Member Reviews

The story started out great but soon became quite predictable. The characters apart from Connor were dull and I expected it to be a thrilling read but I was disappointed. The story kept a good pace when it came to investigation band suspense.

I'm not giving up on the upcoming books by the author and hopefully I'll like it.

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So we meet Connor who decides to find out why his sister disappeared, who took her, answers he needs answers and the police are not getting them so he will. He hooks up with Evelyn who had the unfortunate meeting with Gabriel, he is the bad guy and we know this from the get go. I was interested because we enjoy the back and forth, and how Gabriel is and gets away with stuff. What I really didn't care for was Evelyn and why she was a part of the story she seemed unnecessary for me.

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This book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Entangled Amara.

Girl Long Gone is a standalone Thriller about Connor and Evelyn.

I’ve never heard of Girl Long Gone before, but I’m glad that I read the synopsis and decided to request an ARC. Girl Long Gone was such a fast-paced Thriller read and I really enjoyed reading it. It’s not your typical Thriller because you already know who did it but you don’t know why he did it. I liked discovering his reasons.

Connor is such a handsome NYPD detective. The way the author described him in this book, wow… I get why Evelyn was attracted to him! I loved how protective he was and how determined he was to try and solve this case. Evelyn has been through so much, and she became a strong woman towards the end of the book.

I don’t normally read Thrillers or Suspense books but I’ve been loving them lately and I really recommend this one! It was such a good and easy read, and I really wanted to know how the book was going to end. I really liked discovering the reasons why the kidnapper/killer did it, and I liked the way the relationship between Connor and Evelyn evolved.

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A romantic suspense, we already know who the kidnapper is straight away.
Evelyn has been though her own demons but she’s still strong. I loved reading her grow as a person and her relationship with Connor. He’s so understanding and the perfect gentlemen.
The kidnapper’s POV was very intriguing.

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A mastery, thriller and romance novel all in one. Detective Mitchell's sister has been missing after using a dating app. While hunting for this mystery man, he meets and begins a relationship with Evelyn, who also has been contacted by this mystery man. The romance between Connor Mitchell and Evelyn definitely felt rushed, but overall, it didn't take away from the thriller of hunting down Gabriel, who was definitely a creepy character! Fast paced book and quick, but satisfying read

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I love mysteries and thriller and this no was no exception. Girl Long Gone was interesting because you got to know the killer from the very beginning. I also felt like Evelyn was different than the usual victims in thrillers. I also really loved the deep relationships that formed between characters. I really enjoyed these aspects of the book and would recommend it to anyone who also loves thrillers.

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This was a book that was very relevant to now. It was a good read at times I found it slow. But I stuck it out and was not disappointed!

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Connor's sister, Monica, has disappeared. He knows Gabriel, a man his sister was talking to on a dating site, is responsible but the police are unable to find any clues to connect him to the disappearance. Connor takes matters into his own hands and starts investigating Gabriel. Evelyn has just met with Gabriel to discuss a job oppurtunity when she comes face to face with Connor. Together, the two of them work towards finding Monica and uncovering Gabriel's crimes.
I enjoyed this book. It was a quick read and well written. I enjoyed the cat and mouse game between Gabriel and Connor and liked the Evelyn/Connor storyline although I found it just a little unrealistic.

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Girl Long Gone by Danielle M. Hass a five-star read that wont ever leave you. I enjoyed this one overall, I did enjoy the romance aspect of this thriller, but I did wonder how realistic this would be, would you really be starting a relationship with your sister missing, especially with someone who was likely the next victim? That being said, once I realised that love/lust hots us all differently and usually at the worst possible time, this became a great thriller and even though it was backwards as we know who the baddie is from the start, but even so it kept me hooked, there was something about the cat and mousiness of it all, that just kept it so easy to be engaged with, the writing is very well done and I will definitely be looking out for more from this author.

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Girl Long Gone was the perfect mix of a thriller and romance. Detective Connor Mitchel is looking for answers to his sister, Monica’s, disappearance. While investigating Gabriel Wilson, he meets Evelyn Price. Connor and Evelyn always seem to be one step behind Gabriel. This book was a very enjoyable read from the start. Haas feeds the reader key information about the case by shifting from Connor’s point of view to Gabriel’s and Evelyn’s. Although you know from the start who has Monica, I loved the way this book all came together in the end.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was a classic thriller that kept me on my toes throughout the entire book. With a little romance thrown in, it was exactly the kind of book I love to read. From the first chapter where a pug (my favourite breed) was mentioned, I was hooked. The only reason for 4 stars in my opinion was the accuracy of the police force depicted. There were just too many far fetched things happening that just wouldn’t in real life. However with that aside, it was a solid read that kept you turning the pages with ease.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. From the very start we know who the bad guy is that has kidnapped Connors sister...this then starts a kinda cat and mouse game between the two of them. Evelyn seems unnecessary at times and the romance feels forced and rushed. The overall premise was good, I just think it felt a bit flat!

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I really enjoyed this book! Read it in 2 sittings. It’s written differently, with us meeting the killer on page 1. We get to know the characters throughout the book instead of us having to read through 10 chapters of backstory to get to the good part. It was a very welcomed change. The author does a great job of describing everything with vivid imagery. There was romance included as well, which sometimes got a bit monotonous. Yes we get it, those two like each other lol. All in all a very good read that kept me on my toes trying to figure out what would happen next.

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This is a solid thriller that is not really a whodunit, but more of a “whydunit” and “where is the girl?” It works. The book is part cat and mouse game between a handsome NYPD detective and a probable serial killer, and part romance between the cop (who is also the brother of the missing girl) and an intended victim. Both the protagonist, Evelyn, and the hot cop are likable and interesting, and Gabriel, who we are told from the start is the target, is definitely creepy. I also really appreciated the way the author made Evelyn a woman with certain terrible things in her past, and yet she was in no way portrayed to be any less attractive, sexy or capable. Big ups to the author for creating a complicated and sympathetic character we can root for, and a great man who appreciates her.

Having said that, I gave it four stars instead of five because there was a little too much sex and romance for my tastes in a thriller, but if you like that you’ll like this because it’s well-written and the characters are great. There is plenty of action and suspense too. The heroine is plenty capable and doesn’t necessarily need rescuing from the hot cop, but you will still love to see their teamwork.

Thanks to NetGalley, Danielle Haas and the publisher for this well-written suspense read which you’ll especially like if you like some romance in the mix. PS: Despite this title, this is not a Gone Girl wannabe, but a more traditional mystery.

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