Member Reviews

The Bad:
I gotta be honest folks, I don’t have anything that can be categorized as “The Bad” here, except perhaps that I had to wait too long to read it and I wish it were not over so quickly.
The Good:
Much Ado was well worth the wait. The story was action-packed, intense and thoroughly enjoyable. If you had asked me two weeks ago which of the Enchanted, Inc books was my favorite, I would have gone back and forth between the books because I love them all in their own ways. Now, Much Ado About Magic is the clear winner. Not only do we get some long due answers about our cutie Owen, but the story arc with Idris comes to a head, ending with a shock! Luckily, Book 6 comes out in October, so we will not have long to wait to see where in the world the series is going. There’s not much more I can say without giving things away, and you all know how I hate spoilers, so I will leave you by saying – get Much Ado About Magic now! And check out our interview with author Shanna Swendson, who was gracious enough to talk Enchanted, Inc., boys, brownies and Joss Whedon with us!

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