Member Reviews

this was a really unique story, you don't really see anything with Santa Claus in it. I enjoyed reading this book and I look forward to more from the author.

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Light Warrior Ash has returned to the forth dimension after three years away. She must under go a review and in the process realizes there have been many changes including the fact that she has been adopted by Santa and his wife and that apparently the work she has done have been extraordinary.

This story dragged on forever for me and I started and stopped many times as it just seemed to tread water and go no where. At twenty percent I didn't even want to finish reading it and that is very rare thing for me. The first sixty percent of the book deals a lot with meditation, mysticism, the 'Collective Stream of Consciousness,' the 'Great Experiment,' Karma and energy work.
The majority of this book felt like a guide on how to align your spirit to be in balance with the 'Creator' with a dash of story.

I felt the blurb was misleading as to the type of book this was. This book also contained significant editing problems, however I did receive an advanced reader copy and the final version may have corrected those items.

This was an okay read, the various dimensions and the Light Warrior work was interesting but it dragged on too long with explanations and world building that could have been done much more succinctly.

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Great Book in you like christmas and phantasy stuff. Ash a light warrior is the daughter of Santa and his wife. You get to know her and her adventures in this Book.

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