Member Reviews

This book was written so beautifully. I love how the story goes. Too much drink led to something that they never think of. An awkward morning? Hell yeah. The plot was interesting and I really like the fast paced of this book. Xia and Jordan were super cute together. I love their relationship. This was my first book from Ava and it definitely won't be my last!

Thank you netgalley for the copy!!

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I love friends to lovers books!! I had really high hopes for this book. It’s a good read but their was no angst and no pining and no lead up to Jordan and Xia getting together. I really wanted more description and more longing and more angst and more pining. It might be the perfect read for you but it was just ok for me.

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This was a decent read. The main characters were ok enough. It had a bit of potential but didn’t particularly sing to me. I’m a bit harsher on contemporaries because they aren’t my favorite types of romances and this one was kind of in the middle.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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I had a lot of fun with this book! I typically go for enemies to lovers as opposed to friends to lovers but this was super cute! The plot was super interesting, I loved the characters however I will say that certain parts of the book, especially the ending felt a bit rushed. Jordan and Xia are definitely a couple I would love to read more about! I rated this book a 3.5 stars, because as I said I thoroughly enjoyed it but drawing out the ending a bit, and fleshing out the earlier stages of the relationship would have brought it up to a 5 for me.

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Thank you so much for the copy of In His Kiss. I tried to pick this one up a few times, but I was not able to connect with the story line and characters. Unfortunately, it did not work for me. Thank you again for the opportunity to read this one.

I will not be sharing my thoughts/reviews outside of Netgalley in a review

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I enjoyed this University romance book by Ava. But this one I did not like it. I found it hard to invest in the characters.

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Best friends for most of their lives, Jordan and Xia have never crossed that line between just friends and more. Xia has been in love with Jordan since high school, but never did or said anything as she doesn't want to lose her best friend. Jordan is late to the party so to speak, and when he finally realizes that he feels more for Xia, its already too late. One night, one night filled with alcohol, one night where they let their problems go, to wake up in the morning with one of them saying "It was a mistake". How do best friends come back from something like that?

This was just an ok friends to lovers story. TBH I was more interested in the side plot that was going on than what was up with Jordan and Xia... and there was a lot going on with Jordan and Xia. This had loads of drama, a bit over the top, cup runneth over type of thing; and I wasn't even focused on the two. Glad we did get what was up with the one situation, cuz I was super all up in that plot line, (insert shrug) her parents were more interesting! I give this 3 stars.

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2 stars
This book was too off for me. The characters were too immature, The story was too all over the place for me. Just had a hard time finishing it because I didnt care for the story.

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In His Kiss is the first book in the Unrequited series by Ava Alise. "This was a mistake" were the words that sunk my entire world. Jordan should have been my first, he was already my everything. My best friend, my secret crush. We were closer than siblings. Our family's weaved together an intricate pattern of lines never meant to be crossed, until that night. We had a bit too much to drink and the heated way he stared at me made me feel that we could finally be something more. Things got a little out of hand and once the kissing started I didn't want it to stop. The time felt right and I gathered courage and told him how I felt. If only I knew how awkward things would be the next morning.

In His Kiss is a book that had me almost constantly holding my breath waiting for something horrible to happen- and each time the the issue was less horrible than I expected. It is emotionally charged and draining, but in the best way. Xia and Jordan have been best friends forever, and each crushing on the other almost as long. When things heat up the insecurities and family struggles they each have are the first barriers to their happiness, but not the last. I do love that they talk to each other, even if they delay it too often. There is just so much going on for all the characters, and one of the twists I considered right away- but some of the moments were really unexpected. Their friends and family are also well developed, and have so much going on in their own stories. I will admit that there were moments that I found Xia and her reactions to be immature, but this is also about college age characters and their is self-awareness about maturity levels that really balanced out those moments of annoyance. I am invested in this circle of individuals, and am very much looking forward to the next book, which the afterward promised me.

In His Kiss is an intense read with a happy ending. I enjoyed the read and look forward to more.

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I was accepted for an arc of In His Kiss, but missed downloading it. I still plan on reading it and will review then.

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I am an Ava Alise fan. I haven't read all of her books (YET), but when I read the blurb for this book, I couldn't resist!

I love friends to lovers and Ms. Alise did a wonderful job with Jordan and Xia's struggle to remain "just friends!" Lots of "feeling good!"

So, a great read to escape the news of the days!

I received an advanced reader copy, and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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Will a one night stand change everything for best friends Jordan and Xia in the best of ways — or damage their relationship forever?

I really enjoyed Jordan and Xia’s story. It developed nicely, and the ex-girlfriend drama didn’t overwhelm the blossoming romance. The family drama with Xia was intriguing and I kept wondering what was going on with her mom and dad. I thought Ava Elise handled mom Della’s depression nicely, and her hospitalization played well against the complex feelings Jordan had about his mom’s death. But it leads to an understanding between Jordan and his dad, and an acceptance on his part about his mom’s passing. I don’t think Jordan would have handled the relationship bump with Xia at the end as well had he not had that personal growth.

My biggest complaint is that the story ended so abruptly. I didn’t get the closure in the epilogue that I was hoping for, and that clearly serves as the tease for Kingston’s book.

I received an advanced copy and voluntarily left a review.

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This book has all the right stuff; awesome story, interesting characters, heat, humour and emotion and lets not forget romance. I have to say this book has some sexy moments, drama and great chemistry that made me not want to put this down. A totally entertaining and enjoyable read by a new author to me. Definitely be looking for more books by this author. Happy reading everyone!! 4 1/2 stars 🌟

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Jordan and Xia have been best friends their whole lives. They have both harbored secret feelings for each other and after one drunken night the both fear they may have both screwed up their friendship forever. This was a really good friends to lovers storyline. In His Kiss was the first book for me from Ava Alise and I can't wait to read more!

Thanks so NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Ava is a new to me author, so I was going in to this experience blind, except knowing that In his Kiss is a friends-to-lovers story. Ava's writing and story telling was addicting. I couldn't stop reading, and was happily finishing this story in one sitting.

Jordan and Xia dont get alot of friend time as they are quickly thrust into a series of drunkenness, badly worded conversations, awkward situations and a few extra bumps along the road that one has come to expect with a University Romance or friends to lover romance, that could've ruined everything, however in true HEA fashion, communication is key, and it truly is an adorably good read.

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This book really had potential but it just missed the mark for me. Everything was so rushed and it made it hard to enjoy the romance. It also has a trope that I despise and didn’t even expect to happen. Overall it was a pretty average book. The epilogue has me really hyped for the next one though!

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This is a cute and sexy friends to lovers new adult romance. Remembering the new adult qualifier is key. There is some pettiness from an ex-girlfriend and a bit more drama than would happen in a traditional contemporary romance. As long as like new adult romances, you'll enjoy this read.

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I want to thank Netgalley for providing me with this book in exchange for my honest review.

I had such high hopes for this book. The synopsis sounded amazing and I was hopeful the book would deliver. However I was really disappointed. I kept reading and I just couldn’t get into the story or the characters.
1 star.

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In His Kiss, The Unrequited Series, Ava Alise

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: New Adult, Romance

I wanted to like this book, best friends to lovers? Those classic words “this was a mistake” So tempting.
I did like it, just so many little irritations. The biggest one was that Jordan was 24, Xia 21 and yet they both were still in school? I guess that's a US/UK thing. Here we finish school/college at 18, uni at 21 and its off to the world of work then. By 21 you're expected to act as an adult, be mature, yet these two were like teens so much of the while, teen drama stuff. It really irritated me at times, I wanted to say to them Grow Up! There was so much to and fro stuff about their emotions, so much inner musing, one step forward, two steps back it got old fast. Usually that's fine with me, but there seemed to be no real reason for the constant vacillating. I wanted to say to them stop playing around, talk to each other, Do Something. TBH I didn't really feel anything between them more than friendship with a bit of lust, and I guess that's why I found it hard to get invested in a relationship between them.
In contrast Xi's parents story was much more interesting ;-) but unlike Xia, there's no way I could not have asked more, contain my curiosity about pictures etc. Xia had her life turned upside down by her parents issues, and yet when she finds out some pretty curious pics she does nothing?
Then there's Jordan's issues about his home, and then the problems with his ex. I love stories that have more than one plot, that have side issues to keep things interesting, but here I felt that they were only very tenuously connected, and rather than back up the main story that actually detracted from it. My issues of course, I'm sure others will love this story – its that horses for courses thing again. No story suits all readers, we all like different things.

Stars: Two, a story that just didn't resonate with me. I found it hard to invest in the characters. My issues though, others love it.

Arc via Netgalley and publishers

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I recieved this ebook from the publisher and the author via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

This is a beautiful story.

Jordan and Xia are best friends since childhood. Until one night when everything changes... Now they don't really know how to be normal around the other again.

There's a lot of things going on in the story, lots of drama. I love that the main characters are still in college and dreaming about their futures. We also get to know more about the main characters' families and their problems. And the friends are amazing too.

I really liked this story. It surprised me, I loved the characters and I want to know more about them! The author says in the end that this is part of a series so I'll keep an eye out for the next one.

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