Member Reviews

I loved Nina's story about finding herself and where she is meant to be. As a fellow bookworm, this was a delightful tale to read about an introverted bookworm blossoming and creating a community.

I actually read this series out of order, but there were still twists and turns for me, even though I knew the final outcome. I just discovered Jenny Colgan and love her writing style and books. Now I have to go and read through all of her backlist!

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Nina has my dream job! Owning my own bookstore, spending all day working with books, and talking to people about books. After losing her job, Nina converted a van into a mobile bookstore. Then, she traveled from neighborhood to neighborhood, connecting readers with the perfect book. Along the way, she not only meets interesting people but learns about herself as well. This was a pleasant read it took me a while to get to it, but well worth the wait!

Thanks to BookClubGirls and their Free Friday giveaways through NetGalley for this book.

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I am slowly coming to the conclusion that Jenny Colgan might not be for me. I tried another book in this series awhile ago and also did not enjoy it very much. The premise of this book appealed to me so much but the story itself fell flat for me. I get real tired of book claiming to be a romance when the point of the book is not one! I also don't like when for two thirds of the book the heroine has feelings for someone and pursues them only to end up with someone else at the end of the book and then say they knew it was them all along! So frustrating! I have a few more of her books on my shelf that I would like to try and then decide if I will continue reading her.

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Nina Redmond has a knack for matching everyone to the right book so when she loses her job as a librarian, she decides to take a chance when she finds a van and wants to turn it into a mobile book store. She'll move to Kirrinfief, Scotland to hopefully make her dream a reality.

This delightful book has been on my radar and I'm so glad to have finally read it! Nina is a wonderfully written character as are her best friend Surinder and new friends in Scotland. The Bookshop on the Corner should be on every book lovers TBR list!

Thanks to BookClubGirls and their Free Friday giveaways through NetGalley for this book. It took me a while to get to it but it was worth the wait!

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How absolutely charming!! Now everyone needs to go live in a little Scottish village and sell books. My only complaint is that another 50 pages would have flushed out the details of the story a little more, but we’ll let that pass. The audiobook was wonderful and all the accents brought the story to life much more so than the voices in my head. Just a lovely, feel good read about the power of books!

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This was a fun read about a young librarian, who moves north to Scotland after being downsized. . Nina, the main character, is very likable and easy to relate to.

A great beach read!

Thank you to Jenny Colgan, William Morrow and NetGalley for this digital copy. #TheBookshopontheCorner #NetGalley

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A book bus!? Giving me FOMO. I didn't really love this book but I don't hate it either. I don't regret reading but probably wouldn't recommend. It was cute but kind of dragged on.

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I adored this book! Can I please start life over and live in a book bus too?

Most of the characters were very loveable with the exception of one you two, but it’s meant to be that way.

The author really put me in Scotland, especially the quaint small town. I couldn’t wait to pick this book up each night and travel far away, especially during Covid quarantine!

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This is a great book when you need a positive, uplifting story. The author provides a clear sense of place and lights my curiousity to travel. I admire the main character's ability to pick up and follow her dreams. I also enjoy the book suggestions dropped throughout the story. What a wonderful ability to be able to provide a reader with just the right book.

I felt the book became a bit predictable at the end and went on a bit long. That said, I truly enjoyed reading it and look forward to reading others.

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Oddly enough I enjoyed this. Maybe because I love books and I could totally relate to Nina's dream. The book was off to a good start but became tedious as I continued. Nothing to be taken too seriously, but I enjoyed it.

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This book was a cute, easy read. It started out really good and had a lot of potential. I didn't even mind the first love interest but got really annoyed with the second after the way they had treated each other.
Could she not just be a strong, independent female who changes her life and does what she loves?

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This book is a delight. As a booklover, the title itself drew me in. Nina is such a doll. I just love the story. It kept me hanging until the very end. I haven’t started the other books in the series but plan to. I highly recommend this book.

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I loved this book! The characters and scenes were so developed I felt I was there in the bookshop, meeting the owner Nina and enjoying their journey through what was happening in the usually quiet town they called home. I could not stop reading this book and recommend it highly!

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I love stories about books and this one seemed to fit the bill. For those who like a Hallmark type story this is it.

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Fun and enjoyable read. Characters are playful and entertaining, so much so that you feel like they’re your friends and you’re pulling for them to find what they’re seeking.

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This book is exactly the feel-good read you think it will be: girl loses job, chases her dream, relocates, falls in love. I really enjoyed it for what it was!

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I enjoyed this quick fun read about Nina, a former librarian and about her starting over and following her dreams and growing as a person. She buys a van and turns it into a mobile bookshop in a quiet village in Scotland. Her love of helping people find the right books and her personal challenges made this an enjoyable read. Thank you NetGalley for this book.

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The Bookshop on the Corner is such a fun. lighthearted read! I thoroughly enjoyed this book!

Nina is a librarian in a busy English city...until the town budget cuts force the library to lay off the majority of the staff. Faced with uncertainty, Nina buys a van and sets it up as a "bookmobile," which she drives around the Scottish Highlands to bring literature to the smaller towns without a bookshop or library.

I loved Nina's tenacity! When people told her that she couldn't make a living with the bookmobile, she just doubled down and made it work, and, in doing so, made a huge difference in the lives of the people that she met. Literature has been such an important part of my life, so I enjoyed seeing a character who was so adamant about finding ways to bring literature to others.

Overall, I loved watching Nina follow her dreams and learn just how capable she is. I would highly recommend this book!

Thank you to William Morrow and NetGalley for this ARC!

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Nina Redmond is losing her job as a librarian. All over England traditional libraries are either closing or being reinvented to meet the demand for more technology. Nina is a true lover of books, she gains a feel for her patrons and then matches them with the perfect book.

During a team building training Nina is asked to think about her dreams. She admits that she dreams of owning a bookshop. Upon further analysis she gets the idea for a roving bookshop. As she peruses the advertisements Nina comes across a truck for sale that would be perfect for her bookshop. The only problem is that the truck is for sale in Scotland.

Nina takes a huge risk opening her bookshop. Through the experience she opens up to friendships, gains a sense of belonging to a community, explores love, and brings reading into the lives of many. This was a wonderful book with all of the good feeds to make one not want the book to end.

Thank you #BookClubGirl and #Netgalley for the opportunity to read this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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I was disappointed on this book,what could have been a good book about a librarian in a big city, in this case Birmingham, England, being laid off from her job and moving to the Scottish highlands, turn out as a predictable and happy ever after ending.

The writing was good but I felt only anger towards Nina, the main character, and her very out of reality way to look at life. Maybe the author wanted us the readers to feel this way about her? Not really sure about that.

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