Member Reviews

I really had a good time reading this book. The characters are well-developed, and I loved the interaction between Charlotte and the ghost whose ashes she sprinkled on her front lawn (the one who looks like a gangster). This was my first read in the Cat's Paw Cove series and it was easy to jump right into the narrative - it works as a standalone as well. I want to thank the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for giving me an e-copy of this book, in return for an honest review.

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I enjoyed it and will look for the rest of the series. I enjoyed this tale of a young woman who moves to Cat's Paw Cove and meets some of the unusual characters who live there. The story is clever, funny and engaging. I will be picking up the rest in the series.

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I love these little quick easy reads. Paranormal quirky books. A curl up on the couch type story. Thanks for the opportunity to read this book net galley.

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A nicely written cute, cozy, paranormal (in a fun way) and magical novella. Lots of cats and some romance. I'm not a great lover of books featuring magic & ghosts etc, but I know many readers will enjoy this story. My thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC.

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Charlotte Redbird Ghost Coach by Sharon Buchbinder

A whimsical tale. A well written easy read to curl up and read that makes you smile. Very enjoyable

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Seriously charming short novel about Charlotte Redbird discovering her past and coming to grips with adulthood and destiny in a magical world of Puzzlers, Brownies and all the rest in Catspaw Cove.

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I was intrigued from the title of Ghost Coach when I decided to read this book. This is the first book I read of Cat’s Paw Cove series.
Charlotte who moved back to be close to her grandmother who lives in a supernatural cats retirement home, finds love and realizes her supernatural capabilities while there. A fast paced story.

Never expected this book to be such a good, funny read. I am definitely looking forward to read the entire series.

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A fun read as all the other books in this series. An entertaining and engrossing storyline, quirky and fleshed out characters and a lovely setting.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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A cute, fun read with a funny and entertaining plot. Character driven storyline, not so much actually happens but it’s still a fun read and a great distraction, will definitely be reading more by the author.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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I really have to thank NetGallery because I would never have found this wonderful book and delightful series! I was intrigued by the idea of a life coach for ghosts so I decided to check it out. Turns out it is part of series called Cat's Paw Cove that was intended to be a world for multiple authors to play in. This book originally appeared in a collection of Christmas stories (which gets a passing nod in this book) but worked really well as a standalone. I very quickly got a sense of place.

Our heroine Charly gets run out of town at the beginning of the book because she chooses to stand up for integrity and resist bullying. This made me love her immediately. The fun begins when she arrives in Cat's Paw Cove and hangs out with her grandmother in what turns out to be a most unusual retirement home. Quickly she meets "Big D" Dylan. Besides being her real estate agent, he has some supernatural skills. She quickly discovers she does too.

The romance is sweet and takes a back seat to the story of Charly's journey of self-discovery, with Dylan putting his empathic abilities to good use. The big fun is discovering what is going on in this world and the interesting characters that inhabit it. Charly's clients are adorable and Grandma Redbird is an absolute hoot. The narration remains in third person but I felt like I was reading it in first person because of its breezy style. I had so much fun going on this ride.

There is a mystery around Dylan that doesn't get resolved in this book that I'm hoping gets resolved in the companion book, Taken by the Imp, which is about Dylan's brother. I'm also going to check out other books in this series.. This book isn't long so pop in for a visit!

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This was cute and interesting and definitely not something I'm used to reading. I liked the writing and all the characters. The only thing is there really wasn't much that happened in the book. I would read the author again though.

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Another fun story set in mystical Florida. Love the cats! Charly has left Chicago with a scandal behind her. Not giving in to a rich heiress who is buying her spoiled kid into an Ivy league school, she comes to Florida to be with her grandmother. Meeting Dylan, and meeting some local ghosts adds a fun touch. Then meeting her father too, is a hoot. A quick and easy read, and one I highly recommend. Looking forward to the next in the series.

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A fun quick escapist read. The setting cracks me up. Charly’s life coach business wasn’t up my alley but it worked well with the plot. Some nice topical references there too (ahem, Aunt Becky).

This is the first book that I’ve read of the Cat’s Paw Cove series and I think I will read some others in the near future. A cute read.

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I received this Arc from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
um.. I think I just liked this book. I have been reading a lot of cozy mysteries lately so I was excited to try this one out but but it kind of fell flat for me. It wasn't a bad book by an means, and I actually really liked the beginning where Charley was talking to a guy who she didn't know was a ghost at the horse races and he helped her win a bunch of money. Also when she traveled to visit with her grandma at the retirement home, which was nice and quirky. I really liked her grandma and Big D. who is a real estate agent that sells her a house. although I do think calling him Big D was kind of dumb. I liked that Charley could see ghosts and is trying to help them move on. But the rest of it felt like I was dropped into the middle of a series. Which I guess it is, i didn't realize that when I read it until I read someone elses review.
I do think it was a pretty good book, just not for me.

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A really cozy and warm read. If you're in a reading slump or want to read something cozy and entertain, this is the book for you. I won't tell you more than the blurt of the book, because I think it is enough information and you will enjoy it more going without knowing more. Both characters Charly and Dylan are so sweet. Also, cats parts in here are so cute.

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Short and sweet! Unique plot and characters that were a pleasant escape from crazy times. I enjoyed it and will look for the rest of the series.

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This book had everything I was searching for a relaxing afternoon.
I will not repeat the plot description as it has everything you need to know before diving in. The one thing I need to mention is that the paranormal hinted in the description is not the only one present.
I liked Charly, a strong and funny woman with a very realistically evolution.
I'm looking forward to read what happens next.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Author Collective 20 for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is part of a series but can be read as a stand alone. Really odd, I felt as if I had already read this! Not sure what is up with that. This is a cute story, seemed short to me. I totally did not get the family dynamics! But Charly and Dylan were cute. 3 stars Probably not for everyone.

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When I started reading this it seemed very familiar and I realized that it had been part of the Meows and Mistletoe anthology which I see is stated on the Amazon listing for this book. However, I really enjoyed re-reading this story. I like the characters and there were a lot of details that I didn’t remember. This is a good choice if you’re looking for a cute afternoon read.

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