Member Reviews

This is a phenomenal primer on creating botanical art for those who are very serious about the craft. With over 400 pages, it goes into step-by-step techniques using a variety of media from pencils to watercolors and much more. It is well illustrated with incredible botanical art throughout, showing all of the steps the artists undertook to create the finished work.
I have always been in awe of artists who could create watercolor or colored pencil botanical art that looked like a photo and I finally understand how they do it. The amount of detail they use is incredible -- precisely measuring each petal, using multiple papers and tracing designs onto new sheets, using all different materials to enhance the effect, and so on. In one case, one stunning piece was listed as taking 200 hours of work.
This is for artists way out of my league (not just in talent but in time and money for supplies), but I was also able to see how to do so much that is in my league, and how various materials give the effects I'm after. A fantastic resource.
I read a temporary digital ARC of this book for review.

First of all, this book is the most comprehensive instructional guide on botanical art I have come across.
With images and step-by-step instructions so thorough, even the beginner artist will find much value in this guidebook. The author begins each new medium section with a lesson on technique and proper use of each tool using detailed images.
As a pencil and watercolor artist myself, this book provides plenty of value. The majority of the book covers pencil drawing and watercolor techniques, with a smaller section on using oil and acrylic. Any artist could spend hours experimenting with different techniques, applying them not only to botanicals but expand to other subjects.
Overall, Botanical Art Techniques is a beautifully organized, functional guide that will delight any artist and plant-lover alike.

The detail in this book in terms of all of the tools and steps needed for each medium makes this book a great reference even if none of what you want to paint/draw is botanical. That being said, the depth it also puts into step-by-step projects to help you really master each of the mediums in botanical art is great if that is a subject you want to focus on.

I found all of the actual artwork in this book quite lovely and given my lack of artistic ability I doubted I’d replicate the results for myself. The book didn’t then me into a great artist and wasn’t beginner friendly for me at a zero skill level, but it was very well put together.

This book is very informative about botanical illustration, in fact, in the introduction contains chapters dedicated to how care flowers, how to prepare them before getting to work, how to set up the studio (by various artists), basic botany, etc.
The first part is dedicated to monochromatic techniques (graphite and pen and ink), the second part to the colored ones (coloured pencils, watercolor on paper and on vellum), the third one to mixed media, other techniques including oils and acrylics. The text is easy to understand and is well illustrated. The techniques are well explained containing info I have not seen before in books, like sharp or a bit blunt pencils' different use. The volume is really complete as reference.
The artwork is gorgeous, but the other photos are a bit disappointing, they have an old look.

The cover is spectacular. This is the kind of book that in a shelf and in a library really stand out.
It is very practical and technical and very captivating. It it exhaustive but never boring.
You can find plenty of wonderful illustration and this is the reason why you can buy this book also if you are not a painter.

So, this book is definitely beyond my skill level as an artist, as a bontanist, etc. That being said, it was a delight to peruse. The artwork is stunning and informative, the guidance given is wide-ranging, clear, and concise. They cover more subjects than it had even occured to me there are in the subject. Of particular use to me (as a novice) were cut flower preservation, pencil carriage (I've been drawing since childhood and taking art classes since grade school, but I've never read a better synthesis on how to achieve various and effective pencile strokes), and water color wash techniques.
This is a book that will take you from 0 to 100 in creating botanical artworks and in the interim you'll be able to absolutely gorge yourself on the incredible artworks gracing each page. I'm not sure I've ever seen a specialist art book so well worth it for the subject enthusiast.
My thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the arc to review.

A wonderfully illustrative and thorough book on illustrating and drawing plants. I found it to be clear and concise and really easy to follow. I enjoyed the variety of methods and plants listed within the book. The directions and info were great!

This book is visually stunning the cover I mean just wow it is absolutely beautiful!!
This is a book I must have so the price gave me pause but you know what... Sometimes you get what you pay for and this book has just everything! 420 glorious pages of stunning beautiful art. And people the book even tells you how to care for your flowers so they last longer while you draw them... what??? Yes please!!
The content is practical, teaching the artist drawing and painting techniques with a wide variety of tools and environments from studio to field applications it covers everything. Roots, leaves, stems anything relating to botanical's is meticulously detailed.
This book is an absolute must have for any serious artist. It is the perfect gift for anyone who loves to draw or paint.
I received this book from NetGalley and Timber Press for an honest review.

To begin, this book is very practical and technical, filled with the most detailed and gorgeous illustrations. I adored learning about the process behind botanical drawings through this book, and I feel humbled by the practice and dedication botanical artists have for their art and craft.
It's a wonderful reference book for artists interested in plants and still life, or artists focused on realism.

WOW, 5++ STARS! *This* is the artbook for botanical realism I've hunted for decades to find! Take my money, I want the print edition!
This is an enormous class in botanical rendering, yet it is easy enough to flip to a section of a particular technique if desired. It can serve as a very entertaining coffee table book, but that would leave the gift of its power on the table: Because this is such a feast, work in hand is the siren call here.
Sign me up for this class! That is what this book can be, over 400 pages of intense instruction to devour in the comfort of your own home studio or kitchen table.
I think I will dream of the drawing of Echinocactus grusonii. Holy moly what detail and beauty!
This book teaches a scientist eye for detail in the botanical (and then covers technique in great precision) -- and isn't perfection in art merely learning to truly SEE? It highlights painting from life (because photography will never capture the range of color and value seen with the miraculous human eye) although does mention photography too for our artistic convenience. Step 1 in art is the art of seeing, and here is an art book that states that, hurray!
As a painter depicting realism (in fantastical mashings and settings), I have perused many botanical illustration books, how-to and final artist compilation both, and have never been completely satisfied. I have an immense art book library, and this book is going to be a stand-out among all of them (as I am reviewing an advanced digital copy here).
Moreover, it highlights a REASON to specialize in botanicals: The world crisis of detachment from nature, from Nature Herself, the matter that made our physical being. "...the work contains the potential to affect the way people look at the world..." We all have our reasons for coming to be artists; we are reminded we are a vital force needed for a new reason.
This book can be an entrance for beginning artists as basic drawing techniques are discussed; it has a basic introduction to line type and shading form. It then moves to flowers and leaves, fruit and vegetable, branch and pattern, the golden ratio in nature and how to render it well, and increases complexity and technique building ever upward in final result, such perfection. I remember many many years ago trying to paint a pineapple in high realism - pattern that is not ruler perfect can drive an artist eye fairly wild, but here is a path for those efforts.
Then entire correct botanical plant depiction is shown, proper botanical format with parts of the plant rendered, whether in graphite or color wash or ink. There are so many techniques covered that I cannot list them all. If one wanted to become a professional botanical artist, this is the book to buy.
I am gifted today for the perusing of this book, and cannot wait for the print copy. Thank you to NetGalley, and to Carol Woodin, and Robin A. Jess (and the Society) and to Timber Press for an advanced reader copy.
HIGHLY recommended, a solid buy now.

I dabble in painting and botanical Art, but am not a professional. I requested the Arc through Netgalley to have a look at professional work and guides
This book is a fantastic reference book. The tutorials are short, but have detailed information to make the technique work, but if you want to paint, you have to work yourself. This is not a step-by-step lets paint a flower tutorial book, but I think it is better because of that.
If I would spend more time on botanical art, this would definitely fall into the category of "Reference books I want to own"

First, can we just talk about the cover of this book? I don't think I could physically walk past it in a book store without *having to* touch it. But more importantly, the content is just as beautiful and practical, teaching the reader all about botanical art - from caring for and arranging cut flowers to drawing and painting with a wide variety of techniques and tools.
But what makes this book so unique is the unprecedented combination of art and botanical science. It is not just another art book that shows you how to draw and paint; it delves into the anatomy of plants, allowing the reader to first develop a relationship with and knowledge on horticulture.
In addition, "Botanical Art Techniques" contains an astonishing amount of detail applicable not only to floral patterns, such as line control and weight, shading, inking, scaling and much more. The authors also give instructions for portraying leaves, vegetables and roots - but the techniques are valid for drawing or painting anything. Instructions accompanied by illustrations are remarkably detailed.
This book is an absolute treasure to be worked with for years. It is the perfect choice for any aspiring or established artist.
*Thank you to the Publisher for a free advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

A fascinating, detailed and useful to all the art techniques you can use to draw or paint botanical elements.
I found it very detailed, with a step by step guide to the different techniques and how to draw botanical elements.
The picture are amazing and the texts are clear.
An excellent guide, highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.