Member Reviews

Becca works at a hospital as a medical assistant and is intrigued by a new employee Vincent, who is hired as an orderly. The two seem to hit it off but he becomes standoffish whenever she tries more about his past or just anything about him. A good story in that the author also deals with other work place relationships that are sometimes bad with other people which made her job at the hospital feel more like an actual working environment. Overall a very good book.

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I really enjoyed this steamy book and all the romance mixed with real life jobs. I hate when the characters in books don't have actual jobs, so this was a breath of fresh air.

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I decided to read the book - even when I first declined to read, and unfortunately I did not like it. It is not the writing, but the heroine that put me off the story. I did not like Becca at all, sorry.

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This is the series which I was unaware of until I started reading, they keep mentioning Lacey and as you continue to read you ca n tell she is not a nice person. I was ok with Vincent he just as to get cojones like Becca said. He give a comment then act like they don't know each. The hospital staff is like a high school with the way they acted and apparently a bunch of back stabbers. Becka would give in immediately, and I get that due to previous relationship they didn't end well and her parents example was not great and then her brothers then how her brothers talked horrendously. So do I care about them, I don't I am nosy and like to knows what is going to happen next would I put on calender when it is going to be released,

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This book was boring. I didn't really invest in the characters and I didn't care if they got together or not. I like romance novels with likable characters.

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Becca is a bit of a fireball and has gained the reputation in the hospital where she works as a MA. The new orderly Vincent looks too hot to pursue but she can’t resist. Vincent blows hot and cold; he seems really standoffish one minute and really keen the next. Becca can’t resist trying to uncover his secrets even though she knows it will probably blow up in her face. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Wicked Dreams Publishing for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. I couldn't really get into this book, I am not sure why, I liked Becca, and Vincent seemed ok. I did read the whole book but almost put it down several times. 3 stars. Great cover though!!

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Becca tended to jump from guy to guy in the search for sexual release. Not really a fan of that personally. I did like her spunky attitude otherwise. Didn't really feel a good connection between Becca and Vincent. This was probably due to the fact it was just sexual at first and then way to fast moved to love. Really liked Vincent's back story and this is what saved the book for me.

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Gotta say that I'm a bit torn with the whole "don't judge a book by it's cover" message going on when I'm totally guilty of choosing this book BECAUSE of the cover. Don't worry, I stayed for the story. Becca and Vincent, both messed up by their pasts which repels them from commitment is a fun read to watch when they give up and give in. Can't help but love Becca for being unfiltered and even more for Vincent's loss of control 😜
I received an advanced copy of this book from Netgalley for my honest opinion.

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Bad Boys Don’t Make Good Boyfriends by Melanie Smith was an easy story. The two main characters are Becca and Vincent. Becca is a medical assistant who is enjoying her life as it is. Vincent is the new tattooed orderly, who has a complicated life and is not looking for a girlfriend. These two have chemistry and I do love hospital romance stories. The book started with a slow pace, but it did pick up and flow easier. The story included humor, and some good twists and turns. The story was enjoyable once you get through the slower pace, and I recommend it as a summer read.

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This one just didn't do it for me. Becca had had the hots for Vincent the new guy at work but filed him under the do not touch category as she thought he had a girlfriend. After discovering he's single she deems him still unworthy of her affects as he's got a hit bad boy vibe going and guys like that don't have to try to hard. The pair have a brief friendly exchange on a work night out, have a little dance and don't have much to do with each other untill the next work night out where they end up in the alley together and he's sticking his hands in her pants. This was where I lost interest there was no real fleshing out of the story it all just happened and quickly with not much interaction between the pair. The beginning was a bit confusing as alot of people's names were mentioned but not much of an introduction to who they were. Sorry it just wasn't for me

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Becxa enjoys her job at the hospital and adores working with her friends but can't help feeling lonely as the single life and casual hook-ups just aren't doing it for her anymore. Becca gets more than she bargained for when sexy, bad boy Vincent shows an interest in Becca.

This story is sexy and fun. I liked the fact that it is not too long so the story was to the point and not dragged out. It is not a typical smut story as there is a lot of heart and depth to this book with regards to family life and the secrets of the past. I loved this story from beginning to end so darn much!

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3.25/5 stars!

The spunky heroine has the hots for the quiet hero. There is mutual attraction but the hero resists at the beginning due to personal reasons. However, as the relationship deepens, the couple must face personal struggles and other obstacles if they want to have a future together.

I enjoyed the heroine's personality, even with the hangup she has about her family. There were definitely a great set of characters surrounding the couple. I did feel ambivalent for the hero, as I didn't feel that he has the "bad boy" vibe and his silence about his secret. Also I wanted more interactions between the heroine and the hero about their relationship.

Overall, I enjoyed reading the book. I would recommend this story and the author, whom I look forward to reading more of her books.

**Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy.**

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I found this one one NetGalley, the cover was an immediate win for me so I read the blurb and decided it was worth giving a shot. I’ve never read a book by this author before so I had to idea what to expect but I was definitely pleasantly surprised.

Becca and Vincent were great solid characters - I felt like I knew them. And the fact that this took place in my “home away from home” San Diego was a huge winner!

Becca is the friend that we all know and love - loyal, carefree, a chatterbox and lives her life unapologetically. I felt like I knew Becca from way back and was immediately drawn into her character (good writing alert). She and Vincent work in a hospital together and their group of co-workers range from friends to enemies and everything in between.

Initially Vincent seemed to be living up to has bad boy love-em and leave-em image especially because of his aloofness and brooding smolder lol. I won’t give a lot away on Vincent but still waters definitely run deep.

We’ve got drama-drama in this one, some cattiness, lots of hotness, some lying by omission, some trust issues, and some self discovery going on in this one. I loved every second of it and if you’re looking for a page-turner with great characters and a HEA this one is for you!

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Melanie A. Smith does it again with this hospital set romance.

Becca is the party girl and has a huge crush on new coworker Vincent, a sexy, tattooed orderly. They go back and forth on the love/hate pendulum and it’s great - I love when a relationship has its ups and downs.

Becca has family baggage and Vincent is hiding some major secrets that make everything more difficult for them, but definitely more entertaining for me.

I liked seeing some more of Sasha and Cam from her previous book. I loved how this book came together with some crazy and some sweetness. A really fun book!

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This is the first book I’ve read by this author. I feel the first half of the book was slow, but it picked up at the end. I didn’t feel a chemistry between Becca and Vincent. Their relationship seemed forced to me.

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This book was a very easy read. It is an enjoyable book with a couple good plot twists. However my biggest problem was with the chemistry between the main pair. I liked them together. I just feel like they need more.

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I quick light romance ready with an interesting plot along the way. All characters coming from the same hospital, Becca with fiery Cardiac MA with opinion is on the hunt to sate her needs, and in her one of sights is Vincent the new guy in ICU. I really enjoyed reading this light and banter filled romance novel. It has some very interesting characters and some great backstories to work your way through.
I read this as a stand only - at the time not realising it was part of a series and still found it god and easy to follow along. Thankyou to NetGalley and Wicked Dreams Publishing for the Free ARC.

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4 Stars for this brooding bad boy!

Becca is a medical assistant and she doesn't want a relationship ... she's having fun just enjoying her life. That is until she meets Vincent .. the new orderly in the hospital. Vincent's life is too complicated to add a girlfriend into the mix, but Becca has him rethinking his current plan.

Vincent ... the bad boy that is soooo good! Who couldn't resist him? An Becca made me laugh at her carefree attitude. Lots of angst with twists and turns that had me saying WTF! A quick read that will get you hot and bothered!

I received an early copy courtesy of Wicked Dreams Publishing through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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This book had some laughs, some heated moments, and some good twists I truly wasn't expecting.
But, with that being said, it also took me awhile to get into it. I felt like the beginning was written too much like high school with a lot more cursing. I am glad I stuck it out, and did end up rooting for the main characters, Becca and Vincent. They each had some past ghosts that were standing in their way of being in a healthy, committed relationship.
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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