Member Reviews

4.5 stars

Great story. We meet the hero after he has been rescued from prison by his brother. His brother gets him a job with his friend and its there he meets the heroine. Morgan works hard to rescue Lizzie, who then returns the favour nearer the end of the story. The romance is well described and the problems that Morgan had at the beginning explained and though not cured, resolved. I felt invested in the characters and interested in some of the other players in the story. It's the first story in a series so we have already met one other sibling and I'm thinking I'll like the sound of Morgan's fiesty sister.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Having read my first Jess Michaels recently, I was excited to try more, and this one, like the last, did not let me down. And while this book has some connections to characters in a previous series, there is enough information conveyed for this to function as a stand-alone.

Both Lizzie and Morgan are such dynamic, relatable characters. I admired how Lizzie was working to move forward following a youthful indiscretion, and while she initially denies herself happiness due to this, and I enjoyed watching her open up again, due to Morgan loving and respecting her.

Morgan has made some mistakes in his past that make the term “libertine” fit him, and seeing him work to atone for them, including being willing to sacrifice himself to satisfy an enemy’s offended honor. While I’m not always a fan of heroes with a sense of inferiority and “not deserving” the heroine for some reason or another, I could understand where he was coming from, and his expression of this belief, along with Lizzie’s brother’s own reasons for objecting allowed her to make a strong case to the contrary.

This is another winner from Jess Michaels, and I’m now excited to go back and read the connected 1797 Club (which I initially balked at, because they’re all dukes!). I recommend this if you love steamy historical romance.

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A ruined miss. A libertine bastard brother. Their titled brothers inadvertently bring them together and sparks fly. Morgan and Elizabeth (Lizzie) are each battling an element of the past in an effort to move forward. Can they find their way? Each one wants to be more independent than society and family seems to allow. I like that they both learn to lean into their supportive families while still standing up for themselves. The attraction between the two is easy to see on the page. Lizzie fluctuates between some fire and a whispering, insecure miss and I really did not get a good feel for either direction. I felt she was best portrayed in her wish to not be in society, given her past. I would have loved to see more of her fire, it's clearly there. Morgan is trying to reform from a libertine lifestyle, but it comes back to haunt him. I understood Morgan's motivations and struggles to prove himself and felt he was more fully realized.

This is the first in a series, but contains characters that appear to have been in prior books, which I have not read. I was able to follow this story fine as a standalone. Knowing more about some of the surrounding characters could enrich the story for the reader.

The pace was excellent and I was drawn along easily with the story. While there were a few repetitions that distracted me - why is everyone whispering when they talk?? - I enjoyed the overall story. The heat level is good, sexy times on the page. I will be checking out more by Michaels.

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Before reviewing The Love of a Libertine, let me share how much I appreciate Jess Michaels for bringing her dukes and duchesses from the 1797 Club series into this new series, The Duke’s Bastards. I felt like I was renewing my acquaintance with family. This one accepts each other’s past and look to the future. Morgan and Lizzie both have a past, Morgan’s more recent than Lizzie’s.

Lizzie is protected by her brother, Hugh and his wife, (The Duke Who Lied). While Morgan’s brother, Robert (The Duke of Desire) wants to help and protect Morgan. In both cases, the protection may have gone too far and in Morgan’s case, not wanted. But, Lizzie is content to hide away from London in her brother’s shadow.

Lizzie and Morgan have a connection neither understand. They seem to circle each other, coming together on occasion. Then, circling away again to try to not get involved. Yes, that does not work. I love that they found each other while working on a project that brought them to being able to develop a trust and love for the other. Their road to HEA is not without a villain to interfere before they reach their destination.

As a stand-alone in a new series, Love of a Libertine is great. You do not have to of read the 1797 series to enjoy this romance. If you have time, do go back and read that series, too. You will be glad you did.

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I read this book quickly as I couldn't put it down. It drew me in slow but steadily mesmerized me with how detailed and realistic it felt. I have read a ton of books by Jess Michaels and she is one of my favorite authors. This book did not disappoint!

Morgan Banfield was born on the wrong side of the blanket and doesn't understand why his "brother," The Duke of Rosewood wants anything to do with him. He feels down and withdrawn due to the pain he has caused a close friend. This causes him to throw himself in gambling and partying. Being thrown into the gaols gives him time to think and when his brother gets him out he agrees to work for his brother's friend.

Lizzie Margolis is babied by everyone, due to a mistake in her past. No one can see that she understands the mistakes she made and will not let it happen again. She is withdrawn and shy as a result of this past accident. She slowly is pulled out of her shell by Mr. Banfield but will her family accept a by-blow?

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I love Jess Michaels books and often reread them.

This is a spin-off from the Dukes series, however, I’m not getting the vibes. This a Lukewarm story imo and I hate saying thus as I do so like her books much ☹️:(

The story revolves around Lizzie the younger sister to the Duke of Penhallow and the bastard step-brother to the Duke of Rosewood. After a bad experience of misplaced love at the age of 16 ( reminded me of Georgina, Darcy’s sister and Wickham from Pride and Prejudice), Lizzie is ashamed and sworn off men and is guilt ridden too.

In comes Rosewood’s younger brother Morgan as the estate steward to work for Hugh and to get away from his own wayward behavior. He is a Smart young man with his own cross to bear. Although the premise seems good, the narrative lacks depth. Anyway all ends well when the two fall in love. This is definitely not my favorite Jess Micheals esp as do love her writing.

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This is start to another series by Jess Michaels.this story is about second chances and finding purpose in life n redemption through love.
Both our leads Morgan, who is a bastard son of a duke and Elizabeth, sister of a duke have had a painful past. Both are fighting demons of their own.
On one hand Lizzie is under the love and protection of her brother Hugh, duke from the 1797 club. She has been duped n ruined by a horrible man in the past. She is wary of strangers.
Then there is Morgan, half brother of Robert, another duke from 1797 club.
How the brothers are trying to help their respective siblings is shown beautifully.
Both Morgan n Lizzie are distrustful of each other in the beginning then gradually how they fall in love forms the rest of the story.
I loved cameos from the dukes of 1797 club.
Looking forward to the next book in the series.

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Love this first book in the new series! Morgan is Robert, the Duke of Roseford’s, half brother. Robert gets him a job as Hugh’s man of affairs. Hugh, a fellow duke from The Duke’s Men series, agrees to hire him and that leads him to meeting Hugh’s sister, Lizzie.

Lizzie ran off with someone at 16 and prefers country life than having a season in London. She finds herself attracted to Morgan and tries to reconcile what to do about that.

This is a great romance and I love how Lizzie comes into her own. Hugh and his wife treat her like a fragile person and Morgan helps her find her strength.

Can’t wait for future books!

Thanks to the publisher for a review copy via NetGalley.

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This was a solid 4 stars read for me.
Elizabeth has led a sheltered life after being privately ruined by an unscrupulous man, a few years ago. So the last thing she wants is a rogue coming onto her brother's staff. The more she gets to know him, the more drawn she becomes to Morgan.
Morgan is the bastard son of a duke and a courtesan. He's led a wildish life. He wakes up in Newgate and finds his estranged brother there to get him out, but he has to promise to start being responsible and to get his life together by taking on a job as a Man of Affairs for a friend. Elizabeth intrigues him and he knows he should stay away but he just can't.

I really enjoyed the time Morgan spent getting to know Elizabeth. He spends time observing her and noticing how she holds herself outside from the group gathered at her brother's estate. He knows that something happened in her past. And Morgan goes about trying to help her. I loved that this was a little slow burn. And once he finds out what has made her uneasy around men, he takes the time to show her how she should be cared for.
Can't wait to see the next book in the serries.

ARC provided by Victory Editing via NetGalley

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This was a solid story about redemption. Both the main male character, Morgan, and the main female character, Lizzie, have made major missteps in their short lives. They are wary of the strong attraction they feel for each other and know that acting on it will only delay any progress they can make to improve their reputations. There is plenty of action in this story, which drives the plot and helps our couple achieve their Happy Ever After. I enjoyed reading and look forward to future stories about the peripheral characters.

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This is my fair and honest review, voluntarily given and in my own words, for this ARC. I have read every one in this series and I fall in love with them more each time. The individual stories are AMAZING and impossible to put down. But, more than that is the intertwining of the characters within each tale. The love in this group. The acceptance. The fact that no matter what comes, THIS IS A FAMILY. Read this series, whatever the cost, you will never even think of the price.

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Series: The Duke’s Bastards #1
Publication Date: 5/19/20
Number of Pages: 240

This is a wonderful start to a new series. The main characters are both so very likable and so perfect for each other. I also love that the bastards are the illegitimate offspring of the former Duke of Roseford who was a cruel and profligate man who left children everywhere. Robert Smithson, the new Duke of Roseford, featured in The Duke of Desire, has continued to support those half-brothers and sisters and wants to form a closer bond with them. This is the story of Morgan Banfield who seems to have inherited all of the wildness and penchant for trouble his father had. We also meet Selina Oliver a half-sister and there is mention of half-brother Nicholas Gillingham, so I assume we’ll get their stories in later books. So, all-in-all it is a great start to the series.

Morgan was out for a night of drinking, gambling, and wenching when he came across a man who had once been a close friend – but Morgan had wronged him. Morgan didn’t deal well with that encounter and drank and gambled more and more and more – until he awoke in Newgate gaol. As he is awakening in the filth and smell of the prison, he hears the voice of his half-brother, Robert, and groans. Robert gets him out of jail and then coerces him into working for Hugh Margolis, the Duke of Brighthollow, as his Man of Affairs. Morgan doesn’t know if he is up to the job or not but thinks he might be ready for some changes in his life.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Margolis is shy, but she’s also filled with self-doubt. She doesn’t trust her judgment – her decisions – and she certainly doesn’t trust most males, especially those who are rakes and libertines. When she learns that one is coming to work for her brother, she is beside herself. How could Hugh do that? Then, when the rogue arrives, he is her worst nightmare – he’s handsome as sin and charming as the devil. She’s drawn to him despite her best efforts. Did she not already learn that lesson? Evidently not, because the attraction only grows.

When Morgan is tasked with helping Lizzie execute her mother’s plans for the garden, they get to know each other better. As they grow together, they share the secrets of their pasts – and then Morgan’s shows up to haunt them. Will that make them realize how much they love each other – or will their future be lost before it even begins?

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and loved getting to catch up with some of the Dukes from the 1797 Club series. As mentioned above, there is Robert and Katherine (Duke of Desire), Hugh and Amelia (The Duke Who Lied), and my very favorite, Ewan and Charlotte (The Silent Duke). However, what I really loved was the romance between Morgan and Lizzie because they complemented each other so well. Each brought their own kind of strength to the relationship and they each made the other stronger.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Book 1 from a new series by Jess Michaels. This book is about Lizzie and Morgan. Michaels has a previous series call the 1797 club about 10 dukes. If you are familiar with the series (I haven't read any), book 8 The Duke Who Lied features Hugh and Amelia. They are in this story, as Hugh is the Lizzie's brother. This book (The Love of a Libertine) is good as a standalone because there's a recap of what happens, but The Duke Who Lied does establish Hugh and Amelia's relationship and also what happens to Lizzie before she meets her hero. Also book 9 The Duke of Desire of the 1797 series features Robert and Katherine. Morgan is Robert's half brother. This book also has appearances from other characters, including Charlotte and Ewan from The Silent Duke (again of the 1797 series). I found Ewan a very interesting character as he was born mute and uses sign language. I plan on trying this whole series at some point. So basically if you like to read in order, these series definitely overlap in the same world and you'll probably want to read that one first. Sorry if that was confusing haha.

So, Morgan wakes up Newgate gaol. He has let his life spin pretty much out of control. Gambling. Fighting. Non-stop debauchery. Lost friendships. His half brother, Robert, is putting in effort to save him and change his life for the better. Robert wants to present him to a friend for the job of Man of Affairs to manage his estate.

Lizzie was utterly ruined 4 years ago. The deception was clever, her ruination complete, not only of her reputation but her sense of security, her comfort, and her heart. Since this time, she's closed into herself trying to hide away from society. She is anxious at balls, wanting to be by herself. Hugh and Amelia seem to be the only people she is comfortable around.

Morgan is a charmer and Lizzie knows as soon as she sees his devilish wink, he is a man to avoid at all costs. But she finds she can't ignore him and is drawn to his presence, despite her misgivings. He seems more of a beta hero. He is very gentle and caring with Lizzie. He doesn't push her at all and takes his time with her. Lizzie is so shy. She's lost all of confidence and her desire to interact with others, especially of the opposite sex. They slowly come together and both find healing in their new friendship.

Give this book a try if you like
-slower burn romance
-a heroine overcoming trauma
-wallflower/shy heroine
-a hero that is rather charming and happy instead of grumpy and brooding
-a bad boy hero changing his life for the better
-a bit of action including a duel
-class differences - Lizzie is the sister of a duke and hero is a bastard (but a duke's bastard) with a prostitute mother

There were a few things that made not completely in love with this book. First, I feel like it took the characters forever to get enough page time together. I think it's almost 20% of the book before they even meet. Then they barely talk. They have a few very, very short interactions but most of it is spent with internal thoughts of both characters. Or interactions with other family members. Or Morgan talking to his brother. Or Lizzie talking to her brother and sister in law. It was so slow. And with such a slow start the last thing I wanted was a slow middle too. Because of the lack of interaction in the first half, I felt like the second half flew into intimacy extremely fast. With the heroine's past, I wish a little more time had been spent becoming good friends first instead of dancing around each other for however long. I also thought the action bit at the end felt a little unneeded. I would have prefered more time spent on their relationship than something added like that. Still the intimate scenes were really well done. And a hero self pleasuring scene? Yes please!

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This is the 1st book in a new series by Jess Michaels called The Duke's Bastards. It is a stand alone book. But to better appreciate both main characters, reading the last 2 books of the 1797 Club series ties right in with these 2.
This is a story about 2nd chances in life. The heroine, Lizzie, at the age of 16, was seduced by a fortune hunter and ruined her reputation and future for a happily married life.
Morgan, is the bastard son of a Duke. He is a rake and a libertine.
Both feel they are undeserving of love.
Both are looking for a fresh start in life. They gravitate toward each other. They both recognize in each other the hurt that has haunted each of them. They help each other try to attain a better life. In the midst of this love grows.
I really enjoyed this book. I felt the connection between these 2 main characters immediately. I also like revisiting many of the characters from the 1797 Club.

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The publication of a new book by Jess Michaels is always a cause for celebration. A new series? Even better! The Love of a Libertine is her first book in The Duke's Bastards series. These books will center around the illegitimate children of the father of Robert, the Duke of Roseford, of The 1797 Club (a previous series). If you haven't read those books, do not fret. This book totally stands alone. If you've read them, rejoice! You will catch up with Roseford and two friends from that series. But it's the beautiful romance of Lizzie and Morgan that glows here.

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Margolis, the younger sister of Hugh, the Duke of Brighthollow, was ruined by a rake when she was just 16 years old. Years later, you could imagine she was not thrilled to find out Hugh's friend Robert has asked him to employ his libertine half-sibling, Morgan Banfield, as his new Man of Affairs. Morgan's life has gone to hell in a handbasket, and Robert is desperate to help him try to turn his life around before he's irretrievably broken. Lizzie tries to resist the handsome scoundrel to avoid further pain, but they can't help but be drawn to each other. When Morgan's past comes back to bite him, will they both become lost and broken once again?

This was simply a beautiful romance between two fascinating characters. Lizzie wanted to avoid being hurt again, so she desired to stay in the country and just work bringing to life her deceased mother's plans for the garden. Hugh was a wonderful, supportive brother, but he and his beloved wife wanted to protect Lizzie in a Regency era version of bubble wrap. Morgan's non-relationship with his deceased father ruled how his entire life was turning out. He was in a downward spiral, but his attraction to Lizzie made him want to be a better man. His inner thoughts regarding Lizzie sounded beautifully poetic to me. She "saw" him, and he understood her. Their passion for each other could not be contained, leading to fiery intimacy. This is one area that Ms. Michaels particularly excels in her writing. Some authors make the sexy times sound like "insert part 'a' into slot 'b'"; not so with Ms. Michaels. While her scenes are extremely sexual and descriptive, the emotions between the hero and heroine shine forth, making it a beautiful event. The supporting characters in this story are also wonderful, especially Hugh and Robert. I sobbed during the last 20 percent of the book; that's a sign of an engaging story in my opinion. I await with bated breath the next installment of this awesome new series!

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I received no compensation for my review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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Elizabeth Margolis is a sixteen-year-old girl, who has been duped by a Libertine. Who just wanted her dowry. He convinced her to run away with him and marry. Luckily her brother found them and took her away but she would forever blame herself for hurting him. Her brother was the Duke of Brighthollow, Hugh Margolis, and had cared for her since their parents died when she was a little child.
Morgan Banfield found himself in Newgate Prison. Really surprised. His stepbrother waited on the other side of the metal bars. The Duke of Roseford, Robert Smithton, had paid his debts. That way he could leave prison plus he had a proposition for him. Morgan was wild like his father and even Robert had a time when he had gone wild. But he hurt a lot of people even his best friend.
A wonderful well-written story. Elizabeth and Morgan had both a rough time and they had been injured emotionally. She was not interested in the season. He was having a hard time settling down.
All the three sets of dukes wanted nothing but the best for them. The characters were engaging, fun, and very interesting. I loved the tale and it was entertaining. I am so glad I read this novel. I highly recommend it.
I received this ARC from Net Galley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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Having loved the 1797 series by this author I was so ready to dive into this new spin off series of The Duke's Bastards. Reformed rakes and scandalous young women make for such a great story and this book is of no exception to that rule, When the love of the right woman comes along it can tame the wildness of a man and bring him to his knees and Lizzie sure does this to Morgan. He thinks her too sweet and innocent for him and she thinks that he would never be the man for her after all she has heard about him, nevertheless they both feel a strange pull toward each other.
This was such an enjoyable read, with it,s sizzling risque rendezvous to it's wonderful cast of characters, and especially with catching up with some of the characters from the original Duke,s book series too. This was such a great start to this new series, it can be read as a standalone or if you have read the 1797 series you would be at an advantage as previous characters are bound to pop up in the next few stories backgrounds.
Loved the charters, loved the story, another enchanting read from this wonderful author!

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Will their past errors catch them up, and tear them apart...

While it is a sequel of The 1797 Club series, and I have read none of it, it is a standalone story and can be read as it. Yet I am very curious about the Dukes here like the Silent Duke.

The story introduce Elizabeth on the day of her ruin when she let her young heart take the lead and followed a man only interested in her family’s wealth. From then, she retreated in her shell, and moved on the fringes of society, refusing to partake in its activities.
And while she tries to find her mark and prove herself, her family and friends still see her as a fragile broken flower, without even realizing it they shrink her many attempts at autonomy. By overprotecting her, they clip her wings.
Morgan is very determined to lose himself, guilt of his past deeds eating at him. So when his half-broken offers him a helping hand, even reluctant, he takes it. Not expecting to find a reason to be worth living and to have his past following him.
While he did not understand why everyone is so protective of his new boss’ sister, he also perceives there is more to it and her than he knows.
Their first meetings one of judging, measuring but also charming. When she doubts his actions, he proves he is honorable, when they get to know a bit more one another, they share their failing and open their heart and soul, if only they do not have to pay the price of their errors.

Mrs Jess Michaels with this first in a new series open a window on an entertaining bunch of protagonists, Morgan being the introduction to the whole of them. A delightful story.
4.5 stars

I was granted an advance copy by the author, here is my true and unbiased opinion.

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Oh how i adore a reformed rake! This story was so emotional and watching things slowly develop was a treat. This is a story of two broken people from two different worlds coming together and making each other whole. Absolutely lovely! #theloveofalibertine #netgalley

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I've read and enjoyed Jess Michaels stories in the past and was delighted to stumble upon this ARC opportunity on NetGalley. Reading this was time well spent. Good dialogue, pacing and ending.
Ah, another peer's bastard with a bit of a chip on his shoulder, you say. Yes, but I found this story to be refreshingly different. Morgan is given a chance to redeem himself and although he's never managed an estate before, he seems to take well to the job with some training. That training is rarely mentioned as the story centers on the attraction and budding romance between Morgan and Elizabeth, of course.
Lizzie is happy for the opportunity to flee the London Season. She's wary of Morgan, but he treats her with respect after he quickly realizes she's been hurt somehow and holds back with his flirtatious quips to allow her adjust to his presence.
Overall very a very satisfying read.
I read a free ARC provided via NetGalley; the thoughts expressed are my own.

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