Member Reviews

So this was a weird mashup of thriller and romance. Rachel and Joshua used to date until Rachel's brother, Jim, died in Joshua's ER. Then Rachel used her investigative reporter skills to slam the ER and handle her grief. She lost Joshua in the process.

Then her friend Jackie ends up sick, and died in the very same ER she lost her brother in. But this time Joshua was the Dr and he did everything he could to save her. More people end up with the same symptoms and they're all connected to Joshua.

So he and Rachel team up to find out what's going on. And fall in love again. There was a pit bull attack and that kinda put me off for the rest of the book. I love pit bulls. Next time use a breed that isn't already hated by society.

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A quick, fast paced romantic thriller:
This book got my heart rate up with all of the adrenaline inducing, fast paced action! It was emotionally gripping and I was holding onto the edge of my seat as I frantically tore through the pages. I loved how the mystery and suspense drew me in from the start and it kept me guessing with all of the twists and turns.
Joshua and Rachel share a painful past and they no longer trust each other. However when tragedy strikes they draw together to investigate and in the process reignite the flame that once burned brightly between them. I was disappointed though with how Rachel's niece was portrayed. We were never told how old she was and she never got to speak for herself.
Some of the medical aspects were also unrealistic, as were all the personal details an ER doctor was supposed to have known about a young boy he'd treated 5 years prior. However if you ignore these factors it was still a thrilling read. I would have loved an epilogue though as it seemed to end rather abruptly without full resolution.
I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

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Flatline is a captivating medical thriller by Linda Bond that is sure to keep you guessing until the very end. I could not put this one down. Flatline has mystery, suspense, drama, and romance making it a must-read.

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3.5 Stars!

A quick, fun read! Rachel Wright, investigative reporter has stumbled upon people that are dying from a mysterious, flu-like illness. Quite a timely and appropriate topic! Rachel's ex, Dr. Joshua Salvador is an ER doctor. This illness has pulled these two back into the same orbit and whoooo! The sparks are still flying! I loved the fast pace of the story and all of the twists and turns.

This was my first experience reading Linda bond, but it will certainly not be my last. Can't wait to check out her two other novels.

Thank you to NetGalley, Entangled Publishing, LLC, and Linda Bond for providing me with an ARC.

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To read about a contagion that’s spreading amongst some people—though it’s early days yet—is uncanny for this specific time, even though there’s so much that we can collectively relate to right now. Linda Bond’s ‘Flatline’ however, isn’t a medical thriller per se despite the science-y cover, but it’s a story that straddles the romance genre here, built as it is around 2 former lovers whose turbulent past came to a head 5 years ago.

In this second-chance trope, Dr. Joshua Salvador and Rachel Wright come face to face again during a medical emergency and the lines of their conflict are reiterated in this case of history repeating itself: both their reputations are on the line, keeping their pride in their unshakable work foundations, combined with a time-sensitive medical issue that could potentially explode into something bigger and some grey areas where both learn that compromising and trust could be the hardest things they need to do.

‘Flatline’ is predictable in that sense, as well-written as it is, driven forward speedily by the developing case and Joshua/Rachel’s constant revisitation of each other along with their numerous reminiscences of what they used to do in the past. If the starting of the book is a one of possibilities, the second half sort of ‘contracts’, bringing the case closer to one of personal grudges/revenge-plot more than a spiralling, out-of-control pandemic. Still, Linda Bond writes decisively and competently but my complaint however, is the very abrupt end that had me doing a double-take—movie-ish in a way just as the credits roll—even as I was hoping for something more conclusive.

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A good romantic suspense that kept me hooked till the end.
I liked the well thought characters, the solid mystery and the romance.
It was an entertaining and engrossing read, recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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Fantastic romantic suspense!! I loved the Characters Rachel and Joshua! They had to figure out what was killing people with a vaccine and it sent them on some perilous journeys. This book had everything! White knuckle suspense!! Definitely a must for romantic suspense readers! I look forward to reading more of this Author's work!

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I had never heard of this author before picking up this book but I was very intrigued by the synopsis. This is part of the Investigators series by Linda Bond, but all the books in that series are standalone novels. I love medical thrillers, whether in book or television form, so I was very excited to start reading this book. It was good, but it wasn't as good as I was hoping for. I felt a little let down by the end of the book. I felt like the romance aspects of this book overshadowed what could have been some amazing suspense moments...and that's not what I was hoping for in this book.

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I didn't get very far in this -- the writing was poor, and so the book just did not hold my attention.

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Thank you so much NetGalley and the publisher for my complimentary eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. This book was very well written, the characters had depth and which for me made a really enjoyable read. I don't usually read medical mystery thriller books but I am really glad I gave it a chance.

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This is my first book from Linda Bond, after doing some research I found out this has been apart of a series, however this could be easily read as a stand a lone since I did not spot anything missing from previous book.
I enjoyed authors writing style, this book came across as a contemporary read rather than crime/mystery/psychological. I did skin read few pages since I wanted to read something more face paced.
Many thanks for providing me with a book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a timely thriller that was extra freaky to read in the time of pandemic. It’s a story about a mysterious virus striking a hospital, and a doctor and investigative reporter who used to be in love, and who are determined to find the cause. The author is good at maintaining a fast pace throughout and both lead characters are very likable.

I would say the first half of this book is more of a straightforward romance — which is perfectly well written but just not my favorite genre. But about halfway through the pandemic thriller kicks into gear and I got drawn into the plot. The medical theory and details of the killings are interesting and well-researched and I would definitely not have guessed whodunit or why.

Ultimately though, I think for me this was a “judging a book by its cover” situation (my fault - we all know what they say...) - because from the cover and the blurb I was expecting a Robin Cook/Michael Palmer type medical thriller and really this is more of a romance/medical drama. I think this book will appeal very much to readers who like a more romance to their thrillers, but if you’re a black-hearted reader like me who just wanted to read about a straight up vicious serial killer, this may not completely float your boat..

I’d give this 3.5 stars for my own self, but if you like reading about hot doctors who want to save each of their patients (and really, I don’t know why I don’t, especially right now!), particularly the woman they love, you’ll definitely enjoy this fast moving and well-plotted book.

Thanks so much to Entangled, NetGalley and the author for the advance copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I love medical thrillers and this book did not disappoint. Once I started, I didn't stop until I finished. It had medical mysteries, mostly took place in the hospital (which I loved) and also had some romance vibes. This is my first book by the author, but I can't wait to read her other standalone books in this series.
Thank you to.Netgalley, Entangled Publishing and to the author, Linda Bond for this.ARC in exchange for.a honest review
#flatline #netgalley

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Overall rating - ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5 stars

I received an ARC in exchange of my honest review.

I love romance books but romantic suspense is my all time favourite genre. Add a medical drama in the mix and I will be a very happy girl.

This book follows star investigative reporter Rachel Wright and her ex boyfriend, ER Doctor Joshua Salvador (aka Dr McDreamy). Patients coming to Dr Salvador's ER are dying with mysterious symptoms. Specially people close to Josh. Unfortunately this books opens with a similar scene where we see both Rachel and Josh reunite after five years but under very unfortunate circumstances. Both of them lose not one but two very close friends and colleagues having the same mysterious symptoms. We instantly get to know Josh and Rachel's relationship ended in a tragic way but the story is focused on how they both had to work together in the time of crisis.

To be honest, the suspense part of the story was pretty good. I couldn't have guessed the culprit behind all these mysterious deaths. So I enjoyed that aspect. The story is kind of short but the timing is pretty great. The author successfully concluded the story within a matter of a few chapters without dragging anything out. There were no flashbacks but we get to know both Rachel and Josh's point of view and that helped to understand events better. The supporting characters are great too but despite having great chemistry there is no steamy scenes (almost). This storyline is mainly focused on the suspense rather than the romance but it's a great read. There are some good supporting charcters and the writing is so engaging that I couldn't put it down. There is also lots of drama and if you are a fan of 'Grey's Anatomy' then you are going to love Linda Bond's 'Flatline'.

I would love to read more books by the author in the future. I loved her writing style and the story was very good executed as well. Hope you all like it as much as I did.

Stay safe and happy reading.

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This is the first I have read by Linda Bond and book 3 in a series or can be read as a stand a lone called The Investigators.

The story follows a doctor in the ER who is right in the middle of a virus that no one is able to control and a new reporter who is about to make her epic news.

The story is spot on with how people are feeling right now as it answers some questions about a outbreak while keeping the story moving without being bombard with medical jargon.

The story is face pace and readers of the series will love to see what is going with their characters and add a new set of characters to fall in love with.

This is a must read summer read for those who need a break from family but still want a little action in the outbreak world.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of Linda Bond Flatline.

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Good book if you like medical thrillers. I enjoyed the book but would have preferred less of the romance and more of the mystery behind the deaths in the hospital. Although some people may like the romance in it as we all have different views.

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Flatline by Linda Bond is a cross between a medical thriller and a romantic comedy. Within 48 hours, three patients have been admitted to the ER under Dr. Joshua Salvador, each expressing the same symptoms. Incidentally, all of them are closely associated with him, and two of them have died in an exactly similar manner, despite all his efforts. The situation becomes even more complicated when Joshua’s ex, Rachel Wright, gets involved in the case. A reporter-cum-investigator, Rachel has a turbulent history with him. As the danger of a medical emergency becomes too imminent, will Joshua and Rachel be able to overlook the old differences and work together towards a single goal?
Both the protagonists show a formidable strength of character. Despite the threats to their lives, they remain undaunted in their quest. The plot had many components of a thriller, including a considerably good pace, unforeseen twists, and midnight adventures. The threat of a deadly biotoxin and possible involvement of a sinister group behind the rising disaster increase the suspense. As a romantic comedy, sexual tension is also present on almost every page. In short, Flatline ensures your heart skips a beat or two frequently.
However, the tension built up from the first page gradually loses its hold as the romantic aspect starts to overshadow the thriller parts. Rachel and Joshua are acutely aware of each other, continuously evaluating the other’s body language and responses throughout the book. They keep focussing on each other even at the crucial moments of the novel when more pressing matters should have been prioritized. For this very reason, what could have been a breath-taking climax ends up being a soppy romantic drama.
I would wholeheartedly suggest this book to readers who appreciate romantic thrillers. However, if you are a fan of hardcore medical thrillers, you might feel dissatisfied with the places where romance takes precedence above everything.

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