Member Reviews

Wow this book was just so good and so easy to get lost in. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I just didn't want the story to end. I just couldn't get enough of these wonderful characters and I just loved getting to see their journey. I will most definitely be reading more stories from this wonderful author.

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FLATLINE is a change from the regular police procedural thrillers that are prolific right now. Set in a hospital, the story jumps right to the heart when a young woman brings her friend to the ER only to have the friend die. The trauma brings back memories of the recent family deaths. As this young woman is trying to reconcile her friend's death, she finds that there have been many, too many to be normal, deaths with the same circumstances.

The main characters in this story are a popular investigative reporter and a ER doctor. They share common history and were once a couple. This adds some very interesting and entertaining elements to the main story of an illness that seems to be running rampant through the city's population. As these two individuals join to investigate and identify the health issues, their personal friction keeps the story lively. A very good thriller with lots of special interest add ins.

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I can’t remember when I actually read a medical thriller – So I have got to say that the opportunity to review Flatline by Linda Bond came just at the right moment!

Rachel, an investigative journalist, rushes into the ER when her friend and colleague ends up getting sick, sick enough that she ends up dying while she is being treated. A fact that takes her five years back to when she lost her brother suddenly.

And lo and behold, the same man who “failed” to save her brother is also the one standing over her friend’s body as well – Dr. Joshua – the man she was in love with, the man whom she doubted with a ferocity that led her to investigate his group of doctors and as a result, destroyed their relationship.

Now, the guardian of her niece; effectively a single mother, Rachel is a workaholic and her investigative instincts are tingling when she realises that her friend is not the only person to die in mysterious circumstances under Joshua’s care.

A second chance romance; Flatline is a fast paced medical thriller with short chapters that had me flowing through the book (I actually just finished it last night!). It is easy to empathize with Dr. Joshua; especially under the current circumstances of a pandemic – so it really close to home, the kind of pressure Health Professionals can come under and how it can seem like a thankless job at times!

This was a second chance romance; two highly ambitious professionals in love with each other; but circumstances and their own grief and perception leads to the destruction of a relationship neither of them has moved on from – I could have used a high level of angst in the plotline, it had the ripe foundation for it (pretty much the only time, I could have used the open communication between the protagonists to lead to a whole lot more emotional sustenance!) – but this was medical thriller that I was thoroughly entertained by for the time I was reading, so it a must recommend for those who really enjoy their thrillers with a unique sub – genre!

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I was granted this book in exchange for an honest review. I was thoroughly engrossed in the storyline .. and then Covid fears came knocking! I got sidetracked and finally found the strength to start reading again this week. Flatline is an excellent book! I was caught up reading into the wee hours and don’t regret it! It’s got action and drama, with a good dose of scaries included. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone interested in reading medical mysteries!

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The novel is the occasion for both heroes to look at what happened and try to understand the other’s point of view. I regret that Rachel is the one who apologies the most when Joshua doesn’t really try to understand what she went through and barely apologize. In fact he dwells for long times on the fact he doesn’t trust her, and he interprets each of her hesitations as a lack of trust from her.
At the same time their attraction and their feelings are still as present and push them toward the other, even if each one tries to resist because of the situation and their mutual lack of trust.

As for the plot, the culprit is quite easy to find just like part of his motivation. However I had a bad feeling about his accomplice from the beginning without knowing why, and I was surprised by the motivations. The story is fast and takes place on less than two days, but at times the sequence of events and the explications don’t seem clear to me. As for he ending, I would have like an epilogue to show how they deal with the police instead of leaving us hanging in a as-long-as-we’re-together-we’ll-be-fine situation.

All in all a novel that hesitate too much between medical romance and romantic suspense without succeeding in balancing both. Too bad.

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Let me just start by saying that I love medical thrillers. There is just something about suspense and intrigue along with a medical element thrown in that really holds my interest. Rachel Wright is standing in the ER, worried to death about her sick friend. And out of all the doctors that could treat her friend, in walks her ex, Dr. Joshua Salvador. Unfortunately, it seems that there is more to this illness and others than meets the eye. One thing I forgot to mention is that Rachel is a top TV investigator. If there is something going on, she is going to get the story behind the story. However, now she appears to be a part of the story. What will happen between her and Dr. Salvador as they work discover what is going on before it is too late? I devoured this book in a very short period. Every time I put it down to move to something else, I ended up going back to it. That, to me, is the sign of a really good book. I hated for it to end and would really like to see a sequel to this story. Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book.

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Despite being the third book the The Investigators series, Flatline can also be read standalone. A medical thriller/ romance story which is fast paced and an enjoyable read.

TV investigator Rachel Wright looks into why people are dying from a mystery illness. It leads her to ex Dr Joshua Salvador who is an ER Doctor.

Highly recommended and look forward to reading other books in the series.

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3 1/2 Stars!

"Five years since she'd investigated Joshua's ER physicians' group for medical malpractice."
Rachel's last experience in this hospital ended with her brother dying and her boyfriend leaving her.

This time, she's losing a friend to an illness that no one can figure out. Before long, Rachel discovers this isn't the only mysterious death at the hospital.

Dr. Josh Salvador didn't let Rachel go without regret years ago. Now that they are thrown together to figure out what is causing these unexpected deaths. Josh wants to earn Rachel's trust in him back. Rachel wants to believe in him again.

This story twists and turns. It's a good story!

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Rachel Wright, an investigative reporter, reaches with her very sick producer to the Tampa Bay Hospital. Unpleasant memories from the past resurface, along with her ex, Dr Joshua Salvador. The same doctor who she blames for her brother’s death. And so, she doesn’t trust him to save her friend’s life.

Joshua will never forget the way Rachel attempted to tarnish his and his team of ER physician’s reputation. He doesn’t want her stepping foot in his hospital. But when he sees her bring in a patient with the same symptoms of which a few people close to him are dying of, will they be able to set aside their differences and work together before everything goes out of hand?

This is the first book I’m reading of Linda Bond’s and the first which starts with thunderous medical action, together with a blast from the past of both good and bad memories. But mostly sad. After losing her brother five years ago, within a year of her sister-in-law dying, she became the guardian of her seven-year-old niece. Losing another person dear to her, right before her eyes, makes her don her investigative hat on. Which is exactly what Joshua fears, that she will again blame him instead of trusting him. He has his suspicions about the mysterious illness that’s been plaguing people close to him.

The short length of the chapters made this a read I breezed through. Narrated in the third person, what I noted was how the previous chapter’s ending action was repeated in the next chapter in the beginning, just from a different perspective. I don’t think it’s something altogether new (maybe it is?), but I surely haven’t read anything like that for quite a long while now. And the turn that the plot took towards the end, I kind of wasn’t expecting that.

"Doctors were human, too. They made mistakes. They suffered the consequences. They had feelings. They never wanted their patients to die."

The above quote is so apt, especially in today’s scenario and in my country – India. India, where doctors are getting verbally as well as physically attacked during this lockdown period. And the weird or funny coincidence was that this story too had an Indian connection, albeit briefly.

For my Medical romance needs, I’ve always turned to Harlequin Medical. But this combined two of my favourite sub-genres in romance. Medical and Suspense! To top it off, it had its sexy and funny moments too. This was thrilling from the get-go. Whether it be sneak attacks or the danger of doing something illegal but not immoral, it was a wonderful read. There was the doctor’s ex, the reporter’s niece, murders, deaths, and of course, the compassionate/crazy villain! I just wanted an epilogue at the end, though.

P.S. I have seen Grey’s Anatomy enough to enjoy the author’s references to the show. McDreamy. Sigh!

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for an e-ARC of the book.

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The title is flat. The story is flat. The characters are flat.
Had to give up at about page 35 or so.
Someone who thinks she has to 'investigate' and 'report' about medical situations she obviously knows nothing about? Just because she hooked up with a doctor who's department she 'investigated'.
Don't make me laugh, please...
It doesn't help that even from the first chapters it is obvious where this is leading to. This book should have had a cover where a handsome man in a white coat (the doctor) is kissing a handsome lady (the investigator). Very Mills and Boon...

Thanks to Netgally for this digital review copy.

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Wow - this one had me hooked and I couldn't fall asleep! I had to finish :)

A great premise, great characters and yes it can be read as a standalone, but I'm going to go dig up more books from Linda Bond right away.

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Rachel Wright is frantic when she rushes her friend Jackie and producer to the hospital. This hospital brings back terrible memories to Rachel because that was where and brother died - which led to an exposé she wrote. As a reporter, Rachel always dug deep for facts, but it was her brother's death and that particular story that pretty much took her very high in her field.

The last doctor she hopes to attend to Jackie is Doctor Joshua Salvador. Not only was he the doctor on scene when Rachel's brother died, but he was also the man she was desperately in love with for awhile. Suddenly, with more than one death at the hospital, Rachel is clued into the fact that there is a connection.

Rachel begins to dig, and it looks like there is a fatal contagious disease affecting patients at the hospital. Can Rachel, and now Joshua, discover what is really going on before another patient dies? Furthermore, what of the past, and the story Rachel wrote? Is the damage that was done to her relationship with Joshua something that can be revived?

In this fast-paced book by Linda Bond, different avenues are taken - investigation, romance and even family. It would be odd for me not to say that with what is going on in the world today, a horrible disease that is killing people, to not feel a bit of discomfort while reading this book. Fortunately, not only is this book fiction, but due to the genre being that of romantic suspense, the reader won't be surprised that "things work out in the end" for all involved. The tension factor was high throughout the book and the conclusion was riveting. Although this is the third book in the series, it did quite well as a standalone.

Many thanks to Entangled: Amara and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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' Flatline ' by Linda Bond is a medical mystery/thriller combined with a second chance romance.

The description of the story and cover tempted me to pick this book up on Netgalley for reading and reviewing. I enjoyed it as a light read with not much mental investment.

The story starts with Rachel Wright an acclaimed reporter taking her friend to the hospital ER where her brother Jim had died 5 years ago. With this sort of baggage in her head, she finds that her friend is also undergoing similar situation and dies. To top it all the doctor treating is Joshua Salvador, her Ex and also the one who had treated her brother Jim. Situations change and Rachel realises that Joshua has lost three patients in the last two days to similar complaints. They expect a viral epidemic and go on to investigate it together keeping their past aside. The results of the investigation are what makes the story a bit interesting.

The story though fast paced does seem fragmented and continuity at crucial points goes missing. The answers seem to come to them but sometimes the source doesn't seem clear. All events are linked to Joshua's past. The intermingling of past and present though interesting and lent a valid explanation didn't gel well with me. The rekindling of romance mixed with a medical thriller was a risk the author seemed to have taken but then somehow didn't translate well.

What I liked was that the author tried the combination genre. We never know what will succeed until we try it. So kudos to the author for that. It was an entertaining read.

If you love to start reading something from the medical thriller genre can start with this as it's not too heavy on the topic and romance angle keeps the entertainment quotient high.

I requested this book on Netgalley and I thank the publishers and author for providing me the copy. The vies expressed here are my own

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Another author that can keep you from start to finish with the suspense and intrigue that will be held in the pages of a mystery that has deaths that needs answers. Once again having read this author once before with the one before this also I knew I needed this one. Rachel hooks us right off the bat with this one when she takes her friend to ER. The events will go so fast but you are holding on. You also want to see what can happen with the doc too. This is also one that has the ingredients for what I have been reading alot. You could say this is a second chance too. Joshua is no dummy either so that was a plus. You want answers and fast which you will get if you keep up with them.

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I love medical thrillers and if there is a love interest, it is a perfect combination! Joshua is a renowned ER doctor and Rachel is a well known and respected tv investigator. They were involved in the past but the romance came to an abrupt end. People are dying in Joshua’s ER and Rachel is afraid Joshua is involved in the deaths. But there is no denying there is still chemistry between them. Enjoyable thriller.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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First, I want to thank Linda Bond, Entangled Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

WOW!! Linda Bond’s Flatline blew me away as it was a storyline ripped from the headlines. Infact, at first it reminded me of what is going on in the world today.

Warning you right now once you pick up Flatline you won’t want to put it down! This is a must read medical thriller! Linda sucked me in on the first page. The storyline was incredibly fast paced and very detailed. It was thrilling, suspenseful, and had some shocking moments I didn’t see coming.

I loved the storyline of the Doctor and Rachel. Their backstory was interesting to how far it came in the present.

There was a mention of Grey’s Anatomy (one of my favorite shows) that I had a chuckle over.

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Joshua Salvador, ER Physician, is losing his patients. Several have already presented with the same symptoms and died.

One of his patients who didn't survive is the close friend of Rachel Wright, TV Investigator. He and Rachel have a history .. they were lovers a few years earlier. When her brother died and Joshua couldn't save him, she was overcome with grief and did an expose on Joshua and his partners. That was the end of their relationship.

Joshua is looking for a common denominator as the symptoms are almost identical. Because all the patients who have died have been connected to him in a personal way, he feels that someone is targeting him. But who would want him ruined .. .if not Rachel?

Although this is 3rd in a series, it is easily read as a stand alone, as are each of the books in the Investigative series. The author has brought credibility to her story with her personal experience as a television news reporter and anchor in Florida.

I enjoyed the robust plot with a nicely paced suspense and romance. It's a skillfully written medical thriller with memorable characters that raced to an unexpected conclusion.

Many thanks to the author / Entangled Publishing / Netgalley for the digital copy of FLATLINE. Read and reviewed voluntarily, opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.

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I have never heard of this author before but the story line sounded good so I thought why not.
Joshua Salvador is a Dr. in the local ER. Rachel Wright is a investigative reporter. They were lovers until tragedy strikes. 5 years later patients connected to Joshua are dying.
This is a fast paced romantic suspense. Not a whole lot of romance but a superb story line. In the craziness of today’s world it’s unsettling to think about this happening. Really makes you think twice.
I will definitely check out more from this author. If you like Pamela Clair’s I Team series you’ll love this book.
“I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.”

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My Thoughts:

Bond was a new to me author and one I'll read again. I am a sucker for medical thrillers, and when you combine it with romance, well...Maybe because there's usually a resolution, or even a happy ending? Maybe because I can vicariously live through something awful and be just fine? Well, this book met all that, although it was light on the science, and the real world medical crisis didn't interfere with my enjoyment of the book at all.

"Flatline" took former lovers Rachel and Joshua and reunited them under horrific circumstances - Rachel's friend and producer Jackie dies violently under Joshua's care at the ER. Rachel and Joshua broke up five years ago when Rachel's brother Jim died under Joshua's care at the ER. Rachel blamed Joshua and in her grief used her credentials at the television station to attack Joshua and his boss, which did wonders for her career. Joshua reacted by dumping her. Clearly, neither communication nor empathy were their strengths. They do better by the end of the story; although I did think Joshua could have done a better job of apologizing for dumping her right after her brother's death and blaming her for her emotions. She apologized to him for the harcore TV story she did, and did a good job of apologizing; he could have done better, and should have groveled. He had a bad habit of thinking that his job should take precedence over hers.

The mystery of the unknown illness was not too hard to figure out though Bond did surprise me a few times. For one thing, I thought she was going in one direction with an ex-lover plot and then she surprised me, happily so. The villains, well, I got one right. :D I did think the motive was a little weak, but it had a ring of believability so that was fine. There was a very tense event near the end that I did not see coming, although the outcome was predictable. The story was fast-paced, and, as I mentioned, had some twists.

"Flatline" wasn't deep but it was appealing, the romance was steamy if at times aggravating (Joshua could be such an arrogant jerk and Rachel was too quick to doubt herself), and parts of the story were predictable. And yet, it was compelling; I didn't want to put it down and I cared what happened. I'm still not 100% convinced that Rachel and Joshua should be together but I'm happy they got past their issues and they saved the day. If you want a quick, light, moderately angsty read with romance and mystery, this is for you.

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A fast paced medical thriller. Joshua and Rachel have history and now they are thrown together to try and figure out who is killing people they both know. The author keeps us turning the pages and guessing who the killer is almost till the very end. When you think you have it figured out another twist is dropped in. This is a quick and interesting read that is easy to get lost in.

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