Member Reviews

Way too wordy and slow moving. And the author thought he was funnier than he actually was. I’m gonna wait til Jeff writes his own memoirs. I want more than what this gave me.

The book is a love letter from a fan. It is well researched but without a actual comentary from Goldblum it is just that. I like Jeff Goldblum but not enough for this one.

I really enjoyed my reading experience with this book. It had an irreverent tone that fit the subject of the book. It was a really fun read. I enjoyed the author's writing style and how the book was formatted. It was a really cool book - just like Goldblum. I also liked that I was able to learn a lot about the actor and his filmography - but also some film history in general. Definitely recommend it to any fan of Jeff Goldblum, his films, or Hollywood.

I honestly could not get into this book AT ALL. I love me some Jeff Goldblum but being that this wasn't written by Goldblum or even narrated by him it seemed kind of pointless. I could not even get 25% through. We get it, Jeff Goldblum is awesome we don't need some guy telling us this 20 times on every page. Disappointed.
I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was quite an odd book. It seemed quite disjointed and strange, but the author did that on purpose to try and reflect Jeff Goldblum's personality. I thought I might not finish it, but I made it all the way through and ended up liking it more than I thought I would. If you want to read a traditional biography this is not the book for you!

This book was a nice break from some of the more serious reading I've been doing. I'm not the world's biggest Jeff Goldblum fan, but he's led an interesting life, and the author manages to draw in many pop culture factoids that made me bookmark things to check out later. Since it is an authorized biography of a living person who doesn't take himself too seriously, the overall tone is pretty lighthearted and wholesome. As the author himself explains the premise for the book:
"ME: I just don’t get it. Why are people so nuts for Jeff Goldblum?
"MORE INFORMED PERSON: Because he’s Jeff Goldblum!
"Understanding this was the correct answer, but still unsatisfied with it and vaguely bored, I decided it’d be fun to figure out why Goldblum is so universally famous, so beloved, and so devoid of controversy, scandal, and haters."
What follows is a kind of how-to guide to making friends and influencing people, celebrity style. Students of the social sciences may be just as interested in the results as diehard Goldblum fans will be.
Thanks to the publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to review a digital ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

I never thought I would need a biography about Jeff Goldblum until I read a biography about Jeff Goldblum. He certainly lives an interesting life and his characters are always memorable, no matter the role. From one fan to another, thank you to the author.

Jeff Goldblum is a national treasure and this is a lovely homage to his life and influence. It appears he actually is a genuine and wonderful as he presents. Some of the Interludes were giving off major "word count vibes" but overall, it was a witty delight. 8 out of 10 Goldblums.

Jeff Goldblum is reverent, well-read, kind and compassionate actor with over forty years in the business. This showcases his likability, staying power and why he's a class act.

This is a fun read and one that is much needed after the year we have all had. Some biographies are so boring, but the author did a great job of staying true to who Jeff Goldblum is when writing this and it felt like it could have been an autobiography.

This was a highly researched, serious and yet tongue-in-cheek biography of Jeff Goldblum. A bit repetitive sometimes, but a fast read and entertaining. Andrews walks you through Goldblum movies or shows you might not have heard of, skips quickly past the mega-hits that everyone knows, and gives the reader some of the more esoteric factoids about the actor’s life or projects. Fun for Goldblum fans.
I received an arc of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

On this episode of Everything is Canon, Steve talks to Travis M. Andrews all about his new book Because He’s Jeff Goldblum: The Movies, Memes, and Meaning of Hollywood’s Most Enigmatic Actor.
Because He’s Jeff Goldblum is an irreverent yet deeply researched biography about the always offbeat and suddenly meme-able actor who’s been in business now for over 45 years. It’s full of trivia, interviews, and behind the scenes fun from one of the most popular actors in the last four decades.
Steve and Travis talk about all sorts of things including his excellent article about the damaging effect Qanon is having on families, lots of movie and internet culture, Jeff Goldblum of course, and much, much more.
For the full interview, follow the link below!

Although I don't know that much about Jeff Goldblum, he's always been a fascinating celebrity to me which is why I was interested in this book. While it was great to read how well-loved he is, I do wish this book went a bit more in-depth and went beyond "he's a nice guy."

The author of this biography is a staff writer for the Washington Post’s biography of actor and personality Jeff Goldblum. I enjoyed most of the book, but the author does a lot of hero worshipping and I wish it was just the biography. The author is funny and does help move you along, but I’m normally someone who takes 1-2 days to read a book, and this one took me almost 4 days to read, I needed to keep putting it down and coming back to it.
The book did remind me of movies I’d forgotten, namely Earth Girls Are Easy, and Vibes. Both I rather enjoyed as a teen of the 80’s. Not sure how much I’d enjoyed them now though. It reminded me of the old meme’s that we once printed out and taped up, and it reminded me of the classic Jeff Goldblum, the man who starred in the Big Chill and the Fly.
Mr. Goldblum is a fine actor, a funny interviewee, someone who doesn’t take himself seriously, and a heck of a jazz musician (check out his band if you like jazz). When his name is mentioned, we smile and talk about our favorite role, our favorite meme, our favorite story. There’s nothing bad been said about Mr. Goldblum (at least to my knowledge). This book reminds you of all that he’s accomplished in his long and storied career.
**I received an ARC of this book from the publisher and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

I Only Read 65 Pages and Quit
I suggest that you don't even read that unless you just want to know the author's opinion of all things Goldblum. It got tiring listening to the author compare himself to Jeff Goldblum. If there were any comparison at all, he would not be writing a biography about another fella. More so, the reader does not care a bit about the author and it does not make the reading more palatable or humorous. He goes into a detailed description of Goldblum's part in the original Death Wish. Now, that is a movie I have never seen because of its violence, The author, graphicly describes the scene which I have avoided for over 40 years in such a fashion that I will read no more of the book. He 'tactfully' won't use whatever vulgar expression the character used, but he paints a scene of such violence against women that I will read no further in the book. I received this ARC book for free from Net Galley and this is my honest review.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this book to review.
Do you like Jeff Goldblum? Do you want to read a book that recaps his career, his quirks, via existing articles and interviews? If you said yes, than this book is for you!
Because He’s Jeff Goldblum is a biography about Jeff Goldblum and his career. Honestly, I thought this book would be more interesting and quirky than it was. For someone who is a casual Jeff Goldblum fan, this book was not as interesting for me. Based on the subtitle, “The Movies, Memes, and Meaning” I was expecting something a little different than the usual biography. Especially since the book was mostly a compilation of already existing interviews. The chapters that were most interesting to me were the interludes, which were quirky little mini-chapters about JG and the chapter near the end of the book about JG and memes.
Overall, a fun read for someone who loves Jeff Goldblum. I would have liked it more if it mirrored its subject matter and was a little more quirky in its delivery.

An authorized biography about the very nice, funny and talented Jeff Goldblum. I loved him in the original Jurassic Park and Independence Day. I do not know why I have not watched more of his movies, most are enjoyable, no matter what genre. I do not think he gets the recognition he deserves because of the other big names, but I doubt this will change anytime soon.
However, the main idea and point of this book is that Jeff Goldblum is nice and talented. We get it. There could have been more depth to this unauthorized biography.
Thanks to Netgalley, Travis M Andrews and Penguin Group Dutton Plume for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Available: 5/11/21

Odd celebrity! I do enjoy Jeff Goldblum's movies, but have never actually given him much thought other than he's a fine actor! The book was a fun read for anyone interested in reading about the actor. Lots of factoids and downright crushing on the guy! Lol!

I have always loved Jeff Goldblum and always thought he was a nice guy who was funny. Well I’m glad to report that Travis writes about Jeff in that manner. This quirky biography was a super fun read and just a feel good book.

I get it. Jeff Goldblum is a nice guy. For someone the author spent so much time describing as quirky and original and vastly interesting, that's really what this book boiled down to - page after page after page of the author telling us how everyone on Earth thinks Jeff Goldblum is just a plain old great guy. It was amusing and entertaining at first, but got monotonous after a while... I get that this was unauthorized, so there were limitations as to what the author was going to be able to get at in terms of access - but I expected a little more wackiness and originality than was delivered... I like tidbits about old movies and famous lines as much as the next guy, but that isn't enough to hold a whole book together. This one just wasn't for me.