Member Reviews

If you are a fan on the royal family in England, then this is a nice behind the scenes look into their lives. Charlotte becomes the royal nanny in 1897 and this is a good look into the everyday lives of royal children. The fact/fiction part of this book was a little confusing to me at times.

Enjoyed it!! Thank you!!

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The Royal Nanny was an interesting historical read about the royal family in England during the early to mid 1900s. It centers around the royal children's nanny and her love for her charges. It was great to learn about the time period and how the children were raised.

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I enjoyed this book. I have not read much about English royalty in the past and wasn't really sure about this book. The story is about Charlotte Bill and her role as nanny to the royal family. It is based in early 1900s. It is a pleasant way to recall some history.

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Charlotte arrives at Sandringham in 1897 to serve as nanny to young Royals. The story provides an interesting behind the scenes look at royal lives. Blends facts and fiction, although it is not always clear which is which, for a compelling read.

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Charlotte Bill becomes a nanny to the royal family. Her relationship with each of the children is different and yet, special. I enjoyed the stories of the children growing up, as well as Charlotte’s relationships with the employees and the other members of the royal family. This was a well-written book that was captivating!

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The Royal Nanny exceeded my expectations.

It is a beautifully written tale about Charlotte Bill, a young woman who is soon to be employed by the royal family. Her job is to be working under Mrs. Peters, caring for the sons of the Duke and Duchess of York. David and Bertie have behavioral issues. It doesn’t take Charlotte long to discover Mrs.Peters is responsible for much of the boys problems, David cries every time he sees his parents, Bertie stutters and is under fed, due to physical and emotional abuse. Charlotte discloses this to the parents and Mrs. Peters is institutionalized. Charlotte becomes head nurse and forms a strong bond with both boys. Other children follow and the beloved “Lala” as they call her, lovingly cares for them. The last child, Prince John, is born frail and requires more of her attention. John is thought to have epilepsy and must be watched constantly.

This is a story of love and loss, sacrifice and satisfaction. Broken hearts and broken dreams. A lovely mix of historical fact and fiction.

I appreciate Book Club Girl and NetGalley making this book available to me in 2020. Now to read more of the author, Karen Harper’s work. I am a fan.

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I loved being able to look into the life of Charlotte as a nanny to such a royal family. Each child is lucky to have her but Bertie is especially lucky because LaLa (as he calls her) takes such good care of him. Each child's personality really shined through and I can't imagine having to take care of them all at once. I can imagine it was tough work. I really liked how this book was not only enjoyable to read but also gave us a glimpse inside the history of the era. I thought the first 100 pages of the book started out a little slow but then it picked up and got more interesting.

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This was a fun glimpse into the lives of the royal family as toms through an endearing character! I loved following her through the highs and lows, and learning more about the lives of the monarchy.

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As I read, I gained a clearer understanding of the inter-relatedness of the royal families of Europe. I am now reading a novel about Tatiana, the second oldest of Czar Nicholas's daughters, and the historical facts in the current novel align precisely with those presented in "The Royal Nanny." This, to me, is one of the best reasons for reading--you get to refresh your knowledge of history in a most pleasant way!

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A really fun perspective, fast-paced, well-written, and one I've enjoyed featuring on my Bookstagram site. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to review this gem of a novel! I will for sure be recommending it to my fellow historical fiction book lovers!

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Royal family history fans will enjoy this story based on real life Royal nanny Charlotte Bill. She served the Royal family from the late 1800's until almost 1920. It illustrated the level of devotion displayed by these women to their charges. The story of the youngest child Johnny was of particular focus.. I found Charlotte to be a likable main character but a little too dedicated to be as interesting as she could have been.

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I loved getting a glimpse into the possible lives of the royal family through the eyes of the nanny!

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Even though The Royal Nanny is fiction based on real people and events, the author put in her research time to make the story as authentic sounding as possible. I enjoyed the character of the nanny. She is vibrant, wise, sympathetic. Often, she does not back down when she believes her way or idea is preferable to the parents. She takes great care of those in her charge. It's interesting how influential the nannies were and are in the lives of the Royals and others. For the reader interested in British history in the early 1900's, The Royal Nanny is a good fictional addition.

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Please note this book was provided not with the intent of getting an advance review. It is 2020 and this book was published in 2016. I received it as part of a Facebook giveaway to anyone who requested it and the delivery method was NetGalley. That being said, I really enjoyed it. I am a huge royal fan and I love historical fiction. This book is about a young nanny for the Royal Family when Edward and Bertie were kids (yes, that Edward that abdicated for Wallis and that Bertie who then became King). The story focuses on their sibling Prince George who I have to say I honestly knew noting about (despite my love of the Royals). Great historical fiction and well researched. I recommend it for my fellow Royal enthusiasts who enjoy historical fiction. Thank you Book Club Girls Facebook Group for the free copy.

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The Royal Nanny was a lovely book. I loved reading about the royal children and the love that "Lala" has for them all. It was interesting hearing different details throughout the story of their lives, loves and losses

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Unfortunately, I just couldn't finish this one. The more I read, the more I only choose books that keep my eyes glued to the page. This one just didn't do that for me. Both times there were conflicts (I gave up at about 30% through) where the other nanny is abusing the little boy and where her colleague gives her a marriage ultimatum, the issues are resolved within a few pages. There is no buildup and no reason to want to keep reading. I feel as if most of the time is spent reading about mundane details in the lives of these characters. It is interesting but it just wasn't enthralling enough for me.

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I love historical fiction and all things British royalty so this book is right up my alley!

Based on the true story of Charlotte Bill, the nanny to David (future King Edward VII who abdicated his throne), Bertie (future King George VI) and their lesser known brother, John, who was born with epilepsy and essentially hidden from the public, later becoming known as the Lost Prince.

It was interesting to learn about this forgotten member of the British royals and their lives during WWI. I didn't love the subplot (which is completely fabricated) of Charlotte's romance and felt it caused the book to drag.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins for a digital copy to review.

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Great story & a wonderful read. Will recommend to others! Characters were very interesting! I love anything to do with the Royals.

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This was a touching historical fiction and while it touched on famous historical figures the narrator was a regular person, the nanny to the royal children in the late 1800’s to the early 1900;s, Charlotte or Lal.a as she is quickly nicknamed by her young charges finds purpose in the children she cares for. The world is changing but Layla’s focus is on the children even as they grow up and need her so much less. This book brought history to life in a lovely way that kept me intrigued throughout. It was full of joy and sorrow and was well worth the read.

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A really great book that delves into the lives of the British monarchy and their children. I love the historical aspect of this novel. Although it is fiction, it is factually based. Be prepared for some sadness. Thank you to BookClubGirls and NetGalley for the digital edition.

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