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Rating edit: 2.5 stars

Okay, so this book is a love story plus a crime fiction. I understand that a slice of romance and humour always work, no matter what's the genre, however in this book, the love story is the highlight and that distracts you from the crime scene. Moreover, it's a insta love story. The protagonists just land their eyes on each other and they are falling for each other, desiring each other and all that. It may work for others but I am not a fan of insta love stories. I wanted to see them fall in love slowly, especially when there's a life in danger (and the victim is the sister of the protagonist), an investigation to be handled.

It's difficult to keep the readers interested and intrigued when they already know who is the villain. In this book, from the very first page, we know who is the culprit. So basically, the story is all about chasing the villain. Sometimes, it gets really convenient. The writing is good. It keeps you interested for some time and then distracts you. The story doesn't have any surprise element, which was disappointing.

Overall, for me, it was an okay read.

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Wow! What a chase!!!!! First and foremost I want to thank NetGalley, Entangled Publishing, and even Danielle Haas, for this very entertaining read, this book keeps me on my toes!!!

Ok so Connors sister goes missing, and unfortunately he can’t work the case mainly because conflict of interest. But he still works his magic, and to make matters even more amazing, he works in what I would consider the IT department, but for the police. I have never read a book, until now, that one of the main characters was so smart and seriously ON IT!!!! He was so determined, and went head on with his instincts which always ended up working for his advantage.

Having Evelyn as a supporting character was just a huge wow! Everything moved so fast, and I love their little romance, each character had a story, and it was never ending! Right when you thought you though there might be an ending? NOPE!!! Danielle makes it even more exciting. I am so happy I got a chance to read it!

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Have you ever watched a movie and wanted to yell at the screen can’t you tell that your co-worker is a serial killer? Well that is how I felt about this book. We find out pretty quickly who the bad guy is and I spent a lot of the book wanting to yell at the other characters to get a clue.

The story itself was fine. But I think if we hadn’t known who it was it would have been better because we would have been trying to figure it out too but knowing took something away from the story for me.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. All I can say is that the book was ok, I didn't love it and I didn't hate it.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

It took me almost a month to read this book. It just didn't grab me as I had expected. It was well written, but I'm the type of person that can't get past something when it bugs me.

One thing I didn't like was the fact that Connor as a computer cop needed so much help to find background info on someone when it took an unskilled person like an hour to find just by using a search engine.

Another thing was the way the other cops ect were happily letting Connor go and talk to people involved in the case and go on searches of houses ect. When it was his sister the case was about. I understand that he would do absolutely everything to get his sister back, but by my understanding of how police investigations work, he wouldn't be able to be involved in his own sisters case due to it being personal. As soon as he interviewed the dad that would be it. Hand in badge and gun, come back when it's all over.

Bill (or Ben, I can't remember) is a really rubbish PI as soon as he was asked to dig into the lives of Gabriel and Evelyn he would have the story of her background especially since it was such a big thing.

Evelyn, well, I quite liked her and I felt for her when her past came out, but. I find it difficult to believe she would trust Connor so quickly. Given her past with the police, trusting and getting into bed with a cop within less than a week of knowing him just doesn't hit 'this would happen' to me. Maybe I'm wrong, everyone deals with emotional trauma in different ways, but it's just what I felt.

I liked Gabriel. Not that I liked the things he was doing, but I felt his character was solid and believable, everything he did I could picture him doing, he was a proper scumbag that was easy to hate.

I'm sorry I didn't love this book as it really was well written. I hope others enjoy it.

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***Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***

Sadly, I could barely make it through a third of the book. The writing wasn't that great and I couldn't connect with the characters.

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‘Girl Long Gone’ had an interesting blurb and it was this premise that drew me to it: a detective’s sister who’s gone missing, a bad guy who’s been named and shamed from the outset and a frenzied meeting with a heroine who finds herself accidentally tangled up in this web.

But there was something strange about the opening scene, which set the tone for a read that I couldn’t entirely get settled into. I thought the way Connor Mitchel met Evelyn Price was…odd, which made for a somewhat convoluted establishing scene, more so when Danielle Haas threw in some tenuous connections between Evelyn and the villain that felt superfluous. In fact, Evelyn felt, from the start, like an accessory to a story whose main players were Connor and Gabriel, rather than an indispensable half of the 2 protagonists Haas probably set out to write. As a result, the romance did feel somewhat stilted, even if the murder mystery shaped out to be a game of cat and mouse between Connor and Gabriel.

It’s probably my own disconnect that prevented me from getting into this book—I definitely wished I liked it more, but still somehow ended up giving up halfway.

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Girl Long Gone is a romantic suspense full of surprises, twists, and turns that will keep you second-guessing until the very end. The characters are well-written and develop at a steady pace helping the mystery unfold along the way. Haas's writing is remarkable and pulls you in from the very beginning. I did not want to put this one down and pulled an all-nighter reading page after page. The book hangover was worth it! I can't wait to read more from this author.

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Thank you to Entangled Publishing and Danielle M. Haas for letting me read this in trade for an honest review.

I rather enjoyed most of this story. Connor's sister, Monica, gers abducted and while he is a detective, he isn't allowed to touch her case. Monica met Gabriel through a dating site and Connor's gut tells him that Gabriel has something to do with his sisters abduction but he can't prove a thing.

Then he finds out that Gabriel is about to meet another woman, Evelyn, and he tries everything to warn her off. But Evelyn doesn't trust Connor and ends up on Gabriel's radar anyway. Connor assumes responsibility for Evelyn's safety and they search for his sister together. Then they hook up.

The main plot of this book is fantastic! The romantic aspects felt a little forced and fluffed in my opinion, but they didn't detract from the storyline too terribly.

3.5 ⭐ from me.

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This book is much darker than what I usually like to read, but I loved the thrill. The story flowed beautifully from the very start. For me, it was a page-turner.
Connor Mitchel is a computer-crime detective. When his sister goes missing after talking to a stranger online, he decides to take matters into his own hands. It's not that he doesn't truth the police, rather he can't stand on the sidelines while his sister suffers. He even has a suspect in mind. Unfortunately, the guy is very hard to pin down. In an attempt to find clues, Connor decides to dig deeper and that's how he ends up meeting Evelyn. Another woman who will soon need his help if she didn't stay away from Gabrielle.
At first, Evelyn thought that Connor is lying. In all fairness, she needs the job Gabrielle has offered and she doesn't want to believe a complete stranger. But soon it becomes evident that Gabrielle isn't who he says he is. The guy might be seriously messed up. Now, she has no choice but to trust the good detective. He seems sincere enough and if she can help him track down his missing sister then nothing else matter.
Connor and Evelyn are spending a lot of time together. Connor doesn't want to let her out of his sight, fearing that she is in real danger. However, neither of them factored in the chemistry between them. This might become more than what it is, and they might end up falling for each other.
All in all, this is a very good story. I think that the author has done a great job of capturing the feelings of a sick man who likes to feed on other people's fears. And the two main characters are also very well-developed. I quite enjoyed reading it and would recommend to anyone who isn't scared to explore darker themes. Although I should also mention that this isn't explicit when it comes to abuse and the said darker themes. Still, implications are very clear and it did give me goosebumps.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review. It is currently set to be published in May 2020.

This book is not a thriller and it shouldn't be advertised as such.
No thrill is there: you know from page one who the bad guy is, who the good guy is, who the designated victims number 1 and number 2 are, and you can foresee exactly how the book is going to end... and it actually does. There are no unexpected twists along the way, no suspense, no action scene, unless you count the one lengthy, totally out-of-place sex scene in the middle of the book as action.
This is not what people reading an alleged thriller would expect.
I still wouldn't mind if it were well written, but that is not the case: the prose is wordy, stereotyped, full of adverbs and repetitions. I lost count of how many times the phrases "ragged breath", "pouty lips" and "dark, curly hair" recurred. The villain spends more time repeating: "Oh, my little mouse, it's time to play" than doing anything else. Seriously, that phrase is copy-pasted all through the novel with minimal occasional variations, and it gets old long before it's finished. It feels like this book was never seen by an editor.
All the characters are just caricatures of their role (best friend, roommate, bad parent...) and have no depth at all. Even worse, the three main characters (good guy, bad guy, damsel in distress) are beyond stupid, and get repeatedly told so throughout the narration by several secondary characters, who seem to have way more sense than the main cast and point out the obvious over and over again. A few examples: "You talked to him? Dammit, Connor, don't be stupid. You can't tip your f**king hand and give the guy a reason to freak out" ... "Sh*t. Why hadn't he thought of that?"... "But would he be stupid enough to carry such damaging evidence around with him?" (Yes, apparently, he would.) "No way Gabriel would be stupid enough to leave something else behind she could use for her benefit." (He was, indeed.)
Good thing both the good guy and the bad guy seem to suffer from this incredible idiocy, or else the struggle between good and evil would be way too uneven and there would be no story.
The style is nothing like what you'd expect from a thriller: it sounds more like bad prose from a sentimental novel ("Red stained he full, pouty lips, and lust pooled in the pit of his stomach", "the attraction that had consumed her when she'd first laid eyes on him morphed into liquefied lust", "Everything might be falling apart around them, but in this one moment, the world was just as it should be"...)
However, the single biggest fault of this novel is how disempowering it is for women. The female characters - all of them! - have no agency at all: they are only capable of whining, waiting to get rescued or lusting after men they have just met (or, in Evelyn's case, just *glimpsed*). The female lead is not even capable of asking her lover to wear a condom when they're having sex, and this inability is highlighted in the text ("Thankfully, one of them had kept their wits, because no way had she the awareness to stop him from plunging inside her without protection.")... Talk about living in the 21st century!
The whole book is full of sexist remarks, and there is no difference between the bad guy and the supposedly good guy in this respect: they both see women as weak, helpless creatures, objects to covet for their body and the feeling of power they can give to a strong, brawny man who's in command. Lines such as: "She had curves a man could get lost in", "He'd find a way to make her his", "He deserved a medal for not stripping her naked in the middle of the gym" and "her drool-inducing breasts" are from the supposedly good guy's perspective, but they surely make him sound like the villain to me.
Of course the lead male character of such a novel will be a sexy, overprotective, gym-built hunk, saying and thinking machist things such as: "I just want to keep you safe", "He should have stayed with her and protected her", "She needed him", "I don't want you out of my sight"... And after all, the story proves him RIGHT, because as soon as he turns his attention to damsel in distress number 1, damsel number 2 gets herself into trouble in a matter of seconds.
Luckily for everybody, the villain of the novel is all talk and no action, and he doesn't do much more than gloating, planning evil plans, smirking evil smirks and uttering evil threats he never actually acts upon, even though he had all the time to do so.

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3.5 Stars!

This was a fun, thrill-ride! Detective Connor Mitchel's sister is missing and the psychotic man, Gabriel Wilson, that took her is tormenting him. While investigating Gabriel, Connor meets Evelyn and there's an instant chemistry.I was reminded of J.D. Robb's Eve Dallas and Roarke.

I loved the dark and twistedness of Gabriel. I think there could have been a bit more about what made him so twisted, maybe a flashback to his time with his other victims, and more on Evelyn's background.

I look forward to what Danielle Haas comes out with next!

A special thank you to NetGalley, Entangled Publishing LLC, and Danielle Haas for providing me with an ARC.

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Great thriller!
Connor, an NYPD Detective, is going crazy trying to find his sister, Monica who has disappeared. His only real lead is a dating APP his sister used to talk to a man, Gabriel. Upon investigation he discovers Gabriel is meeting with a new woman, Evelyn, and he is determined to stop her from getting hurt. Little did anyone suspect that Gabriel is always one step ahead of them and enjoys a game of Cat and Mouse. He leaves clues, false trails, and gets enjoyment out of watching Connor run around. But, can Connor and the NYPD outsmart Gabriel before Monica dies, and other woman are killed. And when the dust all settles, will Evelyn be able to overcome her own demons to find a future with Connor?
Great thriller filled with action, suspense, and a sprinkle of romance.
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Usually one for only thrillers I've been broadening my reading and reached out to crime thrillers which I've thoroughly enjoyed. Girl long gone was no exception full of unexpected twists and turns.

There Is a killer on the loose, stalking young women, detective Connor believes it is the same killer responsibile for his sister Monica's disappearance after she was speaking with a man online, it appears the killer has his sites set on another young woman...

Can Connor save her before she meets the same fate as his sister?

A fantastic gripping and fast paced read which I throughly enjoyed.

Thank you to netgalley for this book in exchange for my honest review.

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✨Book Review✨
•GIRL LONG GONE• by Danielle M Haas .
I didn’t realize this book was a Romantic Thriller when I got it from NetGalley. I am not normally a fan of Romance. But, I must say, this book was good!
It takes off at a fast clip from page one and continues that pace until the end. It’s a quick read and kept me interested and entertained throughout. It’s the quintessential cat and mouse game.
Connor is a police detective whose sister, Monica, has gone missing. After looking through her computer, he sees she has been talking to a man named Gabriel on a dating website. He is certain this man is the monster that has his sister.
Further investigation into the dating website reveals that Gabriel has also been talking to a woman named Evelyn. Connor is convinced Gabriel plans to abduct Evelyn next. .
Due to her own past, Evelyn is distrustful and skittish. Connor is on a mission to find his sister and at the same time, gain Evelyn’s trust so that he can keep her safe.
✨Due out May 25, 2020✨

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What a fast paced read, I read this in about two hours, it is a page turner. Set in New York City with the NYPD detectives as heroes trying to find one of their own missing sister. Monica has been abducted by a physchopath, the race is own to find this beautiful, kind young woman. As much as I enjoyed it, there were several hard to swallow plotlines, one, another young lady is abducted twice!? Two, why didn't the detective have a security system installed in his new girlfriend's apartment!? Geez, buy a set online, hook it up yourself, you stand a lesser chance of someone snapping pictures of you while you sleep!? Three, the hero of this story is one of New York's finest, his sister is missing, afraid she has been abducted by a serial killer, yet he has time for sex, and a new girlfriend!? There were minor typos, other than the above it is a good read.
I recommend! Thank you Netgalley!

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First book by this author. Intense psychological thriller.
Introduced to killer first thing.
Evelyn is a shy, introvert, with a tortured past
Connor needs her help finding his sister.
Connor and Evelyn have a great dynamic.

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A fast-paced thriller that had me hooked from the first few pages. The romantic suspense and character POV's definitely made this an easy read that I finished in a day with a good amount of 'edge of your seat' moments that I really love in a book. We know from the beginning who the killer is but this didn't make me lose interest at all. I loved Connor and Evelyn's relationship throughout the book., especially how she grew to trust him and bring down the walls she had built up from the horrific trauma in her past. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more by this author. Thankyou to NetGalley, Entangled Publishing, LLC and Danielle M. Haas for a copy of this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the first book I’ve read by Danielle Haas. It won’t be the last. It’s the story of Connor Mitchel, a NYPD computer-crimes detective, whose sister disappears. He’s pretty sure he knows who has her, but he’s having a hard time finding proof. You actually find out who the kidnapper is at the very beginning of the book, so it’s a bit different than most crime thrillers. He meets up with Evelyn Price, who may be the kidnapper’s next victim. Connor has to untangle the web in hopes of saving his sister.

I enjoyed this book, though the romance between Connor and Evelyn seemed a bit fast.

Thanks to NetGalley for the book. I voluntarily read and am reviewing the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Girl Long Gone was an intriguing and absorbing story. That perfectly blended a game of cat and mouse with suspense and romance, and at times it had me on the edge of my seat!

Would happily recommend.

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