Member Reviews

This one starts with a bang! Throughly enjoyed this book, it has it all romance, mystery, suspense, steam with a small amount of angst. Add this to your TBR list. Sit back with a. adult beverage and enjoy!

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This is my first novel to enjoy by Leslie North and I will absolutely continue looking for more stories about this tightknit band of Seal Brothers. “The Seal’s Surprise Son” is a well crafted satisfying story line with interesting plot twists and fun characters that keep a reader hooked! I could hardly put it down!

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This was a lovely read about true love. Carolyn and Zac has been sweethearts until Carolyn gave Zac an ultimatum of her or Seals.
2 years later, Zac returns to their hometown on a mission and sees Carolyn again and knows the toddler she is holding is his son.

They automatically get things moving and find the happy balance of together again with their son.

Carolyn and her mums jewellery shop meanwhile is under threat from a begrudged person. With the help of her sexy Seal, they go on a mini mission to find the person responsible for this sabotage.

A lovely book that was easy to read

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The Seals Surprise Son by Leslie North

The story of Caroline she was previously engaged to Zachary who was a Seal but she decided to end the engagement as she wanted more security that Zach couldn’t give with his job. Two years later Zach re-enters Caroline's life when her Jewelry shop is broken into and he discovers he has a son he didn’t know about then the gun starts.

A well written fast moving romantic crime novel. As a regular reader of Leslie North this book did not disappoint from beginning to end.

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I enjoyed the story of Carolyn and Zach and found them to be likable characters. Both have issues from the past that affect how they communicate with each other in the present. Zach is protective by nature and Carolyn is independent; traits which often clash as each has to learn to give a little. I found parts of the plot sometimes got in the way of the flow, which keeps me from giving it a perfect 5. Zach's brothers come to help with little mention of their own lives. The bad guy comes from an unlikely source and the baby just happens to adore the strange new guy that is his daddy. Overall, I enjoyed the story!

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Great second chance romance with fantastic characters. This author draws you into the characters world and makes you completely invested in the outcome. There was the perfect dose of suspense and the bad guy was a surprise. A fast paced romantic suspense that will keep your attention!

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Leslie North is a new author to me and I enjoyed The SEAL's Surprise Son so I'll certainly read her again. Thank you, NetGalley, for allowing me to read/review this book. The premise is pretty simple: two years before the book starts the heroine gives the hero an ultimatum of choosing her -or- his naval career (never a good idea), he chooses the latter, after he ships out on a mission she finds that she's pregnant and her numerous attempts to contact him fail, he's fresh out of the Navy as is the sharpshooter sent to a robbery/hostage situation at the jewelry store she owns, and they find their way back together.

Zach and Carolyn are unhappy when they see each other at the end of the hostage situation. While surprising Zach with the news that he's a father to 14-moth old Austin could have been dragged out to provide conflict, they forgave each other very quickly. Zach moved very nicely into his role as Dad and he obviously cared deeply for both Austin and Carolyn. Carolyn's store, All that Glitters, is being targeted with a series of unfortunate events and Zach goes into alpha mode to protect her and his newly discovered son. The story plays out in a pretty straightforward manner with no angst, no TSTL moments, and enough of a mystery to keep the reader engaged. I think it's one good conflict away from being a 5-star read, but while it made me smile I wasn't completed invested. The intimate moments come just after the halfway mark in the book and they're tastefully written, providing more emotional than physical detail. The physical description is there but it's not over the top. Also in the plus column are the editing, the secondary characters that are written to support the story rather than distract from it, and the mystery that's tied up in a nice little bow. This was a pretty quick read, and one that I enjoyed.

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Carolyn was and had always been in love with zach the seal; the one she couldnt think of not coming home. So she ended it but only to find out she was pregnant. Almost 2 yrs later she finds that same man save her and her son in a robbery and then everything after that till they figured out who was behind it all.

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This hit several sweet spots for me. I like surprise baby stories and throw in a Navy SEAL trying to protect the woman and baby he loves and I’m there. This is a quick read and the writer brushes rather quickly over a key point of the plot - that Carolyn tried to contact Zach after she’d dumped him because she couldn’t deal with his signing up for another tour in Afghanistan. She tried several times to write him to tell him that she was pregnant and then when the baby was born. He never got the messages because he was out on a mission. Really? The military doesn’t have some way to store up emails and messages for SEALs when they’re on a secret mission? I just didn’t buy that. Then we’re told that he left the military anyway because of some unnamed injury that doesn’t seem to hinder him now.

That all seemed like too much of a loose end in the plot. And then for the creepy guy who was targeting Carolyn’s store to have so much access through her security system did seem a bit too fanciful for me also.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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I read three of Leslie North's books on the Preston brothers who were billionaires and I enjoyed this one much more. I liked that that the main character seemed smart and strong and worked for a living and understood the importance of doing so.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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What a great book. Leslie did great with this one. I'm always a sucker for a military romance and Leslie never disappoints. Even though I'm not a fan of hidden pregnancy stories, this one didnt bother me as much. Zach and Carolyn are really good together and I loved their story.

Thank you Netgalley, the author and publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this second chance romance with great characters, romance and second chances. Carolyn made Zach choose between her and the military. After he was deployed she finds out she is pregnant and keeps the information to herself. . Her jewelry store is robbed and he is sent in as a sniper and realizes that it is Carolyn and decides to win her back.

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I generally like Leslie North books, but this one didn't do it for me. The entire story felt oddly surface, never quote getting to the emotions the story was trying to.

Carolyn broke off her engagement to Zach 2 years ago when she suddenly decides his job in the military is too hard for her to live with. We never learn what the impetus is for this sudden decision on her part. When Zach reenters her life these two never have a deep discussion about that break up. They hardly discuss much at all. They just seem to transition into a totally normal domestic situation and suddenly everything is okay with just a minor apology. There is not even a discussion about how she feels about his current job which still puts him in danger on a regular basis.

The premise of this book was promising, but there was just no depth or real emotion in my opinion.

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Zach shows back up in Carolyn's life right when she needs him. The misunderstandment is explained and forgiving relatively quickly about why he hasn't been in contact. I appreciated this it allowed us to move on with the book easily. Carolyn isn't about to sit back and let Zack come to the rescue and figure everything out. She is just as much a part of the investigation as anyone else.

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Fun little novella.

Fairly typical romance novel story. I liked the characters though rather than finding them annoyingly basic as can be the case in some romance books.

Easy read in a couple of hours if that!

Thanks to netgalley for the copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Former navy seals Zach is recently discharged from service and working for a security company that gets called out to assist with a hostage situation. When he shows up at the business of his ex fiancé he definitely did not expect to see his eyes staring back at him from the cutest little boy- his son.

Carolyn is a jewelry store owner who broke it off with Zach because he could not separate work from home life. When she became pregnant she certainly did not expect him to ever come back into their lives after his radio silence.

Now he’s back but Carolyn has bigger problems as her jewelry store has been robbed, her business and been hacked and her store was nearly burnt to the ground.

On the heels of this she is also trying to balance having Zach in their kids life while fighting her feelings for him. Can they reconcile the hurt of the past to forge a new beginning? Will Carolyn find out who is behind the attacks before they start coming after her directly ?

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