Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book.
It was your classic apocalypse story with all the types of people we’d see. The terrible controlling people who use it for their gain, the ones just trying to survive, and the others who would help.
The fight scenes were done quite well and The story itself kept me coming back for more.
While I read some other reviewers didn’t much like the romance part of the book, or at least didn’t feel it belonged, I have to disagree. I think it would absolutely be like that during an apocalypse. People are trying to grasp anything that makes them feel human and okay again and I feel that Christian and Chloe’s relationship showed that!
Overall, I really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it to sci-fi lovers!

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It took me a few chapters to get into this book but I did and overall liked it. It has gruesome scenes and it's a dark world Christian and Chloe live in, but with hope at the end of the tunnel. After an apocalypse the best and the worst of people can come out and in this book they are depicted as a safe community with people who are sustaining themselves and working together while on the other hand the big city is controlled by a psychopath and his followers. The writing is clear, the action scenes well done and once the big final is upon us, it's a thrillride to the end. The pov switches between Chloe and Christian which is fine, yet also a bit annoying because you get all the significant looks, touches etc twice. I didn't like the romance..or I did like them finding eachother but it was a bit too much for me. At the first meeting there was this instant attraction with eyes meeting and holding, touches, smelling and all that while we were in the middle of a fight for survival. I think this insta-love romance doesn't fit in this specific backstory.
The other major stumbling block for me was: in a big city nobody stands up and fights back when your wifes get used in a brothel, children die or get killed? Absolutely no other person at all?

Still, the book is a fast action-packed read with romance and family loyalty woven in, if it's your cup of tea you won't be disappointed..

*** An ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for a honest review. ***

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World for the Broken by Elexis Bell

Bombs dropped
Disease raged
People died
Some survived
Evil thrived
Life changed
Some had it better
Some did not

What would YOU do to survive?
Would you risk your life to help save someone else?
This story was dark and gritty but filled wit hope.

What I liked:
* The theme, story and writing – it drew me in and kept my attention from beginning to end
* The way it made me think, “What if?”
* That the darker more gritty bits were not glossed over but dealt with in realistic ways
* Christian – a good man with a band hand to play. He never gave up and stood up for what was right. Family meant everything to him.
* Chloe – a woman who suffered and became strong. A leader, forager and good person who knew what she wanted
* Karen – widow, mother and woman who did whatever it took to keep her young son alive
* Tate – a four year old boy that saw things nobody should see
* Jackson – a good man with a sense of humor. He loved his sister and was there for her when she needed him
* The sense of hope at the end – community, togetherness, romance and family.

What I did not like:
* Those that abuse power and use the misery of others for personal gain
* The twisted thinking of Wolf and his Fangs

Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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