Member Reviews

For some reason, I loved this book even more than the first one! Those book club ladies are a hoot and crack me up! It's so funny how poor Arlo has to feel like their babysitter or sometimes even cat herder! But she loved each one of them fiercely especially Helen who took care of her from age sixteen. It had been so long since I read the first book that I really forgot so much. The author was great about catching readers up just enough without it getting boring for those who read the first book or giving away anything. I was actually glad for any review.

I had a feeling all along about whodunit and was right, but I hadn't expected the twist that had come along. I did figure one other thing out too, but usually I do that and have nowhere to go with it, so I just sit back and enjoy the read. At first I was like Arlo and didn't really want to worry about the past mystery, but like her, I got sucked into it quickly. I mean who could resist with these awesome ladies going on about it all the time? Arlo's description of them as being like the Golden Girls was pretty much spot-on...if those ladies had been amateur sleuths, that is!

I liked that Chloe and her little boy were included more on the story, since the first book she was basically unavailable most of the book. Just as the current murder and past mystery were solved, another one soon came along. Not actually a mystery, more like a returnee to town. I think I might have to reread parts of book one now!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book provided by the publisher via NetGalley, and my opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for kindly providing me with a digital copy of this book for review.
This is the second book in this series, and full disclosure- I have not read the first in the series. I did however follow along just fine and never felt lost or didn’t understand a relationship or past event.
This cozy has a lot of elements that I really enjoy- it’s obviously a very bookish novel, with lots of bookish references, there’s a group of spunky and interfering old ladies who help solve the mystery, and there’s the side story of a budding romance. It was a fun, quick read and I would be interested in continuing the series.

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I shared my review in an email and posted my review to Facebook, Amazon, and Goodreads and I posted my review to my library site.

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This story is cute and cozy. Older ladies solving mysteries is pretty great. I loved the characters and the plot. It was very entertaining and kept my interest from the first page to the last. This is a great series. I definitely recommend this one.

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Although it did not grab my attention, fans of cozy mysteries may enjoy it.
I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

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This book follows a book shop owner and her elderly book club members as they try to solve a crime. While the book was certainly enjoyable, it had a lot of problems. The believably factor in many instances was low. No one has a bird that talks like that and the cop in town doesn’t follow any known law enforcement protocols. Still, the book was fun and held my attention. I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I love mysteries that involve bookstores or libraries. I've read a couple of books in this series, and the characters are quite interesting. There's a little romance, in addition to the mystery plot line. But it's very subtle and gradual. In this episode, the eccentric ladies of the Friday Night Book Club are convinced the plot of a local author's book hints at the real-life disappearance of a woman decades ago. They get involved when a new murder occurs at the same location. This is a fun read--some humor, some romance, and lots of intrigue. Very enjoyable!

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Princess Fuzzypants here: I am all for senior power. Momma is a senior. But the three book club ladies need a leash and possibly a muzzle. Once they get an idea in their heads, they are out of control. And the “adults” in the group of characters, Arlo, Sam and Mads seem to let them go off half cocked. Arlo often aids and abets after she has tried to dissuade them from a course of action. They are pretty smart old girls, feisty and determined. You have to like them... which is probably why they get away with so much. Thankfully, they are not too proud to ask for backup.

This time they are convinced a best seller is based on a murder committed over 50 years ago. The body was never found nor was the vehicle but the husband was convicted and sent to prison for the crime. The book club want to reopen the case but Mads has enough on his plate with a more recent murder to which the ladies had a ring-side seat. They wonder if the two crimes are connected and if so, how. And is Camille’s new beau, whom she met on the internet, somehow involved. His backstory is shrouded. It seems the ladies have more than one mystery to unravel.

I confess I twigged about mid-way as to the identity of the killer but there were still some twists and turns that I did not expect. It was an entertaining read for a cold winter’s day.

Four purrs and two paws up.

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A murder between the the pages is a very exciting “who did it “story. A lot of twist and turns. The workers in the book store think they witness a murder but did they really? I definitely did not figure out who did it. Read the book to see if you figure it out. I love how the chapters end, kept me reading to the next chapter. I loved how they compared to a book they read.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from the author. This book review is my own opinion.

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A Murder Between the Pages is the second installment in the Main Street Book Club Mysteries series set in the small town of Sugar Springs, Mississippi and featuring bookstore owner Arlo Stanley and her business partner Chloe Carter. The three members of the Friday Night Book Club, Helen Johnson, Camille Kinny and Fern Conley are trying to solve another mystery - this time it's a 50 year old cold case, or is it?

When best selling author Wally Harrison was found murdered outside of the book store a few months ago the ladies had helped local police chief, Mads Keller identify his killer. Now the ladies are convinced that Wally's last novel, Missing Girl was written about a local piano teacher, Mary Kennedy who simply vanished one night after leaving the gates of the wealthy Whitney family compound, Lillyfield.

Despite Arlo's pleas for the elderly ladies to stay away from Lillyfield, the group descends upon the mansion and are witness to a real life murder of someone close to them. The ensuing investigation quickly reveals that maybe someone in the Whitney household had killed Mary Kennedy and now that person is trying to keep the truth from being discovered.

A fast paced plot filled with zany characters and a boisterous parrot named Faulkner. Arlo's relationship with ex-boyfriend Sam Tucker seems to be blossoming and fortunately the dreaded love triangle involving Mads seems to be taking a backseat. A delightful read that will have you chuckling from start to finish. I look forward to many more adventures in Sugar Springs.

I received an advanced copy of A Murder Between the Pages from NetGalley via Poisoned Pen Press. While not required to write a review I am happy to offer my honest opinion.

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Just when things were getting back to normal...

I've been on a real cozy mystery kick this year. Whether it's an e-book or audiobook, as long as it's a clean read and features a nice friendly murder, I'm in. That means A Murder Between The Pages, the second book in Amy Lillard's fun Main Street Book Club Mysteries series, fit right in with my mood.

While I enjoyed the first Main Street Book Club Mysteries book I actually enjoyed A Murder Between The Pages even more. I'm a fan of stories where mysteries from the past are connected to current crimes so I really got into the story straight off. I had so much fun following clues Amy Lillard wove throughout the story and trying to figure out whodunit and why they done it.

Let me just say that I love the ladies in Arlo's book club! They are quirky, not very PC, and always speak their minds. Plus they are not your average grandmas, no these ladies poke their noses into some pretty dangerous situations and help solve crimes, albeit sometimes almost inadvertently, instead of baking cookies. You just cannot help but get a kick out of them!

If you enjoy cozy mysteries, small town settings, and sometimes hilarious characters you really should check out Amy Lillard's Main Street Book Club Mysteries. Though, for A Murder Between The Pages to make more sense you do need to read the first book. Anyway, what are you waiting for?

(I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)

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A MURDER BETWEEN THE PAGES is the second book in the MAIN STREET BOOK CLUB MYSTERIES series and reunited us with the book club from Books and More as well as the small town of Sugar Springs, Mississippi. There's a lot going on along with a presumed murder that happened almost fifty years ago that resembles a book that the book club is supposedly meeting to discuss, Missing Girl.

There are a lot of twists and turns to the story along with lots of laughter. Between the very senior citizens in the book club that Arlo, the bookstore co-owner, has to keep an eye on, Sam the private investigator who has his office on the third floor of the building and the police who are thwarted at every turn - or at least seem to be - the story unfolds little by little. There's a very talkative bird, Faulkner, as well as some unexpected love interests. Clues are dropped left and right to try and solve the mystery of the Missing Girl as well as bring some closure to their everyday lives!

There is a surprise ending along with some loose ends. I would have loved an epilogue to give me the closure I look for. I hope that there will be more books in the series so I can meet up with them all again.

Ms. Lillard is an author whose books I enjoy whether a cozy mystery or an Amish one or an Amish story. All her books are filled with family and friends and hold my interest from the first page to the last. Give her books a try if you haven't already. You'll be glad you did!

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A Murder Between the Pages is a fun cozy mystery by Amy Lillard. Fern, Camille and Helen members of Arlo's Friday Night Book Club are filled with spunk and determination. They choose Missing Girl as there next book and soon was believing there was a connection to a 50 year old cold case and the current murder of a young lady. The humor that Lillard interwove in the story along with the antics of the three elderly friends gave way to a fun read. The plots and hints of the murder brought this book to life. Even though this is the second book in the Main Street Book Club Mysteries series it can be read as a standalone.

Thank you to the publisher Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for a complimentary copy of this book without any obligation to give a positive review. I have shared my own thoughts.

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The ladies of Arlo's Friday Night Book Club―Fern, Camille, and Helen- are at it again. Fresh from solving the murder of a renowned author, the ladies are reading his book based on a 50 year unsolved murder. When a young girl loses her life, both cases seem connected. What could have happened that long ago that a young woman should loose her life?
I love how these ladies are such a force despite their advanced ages. They have so much energy that Arlo wonders how she ever keeps up with them. Also while not fearful of getting themselves into situations, it is often comical when they are trying to find their way out. I look forward to the next mystery for them to tackle. A received a copy through Netgalley and the publisher. A review was not required.

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The Friday Night Bookclub that meets everyday at noon is at it again. A group of elderly ladies who supposedly meet to discuss the latest new novel, veer from their agenda to discuss the latest murder, or maybe a fifty year old murder in the small town of Sugar Springs, Mississippi. These ladies grew on me quickly, each one with their own set of quirks. And what about Faulkner, who talks up a mean streak? Arlo, the owner of Books and More, where the “book club” meets daily seems to be the only one with a stabilizing influence on the others but they rarely listen to her anyway. A lot of their “investigation” stems from their weekly, sometimes bi-weekly trips to Dye Me A River, the local hair salon. Seems like a great choice for finding out clues and general knowledge from around town, right?
The two murders they seem to be talking about, are they somehow connected or not? Seems like a stretch for fifty years apart!
This was a sometimes serious, sometimes funny, sometimes interesting story that was captivating and easily held my interest. If you enjoy murder mysteries, quirky old ladies, and small town shenanigans you must read this one. You won’t be sorry.
I received an ebook copy from the author and Netgalley but was not required to write a review.

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This was a fabulous second instalment to what is turning out to be a promising series!

Mississippi bookstore owner Arlo Stanley is hoping that the latest book club selection of 'Missing Girl' written by the town’s legendary bestselling author, Wally Harrison, will yield no unfortunate surprises. But the Friday Night Book Club - octogenarians Fern, Camille, and Helen - are convinced 'Missing Girl' was inspired by a 50-year-old cold case. It's the case of the disappearance of Mary Kennedy, an organist and piano teacher, missing since the 1970s and Arlo can do little to stop the book club ladies from investigating. Then a young girl, Haley Adams is found dead at the bottom of the stairs at Lillyfield mansion, the same place, the women believe, from where Mary went missing. It's very likely that the two cases are connected and the mystery book club gang, with Arlo's help, are intent on nailing the culprit(s).

Set in Sugar Springs, Mississippi, A Murder Between the Pages was an exciting read. Amy Lillard gave the story a sense of place and the pacing was spot on. There was always plenty going on and there was certainly never a dull moment! The author clearly knows how to write a story that is compelling, entertaining and fun and I really enjoyed my time spent in Arlo's company and the Friday Night Book Club members' shenanigans. All of the characters had a great part to play and all had plenty of audacity and spirit.

The plot was brilliantly executed and I was desperate to find out what was going to happen next. The combination of description and dialogue was great and I had opportunities to play armchair detective as the story progressed. All in all, I loved this fascinating mystery and I highly recommend this humorous, easy to read cozy. I am already looking forward to reading the next book in the series. A well-deserved five stars!

I received a complimentary copy of this novel from Poisoned Pen Press via NetGalley at my request and this review is my own unbiased opinion.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for this ARC of A Murder Between the Pages by Amy Lillard. This book is the second in the Main Street Book Club series and while it can be read as a standalone I felt like I missed out by not knowing some of the backstory.
As with many cozy mysteries, the characters are quirky and the situations a bit unrealistic, but the story is clean and not gruesome.
In this book the older women who comprise the book club are the highlight of the book. They each have their own style and passions but come together daily to discuss books- and of course to solve murders. Arlo is the main character and the co- owner of the bookstore. She serves little purpose in the book besides following the ladies around and repeatedly telling them to mind their own business. She is also weirdly obsessed with her high school boyfriends from ten years ago but unable to talk to either of them on a mature level. I had hoped that her character would develop but I saw no change. She was just along for the ride.
This is an enjoyable book and fans of the author will be delighted. The story was fast paced and kept my interest. The book ends with the arrival of someone that we will want to know more about, so stay tuned for the next installment.

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Oh I was given this book by NetGalley written by one of my favorite authors. Amy Lillard is so wonderful bringing you into the actual story and making you so want to be one of the ladies working on this project. I love the fact that we have one who is wise and steady, one who will just run wild with anything, one who has decided not to give up on living life right now and all the other characters that make up the town and story line.
Amy you constantly amaze me in how your stories are so personal to people that don't know these characters but I am sure have a member of their family that they can relate to.
Please pick up this book, find a soft chair and a quiet corner and enjoy. I did.

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Once you start you won't be able to stop turning the pages of this exciting small town mystery.
Those spunky,meddling ladies of Arlo's Friday Night Book Club--Fern, Camille, and Helen are at it again getting into things and solving another mystery their own way.
Love these ladies and their perseverance in solving the case, they won't let anything hold them back.
Very interesting mystery.

Published November 24th 2020 by Poisoned Pen Press
I was given a complimentary copy of this book. Thank you.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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A small town (Sugar Springs, Mississippi), a small bookstore (Books and More), a Friday afternoon Book Club. And two murders - one fifty years old, the other, maybe, five minutes old. Few were surprised when the three septuagenarian members of the Book Club chose to pursue those responsible for the deaths.

There were too many suspects and too many scenarios - and Arlo, co-owner of the Books and More bookstore, would need to buffer the Book Club’s ambitious search for results.

Having spent several years working with seniors, the book was a fun read - with believable characters, if not always believable situations; but what do you expect from a cozy mystery.
This review is based on a free electronic copy provided by the publisher for the purpose of creating this review. The opinions expressed are my own.

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