Member Reviews

First of all a big thank you to the author, publishers and Netgalley for sending me a copy of this book to read and review.

This was a light and easy fantasy to read and enjoy. I do tend to enjoy my fantasies a little more complex but this was enjoyable. I absolutely love dragons in fantasy so this was up my street in that regard. I found the characters to be likeable and the plot was good. However I did find that this tended to be a little slow in places and did drag a little.

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Dragon's Guardian by Ave Richardson is book 1 of Reign of Chaos series in the Alveria Dragon's Akademy. This book follows Mari, who cannot bond to a dragon, and Prince Kai, who is stuck in dragon form. While these two work on their bond, monsters start terrorizing the kingdom.

I enjoyed the book but it is not distinct. I have read a variety of Ava Richardson books and this is not a stand out. If you have read Richardson before you know what you are getting. I think where the monsters came from was interesting and I enjoy diving into Richardson's world.

Three stars for an enjoyable read. Thank you to NetGalley, Ava Richardson, and Relay Publishing. This was an honest review.

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Intriguing characters and storyline
I liked reading it.

Thank you for the arc

And this is also a review that needs more than 100 characters 🤦🏼‍♀️🥴
If I liked I liked it, I don’t think I have to be very explicit about it 😬

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This was a decent read. It was light and quick to get through. I guess my only issue is that I’m obviously not the target age range, which is fine. I’ve read a number of YA books, so it’s always a toss up as to how much I enjoy them. I recommend for those just getting into the fantasy genre.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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Fast-paced writing and an exciting plot made this a really fun read. I admit that I am a sucker for books about dragons so this book was a must-read for me! Will definitely be looking to read more books by Ava Richardson.

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i always enjoy reading Ms. Richardson's books, this had what I was looking for in her books and I enjoyed the characters.

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Only a fearless hero can bond with a dragon…

LOVED this book! Gorgeous cover and amazing writing!

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Mari knows her time is running out. In order to become a true dragon guardian she must bond with a dragon. But so far with no success. Kai, crown prince, is a dragon with no tanner. He needs someone strong to help tame his magic. When Chaos runs rampant in the city, can Kia and Mari come together to end it?

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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I fell in love with this book this was a fast easy read and I was invested right from the beginning!
This book is very fast paced and the story flowed seamlessly. The characters are fantastic and richly developed I could hardly put the book down!

I highly recommend this book it was very well written.

I received this book via NetGalley for an honest review.

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I think the Alveria Dragon Akadaemy is my series' for Richardson's books. Her books from the Torvald Kingdoms series' are also really good. I think I'm just a big sucker for the Magic School trope.

I really like how all her characters are true underdogs, in the sense, they all struggle believing in themselves but are always very supportive of those around them. Kai is a prince, but he's been stuck in his Dragon form for three years and struggles to control his magic to a point no other dragon has before. Mari, while she has a unique magical power, has been unable to bond with any dragons during her time at the Academy.

I feel like I should've read the second book in the previous series for Dragon Akademy since this one chronologically takes place after, and I have missed when and how Tyr became a God. That aside, I really do love how this set of series' uses Norse mythology in crafting the world.

I really liked Mari as a character. She's still a bit more of a mystery than Kai is, since her magic seems to be so unique and specific. But I still appreciate her headstrong attitude, and how supportive she is for the ones she cares about.

Kai is also a great character, while less of a mystery in some way than Mari. His condition is interesting. His struggle with his dragon form might have a direct relation to the antagonist. Considering the time frame of events.

I was surprised at who the antagonist was, the person I was suspicious of wasn't the one who ended up being the villain, he's still a jerk and a threat, just in a different way.

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I had never heard of this author before reading the book but, I from now on will be keeping an eye out for more of her books.
I fell in love with this book I was hooked from the first page and was upset when it ended.
The quick pace of the book kept the story flowing , the journey that they faced and the strength of the characters were the main reasons, I stayed up late unable to put it down or wait to pick it up again once I was awake.
I highly recommend this book from the first page to the last line I devoured every second of it.

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Very good book I could not put it down I can’t wait to find out what happens next and I will be going back and getting all of this authors books the world building is wonderful and I didn’t want to leave it

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This was an enjoyable book to read with engaging characters. It was a fast paced book yet did bog down occasionally when dealing with feelings. Yet I stayed up late to finish the book. It is geared to the YA market but adults will enjoy it, too. Mari and Kai have several challenges to overcome in a short period of time. They are off to a good start! I am looking forward to the next book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the author, Ava Richardson, for the chance to review this book, which was just released on April 30th.

I just downloaded the book today around lunch time, and aside from nature calls, the book kept me rooted the rest of the day. The book has a familiar feel, for those who favor Anne McCaffrey or Mercedes Lackey, as it features young adults training to assume leadership roles under trying circumstances, accompanied by intelligent magical beast partners. The primary characters are Trainee Mari and Prince Kai. The development of their separate characters and their relationship proceeded quickly and with sufficient force to keep the reader's interest focused. There are numerous supporting characters, not unlike what one would expect in other school oriented fantasy, including the school building itself, not unlike Hogwarts. I found the author led me with a nice trail of clues about how the plot would unfold, but still left me guessing even up to the last couple of chapters of the book. Thoroughly entertaining! I found myself visualizing how some scenes would look on the big screen and I am hopeful that could be a reality someday. This is exactly the sort of book perfect for my nieces and nephews as birthday or Christmas gifts.

The book includes violent scenes, which are not so graphic as to cause distress for younger audience members, but sufficiently exciting to compel even veteran readers to keep the pages turning. The author placed the book's events largely within a city and nearby countryside, but the country and world were not very detailed, as the author emphasized the development of the two primary characters. I appreciate the nice color map at the beginning of the book, given that this book visits several sites within a city, and the book is the first of a planned trilogy which I expect to leave this city. However, maps for the city, and maybe the palace and Akademy, would also have been nice. I hope some of the secondary characters get more development in upcoming books, but those closest to the action received ample attention.

The only complaint I have is that I have to wait for the next two books to be written and released, as I want them now! Again, my sincere thanks to Ava Richardson and NetGalley for the chance to review the book!

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