Member Reviews

What a brilliant trilogy, I eagerly jumped at the chance to read the last book and loved it!

The final book in this excellent Young Adult series brings all the problems of the earlier books to a head. There are hard choices to be made and only one way to go – no going back. This series doesn’t gloss over death, abuse of power and the need to do the right thing, whatever the consequences. It’s a morality tale, of sorts, and a really good read.

I loved the characters throughout these books and how we got to know more about Imogen and her family and friends. The more I read the more the differences in life on Earth compared to how they live on her home planet were explained.

By the end, I wasn't sure of the relationship between some of the characters. This, for me, has been the only downside of these books.

Overall, this book totally captured me and I became keen to see what the future held for Imogen. I found the second half of this book really ramped up the pace and I just had to keep reading to see if they could reach their end goal and build the support they needed to help them achieve it and who would be left standing as I neared the end.

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We get the stunning conclusion of Imogen's trouble-filled wild ride in this third and final installment of the Chroma series. I really enjoyed how things concluded. It was a wonderful blend of tying up loose ends and leaving things unsaid that needed to leave unsaid. I really like how natural this series was, for a young adult series. It honestly tackles huge topics that other books might have viewed through a purposeful childlike lens. Death is real, and I loved how they handled loss and sadness in this trilogy. The author has a fantastic ability to write realistic youthful dialogue. A great read!

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this was a really good read, the characters were great and I really enjoyed the story. I'd be interested in reading more in this universe.

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This is a fantasy book that involves space and time and earth. Imogen on earth and her clone Naomi is in space who been captured by the high council of fives of creatures and Naomi wants two escape deeply but can’t.
Imogen managed two flew her escape down two earth along with a device that she stole from space and a sacred stone pendant she stole that hang around her neck for safe keeping. Imogen mum was lost in space for years and Imogen keeping the device from her at the moment . Imogen feel so guilty that allot of people died for her escape on earth and Araz tried two save her as well she misses araz Imogen hope he still alive for her sake.
I’mogen family been keeping her shielding done at earth as Naomi is her clone and he in bidding after stealing the sacred stone.
Imogen took the maker mechanism with her down two earth two stop the repros from seizing in space. It all about this stone Pendant. It has allot of powers for time travel in space. Imogen missed her friends allot so she called Chrise Imogen was glad two her her voice she tel Imogen what been happening and Imogen tell her she hone for now and they arrange two meet. Chrisse tell Imogen araz his Aliive and well and Imogen is so relieved allot. Imogen face time araz and they arrange two meet in secret some wear safe.The pendant stone was used two unlock sysmbols this is the sececod pendant there is.
Eshe has discovered how two release the hidden key in the pendant and knows about the powers two use it and they have a strong connection between each other Imogen and eshe. Imogen switched the pendant and stole the pendant .
The plan are two rebuild he first ever Tractus from the sacred stone eshe. Copied. They had two find the code two put the pieces together. Naomi wanted two escape she was glad araz went back two earth two speak two Imogen Naomi wasn’t free It was guards every wear Naomi and araz discover thing together and she felt alone without him.
Araz went two Imogen and they were so happy together they fled two space two go in to battle two save the high council.
Araz was fighting in the battle and made it through two the end. The battle was won Imogen spent allot of time with araz after the battle she w missed earth and friends and new she could no longer go back there. Imogen parent was in charge of the high council after wining the battle. They destroyed the sacred stone lockets that could never be used again.
This book was fantastic a great page turnover.

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I enjoy science fiction that takes a different view on things and this book does that. It was an interesting read and well worth the time.

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