the genre of true crime,
Thank you to both NetGalley and publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my review

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I would describe Serial Killers: The World's Most Evil as a collection of summaries of serial killers and their crimes. The book isn't very long and so can't really go into much depth but does provide just enough details to peak the readers' interest. If you are a true crime fan like me then there's a high chance you will already know some of these serial killers but, I did discover a few new ones that I haven't heard of and my appetite was for more was stoked. I think we all have our favourite types of serial killers (or is that just me being weird?) so what I liked about this book was that the short stories made it easy for me to stay interested and I was able to quickly find the ones I wanted to know more about without having to drudge through stuff I was already familiar with. It definitely felt like a book that you would use as a base for your research that you would make notes with what you want to go digging for more on. That being said, I even enjoyed the little refreshers of cases that I already knew about.
In my opinion the book was well written with just the right amount of juicy (I mean, shocking) details that most people would find fascinating and horrifying. I really enjoyed this trip to nightmare city!

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A good read full of so much detail and information about serial Killers. It was well researched and well written. Definitely a must read for true crime fans

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I love a true crime story, these are the stories I’ve read about in the news, an interesting true life book about the evil killers that have walked our streets. Well written and simply chilling.

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I absolutely loved reading this book. It has been exactly what I have been looking for. It is only a very short read so really quick to read. It doesn't mess around with any waffle, it is straight in and gives you all the hard facts. Some serial killer books give, I think, too much information that I don't necessarily need to know/ not interested in. This is to the point, and gives you the right amount of information on loads of different serial killers around the world. There has been some really interesting serial killers included in this which I have never heard of, and it is refreshing to not revisit some of the "classic" serial killers that we normally read about.

I would say this read is more like a starter read to then go on and do more research and reading on a particular serial killer that you are interested in. Which I will be doing. Loved it, I will definitely be reading more from this author.

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I’d say this book is an interesting read,

If you enjoy true crime, you’d probably enjoy this book.

**Thankyou Netgalley and the publisher for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.**

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I am addicted to true crime. While some binge sitcoms on net flix I binge documentaries. this was such a good glimpse into so many bad men!

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This book read more like an anthology of serial killers rather than an engaging story. Not one that I would sit down to read but one I would pick up to read a chapter or two of every day or so. The information gave a nice overview, but, due to that there seemed to not be too much depth into each killer. There are various references to the scale of most evil but it's inconsistent throughout the chapters and if it would be referenced I would have enjoyed it more if it was consistent in each chapter, like the rating on where the killer fell on the scale of evil.

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