Member Reviews

Elizabeth was seduced at sixteen by libertine and ruined. Now years later she trusts no man. When he brother hires the half-brother of one of his friends as a steward at one of his estates, Elizabeth is leery because of his reputation. The man she comes to know is gentle and kind and can read her every thought. Between them the sparks go up in flames. An emotional rollercoaster with tears, fear and a happy ending. Michaels doesn't disappoint.

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A very enjoyable start to a new series. It has very engaging main characters in Elizabeth and Morgan. I liked the connection with dukes from the other series but it can be read as a standalone. Due to her earlier experiences, Elizabeth had a problem with trust. Morgan has a reputation as a wild rake. They have an instant attraction but Elizabeth is afraid of how Morgan makes her feel. Whereas, Morgan feels he is unworthy of her, given his background. However, they are just so in tune with each other and their connection was endearing. There are a few danger moments that will keep you on edge. I’m looking forward to reading the next in the series. I received a copy and have voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Well-written and sexy, The Love of a Libertine, is all about redemption and learning to love again. Both the H and h have to learn to love and trust themselves and then falling in love with one another is inevitable.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Elizabeth (Lizzie) Margolis has had a lapse in judgment a few years ago and now she’s a shy young lady who’s very cautious around everyone. After a night of debauchery Morgan Banfield’s half-brother Robert Smithton, the Duke of Roseford, rescues him from Newgate with a proposition of new position with his friend the Hugh Margolis the Duke of Brightfellow as his man of affairs. Morgan see Lizzy as a young woman who intrigues him and the sparks fly immediately, but Lizzy is hesitant to trust her feelings. As they work together to redesign her mother’s garden and they grow closer. A captivating story of a wounded young lady and a bastard son of a duke trying to find his place in society who are perfect for each other fall in love. An excellent story I loved and I voluntarily wrote a review.

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4.5 stars

Morgan Banfield has woken up in prison, with an aching head and no clear recollection of everything that happened to land him here. There are flashes of drinking, gambling, and a woman – a typical day for Morgan. His half brother, Robert, the Duke of Roseford, has arrived to bail him out, and Morgan knows he’s in for a lecture. Robert used to be quite the wild child himself, but he still believes that Morgan’s life seems to be spinning out of control. He financially supports Morgan, and is trying to form a closer relationship between them. Robert offers Morgan the opportunity to have a real vocation by becoming the business manager for his friend, the Duke of Brighthollow. Surprisingly, something deep inside Morgan finds this appealing, and he agrees to give it a try.

Elizabeth “Lizzie” Margolis believed herself to be in love at the young age of sixteen. Her suitor encouraged her to meet him in secret, and eventually to elope, convincing her that her brother and guardian, the Duke of Brighthollow would never allow them to be together. When her brother catches up with them en route to Gretna Green, her suitor reveals his true colors. He is a fortune hunter, preying on a young, gullible heiress. Lizzie is shamed, and accompanies her brother home, vowing to never love or feel passion again. In the intervening four years, she has lived quietly, and avoided society as much as her brother will allow.

Morgan and Lizzie have an immediate and strong reaction to meeting each other. While Morgan’s response is his usual charming flirtatiousness, Lizzie is horrified and withdraws even further. She can’t believe that she can feel attraction after the harsh lesson she learned, so she tries rudeness, avoidance, and giving Morgan the cold shoulder. Still, she can’t resist when he offers his assistance on her pet project, restoring her deceased mother’s garden.

There are hidden depths to Morgan. Beneath his cynical, rakish persona, he deeply feels the sting of being illegitimate. He denies that he wants love, either from his brother, or with a woman, but he will come to see that this is truly what he desires. He has a good mind, and solid instincts about people. He can see that Lizzie is so skittish because she’s been hurt. He observes her kindness and care of others, and wonders what it is in her past that caused her to build those walls around herself.

Lizzie and Morgan long for each other, but he feels he’s not good enough for a duke’s sister, while she feels that she is truly ruined. Eventually their strong affinity for each other will bring them together in passion, showing Lizzie that her brief and painful experience is not the normal way between a man and a woman. I loved watching them grow and learn to understand themselves even more. I especially liked seeing Morgan lose the chip on his shoulder, while Lizzie gained confidence in herself as a woman. They share their pasts as well as their bodies, but any future together seems doubtful, especially when danger arrives, putting Morgan, and possibly the household in peril. THE LOVE OF A LIBERTINE is a steamy, yet sweet romance, with characters who are definitely flawed, but find redemption, peace, self worth, and a genuine love.

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I am the biggest Jess Michaels fan girl. I will read her books on a train, in the rain, in a box with a fox, in a house with a mouse. I will read them here. I will read them there. I will read them ANYWHERE. I adored the entire 1797 Club series. It was SO fun to check back in with some old favorites. I have been so excited about this series. I love the idea of collecting all of the illegitimate siblings.

This story was well written, the characters are interesting. This was not my favorite Jess Michaels book, but it was a lovely start to the series. A groundwork was laid.

Everyone knows reformed rakes make the best husbands, and Morgan is no exception. There was insta-love and hecka-chemistry. Lizzie, of course, having been burned before, is quite a cynic about herself finding love. That’s what makes it fun.

This book was less steamy than I expected. That’s not a good thing or a bad thing. Just an observation. I fully recommend this book to new readers of Jess Michaels, and old hats alike. This series is sure to be fun!

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Morgan Banfield, the bastard son of a Duke and finder of trouble is spiraling out of control. His brother Robert, current Duke of Roseford, is desperate to change Morgan's path by asking for a simple favor from one of his closest friends.
Elizabeth Margolis is the overly protected sister on the Duke of Brighthollow whose youthful misguided antics have left her determined to avoid entanglements. She abhors the social season and would happily see out the plans from her mother's garden. She's not expecting to be drawn to the new employee of her brothers. Sometimes you simply have to let your guard down and take a chance.

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First book in a new series by the Only Jess Michaels. There is a lot of rescuing happening in this book. First the Heroine got Rescued by her brother at the beginning of the book. Then the Hero by his brother. The Hero is employed as a Man of affairs by the Heroine brother. They meet and there is an instant attraction. There are some intrigues added to the mixt. And an HEA that will satisfy everyone. It always good to catch up with characters from previous books. I can't wait for book 2.

I voluntarily reviewed this ARC and the opinions expressed here are all mine.

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Great start to a new steamy historical series. Morgan wakes up in Newgate and his estranged brother offers help, with conditions. One being he needs to take of responsibility and take a job of Man of Affairs for a fried. Lizzie doesn’t want Morgan working for her brother knowing that he is a rake. Soon sparks are flying between them. Will Morgan’s past destroy what is starting between them? Fast-paced read with loads of steam and drama. Great characters, intense chemistry and an entertaining story. I loved it!

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The Love of a Libertine by Jess Michaels
The Duke’s Bastards #1

What if your father was a selfish lord that took what he wanted when he wanted to and ended up with children that are half siblings but don’t know one another all that well? And, what if the lord’s son, now a duke, has decided to become friends with his half siblings and those half siblings are less than impressed with the idea? Well, if that were to happen then you might have the makings of an interesting series and that is just what I believe this series will be.

Robert has bailed Morgan out again and this time suggests he work as a man of affairs for a friend of his. So, Morgan agrees and heads off to start his job. The first person he notices…REALLY notices…is Elizabeth, his employer’s sister. Morgan is taken with Lizzie but is there any way the two can or should be together with the gap in social status and the back stories they carry…that is the question.

What I liked:
*Elizabeth: a good woman that made a mistake and has lived with it for four years. She fears gossip, is shy and sometimes referred to as a mouse but if that is so then she is one of the mice that roared.
* Morgan: a man who has a checkered past. He is intelligent, musical, artistic, and perfect for Lizzie.
* Hugh: Elizabeth’s brother who is there for her no matter what. He seems to have forgotten she is an adult and tries to wrap her in cotton
* Robert: Morgan’s brother is a rake that settled down with the right woman. He cares about his half siblings and wants the best life for them.
* Ewan: Loved seeing him again along with the three wives of the dukes in this story
* The idea of how one’s past can have such a huge impact on people
* The way Morgan and Lizzie were there for one another. REALLY liked their story!

What I did not like:
* Aaron…the man in Lizzie’s past. It was so easy to dislike him!
* Having to say goodbye to the characters in the book and having to wait to find out who will star in book two of the series.

Did I enjoy this book? Definitely
Would I read more in this series? Without a doubt

Thank you to NetGalley and The Passionate Pen, LLC for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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Lizzie and Morgan, the stars of “The Love of a Libertine” both have histories that weigh heavily on their presents. Lizzie loved too young, and too unwisely, and mistrusts her own judgement and ability to move beyond her youthful indiscretion. Morgan, the bastard son of a duke, has fought, gambled, and drunk his way to adulthood, and now that he may be ready to truly grow up, his past seems to be catching up with him. Perhaps because of their lessons learned, they are willing to be honest and open with each other, and this makes for a wonderful love story. In true Jess Michaels fashion, this is also a sexy and physical novel as well.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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When Morgan wakes up at Newgate prison, the last person he wants to see is his brother. Especially when he tells him that he needs to get his act together. Morgan's brother finds him a job working for a friend. Morgan knows that he needs to change the way he has been living, so decides to take the job. He didn't count on meeting Lizzie.

Lizzie doesn't want some rogue coming to work for her brother after being ruined years ago. But when she mets Morgan, she senses that there is more to him than he presents to the world. As they get closer, Lizzie wonders if she can risk her heart again.

Can these two overcome their past to find their HEA together?

I loved Morgan and Lizzie's story. I was so happy to read Lizzie's story after learning what happened to her in The Duke Who Lied. I love that these two could sense things about the other that no one else could. I just loved watching them together and seeing the connection they had. This is a great start to Michaels' newest series!

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I quite liked this book.

Why? Elizabeth, when she was sixteen fell in love like most young girls do, only, she was played quite cruelly by a libertine who only wanted her money. Which he got and more. She gave up her innocence and then, as a female, paid the price and lived a dutiful life for the next four years. I liked how her brother handled the whole situation.

Morgan is prone to dissolution, easy women, drinking, fighting and waking up in prison, as the bastard son of a duke is wont to do. Not sure if the was the right match for Elizabeth, because he was so much like Aaron (the man who done her wrong). So, she falls for yet another libertine.

I think that Elizabeth had much growth and Morgan certainly needed to do a lot of growing up, just felt like he never did. 4.5

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General: First in a new series that spins off one of the characters in a previous series. I love in the description that it has a steam level and it matched what was presented. Though technically a standalone, I may have gotten more character development if I'd read the book where the heroine and the hero's brother were introduced. This is what I would consider a semi-slow burn. It took the heroine and hero awhile to understand their feelings for each other and stop fighting them.

What worked for me: The sibling relationship between Lizzie and Hugh was touching and despite his need to protect her, he wanted the best for her and tried to respect her wishes. I really enjoyed the relationship between Lizzie and Morgan. Morgan's care for Lizzie was shown with every action, touch, and confirmation of consent. It was powerful.

What didn't work for me: Honestly pretty much everything about this book worked for me. If I have to be nit-picky, the constant talking around what happened to Lizzie was a bit much but totally understand why the author made that choice. It wasn't those character's story to tell.

Overall: The author knows how to show passion and need. The brief scene where the hero pleasures himself proves that. I liked that Lizzie had to overcome her past in order for her to have a future and no one could make that decision for her. I recommend this book to anyone who likes historical romance, a hero who is all about that consent, has beautiful facial hair, and a heroine who isn't afraid of what she wants, or her sexuality.

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Lady Elizabeth Margolis made a huge mistake when she was only sixteen, she trusted her heart and body to the wrong man and paid an enormous price for it. But four years have passed and Elizabeth is still paying the price, she doesn’t believe that the love that her brother Hugh, Duke of Brighthollow and all of his friends have found is for her, she avoids socializing and is happiest at Hugh’s country estate. She found her late mother’s plans for the gardens and has made it her mission to make those plans come to life. She has convinced Hugh that she needs to return to the estate and get to work, rather than have a season. Hugh agrees, but sends her and his wife Amelia ahead, he claims to have some business and will join them in a few days. Elizabeth doesn’t think anything of it until Hugh arrives with a gorgeous man who is introduced as his new man of business.

Morgan Banfield is the illegitimate son of the late Duke of Roseford, he is a rake and has no real purpose in life. When he wakes in Newgate, he can’t really recall what he did to land in gaol, but he is sure it has to do with a former friend he wronged. He is contemplating his options when his half-brother Robert Smithton, the new Duke of Roseford bails him out. Robert brings him to his house and makes it clear that he is worried about him and suggests he take the position of man of business to Robert’s good friend Hugh. Morgan accepts the job and is actually looking forward to having an occupation and being away from the temptations in town. He too is shocked when he meets Elizabeth, who is one of the most beautiful women he has ever met and he wonders if fate has decided to torment him by teasing him with what he can never have.

The two form a friendship and Morgan is surprisingly insightful in regards to Elizabeth. Elizabeth begins to wonder if love is possible for her, but just when it seems HEA could be theirs, the demons that drove Morgan away from London find him and he will have to deal with them before he can consider a future with Elizabeth, the problem is, dealing with the past may permanently end any possibility of a future.

This was a well written, fast paced, emotional story with strong ties to the 1797 Club series. Morgan and Elizabeth are complex characters with painful pasts but together they seem to sooth each other’s hurts and the reader become invested in their HEA. The book has cameos with several previous characters, steamy love scenes, a lot of emotion and a very hard won HEA. This is the first book in the series, and while it is not necessary, but it would be helpful if you have read the previous series, just so you know who is who and have a better understanding of the characters and their motivations.

*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC that was provided to me by NetGalley and the publisher.*

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Loved the story. It is well written, entertaining and holds your attention. Morgan, the illegitimate son of a Duke, accepts a position with the Duke of Brighthollow and for the first time meets Lizzie, the Duke’s sister. Lizzie has her own secret that has caused her to shy away from men but there is something about Morgan that draws her to him no matter how hard she resists. There is danger in that someone seems to be out to hurt Morgan. There is a HEA but a lot happens first and this only adds to the quality of this story. I would highly recommend this book in what appears to be the beginnings of an excellent series.

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When Morgan Banfield wakes up in Newgate after a night of debauchery, the last thing he wants to see is his half brother, Robert Duke of Roseford. But in exchange for his help, Morgan must agree to take on responsibility and try to get his life together by taking on the job of Man of Affairs for a friend.
The last thing Lizzie Margolis wants is some rogue coming onto her brother Hugh, Duke of Brighthollow’s staff. She’s had enough of rakes after being ruined by one years before.
This is the first book in a new series & features the bastard children of the former Duke of Roseford so an added bonus is that we get to catch up with some of the characters from the 1797 Club books. we first met Lizzie in High’s book & I'm glad that she's at last had her story. I loved this book of two damaged people finding each other. Lizzie came across as a wilting violet until she began to find her confidence first standing up to & beautifully putting a ‘friend’ in her place & finally she stood up for Morgan & herself in front of her family & close friends. I loved Morgan who hid his hurt behind a façade & I loved how he gradually lowered his guard to let people especially Lizzie in. The attraction between the pair was electric & they brought out the best in each other. I certainly look forward to the rest of the series as a couple of half siblings have been mentioned. I found the book to be an engrossing read that I read in two sittings
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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I received an ARC of this book to read through NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. The Love of a Libertine by Jess Michaels is the first book in her new series The Duke’s Bastards. It has ties to her 1797 Club series, specifically book eight, which is about the heroine’s brother and book nine, which is about the hero’s brother. When Morgan Banfield wakes up bruised and hungover in Newgate, he’s not sure that he wants help from his estranged half brother, the Duke of Roseford. Still, he does know that he needs a change, and maybe taking the opportunity offered by his brother to become the man of affairs for the Duke of Brighthollow is what he needs. Lady Elizabeth Margolis eloped to Scotland with a man who turned out to be a total bounder, rescued by her brother before they could wed, she has retreated from society and finds it difficult to trust that a man could want her and not her dowry. When Morgan takes on the task of helping her with plans for a garden at her brother’s estate, their attraction to each other grows, but her fears and Morgan's past mean that the path to HEA is a rocky one. As always, Jess Michaels writes an engrossing story with characters that you can’t help but cheer for. Medium Steam. Publishing Date May 19, 2020. #bookstagram #TheLoveOfALibertine #NetGalley #JessMichaels #HistoricalRomance #ThePassionatePen

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Not only was this a wonderful start to a new series, The Duke's Bastards, but it was a reunion with some of my favorites from The 1797 Club.

Not surprisingly. Robert, the Duke of Roseford, continued to prove he was a champion to those he loved, this time towards his brorher, Morgan Banfield. To rescue Morgan from himself and Newgate, Robert arranged for him to learn some responsibility while working as a Man of Affairs for his best friend, the Duke of Brighthollow.

Lizzie Margolis can't believe her brother would hire someone with such a bad reputation. After a mistake in her childhood, she has avoided anyone with a past such as Morgan's.

As Morgan takes on his duties and earns praise for his hard work, he begins to come out from behind the bravado mask he had used to protect himself with. He feels Lizzie is hiding like he was and is determined to find out her secrets. In doing so, they begin to discover they might be able to help each other move on from past errors but are Morgan's sins to close at hand, to allow them a new start together?

I loved the match between Morgan and Lizzie and am eager for the upcoming stories of Robert's siblings, a.k.a., The Duke's Bastards.

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A sweet and passionate story that melts your heart.

Lizzy was 16 when she eloped with a man she thought loved her, but not everything was as it seemed and she’s left broken hearted and ruined.
Her protective brother is the man she’s looked up to all her life , Hugh ,Duke Of Brighthollow .

Morgan Banfield is a Libertine, and lives off his inheritance provided by his brother Robert, Duke Of Roseford .
Now he has to show his family and himself that he can turn over a new leaf, and make something of himself.

When Brighthollow offers him a job he’s encouraged to accept.
Then he sees Lizzy, she’s shy, nervous and keeps to herself.
Can he show her that he can behave and be the man she desperately needs.

Very enjoyable reading, great to meet Robert and Hugh and Ewan again who , if your a fan of Jess’ , you’ll remember from The 1797 Series.

I received an Arc copy of this book and chose to post this review

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