Member Reviews

Sadie Kelly, a teacher at Horton College until last month, has moved back to her childhood town.... staying not not with her family, but with a close friend's mother. Her friend died 10 years ago in circumstances that she's been trying to forget ever since.

On TV news is a report that Devon Hundley, a 16 year old girl attending Horton College has gone missing. Sadie is taken aback .. Devon is the daughter of Philip Hundley ..a man Sadie knows all too well.

Sadie can’t stop thinking about the last time she saw Devon. It was the day Sadie left Horton for good, and heard Devon murmur four little words as she walked away. Four words Sadie prayed she had misheard:

I know your secret.

This is a well written, skillfully plotted, suspense story about a woman trying to overcome her past. She left her hometown literally the day she graduated and tried to never look back. The suspense starts early and maintains a steady pace until the unexpected ending.

Many thanks to the author for the digital copy of this debut psychological suspense. Read and reviewed voluntarily, opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.

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Thank you Netgalley as well as the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. This is definitely one of those books that will have you saying just 1 more chapter and before you know you finished the book! I really enjoyed all aspects of it.

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Two stories within one book. I love stories like this because I always feel like I can't wait to switch over to see what happens! This is the perfect book to binge while at home.

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I think readers will like this book because there are two suspenseful thrillers/mysteries going on at the same time throughout the book. It’s easy to keep them separate though because one is from the past, and the other is currently taking place. It’s not at all confusing because the author did a fantastic job going back and forth from past to present at the perfect times throughout the book. I also think the setting for the book is perfect! A very creepy all girls private school with shadows and secrets everywhere. All of the characters have secrets they are desperate to keep hidden, and the more serious the secret is, the more explosive the reality can be if it ever gets out.
Plot: Sadie was a former student at Horton when she was younger. She went there with her childhood best friend who later tragically died. Sadie always felt she was to blame for her death, which is a mystery throughout most of the book. Is she the “Silent Daughter” because she has secrets about her best friends death? Years later, Sadie returns to teach at Horton. While Sadie is teaching at Horton she meets families of the girls, and gets to know some better than others. The lies and secrecy overwhelm Sadie, and things drastically worsen when a student (Devon) goes missing. There are no leads as to where she’s gone, or if she’s been taken. Is Devon the “Silent Daughter” with secrets too? One thing leads to another until everything culminates together at the end with shocking and disturbing revelations. Although you find out pieces of information throughout the book, it doesn’t all completely come together until the end. I could see what most of it was leading to, but it was still a good read. Thank you Netgalley, Claire Amarti, and the publisher for allowing me to read this preview for free. My review is voluntary, and is my honest opinion. It’s a great book from a first time author!

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It was one of those books where after you read it you realized the twists and the characters were predictable, but during reading it you read with anticipation with what would happen next. It also had enough side stories to distract you from the main plot and to also keep it interesting. It had a wide variety of characters that helped build up the thrill of it. Overall a quick enjoyable read.

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The storyline was exceptional and the characters engaging and believable.

I am quite impressed by this book.This story kept me hooked for hours.

**Thankyou Netgalley and publisher for providing me a free copy of the book in exchange for a honest review**

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Sadie Kelly lost her best friend, Fiona, in high school and still hasn't fully dealt with the loss.
Present day, Sadie has just lost her job at the prestigious Horton College and is living with Fiona's mother (because Sadie and her mother don't get along). She's having trouble finding a new job due to the circumstances of her job loss and has turned to Benzos to help her cope. On top of all that, one of her former students from Horton College has just went missing, and Sadie has a personal tie to the missing girl's father.

Does that sound like a lot? It is. In fact, there was just too much going on and the whole thing was overly complicated to the point of being nonsense.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Complicated story with lots of mixed up,muddled up female characters.Plenty of red herrings before we get to a surprising conclusion.

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This is an excellent first novel. The story is a suspense with many twists and turns. I didn’t have any idea how the story would end. Sadie has a secret that involves her best friend Fiona who has died 10 year previous to the time the novel takes place. The novel is about secrets and relationships. There are too many secrets to review just know that many of the characters, which are well developed, have their own secrets and are revealed throughout the novel. The story kept my attention riveted.

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An incredible and mysterious drama that kept me on my toes the whole time. The storyline was exceptional and the characters engaging and believable.

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Fiona and Sadie had been friends for years. From the poor side of town in Connecticut, they created a bond as close as sisters, perhaps more so. Both intelligent, they were awarded scholarships to the fancy private girl's school in the area that catered to the rich families of the region, but they were to remain outsiders, never to be acknowledged by the girls who most obviously belonged to the school. Fast forward a decade or more and Fiona is nothing more than a memory that is painful to Sadie and despite her best attempts to run away from her life, she is drawn back to the very school that had made her teenage years such a sorrow to take up the role as a teacher. But someone and something has happened in Sadies recent history that makes teaching there a miserable experience and then a student that she shares a loose connection with goes missing and the puzzle of her life begins to unwind.

Marketed as a thriller, it is the exploration of a life not quite owned, of shadowy truth and half-truth blighting each step of the main character Sadie. Never feeling that she has reached her full potential or matched the abilities of her friend Fiona, she has been trying to right the wrongs of the past. Sadie is haunted by past mistakes and grief over the loss of her best friend. This novel touches on infidelity, child and sexual abuse, power and its misuse, and the force of grief never being fully examined and dealt with.

This book lacks the energy to pull the reader in fully, with the characters always remaining ‘interesting’ in the sense that they were simply part of the story, but they never became flesh and blood. The revelations within the story are slow in coming, and there are never enough ‘Easter egg’ clues hidden away within the text for the astute reader to puzzle together, making it a somewhat flat thriller experience. Not truly bad, it just wasn’t as great as hoped for after reading the blurb.

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