Member Reviews

This author caught my eye when she wrote her first book and now I just try and get my hands on all her books because I.LOVE.HOW.SHE.WRITES!

Saylor has been living a pretty glamours life for a few years now and she's oblivious as to how her parents ended up with so much money. But she doesn't care because she's part of the best crews in school, she's dating the most popular guy in school .... until she's not.

One day she's living the life, the next she's running for her life! Saylor never in a million years thought that her life would turn out the way it has. Although even though she's in hiding now she's being protected by the best. She ended up getting split from her mom and sister but as long as they're in good hands, she has nothing to worry about .... until she does.

Saylor and Ciaran may have started off on the wrong foot but someway and somehow she's ingrained herself in Ciaran. He might not like her and he has reasons to even though they aren't his reasons to dislike her, but she's getting under his skin and before you know it....he can't stay away from her.

This book was full of everything you could possibly think of. So much suspense and angst that it will leave your butt almost hitting the floor by the time you get to the end.

I loved, loved this book and can't wait to continue on the journey and find out what in the world is going on!!

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This was a heart pounding, nail biting edge of my seat adventure.
Lies, betrayals, secrets, crimes, I mean, just a dash of every single good thing there could have possibly been. Well not good thing. But you know what I mean.
My heart hurts for poor Saylor & her family. I’m confused about my feelings for the Midwest boys though. Still kind of walking the edge.
I cannot wait for the next one, hopefully the smoke clears a little and we find out what’s really going on.

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