Member Reviews

This review might be a big one but is SPOILER FREE! YAY!

Thankyou to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy of Of The Bloody by Cameo Renae in exchange for an honest review. I didn't read the blurb before launching into this one and I think I'm glad that I didn't. I've come to learn I have less expectations and a more interesting read if I just jump into books. I won't overview the synopsis here because it's easily seen on this page but this book could have been AMAZING, if it were written with a little more...finesse. I keep thinking that if Nora Roberts or Sarah J Maas got their hands on this book and re-written it, it would be an absolute hit and would sell out everywhere. I say that because the plot is so, so good. I haven't read such a fun and exciting plot in a long time. So much happens! Our main character Calla, goes through an absolute roller-coaster in this book and I can't believe it all fit inside such a short book without feeling rushed.

However, there were some things that just didn't work out for me. There simply wasn't enough world-building. We are thrown straight into the action at Calla's birthday party but the world-building really lacked. I thought after the strong action at the start, maybe it would then lead us on a trail of information and discovery to get a better feel of the world, but it didn't really happen. I was actually confused at one point if this was set in our world, or in a completely fictional one. I also had difficulty working out if this was in times hundreds of years ago, or now. I know after reading the book its set in a fictional world when everyone was still using horses and carts to get around, but so many things contradict this, with phrases like "does that pick up line work on other girls?" and "still hit on you" as well as other very modern phrases that someone hundreds of years ago wouldn't have used. It made me feel like the author is either quite young (to be up with all the teenage jargon) or forgets the time she is writing in.

Another thing that I felt let the world-building down was not being very imaginative with the worlds (which is surprising considering the amazing imagination needed to create the great plot). My biggest point on this is when Calla meets a member of Trystan's cadre who is of Asian descent, and she thinks to herself that he had to have come from the predominately Asian country of Asiatica. I just feel like that is not very imaginative. I don't know why the Asian country had to be called Asiatica. But that's a small issue, and just something I found a little amusing which others may find completely reasonable.

Some adjectives were used far too often; growled was used in basically every chapter and almost felt like every page. Bastard was also over-used and all Calla seemed to use towards characters she was angry at or hated. My other big issue was the fact that this book seems to be aimed at the very younger end of the YA scale, but the sexual part of the relationships were far too mature in my opinion. For example, "libido", "peg between his legs", "He paused and gave me a look that would make any woman strip bare. 'To douse myself in cold water. You wicked, wicked woman.", "I won't ravish you", "'Love, my vital limb is stronger than ever, especially with you tucked in my bed'". and the list goes on. I just found the sexual innuendos far too mature for the younger group of YA readers this seems aimed at. These innuendos were thrown at Calla with nearly every male character she meets, who are also always over 6 foot tall, handsome, flirty and wants to sleep with her whilst also professing their eternal protection. Every guy seemed described as the same and for all of them to be attracted to her and have feelings for her so fast, just doesn't really seem realistic even for a fantasy novel.

Trystan's feeling of a 'bond' with Calla all from seeing her name on a piece of paper, and him then putting so much effort and resources into was a little strange too, but I liked that Calla mentioned how unrealistic that is, and handled that quite well. The bond with Trystan was also one of the things that came across as a little too coincidental in terms of how the plot points worked out. Sometimes things just worked out too easily. For example, when Calla fell into the water, it was Kai who happened upon her and saved her, who happened to be the son of the Aquatic man who was saved by Calla's grandfather and therefore treats her like a princess. These things weren't issues or anything that took away from the book, just something I noticed. The romance with Trystan wasn't overly believable either but I am sure this will develop in the next book. I actually loved her being with Sebastian! These issues all together gave the impression of a very new debut author, but with some smart editing, it could come up even better and become a 5 star read.

Whilst there were some issues from my points above, there were absolutely some points I thoroughly enjoyed. As I already noted, I really, really LOVED the plot and all the exciting things that happen. The best parts were always when Calla was travelling, especially on the pirate ship. Her writing also seemed to improve a lot towards the end of the book, which makes me excited for the next installment. There are some great side characters that take over the book at times, including Markus, Sabine, Spring, Summer, Trystan's cadre and Sebastian. These characters really grabbed onto the story and forced themselves into the spotlight and I love that. There are also some very attractive male characters in the book that my 16 year old self is very impressed with. I am thoroughly in love with Sebastian and want Calla to get together with him and pursue a story with their relationship and the adventures on his pirate ship. If she doesn't, maybe I can magically transport myself into the book and take him for myself! He is so likeable, has a lot of sass, all whilst being sweet and caring and protective of Calla. Markus is also so much fun and I love how he turns into a big, squishy marshmallow with Sabine. I loved everything about the book from when Markus, Sabine and Calla step food onto The Damned. If the book was focused more on this aspect of the novel and less time and plot development spent in the castle where Calla is kept hostage, I would jump for joy, let out a very girly squeal and demand an artist draw something with Sebastian for me to keep on my book shelf. That's how fun and engaging this part of the novel is. I highly recommend pushing through to the end if you're struggling with the first half of the novel. It gets far better and Sebastian and Kai are well-worth the wait.

If Renae doesn't include Seb and his pirate ship and Kai and his underwater royal world in the next book, I will demand a re-write because they are amazing and make the plot and settings so much more enthralling.

Overall, whilst there are some issues and a protagonist that I can't quite get behind, there are many redeeming qualities in this book and some seriously addictive side characters that you can't help but adore. The plot is something I absolutely love and the travelling themes in this book are fantastic. I can't wait to read more about Kai's aquatic world and Seb's pirate travels, and I think even if a book has some problems but leaves you wanting to read more, then that is definitely a positive and a sign of a good story.

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Overall, it was fine but it kinda read like it was written by a first-time writer which wasn't the case.

I enjoyed the storyline: a human girl gets bitten by a vampire at the beginning and now she suddenly finds herself becoming a vampire, even though she had no clue they even existed. Also, a vampire prince wants her and her family dead as a revenge for a murder that was done by one of her relatives.

The main character was likable which is saying much bc i find alot of YA MCs annoying. I also enjoyed a few side characters, especially the Cadre who were giving the task of protecting MC

The romance was a bit weird. So the guy that bit her is the love interest (i think) and he did it as a way to save her. Their attraction was instant because there is some type of pull between them which i think is like a mating situation (SJM style). Although they were only technically in the same place at the beginning of the book. I don't know how to feel about that. Its kinda insta-love especially from the guy. but at the same time, everyone knew the attraction was weird and was wondering why it was happening. so hopefully, it is explained in the next books.

Something i didn't like was the level of 'chosen one' trope the MC had. it seemed too much and perfect. Also, everyone that meets the MC (and isn't evil) likes her instantly, and has some sort of loyalty towards her. It kinda felt like insta-friendship and it seemed unnatural sometimes.

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I’ll be honest, the cover sucked me right in. The characters look intriguing and deadly. And the premise is promising! However, upon reading this, I discovered this was going to be difficult to rate because whilst I can appreciate this book for what it is, it wasn’t for me.

The simplicity of the writing makes this a quick read, which I liked. However, I found the narration jarring at times because whilst this reads as if the story occurs in modern times… it doesn’t. There’s an accompanying map of the world (which I love) that indicates this occurs in a different world. And although I liked some aspects of the world-building, if felt sloppy at times (for example, there’s a character named ‘Feng’ from a place in the eastern continent called ‘Asiatica’, etc.). Although this is the first book of a series, so I’m sure many aspects will be explored later.

In terms of the plot, I felt like the book was trying to accomplish many things (for example, the history, lineage, powers, certain characters) at once and at times it can get overwhelming. Towards the middle of the book, I enjoyed the book more. We get to learn more of the main character and appreciate her more. Also, there were certain aspects I liked in this book. I liked how it takes two consenting individuals to make a Blood Bond. I thought that was a nice touch.

The characters felt very surface-level, some leaning too much on certain archetypes. Unfortunately, I didn’t feel connected or strongly for any characters. Although, I liked and can appreciate Calla. Despite being pushed into a strange world of vampires and witches, Calla still thinks of the best interests of her friends and family throughout the novel.

Overall, this was an easy and quick read. I enjoyed Calla’s journey to self-discovery and I’m curious to see how this will pan out. If you’re a fan of vampire stories and looking for a quick read, this may be for you.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publishers for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Death of a loved one, torture, mild gore, and violence

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I decided to go out on a limb and try a story that I normally would not read. I've read paranormal before, but nothing that was fantasy-like in nature. And going in to the first chapter, I wasn't even for sure how far I'd be able to go. Let me just say, I'm so glad I decided to give it a chance.

I'm a romance reader at heart, and the bit of romance Cameo Renae wove into the story line, left me feeling breathless. I felt like I was getting my romance, with a bit of a twist and a whole lot of intrigue. I was literally on a fantastical journey that I didn't want to end.

Calla and Trystan were well-developed extraordinary characters. Calla may not have been fierce in the beginning, but as the story progressed, she came a true heroine, one that I soon grew to admire. As I got to the last couple of chapters, I got a little sad that the story was coming to an end, and I realized that I wasn't going to be able to stop with just this one. Cameo Renae did something to me and exposed a whole new genre that I never knew I would enjoy.

I loved the writing and how easy the story flowed. It didn't matter that it was geared for a younger audience either. I'm just so happy I took a chance on this new-to-me author and this magical story!

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Like with all Cameo Renae books, this one captured me immediately. I always like the fact the sequence of events get started right away and never stop. Characters are well developed, endearing (well, the ones that should be), and you want to follow them to the end of the world.

Calla is a level-headed person, which I think helped her tremendously on the life change she went through in this story. Maybe sometimes too much considering the situation.

Full of amazing sequences, well written, and calling the reader to always want more, this is a story you don't want to miss.

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Was surprised how much I loved this book. Vampires are trending right now and I am always a little nervous to read them as they can come off rather tacky and unbelievable. Loved this book!!!

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Holy hannah this is going to be an amazing Y.A. fantasy series!

Calla goes on an incredible journey, filled with lust, thirst, pain, suffering, joy, friendship, wit and magic. Calla makes alies and foes, friends and family.
She learns so much about herself and yet has so many unanswered questions.
For being such a naive girl, Calla learns alot in such a short time, and handles it like the boss women shes turning into!
Cameo gave wrote just the right amounts of trusts and turns to keep me on the edge of my seat! Never a dull moment!

Crazily awaiting the next installment!!!

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This book's writing style jarred me very much. I felt like I was thrown into a story with absolutely no build up and a lot of confusion as to what was going on. It's just not a type of writing I enjoy. I can tell that the story itself has a lot going for it, but the writing style drags for me and makes the storyline hard to follow.

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I almost stopped reading this, thought it was another girl meets vampire, Yada, yadda,Yada, I kept on with it and I am glad I did, Calla is a fighter, and I enjoyed learning about her in this book, hoping the second book explores her friendships with Sabine, Marcus and Kai, and of course I am team Trysatn!

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I wanted to like this book so badly, but I am sorry to say that I found it a hot mess all around. The cover is really pretty, but that is where it ends. This book follows Calla, a teenaged girl who is turned into a vampire by a Vampire Prince named Trystan, and her entire world is turned upside down.
I really struggled to get through this one. The plot is a messed, the timing is either way too rushed or way too slow. There is no development between events. World building is hard to find. We're thrown into this world, and whatever we do learn about it is given by character dialogue in a massive info dump. All of the characters are one dimensional and dry. I didn't care for Calla one bit because she literally had no personality. The writing style is repetitive and had no variation to it whatsoever. With better writing and more development, the premise of this book could really be something great, but I am sorry to say that that is not what happened here. I hate giving negative reviews, but this is me being honest.

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This book was an amazing read! The world building was very well written truly brings the story to life. The book grabbed me from start to finish and was a fast paced enjoyable read.

The characters were all very well developed and interesting. Calla is a very fierce MC who stayed true to her values and made good decisions which I found very refreshing.

I highly recommend this book if you enjoy paranormal/vampire books!!

I received this book from NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley co-op for an honest review.

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I first got hooked onto Cameo Renae's writing when I started reading the After Light Saga series. She indeed has a unique talent of drawing you into her stories immediately. As with "Of the Blood", the mystery surrounding main character, Calla is instant, as you're suddenly thrust into a world of vampires and myth.

There's no holding back to the story as we first find out that Calla is turned for a very specific reason.
In "Of the Blood", you will find dashing heroes, brave warriors, and a growing mystery that keeps you in suspense until the very end. While it is kind of a typical paranormal romance story, I was drawn into the story of Calla, her "protectors", and why she was chosen as such. There are many warring parties all wanting a part of Calla, and hey- what can you expect from a beautiful, young, and powerful woman that is just coming into adulthood and her own secret fantasies?

"Of the Blood" is filled with resplendent world building, handsome men who are all vying for Calla's attention and devotion, and crazy, funny supporting characters that help move the story along. There is Trystan, the handsome and mysterious vampire prince, Roehl, the evil, murderous villain, and five powerful warriors sworn to protect Calla at all costs. But what makes "Of the Blood" so interesting is that Calla is slowly but surely discovering who she truly is in a way that makes you feel you're discovering it along with her. The story is through Calla's tone and you can feel that while she is naive, she still has a strong sense of loyalty and purpose. That's what makes Calla such a unique and likable character.

"Of the Blood" is a paranormal/fantasy story mixed in with some romance and some interesting speculations about how vampirism and magic works. And yes, while there are slews of vampires throughout the book, there are also other magical creatures that belong in the air, the sea, and in the earth. One particular magical creature I came to adore was Nyx, the magical crow messenger that belongs to Trystan. The one drawback that could have been improved was that Calla seemed to have fallen into "lust" with almost every handsome man she met in the story. I don't know if it's because she is young and filled with raging hormones, but it can be a bit too stereotypical of young women just coming into adulthood. But Calla is sweet, kind, and brave, and you still end up rooting for her regardless.

There is a building mystery throughout the book and towards the end, the veil is revealed as to who Calla truly is. This is a rather nice touch for stories because the author isn't deliberately leading you to buy the next title just to find out the "bigger" mystery. As a reader, you find out who Calla is, why people are after her, and the ending does lead to another book, but it's only because there is a much bigger story to tell after that.
I give this book a 4.5 stars only because of Calla's constant falling for each handsome male she meets, lol.

Well done, Cameo and I'm looking forward to book 2!

"I received an ARC for review of this title".

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From the first few pages I was captivated, mesmerized., a pull to continue on.
Who needs sleep when mysterious characters enthrall you from the moment they step onto the page?
Dark and haunting. Sexy as all hell. Funny and charming.
Man oh man talk about a rollercoaster of emotions.
I was on the edge of my seat all along this book.
This is Twilight upgraded to Anne Rice’s darkness sprinkled with some Underworld vibes.
If you have a penchant weak spot for vampires, magic and darkness you have to pick this book up.
Calla is a fierce strong resilient woman and I cherished her journey, it also helps that at every turn I was quickly becoming infatuated with the men she encountered. I don’t think I have had so many crushes in one book.
I would’ve liked it to be a little longer to allow for some more developed scenes and character growth.
A lot happens quite quickly that could have used the extra breathing room for some of the book. Hopefully we get that opportunity for the rest of the series.
I highly anticipate the continuation of this series and reading more about Kai 😉
Thank you Victory Editing through for the opportunity to receive this book and review it.

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This book was amazing! I have read some of her other books and I have come to find that you can always expect nothing but the best from her. Cameo Renae is such an awesome story-teller. I absolutely loved this book.

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Fast-paced, good character, and world creation, I liked the vampire aspect of the story and sometimes it got so excited I couldn't put down. It starts fast, gets a little slower by the end but I liked it. This book was definitely a good read.

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Of the Blood
By Cameo Renae
This was such an amazing book, it had me hooked from the beginning, I read it in one day. It had a great storyline with so many brilliant characters. It's only the beginning for Calla and I’m excited to see what Renae has in store for her, as this is the beginning of what I can tell will be an amazing series.
Of the Blood is being released on Friday 15th May 2020 and I highly recommend trying to get your hands on a copy.

I found Of the Blood extremely captivating. My interest was piqued right from the very beginning, and I couldn’t put the book down. As you follow Callas journey throughout her transformations many characters are introduced, however very few are present for long - with the exception of Sabine and Markus. This fast pace is what made the book even harder to put down along with many unexpected events that take place. The strong female lead, many undisclosed pasts and uncertain futures are what makes the storyline lead so well into the sudden ending. I really hope for future books to find out what happens next.
My only critiques would be that there isn’t enough time to form opinions of many of the characters, especially those such as Tristan and Kai, both of whom I wish Calla had more time with. This is accompanied by a slight lack of explanation about the powers that her heritage holds as we only find out about the type of power Incendian royals have from the other characters in the book as Calla reveals them for herself. However, this was balanced out by the captivity and the interesting characters. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that enjoys a fast-paced romance and vampires. I cannot wait to read future books by Cameo Renae.

We received an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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"One malicious prince. Two rival kingdoms. And an innocent girl caught in the crossfire."

This story was a difficult one to rate because so much happens in this book. It took a whole different direction than what I was expecting. I felt a lack of connection with the protagonist, and it was difficult for me to root with her in the various situations she finds herself in, simply because she appears so gullible. Grant it, she's young and naive, but it didn't make for an enjoyable reading experience.

The mythology of the world was hard to believe, and felt lackluster. It would have been more enjoyable had the world been properly set up for the reader. There were so many threads in the story that I found difficult to keep up with, as well. I didn't quite understand the world, either. The building of it fell flat, as did the dialogue. There were many parts of the story where I found the writing kind of repetitive.

I wish we could have had more time with the character of Trystan, who really kickstarted Calla's journey. Sadly, as the story unfolded, his character became nonexistent, as did the rest of his cadre. I feel that the idea/intention of the story was there, but the execution didn't quite hit home for me.

If you're looking for a fun, quick Vampire Fantasy read, I might suggest this. Overall, this was personally not the book for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me this free arc of Of the Blood in exchange for an honest review.

On Calla's 18th birthday, a man no one recognizes arrives at her party. She finds herself drawn to the handsome stranger and soon ends up in a guest room of her best friend's house, kissing the stranger. Without telling her his name, he bites her, effectively "claiming" her. This stranger turns out to be a vampire prince named Trystan who is trying to protect Calla from a rival vampire prince, intent on killing Calla's family and making her his mate. Throughout the novel, Trystan and his sworn followers attempt to protect Calla from outside forces as she discovers the truth about her world, her family, and herself.

I truly wanted to love this book. The synopsis drew me in, promising me a story of adventure and romance with a dark twist that I was eager to dive in to; however, I found the story lacking. While the plot itself is intriguing and quite unique, the actual execution of the story leaves much to be desired. The romance is pushed from the first chapter, rushing into the relationship faster than a protagonist, who states that she is not one to be distracted or interested in hooking up or a relationship in general, should be allowing. Each character Calla meets is incredibly attractive and she does not fail to remind you of how "muscular" or handsome they are. Like many YA novels, Calla becomes a Mary Sue who magically has abilities she never knew of. While this could have done well, Cameo Renae's character seems to rise above every incident she faces and the narrative simply tells you how the protagonist is feeling throughout.

Like I said above, I really looked forward to reading this novel,yet I could not get into it or enjoy it and it took me much longer to read Of the Blood than it normally does to read a book of its size.

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This is a fun, fast-paced story. When Calla is claimed by Prince Tristan and transformed into a vampire, she's thrust into conflict between two rival kingdoms. I was a little concerned when reading the first few chapters that this was going to be an insta-love story, but it quickly got more interesting. Calla really showed her independence and strength. In addition to vampires, this story also has magic, pirates, and mermen. The plot isn't overly complicated. It's a pretty generic good vs evil story; however, I still found it quite enjoyable. It's a fun and easy read that I devoured in one day. I was also amused by the relationships between some of the side characters. It's a little over the top in some areas (every single guy Calla meets is gorgeous and she becomes very powerful very quickly) but all in all a fun read.

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I gotta say that i really enjoyed reading this book. It’s has been the best YA Fantasy book I’ve read thus far this year. Now I’m not trying to over hype this book because it definitely has it’s problems but overall it was a fantastic read and i can wait for book 2. This is the part were i will tell you what i like about this book. I like the mystery that was behind knowing the MC lineage and why her and her family were being hunter by vampires for a crime that her grandfather did, a grandfather that her whole family presumed was dead. I like the side characters that she meets on her journey. Like Sabine, the Cardre and many more. Now what I didn’t like. One being that every guy she meets is apparently 6ft or over and WHY, like seriously why? I don’t get it and not only are the tall but if there a vampire their also breathtakingly gorgeous, to which again WHY? and they also have rock solid stomachs no fat. These are the things the MC will tell you repeatedly over and over throughout the book. And lastly the one that pains me the most to say is the this book has INSTA LOVE, yup i said. In the first chapter the MC protest that she needs no significant other and has no desire for one (to which Im thinking you fo girl change the system) however you flip to the next page and now home girl (home girl being the MC) has locked eyes with a vampire but not any vampire, he gorgeous and 6ft tall and you guessed it has noooo fat in his stomach only rock solid abs, and because of this she is infatuated and falls for him. Which is so typical and why i gave this book 4 stars. Aside from all of those things the book was enjoyable.

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