Member Reviews

There's only one way to describe Robert Pobi's Under Pressure: EXPLOSIVE!! Chapter One begins with an horrific explosion at the Guggenheim Museum during a benefit, and following chapters just keep them coming. This is the second book in a series about protagonist, Lucas Page. I didn't read the earlier book, soI can attest that Under Pressure reads terrifically as a stand-alone.

Lucas Page is an astrophysicist, a professor, and a former FBI agent. He visualizes the world as data and can draw conclusions as fast as a computer. Page is physically disabled from a past trauma and is now half-man/half-machine, the original bionic man, but his brain is razor sharp. Thus, former FBI boss, Brett Kehoe pleads with Page to help investigate the Guggenheim bombing, which is sure to be just the beginning. Despite concerns about the safety of his family -- a truly delightful cast of character -- Lucas agrees to reteam with Angela Whitaker, another wonderful character. Everything seems to lead back to a company called Horizon Dynamics and its principals, the company that was host to the Guggenheim event, but the trail is extremely twisted. Most of the book involves Lucas and Whitaker trying to stay alive and one step ahead of the bomber.

If you love thrillers, you absolutely must read Under Pressure (out August 4, 2020). It is well written; the characters are well-developed and interesting; and there is a humor that is sometimes lacking in thrillers. I'll be going back to read book one and will be on the lookout for the next addition to the Lucas Page series.

My thanks to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for introducing me to Robert Pobi and this thrilling series with a digital ARC. Sorry it took me so long to post a review.

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This is the second book in the Lucas Page series. It can be read as a standalone since this is a new case involving the former FBI agent who is now an astrophysicist at Columbia University, and this book repeats everything you need to know about Page’s background. As in the first book, Page is brought back to work with the FBI because of his preternatural talent to analyze crime scenes and data. It starts with a bombing at a gala at the Guggenheim Museum at which over 700 people are killed. Many more bombings follow. As Page and his partner Special Agent Angela Whitaker follow the clues, they ask themselves “who does this profit?”

This book is definitely plot, rather than character, driven. It reminded me a little of the old TV series Six Feet Under in the way that characters were introduced and then suddenly SPLAT they’re dead. However, the plot was complex enough to keep me interested. And there was certainly a lot of action. I would read the next book in the series.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.

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Fantastic Thriller!

This is one of the best books I have read for quite some time. I received the book as an ARC from the publisher. They even sent me a hard copy in the mail - that was a first!

I had never read anything by this author previously, but I will be certain to read all of his books now. He is an excellent author. The characters are very believable and it is so easy to get caught up in their lives. The action was formidable. I have never read a book like this before.

I can't praise it enough. A must-read for everyone who likes exciting books and great writing!!

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Lucas Page is back at again. This time there was a series of deadly explosions with way too many victims. The FBI once again asked former Special Agent to help solve the crime. Lucas has the special ability to view a crime scene and analyze it bit by bit as if he had been there. This allows Lucas to collect clues that perhaps others, no matter how skilled, might miss.

Because of the dangers of the previous case Lucas took on, he has temporarily moved his family. With this case having much higher stakes, Lucas cannot help but worry about their continued safety. While Lucas and his wife are very close, this new case adds a layer of stress to their marriage.

The FBI has pulled out all of the stops to step ahead of the bomber with hopes of no more lives being lost. The carnage was awful, with over 700 victims. Lucas and the FBI team are trying to find the motive. Was one person the target and the rest of the victims collateral damage?

As I mentioned in my review of the first book in this series, Lucas quickly climbed to the top of my list of favorite heroes. Not only has he previously survived a blast himself, with the loss of limbs and an eye, his brilliance is barely surpassed by anyone I have read of in a while. Also, his dedication to his family is extremely touching.

Can Lucas and the team find the killer? What just might get in the way before more lives are tragically lost? In this thrilling story by Robert Pobi, we are certain to find out. For a thrilling read that just might capture your attention from beginning to end, I highly recommend Under Pressure. I don't know when book three is due, but as soon as I hear of it, I will be certain to make sure to grab it and to read it. No doubt I will devour it as I did these first two books in the series, with the first being City of Windows.

Many thanks to Minotaur Books and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion..

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Dr. Lucas Page, former FBI Agent, now a Professor, was called to a horrific crime scene. The Guggenheim Musuem was blown up with over 700 people inside, during a merger gala. Because of Dr. Pages’ mathematician mind, he was able to see a problem in a totally different perspective. Who would do this and why? As the FBI sifted through as much evidence as they could, other bombings were being carried out throughout the city killing innocent individuals. The attacks were very well planned. Dr. Page and Special Agent Whittaker had worked together before and were very comfortable with each other. Will they be able to find out who is behind these bombings? Are these terrorists attacks or just someone who wants technology totally demolished? Are these bombings related to money or personal revenge? There seemed to be one numerator to the bombings, and that was the C4 that was used was manufactured by the Hockney Company. The individual had been nicknamed The Machine Bomber. Did the billionaire, William Hockney, owner of the Hockney Group, have anything to do with these bombings? Will Dr. Page and Special Agent Whittaker be able to stop these bombings? This book certainly kept the reader totally immersed in the plot. There was quite a bit of research done in order to write this book. The plot was very believable and captured my attention immediately. The character development was very descriptive and colorful. The reader could almost feel as if they had actually been teleported in the scene as well. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The ending was definitely a huge surprise!! I look forward to the next great book.

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Absolutely excellent. One of the best novels I’ve read in some time. One of the rare books that I didn’t rush through reading, that I wanted to take my time with to make it last. This is the second book by Pobi about Dr. Lucas Page, an astrophysicist, a college professor, and a former FBI agent. He let his arm, leg, and an eye to an unspecified “event” and left the FBI. But he has a unique talent, and his former boss asks him to return one more time to help them catch a bomber who has blown up the Guggenheim in the middle of a gala, killing over 700 people.

The mystery, to me, wasn’t as interesting as the characters and relationships. I had not read the first in this series, “City of Windows,” so I bought and read it first. It was excellent as well.

Highly recommended.

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Under Pressure starts off with a bang. Literally. An explosion rips apart the Guggenheim museum in NYC, killing more than 700 people from gala attendees, catering staff and museum employees to random pedestrians on the street outside. Dr. Lucas Page is called in to assist the FBI in the investigation as the body count from a killer dubbed the Machine Bomber continues to rise. Lucas's body is almost more machine than man, due in part to something he calls The Event, that happened 10 years earlier, but his brain is almost superhuman in its capacity to see patterns. In fact, when he visits bombing sites, the reader is treated to his brain watching events happen in reverse, as he tries to put the puzzle pieces together. The writing in many scenes is cinematic - as though the author wrote this book with the film rights in mind. In a way, it's great to be able to clearly visual scenes, but it also feels overdone and I wish he'd been a little less heavy handed with the descriptions.

This is the second book in a series featuring Lucas Page, but I think it can be safely read as a stand-alone. Pobi does a decent job of hinting at events that most likely occurred in the first book, giving the reader enough of a sense of what happened and how those events shaped the Lucas Page of this book. The writing was compelling and the pacing wasn't bad. I do think that it could have been tightened up some, as I found myself thinking "are we there, yet" with the "there" being the conclusion/revelation of the killer's identity. Despite a few shortcomings, it's a book that I'd recommend if you like action movies and fast-paced action thriller novels. I think you'll find all of the expected elements here: a high body count, detailed scenes of destruction, and enough twists to keep you guessing.

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Under Pressure is the first book I am reading form this author. Wow! I loved it. First off, you do not have to read the first book in the series to love this one, or to feel like you are up-to-date. I caught the gist of what happened as references were made to both establish the setting, history and personality of the main and supporting characters. That being said... 2nd... I plan to go back and catch the first book! I enjoyed getting to know Lucas Page, and was so refreshed to see this kind of cerebral hero. He uses a beautiful brain and not his fists to save himself and others. I absolutely loved that! He is not perfect, but damaged-- emotionally and physically from the events of book 1 (and probably prior to that as well). We cheer for him as he rises time and again against the odds. I was so attached that I couldn't bear to lose him as a hero, so was thrilled he rallied. I would love to know what would happen in a potential book 3... or maybe a prequel since I would love to know how he became the hero we come to love. The writing is so well-done, and I felt the helplessness and anxiety to solve the crimes as bomb after bomb went off. I was glued to this book and could not put it down until the end. Fabulous story--not to be missed!!!!

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This is my first time reading Robert Pobi and I definitely be following his work. What a wonderful read this was. Fun action, great mystery, and Lucas Page is a great character. Highly recommended!

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4.5 stars. This book was like a roller coaster. It has that slow and steady incline and then it twists, turns, and doesn’t let you relax until it’s coming to the finish line. Lucas Page is my kind of hero - smart, sarcastic, and subtle. I didn’t read previous books in the series but you don’t have to in order to enjoy the ride.

Thanks to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for the arc.

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5 stars
Oh, this was good. The way it first started with that shock explosion, all those victims to weed through and try to figure out how this can happen, a massive bomb, all the people die and the building is hardly impacted... that is just not the norm.

We go on the hunt for the why and how with the FBI talent who had retired or pulled back. Instead, he is drawn in due to his love of the city and his connections. Excellent

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Dr. Lucas Page is an interesting character in every sense of the word. A renowned astrophysicist who can do crazy things with numbers and patterns in his unique mind that bring the FBI knocking on his door. A surreal bombing has taken place in the Guggenheim museum killing over 700 at a private event of some of NYC's wealthiest citizens and the bombings just don't stop there. Dr. Page and his partner, Special Agent Whitaker, start looking for answers and bantering.

This is the second in the series but a first for me. I quickly realized that I needed more information as the first few pages drop hints as to Page's physical description: She sat on his lap being sure to put her weight on his real leg and not his prosthetic. He takes off his prosthetic arm. He noticed with his good eye. etc. The book never really gave any back story other than there was an "Event". So I would highly recommend reading the first in the series, City of Windows, before this one. I can't guarantee there are more answers there but I'm hoping to find them after the fact. Either way this is a very enjoyable book with lots of action, smart dialogue, and a bad guy I didn't suspect.

Thanks to #NetGalley and Minotaur for allowing me to review an advanced copy of this book #UnderPressure!

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When an aerosol bomb explodes at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City, the police don’t know which of the 702 victims was the real target. Or was the target the company hosting the celebration of their IPO the following morning? When the FBI is Under Pressure, they turn to Lucas Page, invalid out of the FBI after a different explosion blew of one arm, one leg and one eye.

“I need someone who can see patterns where there aren’t any. Or identify the correct ones when there are too many.”

Lucas agrees to help. But the twists and turns of the plot will keep him, and the reader guessing until the tour de force conclusion.

When I reviewed the previous book in the series, City of Windows, I compared Lucas to Lincoln Rhyme. But now, I actually like Lucas better. He doesn’t let his difficulties stop him from living his life to the fullest. In fact, he uses his disabilities to help people.

The mystery and the race to find the bomber was thrilling. However, I found myself getting drawn more and more into the characters’ lives too. I have never heard of a thriller being called heartfelt. However, I believe that adjective applies to Under Pressure. I didn’t want my connection to Lucas and his family to end. 4.5 stars rounded up to 5 stars!

Thanks to Minotaur Books and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Lucas Page is at it again when he has to help the FBI find out who set off a bomb at the Guggenheim museum. Robert Pobi introduced us to Lucas Page in City of Windows and he is a main character unlike any other in the thriller category. I thoroughly enjoyed the depiction of a main character with such an analytical mind and how he uses that to his advantage to find out who committed the crime. He does the same thing in this book and I for one am looking forward to another installment in this series! Well done, highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys thrillers!

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This is the second book in the Lucas Page series. City of Windows was a great start, where we were told some of Lucas's background story from his childhood. Dr. Lucas Page has not changed a bit. He is a cranky mathematical genius, who is quick to judge people and loves his family and friends fiercely.
The book starts with a bang. There is an explosion and 702 casualties. Soon more minor explosions follow. But for some reason I had difficulties getting in the story. I had to read to the 40% mark before the story sucked me in. And the story is exciting and thrilling. So much violence and action packed in those 400 pages. I discovered the culprit and the reason behind the bombings quite early on, but it did not diminish the joy of reading. I would have liked to know more about 'the event', that changed Lucas's life and reduced his body parts. Maybe in the next book.
I liked the writing style. I am a fan of dry humor and sarcasm. The author knows how to use words. I enjoyed his verbal acrobatics.
Thank you NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Minotaur Books for a copy of this book.

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Holy cow!! This was a rollercoaster of a story, and I wasn't sure I took a full breath, the entire time I was reading it. A beautifully crafted, thrilling, shocking novel.

Lucas Page is a brilliant astrophysicist who sees patterns in the world around him in a way that is almost supernatural. He has been through trauma in his past though and has some artificial limbs to prove it. All of this makes his wife less than thrilled when he takes up with the FBI to figure out why on earth people are being blown up in New York.

The book flows beautifully, the main character is clever but lacking in social skills and the secondary characters build on the story in just the way you would want them to. I did not see the mastermind behind the killings until the author revealed him. Perfect.

I wish I had read the first book in the series and I can't wait to read the next one!!

5 stars from me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Minotaur books.

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Under a Pressure

Book two in the Luke Page series and I was loving it! Already hooked and waiting for Robert Pobi's third with these awesome characters.

Luke Page thinks he is done with his life assisting the FBI, especially after the last incident..But when a Bomb goes off and blows up Some of New York’s most elite at the Guggenheim, the FBI need him and his brilliant mind once again to catch the bomber.

How do you follow up a first book where a sniper is picking people off in New York during a blizzard? With a psycho BOMBER blowing up whole buildings in New York in the fall! It’s absolute heart racing from the start and my pulse didn’t go down till I finished.

Pobi writes smart and makes it feel like you learn something every time you read how Luke Page works! I personally love the challenge of a more slightly complex read.

Can’t decide if I loved this one more or less then the first one, but both are equally awesome! As this is second in the series, I suggest book one first (it’s awesome) but I really don’t think you NEED to have read book one to enjoy book two!

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City of Windows, the first book in this series, flew under my radar, so this book was my introduction to the utterly compelling, entirely original protagonist, Lucas Page. It meant that I was playing catch-up with Page's backstory while I absorbed Under Pressure's deviously twisted plot.

No problem -- it worked well as a standalone (although I have already downloaded the first book, since I want to get to know Page better, along with his FBI sidekick, Whitaker.)

There are enough recurrences of digital sleight of hand and pyrotechnics to satisfy the most action-motivated reader -- but what really charmed me was Lucas Page's character. Well, all the characters, really. Page, though. He is a mathematical savant, who can reverse-engineer a crime scene in a vision-like process. So his mind is fascinating.

Page's body, though, is more intriguing. He seems to have prosthetics for his prosthetics, but his body keeps on taking punishment.

The dialogue throughout is quick and crisp and solid. It's an intelligent, well-written book that stands out on so many levels.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an advance readers copy.

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This book is worth reading but I liked the first one better. It begins with a bombing of New York's museum and kills over 700 people. This story has Lucas's emotions flipping because the explosion triggers his past. The book has a lot of repeating information which I didn't think it was needed but all it all it was a good book.

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Retired FBI agent professor Lucas Page has lived many lives in one. After being medically discharged from his FBI job as a newly minted double amputee, Page put his life back together. He married, adopted a passel of kids, and began a new career as a professor of astrophysics. He’s done with the dangerous and all-consuming FBI work for good. He’s found another use for his extraordinary mathematics skills. But when a huge explosion rocks the Guggenheim museum at an after hours function and kills hundreds of people, Page’s old boss comes calling. The FBI needs Page’s ability to see crime scenes as no one else can to solve the crime. Page has promised his time and his safety to his family, but he can’t resist the pull of the mystery—or the knowledge that if this crime isn’t solved more people will die.

Lucas Page is a hero to follow. He’s irascible, brilliant, driven, and a selfless person, though he does his best to hide that trait. Under Pressure is the best of modern mystery a fast-moving plot, interesting characters, and a satisfying conclusion. As soon as I finished Under Pressure I went looking for the first Lucas Page novel, City of Windows, and I was not disappointed. Now I’ve got a new crime solver and a new-to-me author to follow.

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