Member Reviews

"Some people believed money was the root of all evil, but Gabriel Wilson knew they were wrong. He'd always been evil. Money just made his life more fun."

Evelyn Price wants the lucrative deal of web designing for Gabriel Wilson. Little does she know that she is about to get entangled in so much more.

Detective Connor Mitchel is out to catch Gabriel Wilson. He is convinced that Gabriel has kidnapped his sister. Connor begins to piece together other cases that may tie to him. With Gabriel's money, it's hard to get far in his suspicions.

Connor and Evelyn begin to work together to find out what is going on. Unfortunately, this only makes Gabriel more intent to toy with Evelyn, if for no other reason than to torment Connor.

As thing escalate, Connor and Evelyn lean on each other. Together, they will find a way to get Connor's sister back and bring Gabriel down.

Great book! Loved the twists and turns. This is my first read by this author and I look forward to reading more.

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Girl Long Gone looked exciting from the blurb, but it fell flat for me. It took me a bit to finish it,
I expected alot more suspense, to keep my interest, but after a couple of chapters you can pretty much figure out what was going to happen. For a Dectective Conner seemed to be all over the place, and we can't forget the insta-love aspect between Evelyn and him. The ending seemed abrupt, I would of liked to have to see how Monica is dealing with what happened to her. If you like romantic suspense then this one is for you. I will say they are some parts that were hard to read.

I received this from Netgalley.

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Girl Long Gone by Danielle M. Haas is a fast-paced suspense novel with a hint of romance. The main story is about detective Connor, whose sister is missing. He dedicates everything to finding her and everything points to a rich snob Gabriel. The problem is, nobody believes him, so his search is mainly on his own.
The search and the game of cat and mice is hastily put into the whole plot. There is a hint of mind games that I like in those kinds of stories. A few little things in the plot are a bit dubious but if you accept them, the story is ok. Everything is developing rapidly, even romance, and the characters do not have time to flourish into their full potential. That is why I missed getting to know them more. We get some of their past and facts, but nothing more.
I liked the premise and the story, but it could have a bit more suspense and complication for my taste. I had a feeling everything went predictably smoothly. Overall, this is an ok read and it was absorbing enough to keep reading to the end.
I would recommend it to readers who like a bit of crime, suspense, and some romance with HEA.

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HOLY EXCITING HELL! I was intrigued by the description of this story, but I never saw it coming to be honest. Connor Mitchel is a NYPD computer crimes detective, whose sister is missing. He's got a suspect in mind, but he hasn't been able to prove too much yet, plus he can't be on this case officially. This is how he crashes his way into Evelyn Price's life, as she's going to meet the suspect, so he tries to warn her, but she's not having any of it. And because of her not listening to the potentially crazy detective, she ends meeting suspicious person again where she comes across something that definitely shows that Connor isn't crazy. Of course, she's now in the crosshairs of a possible serial killer, so she & Connor are racing against time to find his sister, and keep Evelyn safe as well. This means that there are crazy twists & turns which had so many loud f-bombs dropping out of my mouth since they were all bunched up into a big ball of crazy. In order to see how it all plays out, hit those one click buttons, and I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

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Normally I am not a serial killer/creepy story kind of reader but this book intrigued me from the beginning. With some romance added, it kept in enthralled until the end. Great story!

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Girl Long Gone by Danielle M. Haas is a romantic suspense novel. The story in this novel is told by changing the point of view between the characters involved to get all angles of the story including the suspect.

Connor Mitchel is a NYPD computer crimes detective that has had crime hit a little too close to home when his sister disappeared. Connor dug into his sister’s online activity and found she had been talking to a man on a dating site but all of Connor’s colleagues say there is no way the man is responsible since he has an alibi.

Connor then decides to begin searching for more clues and evidence on his own since the rest of the police force doesn’t believe him. Connor finds that his suspect has been in touch with another woman online and has set a meeting leading to him contacting Evelyn Price himself. Of course Evelyn is a little leery of Connor at first but then begins to suspect there may be some truth to his story.

As I was reading Girl Long Gone I really could find little things here and there with the story that didn’t quite add up hinting that it really could have used a better polishing up. However, if willing to overlook those few details the story isn’t a bad one and it had a rather fast pace to keep the pages turning quickly. Just also be warned that with that fast pace the romance was also one that moved along rapidly too. Overall for me though I found this one entertaining enough despite the flaws to rate 3 1/2 stars.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Get ready for the ultimate level of suspense and mystery! Connor’s sister has been kidnapped, and he is extremely frustrated because although he’s a detective, he’s been taken off the case. Determined to find out who took his sister and get her back safely, he works his own angle ends up meeting Evelyn, who he believes is the killer’s next target. Evelyn has decided to attempt to date thanks to her friends nagging, and decides, as a way to ease into it would be to go on a date with someone she went to high school with. She doesn’t know him well but he’s familiar because of their knowing of each other in the past. But once Connor and Evelyn meet, things start to progress and the killer begins to toy with them as he knows they are both on to him. In the end, I didn’t see any of what happened coming, and found myself thoroughly involved in helping Connor put the clues together. In combination with the suspense and mystery, we also found Connor and Evelyn explore the chemistry they realize they have early on, and we see Evelyn work through her past trauma. This book was interesting because we find out who the murder is in the beginning and throughout the storyline we see the detective work to put things together and piece together the clues to find out who it is. While I enjoyed that, it also became somewhat frustrating when Connor had trouble connecting the dots. Overall, I definitely enjoyed this book!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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I remember reading this author once before so when I seen this one I jumped at it. The bonus side too was it was a suspense thriller the kind I had been reading left and right. Needless to say this too no time at all to breeze through it because once it gets you it holds on tight. Evelyn I really liked she was a character you saw develop right before your eyes with the pieces at the right time. Conner will tug at times at your heart because it shows emotions in the right doses at the right time. In the search for his sister other things will be revealed with the level of suspense ramping up as it should. When the peak comes you are on the edge ready to fall. For us romance lovers it also has it place in the right spots with them leaving that smile. Dead or alive is the way it will end one way or another.

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I don’t totally know how I feel about this story.

The plot was great and I really liked that we actually know who the killer is right from the start.
But I really didn’t like the romance . I thought it was forced and they should have just stayed friends at least until later when the case was solved. It is like sometimes Connor forgets his sister Monica who is in the hands of the killer (Gabriel) just so he can protect Evelyn. And Evelyn becomes this woman who needs protection and saving in stead of being the resilient woman she always has been.

But the scenes with the investigation and Gabriel what has lead to what he has become are magnificent.
Gabriel is so scary. What he is doing and his methods and his motive are so scary and gory and I am definitely never using online dating again;)!
I loved Evelyn’s and Gabriel’s ending scenes in the cellar. She becomes such a badass of a woman and she fights with her whole being to stay alive. You go girl;).

Evelyn has had a horrible childhood so just be aware of pedophilia, child assault and other bad things her parents made her do for money. It was very had to read but essential to the plot line.

I got this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Girl Long Gone is the first book I’ve ever read by this author. But I’m a romantic suspense junkie so I’m always up for reading those type of books by new-to-me authors. With that said, let’s jump right in!

What I liked about the book: The story flowed well, the writing was good, and the action was fast-paced. All great elements to a really good romantic suspense book.

What I didn’t like about the book: While there was some mystery to the story, I honestly think the mystery could have been a little better. Now, I understand there are time constraints and sometimes word count constraints authors have to work with, so giving this author the benefit of the doubt here that maybe something like that played into how the story was laid out. While there was some mystery surrounding who helped the villain, I think the story could have been explosive if the author had made us guess a bit more regarding who the villain actually was. So in that aspect, I was a little disappointed.

NICUnurse’s Rating: I’ve stated a few times in the last few months’ reviews that this pandemic and shelter-in-place has had me in a weird headspace, so I realize that could also be shaping how I view this book. All in all, Girl Long Gone was an entertaining read. It might not have been couldn’t put it down entertaining, but it wasn’t a waste of my time by any stretch of the imagination. I’d love to see the author stretch her legs a bit and show us a book with even more twists and turns to it to keep us readers guessing a bit more than this one did. I see the potential to do that even in this story, so I hope she’ll do that in her next romantic suspense book. I’ll be looking for it! And I’m probably going to run to Amazon and download a couple more of her books. She has me intrigued and I guess that’s the goal, right?

I give Girl Long Gone by Danielle M. Haas 4 out of 5 stars!

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Detective Connor Mitchel has never felt so helpless. His sister, Monica, is missing. Told that he cannot be involved in the search for her, he defies his boss, and begins to investigate himself.

The only clue he has is that Monica recently signed on to a dating site and she's only spoken to one man. Being a computer-crimes expert, he is able to follow the man he thinks is responsible. His gut feeling is that this was not his first abduction and almost certainly will not be the last.

The man he feels is responsible is now targeting another woman ... Evelyn Price. She knew the man from high school and it's going to take a lot of convincing to keep her safe.

Are they the hunters.... or are they being set up by a cunning killer? The closer they get to him, the closer to danger Mitchel and Price get.

This is a well done suspenseful story nicely balanced with romance. The intimate moments are quite detailed and may not be to everyone's taste. It sizzles with spice. The characters of Mitchel and Price are skillfully drawn and likeable. The bad guy is revealed early in the story, but it doesn't take anything away from the tension which remains steady until the final explosive ending.

Many thanks to the author / Entangled Publishing - Amara / Netgalley for the digital copy of this Romantic Suspense. Read and reviewed voluntarily, opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.

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When I read the book description of ‘Girl Long Gone’ on Netgalley a little while ago, I found myself intrigued by this read. So I requested a review copy, and was super excited to start reading as soon as possible.

In ‘Girl Long Gone’ we meet Connor, a NYPD detective who is desperately searching for his missing sister. In his search he meets Evelyn. There is an instant chemistry between these too and soon they decide to work together on the search of Connor sister Monica.

This review is a little hard to write because I’m not really sure what I think. There were several things I didn’t really like. Firstly, I found time going by way to fast. One moment Connor and Evelyn meet, the next they are together. Which I didn’t get at all. Evelyn was supposedly comprehensive of all guys, but she meets a big NYPD guy and bam she wants him. I just didn’t get that part at all. We are supposed to believe she is someone who doesn’t trust easy, but she trusts him right away?

The suspense part also wasn’t really for me. It just seemed like we missed little bits and pieces of the story. One thing would happen, and the next we were following another kidnapping. It felt just really rushed to me. It left me reading several parts multiple times. And in the end I still had a lot of questions left.

But I did want to finish reading this book, because I was curious how things would end up. And we read this book through the ‘bad guys’ eyes too. And that was definitely interesting.

Overall I just didn’t really connect with this story to much. There was definitely potential, but I think some parts should have been more developed.

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Police Officer Connor Mitchell is beside himself his sister is missing, and he has no idea where she is. The police have no leads and the only lead he has is tenuous at best. The only change in her life is the dating service she signed up for and the one person she chatted with on the site. Connor is following leads and working with a PI to find his sister, but he’s afraid that he won’t find her in time to save her. She’s all the family he has left and can’t lose her too.

Evelyn is looking for a job to keep the nice apartment that she lives in with her best friend, Lacy and her daughter. She needs a job that she can do from home because she doesn’t do well in crowds or in public at all really. Her childhood taught her that monsters were real and that they could be anyone, they didn’t necessarily look like monsters. When she has the opportunity to do website work for a high school classmate, she meets with him but she’s jumpy the whole time, and when she receives a phone call from a police officer asking her about her meeting with Gabriel, she is wary of the officer and his questions.

This was an action-packed book with suspense, danger, and a twisted minded psychopath. There are no leads or evidence of where Monica Mitchell has disappeared to, but her brother is determined to find her and will stop at nothing to get her back. The characters in this story were well written and entertaining to read. I really enjoyed the story but thought that there could have been more to the ending of the story. There should have been some follow through with the ending. With that being said, I still give the book a 4-star review because it is well written and full of action and suspense with a twist, and suggest it to readers who enjoy psychological thrillers, police procedural, or characters that show their strength even after being beaten down or destroyed most of their lives. Their real strength comes out when they find the will and the one person that will be beside them no matter what. There are characters in this story that are twisted but they will be discovered and justice will be served.

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I enjoyed storyline though found it a bit unbelievable in places. The sex scenes were to detailed and explicit for my taste..purely opinion, of course.

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I was awarded the opportunity to read Girl Long Gone by Net Galley. This story was different than others I had read. Instead of a who done it it was more of a cat and mouse book. If you enjoy crime shows you will enjoy this book to. I could have easily seen the story line of the main character in search of his sister who was taken as an episode of any of our favorite crime shows. It was a good read with suspense and a little bit of romance.

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A great story that reminds us that real monsters do live among us. When Connor’s sister goes missing, he knows that every minute counts in the effort to find her. Evelyn becomes his key to finding her and also an important part of his life. The story is an adrenaline rush that keeps the pressure on the reader to turn the pages and see what sick turn the killer will take next. The author does a really great job of slowly turning the screws and turning up the heat to the very end. I love the way she switches the scenes at times just when something major is about to take place which enhances that sense of anticipation. The dramatic effects would make for a great movie.

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Twisted is the first thing I can think of to describe this book. I'd love to read a book about Evelyn's past, it's certainly warranted. The characters are very interesting and the storyline is well written. A totally twisted game of cat and mouse.

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Nail-biting race to stop a killer but execution had some issues😒

⏳Yes, I was caught up in the race to stop the evil Gabriel from continuing his sadistic kidnapping spree. The basic outline of that part of the plot was good, but I could not get past a string of inconsistent and/or unrealistic details that got me questioning the story and impeding its flow.

I also felt this story tried to become too many things at once. Is it a thriller or is it a romance? I did not really care for the Insta-attraction romance and found it totally wrong when they got so caught up in each other with the Connor's sister still missing and in the hands of a crazy dangerous killer!

Connor, the male lead, also gets way too much freedom to roam around and do his own investigating. And his attitude, knowledge and actions definitely don't jive with his position as a detective on the Computer Crimes Squad. After his initial check of his sister's online history, he's crashing about town while he leaves others, civilians at that, doing online research?!

Gabriel, the villain who was outed from chapter one, maintains too much mystery all the way through the story's end. I wanted way more explanation for the what, whys and how many times attached to his macabre crimes.

In sum, I liked the overall thriller aspect of the story but felt it needed better attention to making the details believable and much more focus on Gabriel's methods, i.e. how he chose his victims, how he entrapped them, what he did with them, etc.

Thanks to Entangled and NetGalley for providing an advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review and the opinions expressed are my own.

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Thank you to Entangled Publishing and the IndieSage team for sending me an ARC of Girl Long Gone in return for an honest review. I was immediately drawn to this novel after reading the blurb, attracted to the crime and suspense!

In Girl Long Gone, Connor Mitchel's sister has gone missing and as a computer-crimes detective, he can't just sit by and wait for her to be found. Conor begins to dive into his sister's life, discovering that she has entered the world of online dating. Unfortunately, this could have lead to her kidnapping and now Conor must convince the killer's potential victim, Evelyn, to steer clear of the man he thinks is responsible for the disappearance of his sister, Monica.

From the beginning, this was a fast-paced read, with Haas throwing us right into the thick of it! The base story centered around Monica's disappearance was the strong point of the story, with a chilling character behind it all. I wasn't a huge fan of the insta-love that is weaved in the plot, although I do think Evelyn's character was necessary to support to the story's development. She could have played a large role without the romance. Overall, this definitely kept me entertained and I look forward to reading more of Haas' work!

(3.5 stars, rounded to 4)

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This book starts off by just throwing you into the story line. Within the first few pages we meet detective Connor Mitchell, learn his sister has been missing and are introduced to both the person he thinks did it, and the person he thinks they are after next. It was a lot to go on with very little backstory

This book was confusing. Was it a thriller about a missing woman, or was it a love story about two people meeting in strange circumstances. I think that each story on their own would of been a good story line, but together, they somehow both got lost of me. I couldn’t understand the love connection because Connor would focus on Evelyn and basically forget about his ,issuing sister. And when we were focused on the missing sister the love story felt very forced. I really wish this was put into to separate books instead of trying to make it work as one.

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