Member Reviews

I find myself a little conflicted with this book. Overall it was an entertaining read and I rate it 3.5 stars. It just fell short of being wonderful for me.

Jane is a forward thinking, take control of her own life, kind of heroine. I love this about her, however I found her to be awfully flippant. She is utterly devastated when she finds out about the rumor and yet very early on in the story she’s offered her virginity as payment for taking care of it hero. That seems a bit off. I know a lot of people have complained about her and the concept of consent and I agree that she does rather pressure him. However someone mentioned that forced him because of course he was going to give into his attraction because he’s a man after all. That’s the most preposterous thing I’ve ever read and terribly problematic. He could have refused and being a man doesn’t make him a slave to his lust. What a disgustingly antiquated notion! All of that said I found Jane a bit flat sometimes.

Anthony is a man on the edge. He drinks to excess, fights, and basically drowns in the abyss. All rather for an understandable reason I think. He blames himself for his parents being murdered... that would be hard to live with!! I found him a more interesting character than Jane because he had more dimension to him. I liked their relationship together though very much! Although there’s a lot of steaminess to this book. Don’t get me wrong I don’t mind steaminess, I just don’t like when it overtakes they story instead of enhancing the story.

My biggest gripe is the plot seems ill defined. In parts it meanders and in others it’s rushed and forced. I would have enjoyed fewer pages of intimacy and more pages explaining the plot and the side characters introduced. Overall it was good, and I’d love to read more in the series, but I doubt I’d read this one again. Also side note (and maybe this is because I haven’t read any others in the series) but I don’t get the title he’s definitely not a Duke??

*Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC copy! All opinions are my own*

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This book is exactly the romance should be. The relationship between the two protagonists is so wonderful. You love both of them for their stories in history and hear her for them to get together in the end. You don’t find the one changing for the other or becoming something there or not. Just a delightful story overall!

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Holy hotness!!! This was absolutely one of the most sizzling historical romances I’ve read in forever!

I adore nerdy heroines and while Olivia wasn’t your typical nerd, she was definitely a heroine who had her nose stuck in chemical elements and experiments. She was more than capable of holding her own in society, but that was not where her interests laid. Her reaction to Thorn took her by surprise as she has not experienced the things he makes her feel upon first meeting him.

Thorn was initially a well rounded duke but after having his beliefs dashed and his character minangled, he quickly learns to embrace his rakehell title. I loved watching him fall for Olivia even as he didn’t realize that was what he was doing. He was a fun hero as he grumbled and groused his way into Olivia’s life. With a lot of protectiveness and a bit of jealousy, it didn’t take much to make him a new favorite for me.

Together, this couple had me smiling, laughing, cursing, and cheering as they struggle to find their happy ever after. As the drama and action rolled across the pages, revealing new thoughts and ideas regarding this family and their past, I found myself growing more and more excited to learn who the ultimate villain is.

This has a great pace to it that kept me turning the pages as it never bogged down or repeated itself. The chemistry between Thorn and Olivia was absolutely delicious in all its wickedness, and I am once more reminded that this author has kept up with the times when it comes to giving the romance reader exactly what they’re looking for.

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This is the 3rd in a series. This is the first that I have read and was able to follow along, however, I always like to read a series in order so I am going to go back and get the first two. I had stopped reading romance books several years ago as they just could not hold my attention. This one I decided to take a chance on as there was a murder and a unique pair. Olivia is a chemist and Thorn was a playwright in hiding. They have a history that goes several years back in which Olivia is caught with Thorn (not at her planning) and Thorn is forced to propose. Olivia refuses as she wants to focus on her scientific work. Olivia is hired by Thorn's half-brother Grey to find out if his Father was poisoned by arsenic. I agree with the other reviewer that there is a touch of Arsenic and Old Lace feel in that Grey's mother has been widowed numerous times and perhaps now we are learning they were under mysterious circumstances. I enjoyed the story and that this is not a typical romance as I remember them. Will go back and read the first two (the first is on Kindle Unlimited right now) and look for more that offer something interesting like this. Enjoyed this book.

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I love Sabrina and will always read her stuff. I’ve been reading this series from the beginning so I’m heavily invested in it. In this, the latest instalment, we are following Olivia, young debutant that has been training under her uncle to be a chemist and has devised a new test to find arsenic and wishes to write and publish a case study so she can be recognized in the scientific community. Thorn, the Duke of Thornstock, hides his writing of famous plays under the name of a friend. Having once been caught in a compromising position with Thorn and turning down his offer of marriage, the two are once again thrust together a decade after their first and only encounter. Thorn at first is sceptical of Olivia and suspects ulterior motives but as things progress he comes to respect and trust her. Olivia also comes to lean on Thorn and they become friends and confidants. Long buried secrets come out and a new threat emerges. As our couple come to love one another, they are faced with new facts that toss the family into turmoil.
This was a fun and entertaining read, and it continues the story of the previous novels in the series. Things are finally starting to make sense and come to a head for everyone. I’m looking forward to the next book and the end of the series. I really want to know why things have been happening!!

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*Review of eARC for NetGalley*

I enjoyed the romance between Thorn and Olivia, especially since their relationship starts out a bit... rocky, shall we say. Then again, I enjoy watching overbearing mamas get their comeuppance in Regency romance and it happens all too rarely for my tastes. That it happened in the prologue of this book certainly tickled my fancy.

The mystery of who keeps killing the widowed duchess’s husbands is starting to feel a little stretched out. I found myself wishing the story would get back to Thorn and Olivia, or at least make some progress in finding out “Who Dun It?” a little quicker. Olivia finding out that Grey’s father had been poisoned was a foregone conclusion, in my eyes.

Still, I am enjoying this series and I am looking forward to the next one.

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I jumped into this series without any prior knowledge, and I was a bit lost. There are a lot of characters, a lot of step-siblings, and many a mystery arc that is not solved from those books or in this one. And honestly, the mystery plot was kind of a snore to me (but I don't like those generally).

If the relationship between Thorn (the Duke) and Olivia had been more of a focus, I could have ignored all of the mystery stuff and some of the chemistry stuff that I could just hear JenReadsRomance yelling FOSSILS about (Olivia is a chemist asked to determine if a character was murdered with arsenic using her skills). However, Thorn and Olivia's quick meet in the beginning when she takes him to a private room so she can use her chemistry skills to remove a wine stain from his waistcoat leading to getting caught and her rejecting his proposal did not make me believe they would, after many years, be immediately attracted to each other again. Also Olivia remains only kissed by Thorn and a virgin for all these years. Thorn is real handsy with Olivia and honestly Duke needed to just let her do her thing sometimes.

Not for me, I'm sure plenty of others will enjoy. Do read the others in the series tho.

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Who Wants to Marry a Duke by Sabrina Jeffries

3.5 stars for this book that I forgot to post about. And an arc too for that matter. By an established author of historical romance, that I haven’t picked up in a while.

And I’ve stepped into what seems to be the 5th book of a series where there’s a duke involved.

Thorn here is a beloved friend of the group. He met Olivia a long time ago and well, they got off on the wrong foot.

But boy meets girl again. Boy is suspicious of girl. Girl gets close brushes with death. Boy saves girl. Boy is so mean to girl. Girl leaves. Boy follows eventually. Girl forgives boy. Then HEA.

Well that paragraph was fun to write. 😂 ok the book: it’s light and sweet at times and a Leicester escape. Makes you curious about the other couples and really it’s in the middle to the near conclusion of an overall arc of the series. Nice reading on a weekend afternoon as a break from the usual every now and then. And I wanted to see what the author has written. It’s been awhile with her.

Thank you Kensington Books and NetGalley for the arc of this book

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In 1800, at the Devonshire House Ball, The Duke of Thornestock, Marlow "Thorn" Drake. He had just come home six months ago from Prussia and was trying to get his bearings. He ran into a pretty lady with fire in her eyes. The Negus spilled and he had spots on his waistcoat. She told him not to use his handkerchief and suggested she fix it with Champagne and bicarbonate soda. Off they went to find someplace private so she could clean it. He later got caught by kissing her, Miss Olivia Norley. By her mother no less. Her mother told him she would expect him tomorrow morning and he left angry. When he arrived at Miss Norley's house, he rudely asked her to marry him. But she said no, even though he was a catch and they were attracted to each other. He left her house furious.
Nine years later they again meet. His sister Gywn had bought a townhouse and she and her husband had opened it up to their friends. He saw Olivia. He still did not trust her mother or her. They banter, fight, and argue they are so terribly attracted to each other.
I enjoyed this story and the bantering. It kept the tale interesting. The attraction was obvious to all but them. She wanted him but she wanted love too. They were wonderful characters and their family was different. This is not one of Ms. Jefferies's best, but it is hers and you can never go wrong. I highly recommend it.
I received the ARC from Net Galley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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very cute story of a first meeting gone wrong and redemption years later. The Duke things he was trapped and the miss just wanted to pursue chemistry. As a mystery unfolds from the previous books in the series, the duke and Miss Norely rekindle their immediate attraction while trying to find out if there is indeed a killer out there.

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I received a copy of this title from the publisher for an honest review; 4 1/2 stars rounded down to 4 stars. I read this in just a couple of sittings and wouldn't have put it down if life hadn't forced me to. I loved this story, especially Olivia. After realizing that the deaths of their mother's first two husbands many years ago may be suspicious, the children of the Duchess of Armitage decide to exhume the body of her first husband, the Duke of Greycourt who died decades prior to see if there is any evidence of arsenic poisoning. In a bit of an unusual move, the expert that Greycourt has engaged is a young lady, Miss Olivia Norley. Grey's younger half-brother, the Duke of Thornstock, is shocked to learn Miss Norley is to examine the remains given their brief history years prior. Caught kissing her not too long after his return to London at a ball, he was shocked when she rejected his proposal even though he proposed after her step-mother threatened to reveal gossip about his father that could hurt his mother even years after his father's death.

The mystery around the deaths of the Duchess of Armitage's husband is an interesting backdrop to Olivia and Thorn's romance, but isn't wrapped up in this story if that is something that bothers you. Olivia is such a great character - I love how she is determined to make a name for herself as a chemist and is taking concrete actions to achieve her dream. It is clear that she knows what she is doing and I like how Thorn appreciates her intelligence. Thorn is clearly impacted by Olivia's refusal of his offer as well as his believe in the rumor that her step-mother blackmailed him with; believing that love doesn't exist, he needs to realize that not only does it exist, but it is all that matters. Once you find it, you have to do whatever it takes to convince that person that you belong together. I'm excited to see the resolution of the mystery running through this series and look forward to the next title in the series.

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I couldn't get into the book. I read the first half and had no real desire to finish it. It is well-written but the characters were not interesting to me.

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Nooooo, I thought for sure we'd find out who the villain is. I think and hope that the is one more book where we will find out all. The book is so full of suspense and plot twist. It's perfect! I can't wait to read the next book in the Duke Dynasty, series.

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Sabrina Jeffries’ Who Wants to Marry a Duke is a delightful historical read that will please fans of romance who enjoy strong female characters. With themes of mutual respect and explicit consent, Who Wants appeals to the modern feminist reader seeking refuge in an English romance of balls and estates—with intrigue of a mysterious death.

Leading lady Miss Olivia Norley is a member of English society who always feels like an outsider because her practice of chemistry and rejection of sacrificing her intellectual pursuits for marriage. Expertly utilizing many of the genre’s signature plot obstacles of miscommunication, hidden identities and secrets, and young, scorned hearts, Jeffries shares a tale of Olivia and the Duke of Thornstock. While I preferred the romance plot to the investigation over the possible murder, Jeffries introduces the reader to many happily coupled characters and lingering questions that require continued reading of the series.

Thank you, Kensington Publishing Corp. and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. I look forward to reading another Jeffries novel.

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I love Sabrina Jeffries and this book just cements that. Yet again, she writes such connection between the characters and its easy to see why she is one name that I always think of when it comes to historical fiction. Absolutely amazing and, as always, I am eagerly awaiting her next release.

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Who Wants to Marry a Duke - Sabrina Jeffries

Thank to NetGalley, Sabrina Jeffries, and the publisher for the ARC.

Let me preface this by saying I am a huge Sabrina Jeffries fan. I’ve been reading her books since her School for Heiresses series and I have been eagerly waiting for this one. While this could be read as a stand-alone, I would definitely recommend starting with Project Duchess and reading through the others. Otherwise you’re starting in the middle (almost toward the end) of a family mystery.

The Marlow Drake, the Duke of Thornstock, Thorn to his friends and family, was caught in a compromising position with a young lady almost ten years ago. After being blackmailed into proposing, and then being rejected, he decides to become the rakehell the gossips make him out to be. Olivia Norley is a woman of science. She wants to be a chemist, but agrees to debut for her parents sake. In her first season she’s compromised by a Duke, but turns down his proposal when it becomes clear how much he resents having to ask for her hand. Ten years later the two meet again when Thorn’s older brother, also a Duke, asks for Olivia’s help in determining if his father was poisoned with arsenic.

Is it too cliche if I say these too had some serious chemistry?! Because they definitely do! From almost the beginning of the book they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves, even when they were trying not to like each other. And it only got worse (better?) when Thorn and Olivia realized they shared a love for the theater. This book really pushed all of my buttons. I love a smart heroine who wants to make a name for herself but falls inconveniently in love with a man who respects and supports her, even if he doesn’t know anything about chemistry.

And if their explosive chemistry (I know I couldn’t help myself) wasn’t enough, Sabrina Jeffries expertly weaves in the continued investigation into the untimely deaths of four Dukes, all connected to Thorn’s family. No one writes a romance series with an overarching murder mystery quite like Sabrina Jeffries. The Duke Dynasty books remind me so much of the Hellions of Halstead Hall series in all the best ways. All in all I felt very satisfied with Thorn and Olivia’s story, but can’t wait for the final book to see the mystery resolved and the last Duke in the Duke Dynasty meet his match!

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Enjoyed this story very much. The intelligent heroine who helps work on the mystery. The brooding duke. Delightful. Follows others but can be read and enjoyed as a stand alone. Looking forward to more.

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Who Wants To Marry a Duke

When I pick up a Sabrina Jefferies book, I know strong characters—female and male, intrigue, secrets, romance and sizzling love scenes will entertain me. Who Wants to Marry a Duke, the 3rd book in Duke Dynasty, delivers! Matriarch Lydia Fletcher married three times. All 3 husbands were dukes and died suddenly, leaving her a widow with 5 children. Three sons each inherit a dukedom: Grey, Thorn and Sheridan. About 30 years later, they suspect that their respective fathers were murdered: Gray suspects poison, Thorn suspects a tampered carriage and Sheridan suspects murder, too. This book is Thorn’s story. Each book in the Duke Dynasty series continues the mystery.

Olivia Norley is a chemist with few social graces. At a ball, she spills her drink on Thorn’s waistcoat. Olivia volunteers to clean it and they find a private place. Her stepmother catches them kissing. Thorn is blackmailed into offering marriage. Olivia realizes that neither wants to marry and refuses him.

Years later Olivia and Thorn are “introduced” by his brother Gray at a ball. Believing that his father was poisoned, he has hired Olivia to use her chemical skills. The plan is to exhume the body and she would conduct experiments to find poison. Olivia and Thorn and distrust each other. He decides to accompany them to Grey’s estate. For Olivia and Thorn, the attraction for each other increases. Olivia proves that Gray’s father was indeed poisoned, but the proof is dramatically destroyed. The question: is someone trying to prevent exposing the truth or is Olivia the target?

Thorn turns his attention to his father’s death. Was the carriage tampered with? As Olivia and Thorn grow closer, his secret threatens to destroy. Although Gray and Thorn gather more evidence about their fathers’ deaths, the mystery continues.

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This is book three of the Duke Dynasty series. I enjoyed the first two in the series the best so far, but Thorn and Olivia’s story is still satisfying and answers some questions raised in the previous novels. Of course, there are still things to find out and I certainly look forward to the next book in Ms. Jeffries series. Thank you NetGalley for this copy to read and enjoy.

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I usually love Ms. Jeffries's books, but this one just didn't have the romantic sizzle that most of her books have. The mystery of who killed Grey's father and the chemical experiments took center stage in this story. I also wasn't happy that the mystery is still ongoing and that knocked another star off the rating especially since it will be another year before the next book is released. By then, I will have forgotten most of the storyline. This book was a disappointment, but it won't stop me from reading more by this talented author.

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