Member Reviews

It has been years since I last read a medieval romance and this one, my introduction to Ms. Davidson's writing, reminded me of how this time period provides a rich tapestry of interwoven intrigues, lust, greed, and love, among other things.

This love story between three lonely court misfits--Lady Janet Fraser (the scandalous royal mistress), Sir Lachlan Ross (the stuttering bastard knight), and Lady Marjorie (the convent-imprisoned daughter of a traitor) --is unconventional, erotic, and totally romantic.

The storytelling is impeccable, character building is awesome, the focus on consent ("Pleasure must always be pleasure for all, not one.") wonderful, the research outstanding, sex scenes explicit, and the sense of place superlative. Having been to St. Andrews, I'm impressed by how Ms. Davidson managed to transport me to the past version of it through her descriptions. I am also appreciative of the details on hygiene and frank discussion of contraception.

A deliciously wicked read.

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This is one of those new to me authors and i must say i was really impressed with the style of writing and the characters.

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This was one of the first books I read by Nicola Davidson. I received an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

When the book started off everything is thrown together quite quickly. You learn that Lady Janet is one of the mistresses of King James of Scotland. She has been ordered to leave the castle because his new wife Margaret Tudor does not want any mistresses around. You also learn that Lady Janet is one of King James' favorites and has always held a candle for her. He sends Sir Lachlan to fetch her to inform her that she will be moving to a new home where she will be watching over his ward Lady Marjorie.

Lady Marjorie is the daughter of a traitor from years past and the King has kept her in a convent most of her life. She doesn't know much about the outside world and has grown up around nuns who have told her most of her life that everything is sinful and she was punished if she ever had dirty thoughts.

Sir Lachlan is one of the most trusted guards that the King has and he implores him to escort both of the ladies to their new home and protect them until Lady Marjorie is found to have a husband and be wed. He at first isn't very happy about this choice but since he is so loyal he reluctantly agrees.

Of course their wagon was under attack by another Lord in Scotland and Sir Lachlan was required to fight back and he ended up killing them. He felt like he was protecting the women and that was the only way.

Once they get to the new residence things with Lady Janet and Sir Lachlan have heated up and they are having an affair that Lady Marjorie is unaware of.

Now the one concept I had a hard time understanding is why is Lady Marjorie so willing and ready to learn everything about sex when she has never been exposed to it? Why does she seem far too willing to have Lady Janet do things to her? There are a lot of questions about this book that make me question almost the entirety. I feel that this book rushes into relationships and doesn't do a very good job building them up. It's as if asking, do you want to jump off a cliff? and you willing jump up and down like a toddler saying yes.

The real story that gripped me came in the last 50 pages of the book where there was drama and intrigue going on but again the ending felt rushed and didn't feel like it fit well at all.

If you are looking for a book that is straight erotica with no storyline or clear plot line to anything then definitely pick up this book because it definitely gets steamy. If you are looking for a book that has a good plot and storyline defined then definitely look elsewhere.

#netgalley #ScandalousPassions

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I honestly didn't even finish this one. It had no plot. And it was obvious that the author uses names from Outlander for it, probably why it was written that they were in Scotland also. Kinda disappointed.

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Far more than just the female-led polyamorous romance I expected, Scandalous Passions was passionate, empowering, and thoughtful, built around a trio of lonely lovers who are eminently lovable from the moment they step on the page.

Nicola Davidson has written a period romance that incorporates the moral and religious prejudices of the time, and which acknowledges the difficult positions in which women were often forced, making her empowerment of Lady Janet and Lady Marjorie all the more significant. Lady Janet is a woman who knows herself and who is not ashamed of her passions. She is a woman who likes to be in control, and who isn’t shy about taking the lead with her men, but she’s also a woman of principles and values, selective about who she loves and how. Lady Marjorie is a virgin, raised in a convent and taught to resist temptations of the flesh, but she is passionate, curious, and determined to claim a life for herself. Their lives and their futures rest very much on the whims of King James IV, but both intend to challenge duty in the name of love.

The nature of the female-led relationship here, with Marjorie submissive to Janet, and Sir Lachlan submissive to them both, is tender and romantic. It’s a polyamorous relationship built on the principles of mutual pleasure and absolute consent, and I loved how Davidson explored that, especially as Marjorie blossomed and began to claim more of her sexuality. There are no heavy-duty whips or restraints here, no cruelty or harsh domination, just passionate leadership with playful disciple and correction – oh, and a whole lot of very intimate, very smutty, and yet very tasteful sex, with a lot of tongues involved.

As for that theme of empowerment, it applies to all three characters, and it goes far beyond gender or sexuality. Janet is empowered for her choices, her freedom, and her taboo bisexuality. Marjorie is empowered for her body, learning to appreciate her curves, and for her open sexuality, overcoming the teachings of the convent. Even Lachlan is wrapped up in themes of empowered, both for his social standing and for his speech impediment, with two women who care not a whit for his lack of lands or money.

Of course, playing against the whims of powerful Kings and Lords does have its consequences, and the story takes a surprisingly tense turn when love demands its place. A love tested is a love true, however, and it’s no spoiler to say a happily-ever-after awaits this polyamorous threesome, and their pleasures of their Scandalous Passions all the sweeter for their pains.

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If you are offended by sex scenes, threesomes, and the use of certain sexual words then this is not the book for you. I had read some reviews prior to me reading this book so I knew what I was in for. Overall however I found there to be too many sex scenes that it took away from the storyline. I actually really was interested in the storyline. I think this would have been remedied by writing a bit more, it is a short book (145 pages) and I would have like to have more depth to the characters. I like that the author did give Lachlan a disability in a sense because such things are rarely noted in romance stories and this shows that things like that are actually more in our heads than what people see, everyone (even a Beast) deserves to have love. Definitely a steamy novel, an ok storyline, simple, easy to read, gets better towards the end.
I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for my review

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When King James IV brought home his very young English wife, Lady Janet, the king’s favorite former mistress; Lachlan Ross, one of the kings most trusted warriors and his friend; and Lady Marjorie Hepburn, his new ward are sent away from Stirling Castle to a new estate granted to Lady Janet. Lady Janet was to be Marjorie’s temporary guardian and care for her until the king found her a husband. Sir Lachlan was to protect both ladies as they traveled and at their new home. Simple, right? Not so much. The attraction these three had for each other was overwhelming. The chemistry, red hot! Janet promises to teach Marjorie, who was raised in a convent, everything she could about how to please her husband. Lachlan and Janet are having a spirited affair of their own. Panting yet? As it turns out, each of the three of them was having trouble keeping hands off the other two. Their happily little arrangement was wonderful until a would-be kidnapper’s death and the rather powerful rejection of some would be lovers annoyed the haughty new you Queen Margaret. She, of course, feels entitled to cause trouble for the trio. What will the Queen do? How will things work out for the them?

This is quite a sexy read. The three lovers, the most notorious sinner in Scotland, the Beast of the Highlands, and a convent-raised virgin, enjoy a sizzling relationship. The story aside from their relationship was simple, but was a perfect fit. I love the characters, especially our main trio. It was interesting to watch them move from lust to love. It seems they may even be able to form a family. I enjoyed this story. If you like sexy tales that are a little unusual, I recommend this one to you.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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Lady Janet Fraser is considered Scotland’s most notorious sinner and content to live her life from pleasure to pleasure even if those people are considered forbidden. Sir Lachlan may have the nickname The Highland Beast but he becomes easily tamed while submitting to Lady Janet. Lady Margorie was raised in a convent and has the desire to be taught all the sensual secrets of the marriage bed and Lady Janet is more than happy to teach her. Fast-paced hot read with great characters and a steamy entertaining read. I really liked it.

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This is a fun, quick historical polyam romance. It’s pretty much erotic romance, as there is a side plot but most of the focus is on the three characters figuring out how they work together, both sexually and relationship-wise.

“And yet…the thought of hunts rather than war, a large feather bed with thick quilts in a warm chamber rather than a hard pallet in a corner, wasn’t entirely unappealing. Nor was protecting the two most beautiful women in Scotland—one pure fire, bold and brazen and fierce; the other spring rain, soothing and gentle and refreshing.”

After the king’s political marriage to an Englishwoman, Lady Janet, the worst sinner in Scotland and the king’s former mistress, is sent to her new countryside estate, with an additional new job – caretaker of one of the king’s wards. After her father attempted to assassinate the last king, Lady Marjorie has spent her life in a convent, and expects that her only use to the king is to be married off to someone of his choice. She’s awed by the worldly – and sexy – Lady Janet, and just plain starved for affection, and Janet is appreciative of how sweetly enthusiastic and innocent Marjorie is. Sir Lachlan Ross, the Highland Beast, the king’s champion, is chosen to guard them at their new countryside estate. He’s built his life on his skill at fighting and guarding the king, and being sent away from him seems like some sort of punishment. But he’s lusted after Janet for years, and he can’t deny being attracted to sweet Marjorie as well. Out of sight but not out of mind of the English queen, can Janet, Marjorie and Lachlan figure out how to make things work between all of them?

“Not all show love…the same way. Some do with words. Others with touch. But commanders show they c-care…with acts. When they lead. When they resolve. When they teach. When they guide others…safely home.”

The romance is pretty fun, not to mention steamy. You’ve got the quite knowledgeable Janet instructing virginal Marjorie on masturbation (among other things), and Janet going all domme on Lachlan, though it’s pretty light for BDSM. Consent is emphasized repeatedly, and sometimes a little heavy-handedly, but part of that is Janet’s teacherly manner with Marjorie. Despite his Beast-ishness, Lachlan’s a marshmallow at heart, and it shows in how he wants to take care of both women. Marjorie’s been unhappy for most of her life, and she’s pinned her hopes on finding fulfillment through having children. The possibility of finding happiness with Janet and Lachlan is absolutely electric to her, and so satisfying to watch her accept that. There’s a good focus on each of the characters, what they’re bringing to the triad, and how each person works with each of the others and all together. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses, and there’s a good mix of each person supporting the others and being supported in return.

As for cons, I’m not a fan of the jealous other woman trope, so I didn’t like that most of the conflict was driven by Queen Margaret’s jealousy (plus a bonus cameo from Janet’s ex-lover, as well). There’s some angst in terms of “disobeying the king” but honestly I didn’t have much doubt about their abilities to outwit a 14-year-old on a power trip. I also think I would’ve liked a little more about how they were going to make their relationship work. At the end of the book, they’re together, but due to the Queen’s manipulations, Marjorie and Lachlan are basically completely dependent on Janet.

Overall, this was a fun, steamy read, and I’ll definitely be looking up more of Nicola Davidson’s work!

I received this book from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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I hardly have words for how much I loved this book. I've been looking forward to Scandalous Passions for over a year and loved Nicola Davidson's update tweets about the book. I was a history major in college and discovered romance through my love of historical fiction. So a romance novel about a former mistress of James IV of Scotland was right up my alley. Anyone who has read my reviews before knows that I love triad romances, whether they are MMF or FFM. I love everyone being in a relationship with each other. It's a complex thing to pull off, molding three different relationships and personalities into one that works well and I think Nicola Davidson does an excellent job of it. Janet especially has insecurities from her past and they need to be addressed in order for a relationship between the three to work.

Each of the characters, Marjorie, Janet, and, Lachlan have all been well-written and in a way that a relationship between the three makes sense. They each have their own agency and desires and watching them all fall in love is a thing of beauty. That paired with the lush historical surroundings that Nicola Davidson paints is in a word, breathtaking. I would be remiss if I didn't include how absolutely steamy this book is. There was romantic scenes between all of the pairings and the sensuality leads into a deep and bonding love. Honestly, this book was everything I wanted and more.

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Heat Factor: There is a great deal of “feasting” happening
Character Chemistry: I’m not sure I would have known that feelings were happening if I hadn’t been explicitly told
Plot: King’s former mistress is banished from the castle, ordered to be guardian of the king’s virgin ward, and protected by the king’s loyal knight
Overall: Kind of felt like a manual for having consensual sex

This story about a femme dom and her two lovers follows a certain, rather predictable trajectory.
Janet is the king’s former mistress and very good friend. Lachlan is a landless knight and right hand to the king. Marjorie is the daughter of a traitor to the crown and the king’s ward. They are all sent away from the castle because the new Tudor queen doesn’t want any of the king’s mistresses living in her castle.

Lachlan has been pining after Janet for years and years, but he doesn’t think very highly of himself (he thinks he’s ugly, and he has a stammer), so he’s always hung back. He’s also a little confused when he meets Marjorie, because he thinks she’s tempting, too, but she’s the king’s ward and off limits, so he’s just going to tuck that in his back pocket and not think about it. Because Lachlan and Janet are now thrust together at her new home, she thinks he might be a delicious lay, and they agree to engage in a sexual relationship. Meanwhile, Marjorie is sheltered and confused by the weird feelings she keeps having for both Janet and Lachlan. Janet realizes she’s also attracted to Marjorie (her first attraction to a woman since her first lover!), and she decides to give Marjorie sex lessons so that Marjorie can have good sex when she’s sent away to be married to someone else.

There are few surprises in the road for the development of this throuple. It goes a little something like this:
1. What is going on with these confusing feelings? For two people?
2. Salacious introduction to masturbation for Marjorie by Janet
3. Janet and Lachlan have sex
4. Janet begins another lesson with Marjorie and is interrupted by Lachlan
5. Everybody has sex together
6. Now everybody only wants to have sex together

As a reader, I felt extremely detached from this story for almost the whole read. I did get anxious when we hit the climax because the situation was so unfair to the protagonists, but I wasn’t particularly invested in the characters or the relationship. In part, this was due to the prose. While it is a historically accurate term, I’m not a fan of the word “cunt” (or any of the other euphemisms for female genitals, if I’m being honest). Every time I read it, I had a negative, visceral reaction to it, and it was used often. Also, every time someone went down on someone else, he or she was ordered to “feast,” which was really not my jam. Maybe once. Not every time.

The rest of the time, there was a great deal of telling and not showing. I was aware of the fact that these characters had feelings for each other or were sexually satisfied because I was informed of this. I did not conclude it based on the information provided to me by actions occurring in the narrative. Even the sex was somehow detached. Menage romances trend toward the erotic romance end of the spectrum, so I was expecting a good bit of pretty explicit sex. And they do have several sexual encounters, so it’s definitely not some one-and-done Regency-type novel. But none of the encounters is especially long, and there are little emotional or educational breaks within them, so I wouldn’t put this at a super sexy end of the spectrum.

Further, Janet, as the dominant member of the throuple, spent a lot of time explaining the importance of consent, plain speaking, and listening to one’s partner(s). It made sense because Marjorie is totally clueless, but it felt incredibly preachy. It brought home to me how other authors use dirty talk as a form of demonstrating ongoing consent, because the parties are both constantly and actively engaged. We get the clear consent without necessarily getting a lot of discussion about consent. Could that happen with a sheltered virgin? Maybe not, but I personally did not care for the “let me educate you” thing that Janet had going.

My last note will probably make it seem like I just really don’t like Janet, but that’s not the case. Each of the protagonists had his or her own personality and baggage, and I could enjoy them as they were. What did have me frowning from time to time was the power dynamic that Janet employs as the dominant in the relationship.

For starters, she demands honestly and plain speaking, but when it comes to her own feelings and concerns, she doesn’t apply the same rules to herself. When she and Lachlan engage in their sexual relationship, she declares that she doesn’t share, she wants an exclusive relationship with him, but then she sees no issue with engaging in sex with Marjorie. When she’s struggling emotionally, she tells her partners to drop it or she’ll banish them from her household. Respecting boundaries is important, but using one’s power to shut down a partner is icky. Making a partner feel like they need to be worthy is icky. My favorite dominant/submissive stories tend to discuss how the submissive parties feel equal to their partners and feel like they also have power in the relationship, and I did not get that at all in this book. And when everything wrapped up and they were living happily ever after, Janet still had all of the property, money and power, so I didn’t have warm fuzzies about Marjorie and Lachlan being in such a vulnerable dependent position.

There is definitely an audience for this book, but it isn’t me.

I voluntarily read and reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. We disclose this in accordance with 16 CFR §255.

This review is also available at The Smut Report.

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Scandalous Passions is the first book in the Highland Menage series by Nicola Davidson. A steamy romance that keeps you turning the pages wanting more.

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Lady Janet Fraser mistress to the king is told she must leave the court and travel to her new estate. The king gives her guardianship of the formerly convent bound Lady Marjorie Hepburn, his ward. He sends his champion Sir Lachlan Ross aka the Highland Beast as their body guard. From the start there are sensual looks and smoldering passions. This is my first trio story I didn’t quite know what to expect. It was tastefully written with a good story line to keep the readers interest. I received a complimentary copy of this book. I voluntarily reviewed it and the comments are my own.

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I am reviewing Scandalous Passions by Nicola Davidson. This title was a quick and naughty read that threw in enough British history to be educational. #ScandalousPassions #NetGalley

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Lady Janet Fraser is a former mistress of King James IV, she’s content to live her life from pleasure to pleasure & to stay at court but when the King brings his new Tudor wife home, he gives Janet an estate in St Andrews. She’s also given a ward, Lady Marjorie Hepburn, a convent-raised virgin & daughter of a traitor. Sir Lachlan Ross, known as The Highland Beast, a man as intimidating in battle as he is in size, is to accompany the ladies & is tasked with their safety. When the queen orders Marjorie to marry an English baron they devise a plan to stop it but this plan could lead to their demise.
I enjoy the author's books & this must be one of the hottest & the first M/F/F of hers I’ve read. I read this long novella in two sittings, the characters were well fleshed & I liked all three. Their attraction certainly sizzled & they were definitely in lust & by the end I could see they were all falling in love. I would have liked a couple of trouble makers to have had their comeuppances. The pace was good & held my interest all the way through
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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A daring romance that defied the times. Lady Janet was sent from home for loving a woman. She became the King’s mistress and a trusted friend. Lachlan is on of his trusted Knights. Marjorie is his ward who had been locked in a convent for 16 years. He maneuvers all three in a situation where they are forced to live together. It is a steamy story where they each learn things about the other as they form a relationship of love and trust.

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This is an erotic romance, set in the 1500’s in Scotland, where Sir Lachlan Ross is ordered, by King James, to protect Lady Janet and Marjorie. Along the way a sexual relationship between the three of them develops and an unexpected love is found. There is danger when they defy the Queen’s orders and tension runs high until the issue is settled. This story is well written and entertaining. This story is worth reading and I would highly recommend it.

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I have never read a romance book in medieval times like this one. I must say I was a little surprised but read on. It was interesting. It was very steamy. It was easy to read because of how well it was written. The Characters were unusual but considering the tale they seemed realistic. Lady Janet was once the long time mistress of the king. He had to marry, so he gave her a manor, a ward, and a protector. The queen decided to marry off Marjorie because she was so young and lovely. The queen was only fourteen. So very insecure. Lachlan was her lover as well as her and Marjorie's protector. To keep her from marrying a terrible man, Lachlan married her himself. It was an enjoyable read. If you like steamy you also might like it.
I received this ARC from the Net Galley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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Scandalous Passions is the first book in Nicola Davidson's Highland Menage series. This is my first story by Ms. Davidson, and it was quite an introduction to her work! If reading about 3 (yes, THREE) lusty people having sexy times isn't your cup of tea, move along. Otherwise, come on in and enjoy their romps in the Highlands.

Lady Janet Fraser, a fiery redhead, is not known for being shy and retiring. Her, um, exploits are well known. She was formerly the mistress of King James IV; however, his young English wife does not want her living in the castle anymore, so King James sends her to reside in his estate in the Highlands. For safety, he sends his champion, Sir Lachlan Ross - also known as The Highland Beast, for his size and battle skills - with her, together with her new ward, Lady Marjorie Hepburn. So Janet (the "Mistress"), Lachlan (who's been in love with Jane forever, and has a secret why he doesn't speak very much) and Marjorie (a virgin newly freed from a convent who wants to learn what the marriage bed entails) set up house.

If you're looking for a meaty plot, keep looking; you won't find it here. However, if you're in the mood for some steam, fun and escapism..and there's nothing wrong with that...this novella is for you. There's an interesting dynamic among these folks, with Janet being the dominant force who directs the action. Lachlan likes to cede control to a strong woman, and Marjorie just wants to learn pleasure and to feel close to someone. There's some interesting background for all three, and a little suspense near the end. It's the steam, though, that's the draw here. I will warn you, though: If THE "c" word offends you, it's sprinkled liberally throughout the story. But it's a fun read; just keep a fan near you.

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I received no compensation for my review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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This book was SEXY HOT! Quick read but had all the right stuff to be a couple hundred more pages. The characters were well written I enjoyed every page.

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