Member Reviews


"A notorious murder site always presents a problem. It attracts attention from sick and warped minds and often becomes a regular tourist attraction."

I this this quote is was offended me the most about this book - because the author points the finger at others while committing the exact same crime as he accuses them of. He calls those, who are fascinated by serial killers 'sick and warped' - I would say the same about him, but add that he's offense is worse, because he uses that fascination to make money.


Nothing new: There is absolutely nothing in this book that hasn't been said before - better - by others. It contributes nothing new to the study of serial killers.

Why?: No explanation is ever given for why this book was 'necessary' - why was it written? What is the reader supposed to learn from it? What need does it satisfy?

Sensational: The stories in this book are written for one purpose and one purpose only, to recount the horrors that these people committed. There's no other purpose here. No examination of why, these killers committed their crimes. No study of patterns. Nothing useful at all. Just a collection of terrible deeds committed by terrible people.

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This a very general overview of many serial Killers. The majority of the information contained in this book is widely accessible in wikipedia articles. There were some factual errors as well as many editorial errors in the text. My hope is that this will be corrected before the book is released. In many of the chapters information was repetitive and sometimes the same sentence was repeated in several paragraphs. If a person has limited knowledge of the subjects of this narrative, they may find the information interesting. But if a person has read many books on the subject, they probably won't find much new information here.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for providing a copy of this book to read and review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

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I enjoyed Serial Killers: The World’s Most Evil. It was interesting to read up about some of the most horrific killings not only in the UK but throughout the world. A fascinating read that I could pick up and put down and still get straight back into the different stories.

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First and foremost, a huge thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this publication, in exchange for an unbiased review.

I enjoyed Serial Killers: The World's Most Evil by Nigel Blundell. The cases were interesting and the book gave me a good overview of each case. It did however leave me with an incomplete feel in certain parts, The cases that I have not read about before, I will now be looking for books on those fill in a few details. All and all it was a good book that left me wanting more.

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This was a fairly generic look at some of the world's most well known serial killers, which didn't provide anything particularly new, but was an entertaining read. I would recommend it to people who want a brief overview of lots of different individuals, as the nature of the book means that there isn't a great deal of detail included here, but it is a good way to dip your toe into the world of true crime, to discover areas that you may then want to further explore in more detail elsewhere. I didn't really like the tone of the writing at times, as I felt there were moments when it veered a little into victim blaming and there was a definite element of judgement that I don't think is warranted in this kind of overview book.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the approval. I think I am among many who are fascinated with serial killers. I've pretty much exhausted Netflix's programmes on the subject. I think this book would be great someone who hasn't approached the subject before. It had basic information on a lot of infamous serial killers, such as BTK, Ted Bundy etc. I was happy to see that it branched out to other countries such as belgium for example and provided me with information on some serial killers i had never heard of before. Overall I thought the book was okay as an introduction rather than to those who constantly obsess over the minds of serial killers.

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I really enjoyed this books lots of different serial kills some I have heard of some I did not I found it very interesting read as I love true crime things it kept me hooked from the start finish highly recommend this book for any one who is interested in true crime!

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This Book was sent to me via NETGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I was very pleased to be selected to read this book, I have a great interest in True Crime, Criminology and Serial Killers, and have read various books and materials regarding the subject.

This book, I feel is maybe best suited to someone who is just starting out on the subject.
There are many chapters, each focusing on a different person/people who have made history as some of the worlds most evil killers.
Amongst the more ‘celebrity-like’ people such as Bundy, BTK, Gacy and the West’s, there were chapters on some lesser known killers which I found interesting to read.
However, the chapters are relatively short, and I feel like they read like more of a timeline of each person’s crimes. There is very little substance to them, a very brief history of their childhood and then straight into a series of dates/victims.
There are some details of how the crimes were committed so it’s maybe not for everyone’s taste, but I personally do not struggle to read that content.
I feel like the chapters could have been padded out with more details, for example, Ted Bundy had so many facets to his personality, and much more to his life and case which was never really addressed in the book.

I also feel a general background of criminology/forensics could be discussed as an introduction. Several times, the Michael Stone scale of psychopathy is mentioned in relation to a person/people, yet there’s no explanation as to what that is or how it is applied to criminals and psychology.

Now to discuss the writing itself;
I found the book easy to read, the language is basic and none -scientific so any one with an interest in the subject could pick it up and read it without requiring previous knowledge, so in that case it’s very accessible to a wide audience.
However, there are some editorial mistakes, I’m unsure if this is due to not being fully edited yet, but the proof reading has gone amiss in some areas.
There are several paragraph errors throughout the book, where words appear to be cut/copy/pasted but with sections of text missing so it doesn’t link in and make any sense, I first picked up on this early in the book during the Fred/Rose West chapter.

All in all, I enjoyed this book and read it in 2 days.
Small chapters allow little sessions of reading of the reader is pressed for time.
I found it relatively basic on the subject but I feel that’s maybe due to me having read lots on the subject prior to this, and I would still recommend it to anyone wanting to start out on the subject.

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The best book on serial killers yet!

If you love reading about serial killers, then you are going to LOVE this book! I was drawn in from the first page and could not stop reading! Nigel Blundell goes into the crimes of the selected serial killers, giving a complete rundown, to the arrest and trial of each killer.

The many different killers that are profiled in this book are among some of the worst that we have ever seen, and they are drawn from all over the globe. In this book, you can travel from one end of the globe to the other, getting insights and some of the processes of each of the killers.

This book was seriously beyond amazing, and I honestly loved it. I have long been interested in serial killers, and what pushed them into becoming the monsters that they are. This book is one of the best that I have read on the subject, and I look forward to seeing what this author comes out with next!

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When you consider that entire books could be written on each of the "subjects" in this book, Nigel Blundell has done an incredible job of distilling the facts. Some of those facts are particularly hard to read - disturbing and revolting behaviour from, yes, "The World's Most Evil". Everything is laid out in a clear, concise manner which helps when digesting facts as gruesome as those contained in this book. It's uncomfortable reading, but utterly fascinating.

My thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for an advance copy to review. This review is entirely my own, unbiased, opinion.

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This is one of the best book I've read this year! It is a manifestation of the world's most dangerous serial killers. I thought Ted Bundy was the worst but I guess i'm wrong. This is a total package boom for people who loves crime or any killer thingy books.

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For the true crime lovers, this is a must read book. The author has done a great job in compiling these compelling stories and the backgrounds of the serial killers into interesting stories. Each story is well told with great explanations on why the killer was like they were and how they were ultimately caught.

Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Ok... It's really hard to review something like this.
I think most people want to know what makes murderers and serial killers tick. What makes a human being kill another human being. And then another. And another... Serial Killers: The World's Most Evil takes a look at some of the worst people that have walked this earth.
I had to take breaks while reading this book. Yes, I've heard about most of the cases that this book covers but it still hits hard. Especially when the victims are kids. That being said - some chapters seemed unfinished, in some places text seemed repetitive, text overall needs some polishing up. This is a really short book - 190 pages. I wish the author had either expanded each chapter of picked the worst of the 27 cases he covered.

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I volunteered to read this book in exchange, for an honest review through netgalley. This is a interesting book. It is well written and thought through. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone who likes true crime and learning more about the famous serial killers and some lesser known serial killers and there motives. I plan to read more by this author in the future.

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This was a great read! Loved getting to learn about other serial killers from different parts of the world. Also, it was interesting to know how the authorities caught these criminals. And at the same time, it was also interesting to learn about the different moments of incompetence and negligence that happens then until now.

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Really good read. Some I knew of some I didn’t. Ended far too quick for me lol. Written well. Covered all details within the chapter of the person

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This is an interesting, if slightly sickening, roll call of the world's most evil killers - mainly culled from America and Britain but with a few from further afield. The stories cover all the basic facts, from the circumstances of their birth and upbringing, to a catalogue of their crimes and how they were caught.

One thing that stands out for many of these killers is how 'ordinary' they appeared to family, friends and colleagues - how surprising it was when their crimes were revealed. I was also amazed at the variety of silly sobriquets the American press felt the need to append to the serial killers, both before and after capture, which probably just fed the ego of many. And of course the missed opportunities to apprehend them at an earlier date when suspicions had been aroused.

The list is not exhaustive - I was surprised multiple killers like the Yorkshire Ripper and Dennis Nilsen were not included. The list did not appear to be in any particular order, neither chronological nor in number of victims.

Overall an interesting list, ensuring the reader checks over his/her shoulder when out alone!

Thank you to NetGalley and Pen and Sword for allowing me access to the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I found this book so interest. My favourite genre is crime, thrillers and mystery and this fitted into each category. I was fascinated by these Killers and I found it shocking how they did what they did. I'd definitely read more books by this author.

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Growing up, the Green River Killer was our bogeyman, he wasn't caught until I was in high school, by a man I knew as Officer Reichert, who would come to my elementary school and talk to us about stranger danger. In my adult years I would watch a movie about this man and the strides he took to capture one of the most evil men in the world. My stepbrother remembers seeing Ridgeway at lunch when he worked Boeing. As a pastor, my father once counseled a family of one of Rideway's victims. It's a game of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, Serial Killer edition.

Maybe it's because I was born, raised, and continue to live in the murderous epicenter of the Pacific Northwest, but since I was old enough to Google, I guess, since the invention of Google, I've been fascinated with serial killers. So it was only natural that when I saw that this book was available to wish for, I was definitely interested, and it did not disappoint.

A very thorough and comprehensive rundown of some truly evil and horrific people, this book gives just enough detail to sate the curious mind, but not too much so as it's difficult to read. Some may still find it a bit graphic, as I've become mildly desensitized due to my own research, but I would warn off those that are more sensitive.

Even as familiar as I am with my state's sordid past, I was shocked to learn of yet another case that hit very close to home, specifically, the town most of my family lives, and where my husband graduated from high school. This isn't some sprawling city, either, this is a small, farming town at the base of Mt. Rainier. While this book is nonfiction, it is neither dry nor clinical. It was engaging and readable, and I would recommend it to anyone that is at all interested in a complete, yet compact, history of some of the most deplorable humans to grace mankind.

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Interesting book. I used to love the show Most Evil where they discussed different killers (way before true crime became a top genre for tv and books). I learned new information, which is surprising.

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