Member Reviews

Good Gods, how exciting this book was!

Absolutely magical. What started of as romantic, a bit dark and suspenceful, soon blossomed into a world full of adventures, vampires, lies, murder, magic and power!

With a character as Calla, Cameo couldn't go wong. She's a bit reserved, but firce and determined. She's holding back in the beginning, but soon she finds out the truth and she doesn't relent! The rest of the 'crew' isn't far behind, they are all so special and unique.

Truly spellbinding, with a rebellious bite!

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A little tough getting into.. but I pushed passed it because I really wanted to like it. After getting through the awkward beginning I found to be sucked in to the story. Instead of being a predictable the guy gets the girl , the adventure that is starting to take place is rather enjoyable. I look forward for eh sequel to see what else lies in wait for our mc.

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First, I have to say thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for the eARC of this fun vampire book. I was given a copy in exchange for an honest review. This foray into vampires and magic was an adventure the whole way through and comes out on May 15th.

I went into this novel only knowing the GoodReads pitch which left a LOT out. I think my two main issues with this story come down to 1) world building and 2) the book trying to be too many things at once. The world building in this story is almost nonexistent until you get to a plot point that needs it and then the reader gets to hear about it from a character. That’s frustrating as someone who reads a lot of SFF over the course of a year. I think there was a way to include lore, rumor, folktales…etc. in the story at the beginning to lay the foundation for the wilder things that happen later on. I also struggle with how many different things this story is trying to be in so few pages. I can tell that we’re setting up some alliances/friendships for the future when the main character is probably really going to need them. But I would have spaced it out a lot more–between a few books probably. Which is possible if you include that world building and lore in the earlier sections of the novel.

With characterization, there are a few character I really enjoyed and wish we could have gotten even more from. But I also struggle with understanding the purpose of having four male love interests in the first book in a series. It’s too much. I love Sebastian’s flirting, but I wish it was made clear to the reader very early on that he’s just joking and that it isn’t saved to the end of the novel. I think Trystan is a good character with potential for more. I like him as a love interest and I even kind of enjoy that we aren’t clear on his motivations. It leaves a lot to explore later on in the series.

Despite having trouble connecting to the characters, there is one scene about halfway through the novel where the angst is just pouring off the page. My angst loving heart about lost its damn mind. (Yeah, my heart has a mind of its own.) And as I absolutely gushed to a friend after I finished the chapter–it’s a good scene because there’s a solid reason for two character who want to be together being unable to. It’s reasonable that the thing that’s keeping them from being together is the thing that’s keeping them apart. I see in so much Young Adult or New Adult novels these miscommunications that keep the couple from being together and it drives me up a wall. But this one was done well and the author obviously spent a lot of time getting it just right so it would pull at your heartstrings. I also could not get over the first line of the novel which is a real hook to pull people in. That was a great line. I think if we had gotten a little more build up in the flashback then it would have even more of a payoff.

I think if you’re someone who enjoys magic, vampires, pirates, political intrigue, or those fun CW shows then there’s something in this story for you. It was a fun and easy read that always left me wondering what twist or turn we were going to stumble into next. I’m curious to see where the next book takes us.

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This book!!!!! Amazing. This author never lets me down. I was so excited when she announced her new book!! I will get my complete review put up here by the 15th with my full review. I want to make sure I have time to enjoy what I just read!!!!

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Title: Of the Blood
Author: Cameo Renae
Pub. Date: May 15, 2020
Rating: 4.5

This will be a spoiler free review. Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

Why isn’t book 2 out yet?
I read this in one night, could not put it down.
I will say that I was a little skeptical at first and thought that maybe I wasn’t going to be a fan of the writing style. I don’t really know what made me a little wary at first, but I was quickly hooked and didn’t put the book down until the sun had already started to rise.

While I enjoyed the book, I felt like it was way too fast. Too much happened, too quickly. It kind of felt like this was two books, smashed into one. I think there would have been so much potential to flesh out and really build this world up. I got From Blood and Ash, ACOTAR vibes from this book and it just kind of sucks that so much happened in this first book. I would have liked it to be a tad slower, and not have so many massive time jumps when Calla is basically dying – okay, sorry, that’s maybe a bit spoiler-y, but there are these massive time gaps that progress the timeline, without anything really happening.

Calla - liked her overall. But I didn’t quite get her character, She’s very much The Chosen One and it’s kind of glaringly obvious. One thing that I thoroughly enjoyed but didn’t quite understand (other than it’s very Chosen One-esque) the number of beyond attractive men in her life, who all have a thing for her. Every dude this girl comes across is instantly attracted and trying to get with her, and they’re all chiseled as hell.

Now, with all that being said, this book is still very much a fantastic read and I’m dying for the next one. I cannot wait to see what happens next. There’s magic, drama, tension, torture, trauma, Vampires and other fantastical beasties. Ruined kingdoms and long journey’s through a forest, friendship, humor, romance – there really is everything in this book and it makes for a really engaging read that you end up not wanting to put down. I haven’t stopped thinking about the book since I finished it, despite the few issues I have with it. And with the Love Interest, there’s one clear contender, but damn if I don’t have weakness for pirates. Jfc, Sebastian Salloway, I wish he were real. I really do have a weakness for scoundrel pirates. I could read a whole series about him and his exploits.
The world that the author created came to life in my mind. I was a little surprised at the sort of modern day feel I got from the beginning, but I enjoyed it. I could easily envision the characters and the different locations. I’m really excited to see Incendia in the next book and all these new locations that are bound to be introduced. I’m curious to see who else Calla runs into and what new man falls for her. Maybe she’ll get back to Trystan, who knows. I’m dying to find out, and I wish that the whole series was currently out for me to binge. I would totally ignore my TBR for this series.
This book comes out in 3 days, so make sure you pick it up and dive in.

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At Calla's 18th birthday party a stranger appeared out of the shadows and Calla's simple life would never be the same again. She was thrown into a world that she didn't believe exisited where she was something she would never have believed, some wanted her to develop into her powers while others wanted her dead. After coming face to face with her great grandmother Calla is on a personal quest to find who and what she is. I enjoyed reading this book but found it had more of a young adult feel to it with the simplicity of writing and over use of descriptive wording which I found myself skipping over. When I read, I'm usually immersed in the story but found I was reading the story in this case. I'm giving this book 3.5 Stars

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Trying out book one of a series can be scary, you never know what you are getting into. However, after reading Cameo Renae’s newest book, Of the Blood, I am excited to say that I have found a new series to anxiously await the release of book two!

Of the Blood has all the makings of a tremendous fantasy series. Vampires - Check. Murder - check. Mystery - check. Romance - check, Magic - check - check - check! Renae’s newest release leads the reader on a fast paced and thrilling adventure to solve a centuries old mystery, littered with betrayal, secrets, lies, and broken hearts.

On the night of her eighteenth birthday party, Calla Caldwell is inadvertently thrust into an intriguing and dangerous world full of magic and mystery when she is bitten, against her will, and changed into a newborn vampire by a devastatingly handsome vampire prince. The groundwork for this change was laid centuries prior and fate is afoot.

I love the fact that even terrified and afraid, Calla finds absolutely no reason to give up her sense of self and become bound to one of the many vampire princes she encounter on her adventure. She explores her ever changing circumstances and her growing power in a way that fully embraces the situations she finds herself in along this epic adventure of good versus evil. Time after time, Calla comes to startling realizations that help her move forward. “I possessed a light inside that could cut through this endless darkness.”

Over time, Calla makes invaluable friends like Sabine and Markus. The three of them become their own little family of sorts. We could all use the reminder to think like Calla and everyone needs a friend like Sabine to remind us that, “pursuing a dream is far greater than living a life without one.”

I can’t wait for book two in this series!! Excuse me while I go search out a few more books by @cameorenae . You can get your hands on a copy of this book on Friday May 15, 2020.

I was given an ARC copy of Of the Blood in exchange for my honest review.

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*Review will be posted to my blog on 5/14/20*

Thank you to Victory Editing and NetGalley for giving me a chance to read this eARC.

Vampires, damphyrs, witches and even a pirate! This book pretty much had it all. Calla is bitten by a vampire prince and that leads her on a journey filled with danger and discovery.

*I like the people Calla meets along the way like Kylan, Melaina and Markus. I thought these side characters brought a lot to the storyline because we learn a lot about vampires and the world they live in through their explanations to Calla.

*The world building is interesting and I was curious about these different kingdoms of Morbeth and Incendia. We have vampires, witches, elementals, and even aquarians. Calla spends most of her time though with evil Prince Roehl in Morbeth but she does have some adventures after escaping Morbeth.

*The cover of the book was what made me request this book, I like it a lot!

Things That Made Me Go Hmm:

*I like fast paced books that hit you with action in the first few pages but this book did that way too fast for me. One moment Calla is at a party, then she’s bitten by a vampire prince, Trystan, who was drawn to her because he felt a connection to her name on paper. Not going to lie, that made me wary of the story. I just didn’t believe it! 🤦🏻‍♀️
It’s too much of a major insta-connection, I won’t say insta-love because she meets other guys along the way.

*Calla is made a vampire super quick but Trystan is barely in the book and she’s yet to complete a blood bond with him. But evil Prince Roehl, also wants her to have a blood bond with him. YET…when she finally escapes Roehl and hops aboard a pirate ship -she falls in lust with Sebastian Calloway. Go Calla…but I wasn’t feeling any of it. Apparently every man wants her because she’s special – she’s an elemental vampire royal but I wasn’t connecting to her at all. 🤷🏻‍♀️

*This reads like a story for teens but it does have heated moments between Calla and some of the men she meets along the way.

Final Thoughts:
This story wasn’t for me only because I felt no connection to Calla. I think the world building is great because it had a variety of supernaturals like witches, vampires, elementals and aquarians. I’m sure the love story will develop more in the next book and maybe Trystan will get more of a spotlight because I’m assuming she ends up bonding with him sometime down the series, at least he’d be my first choice for Calla. I’m not sure if I will continue with the series only but though it didn’t work out for me, I think this will book will appeal to many fantasy fans.

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Wow! What a great story. I cannot wait until the next one comes out. It’s refreshing to read a vampire novel with a different twist than your standard plots.
Poor Calla, so much destruction in so little time. But, she makes friends wherever she goes. With so many handsome men around, how could she just choose one?!
I devoured this book, finishing it in just a few hours. I couldn’t put it down. I definitely recommend it.

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Of the Blood is the first book in Cameo Renae’s Heir of Blood and Fire series. This is not your typical ya paranormal romance! Great world-building, dynamic characters, and an engaging story-line make for a fascinating read.

At Calla’s eighteenth birthday party, she is drawn to a mysterious and handsome stranger. Calla and Trystan share an instant connection, and it isn’t long before, in a haze of seduction, he bites her.

Trystan is a vampire prince trying to save Calla from Roehl, the evil and murderous prince of Morbeth. But even with the protection of Trystan’s personal guard, she is captured and imprisoned as punishment for her grandfather’s crimes.

As Calla suffers under the hands of Roehl, family secrets emerge that change everything Calla knows about herself. The more Calla learns about this new paranormal world and her fated role in its future, the more questions she has. Can she survive her brutal imprisonment and learn more about her family’s mysterious past? Who are her ancestors and what powers did they have? Will she ever reunite with Trystan?

This is an intriguing and immersive story that is fast-paced, engaging, and full of twists and turns. I thought this was going to be a typical ya paranormal romance, but it is much more than that. Ultimately, this is a coming-of-age story about choices.

At the start, and for much of the novel, choices are taken from Calla. Trystan bites her without giving her a choice, and though he did it to protect her, he took all other options away. It isn’t until she plans her escape from Morbeth that she becomes more in control of her life. Freedom of choice is important to this independent and courageous young woman, and she strives for it throughout her journey.

Calla’s journey is treacherous and eye-opening. Kidnappings, imprisonment, travels on a pirate ship, scary sea serpents, torture, war, and more permeate the plot and lead the reader on a suspenseful and action-packed adventure.

Throughout her odyssey, she befriends a variety of interesting, and dynamically developed, characters. Trystan’s guards are funny, brave and loyal, Sebastian is cunning and charming, and Sabine is one-of-a-kind. These characters and others add so much depth and intrigue to the story, and I am curious to learn more about them and their connections to each other.

So, though many dark themes and events transpire, messages of hope, friendship, embracing one’s power, helping others, and believing in love are equally explored.

Speaking of love…

Calla is a little boy crazy. She tends to see the good in people and finds many men attractive, which seemed a bit unrealistic, especially considering how connected she felt to Trystan. Of course, keep in mind that the immortals in this world are, for the most part, super good-looking.

Calla’s flirtations make me question her feelings toward Trystan. There are several other men in the story that she connects with, and I have a feeling that these possible love interests will appear in future books in the series, and the connections that they have with Calla will be further explored.

I must say, Calla has some tough choices – the sexy, swashbuckling pirate with a heart of gold, the sea prince who is selfless and brave, or the enigmatic vampire prince who continually tries to help her. I know who I would choose…

Thanks to Victory Editing and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Of the Blood
Author: Cameo Renae
Genre: YA Dark Fantasy/Vampire
Rating: ⭐️ ⭐️ • ✨/ 5
Reviewed: Maya

On Calla Caldwell’s 18th birthday, she is bitten by the vampire prince, Trystan Vladu and her life is changed forever. The book begins quickly, and to be honest, it felt kind of out of pace. Calla has never been or wanted to be in a relationship as mentioned at the beginning of the book, except literally two pages later she is making out with Trystan. I found this ran throughout the entire book; Calla falling for 6-feet tall, shockingly handsome and witty men, most of which happened at the same time. I didn’t like how literally every male character was described the same and every new male character introduced, I would think ‘not another one’. A lot of the same words were used to describe, so I wasn’t engaged and I was forcing myself to continue reading so that I could finish the book. The world building was good and it was obvious that Renae had a very clear image of the world. The timeline of the book felt really wrong. At the beginning, everything was happening really quickly and then the book seemed to go into slo-mo. After Calla became imprisoned, everything was moving really slowly. I understand that it would have been ridiculous if Renae had written every day of Calla’s imprisonment, but after the super quick start, this very long period of inaction felt out of place. I really struggled to connect with any of the characters, especially Calla. She was changing throughout the entire book, yet I felt that her character had a ‘fake’ personality, and was definitely spending too much time falling for guys. Not being a vampire-loving reader, I think the plot was decent, although I do find vampires to be really strange. If vampires are your thing, this might be the book for you.

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in us and give us an honest chance.

Calla is a simple girl who just wants to celebrate her birthday in peace with her best friend. She doesn't crave adventure or romance as others her age do. Her heart just wants to savor and enjoy life one day at a time. Her birthday brings more then she ever expected in the form of a mesmerizing vision of a man named Trystan. He alights her senses and sets her blood ablaze with fire and passion. Will she shrink from this unwanted invasion, or will she allow this reckless passion into her quiet world just once?

I was left in awe of this incredible world and its delightfully enthralling characters. All of the wicked twists and turns left me on pins and needles to see what would happen next. There was never a dull moment, and I devoured every beautiful word and each amazing emotion. The precious words set lovingly on these pages called to my heart and every part of my soul. I was lost to the spectacular wonder and the unquenchable fire that imprinted their secrets on my soul. This is one series that will leave an indelible mark on my heart for all time.

Cameo Renae was one of the first authors I discovered and savored when I wandered into the romance world years ago, and I have finally made my way back to her stunning worlds of love, friendship and strength. I invite you all to enter her realm of mystery and surprise as you journey through her latest masterpiece. You will never be disappointed, and what you find is guaranteed to rock your world. I implore you not to miss out on this once in a lifetime creative genius!!

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AHHH! That book was an ice-cold glass of lemonade on a scorching hot day. The 3 books I read before this were just so-so for me. I was craving a fantasy that wasn’t too dark and had some romance. (Not asking a lot right?!?) Of The Blood hit all of my fantasy needs.
Vampires, CHECK!
Steamy romance, CHECK!
The strong female lead, CHECK!
Sexy dude? MANY OF THEM!
Worldbuilding, CHECK!
Writing, CHECK!
Fast-paced and action-packed, CHECK!
I was hooked from page 1 and read this whole book in less than 24 hours.
Now for my two critiques.
#1 In the beginning of the book Calla is described as a mousy, loner virgin. She even wears a purity ring. This aspect of her seems very out of character with her in the rest of the book. I realize Tristian uses his vampire powers of seduction on her and that’s why she is willing to jump in bed with someone she met literary two minutes earlier. But she seems to have minimal reservations and even after she just seems a little too sexually minded for a timid virgin. Although I admit I don’t read many vampire books. Maybe that is part of the change.
On a related note when things get super steamy with Tristian and Cala at the beginning of the book I’m not sure why seeing Calla’s purity ring and realizing she’s a virgin stop Tristian from ravaging her like he was obviously planning to. But maybe that will be explained later.
That brings me to #2. I NEEDED MORE TRISTIAN! I really wanted to learn more about him and I was really rooting for them to get together but he so was absent most of the book. A tease if you will. He’s this smoking hot vampire come as a knight in shining armor to save the girls. He then turns her into a vampire, leaves her a note explaining why...Then he just leaves. Hum… no wonder she didn’t want to bond with him. LOL
What we do learn about him seems genuine and good (For a vampire.) I just wish Tristian and Calla had more of a chance to connect. We learn he’s honestly attracted to Calla and is trying to save her but we learn little else of his motives or interests in bonding with a girl he’s never met aside from feeing a connecting at just the sight of her name on paper.
Aside from those small things I can’t wait for the next part of the series! That’s the curse of burning through a book so quickly. You get deeply invested then have to wait a whole hear to find out what happens next.

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”Tell me to leave. I will willingly do either. The choice is yours.”.”

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publishers for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. My review will be posted on Goodreads, and Amazon and Barnes and Noble after the publication date.

Vampires books are usually a hit or miss with me with nothing in between but this one was a bit of both.

I loved how fast paced this book was in the beginning and I appreciated that. Usually in the first book of a series we don’t get a pacing pickup until a few chapters in, luckily this one didn’t suffer from that. It did get a bit slow toward the middle and I was tempted to skim pages, but I refrained.

The characters were likable and I found myself caring about each of them, although the MC seemed to be a little boy crazy, which made me sigh after awhile.

The twists and intensity of some of the scenes had me anxiously flipping to the next page and I loved that!

This is the first book I’ve read by this author but I plan to look into more of her books. I’d recommend everyone give this book a shot when it’s released.

3.5/5 🌟’s

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Paranormal romance is something that I'm not a fan of, but I like to give it a chance because maybe, there could be a good story out there and I haven't read it yet.

Unfortunately, this is an author that I don't think I'll be reading books from in the future.

I can usually sense when I'm in for a difficult read when I cannot envision the world. World building is key. In this book, you have the first chapter begin with two girls - friends getting ready for a party. Right off the bat, their discussion is very, very modern. Before opening the first chapter, you are greeted to a map that looks nothing like our world. You can tell these two friends are quite wealthy. The focus of our story is looking at herself in the mirror and what she is wearing resembles a 90's/2000's party dress with the skirt above the knee. The layout of the house the party is at has a pool in the backyard... but she is having an inner monologue about a 'great war' that caused a lot of difficulty throughout the land.

Then, our dastardly prince - who we know is the prince, because he is dressed in black, looks different, singles himself out, eyes our lead up... After Twilight, Edward Cullen 2.0's started sprouting up. Using Stephanie Meyer's way of introducing our dangerous (?), male interest, you get these lead ins before the two chat. I hate it, and it is frankly annoying.

Later in the next chapter, you have the friend dropping her friend off at her house while 'riding in a carriage with horses'. ... I was expecting a Rolls Royce.

See? Do you see how the writing is off putting? You have a world that is conflicting with itself and if I was to swap out the 'fantasy-esque medieval setting' there would be no change to the plot. That's a problem for me because the setting and the characters must go hand in hand. If you cannot do this you lost your reader.

I was lost for this point on and my eyes continued to skim.

I think while there is a story in there, somewhere, but there are a lot of things that need to happen before I return to this world an this author.

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3 stars

Big thanks to Victory Editing for providing me with a digital ARC of Of the Blood via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book however there are a couple of things to point out.

I was interested to see how Renae keeps developing the vampires in these books. I was impressed with the blood bond and how the vampire can forcibly bite her but she MUST agree to drink his blood to create a full bond.

The pacing in the first part of the book is really quick things are happening to move quickly and the main character is hustled away with little history or knowledge of why completely understandable. Then later in the book specifically from the point, she is held prisoner there is more time in-between the pacing evens out more balanced. I am saying the book starts with a bang and keeps pace for a bit but it will eventually balance out.

I would say the book felt on the younger side of a young adult with the simplicity of the style of writing and the writing itself (like wording). I just wanted to note that there is a lot of sexual innuendos that are very clear. The main character IMO becomes flirtatious to any male and very knowledgeable when any character possesses good looks. Again writing itself felt for the younger age of the young adult category but I think the sexual jokes may be a bit too obvious. I do not know if it was an attempt to put in something for older readers or what but I have always liked more subtly of innuendos this felt really in your face.

Despite that, it is a series that has me engaged and I will want to continue when the next book is published.

Finally, I appreciate that the book was not individually titled Heir of blood and fire. I know it is the current popular formula for YA titles but using it for the series and not the title makes it stand out a little more.

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This feels like a Wattpad book. That's not an insult. I'm not saying the writing's amateur or that it doesn't feel like a published book, because this is definitely a fully formed, professional story, but there's something so distinctive about the pacing and storytelling this story utilizes that I'd normally associate with Wattpad or other serially published stories.

Of the Blood gets you quickly into the plot without needing a bunch of lead in while still feeling complete. The pace isn't typical of most novels, but also isn't flawed. It'd be a really cool book to read if you want something that can be quickly consumed and I genuinely think there's a massive audience for it, unfortunately I'm just not part of that audience.

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This was a fantastic start to a series that I look forward to continuing. Readers that love paranormal reads will not be disappointed by this story. I absolutely loved and devoured it within a few hours. The characters, the storyline, the writing style and the plot was fantastic. I felt as if I was on the journey with these characters, This story had mystery, suspense, it was funny, sweet, a little twisted, and so much more. It's hard to explain without giving anything away. Calla life changes drastically on her eighteenth birthday. It takes her on a journey she's not prepared for but one she must make. Along the way family secrets are slowly revealed changing everything she has ever believed. I loved that this story kept me on the edge of my seat and I can't wait for the next book in this series. The ending made me love Kai. I already love Calla, Trystan, Kylan, Brone, Feng, Andres, Melaina, Sabine, Sebastian and the rest of the gang, and I can't wait to get more of them. This author did not disappoint and I will definitely be recommending this series to my family, friends and book groups.

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5 Stars! A fantastic, richly layered fantasy romance that will keep readers turning the pages again and again. I am already begging for the next installment!

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This story was so interesting! I enjoyed every page. The imagery was superb. Characters dynamic. Scenes well paced and placed. What an awesome novel!!!!! I think everyone should read this!

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