Member Reviews

My fist book by this author and I was a bit underwhelmed by it. I love a slow burn and I love a hot butch, but something about this one did not pique my interest.

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A carpenter, Blaze, and an emergency room nurse, Trinity, come together after an accident.

Blaze was a freaking phenomenal character. She said and did all the right things, was so in touch with her emotions, and was honestly perfect.

Trinity, on the other hand, was more flaky and unsure of herself, which was understandable given her past and childhood. Trinity also lended hand to the majority of the drama and angst that romances were known for. The DJ character was a bit much at times but this all par for the course in romances.

I look forward to reading more by this author.

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The story about how love can heal things from your past. The main characters find a great attraction to each other. Through hard times and misunderstandings they find each other.

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Good story, couldn't wait to keep reading all what was going to happen. I look forward to reading more by this author.

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The relationship between Blaze and Trinity was a slow building love story. I enjoyed the back story of both characters very much. The character development took the reader right into their lives and their struggles. The love scenes were well written and hot! I will keep my eye out for more books by Renee Roman.

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A sweet romantic novel however I prefer some books with some more angst. But still a great read. The connection between Blaze and Trinity was sweet but believable

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This story is about a woman who almost lost her physical ability due to a traffic accident and another who, due to an unhappy childhood, has many reluctance towards commitment and a certain sense of inferiority.

Blaze, she is a carpenter and the accident almost leaves her unable to continue with a job that she has learned from her father and grandfather and that she loves, she would not know how to do anything else. After the accident she is transferred to the hospital where Trinity works as a nurse.

Trinity feels an immediate attraction to Blaze, in fact she recognizes her from having seen her at some club, so she somehow feels compelled to take care of Blaze.

From here the story became entangled with Trinity's reluctance, the interventions of the DJ who is a friend of Blaze, quite annoying frankly, and other excuses mainly by Trinity, which give the usual point of drama in this type of stories. So this is a fairly typical romance.

Positive points because I loved Blaze, Trinity not so much. But anyway it was a good read.

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Bit of a plodding read this one. The main characters are likeable enough, but the author keeps saying the same thing repeatedly. One wants a family, one is dedicated to her work and won't commit. It all got a bit boring. Blaze the hot butch was too good to be true. No one wants to be with someone who always takes the high road. Stand up for yourself woman and have that second whiskey. Trinity needs to go to counselling if she has any chance of making any relationship work. That being said, the setting was well crafted and the author can definitely write.

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The synopsis made it sound like Blaze has a possible career-ending injury. The injury is the reason Blaze meets ER nurse Trinity. Blaze is lonely and ready to start a family. Trinity has only one goal in her eyes, becoming a head nurse. But she falls for Blaze and can't stay away. Blaze best friend DJ has an attitude from the beginning and tries to torpedo Blaze and Trinities buddying romance.

Trinity peggs DJ right away. I'm surprised that Blaze allows DJ to meddle like that and keeps forgiving her. Until Trinity opens her eyes what's really going on with DJ. But DJ isn't my favoirt character. She could use a whol redemption story of her own.

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2.5 stars
This was a struggle to read. The story starts out interesting. A craftsman thrown into a possible end to her career after an accident. Decisions about surgeries and rehabilitation were made and endured. And a beautiful ED nurses infatuation with this patient.
And then the story stalls. It becomes a one note theme of basically a one sided romance with the other person acting interested....And then no......interested.....And then no......interested.....And then no......well you get the idea.
Blaze is a talented woodworker that is attractive, warm and not a game player. Trinity is an attractive ED nurse that is only concerned with her future. She had a unfortunate childhood and vows to have a successful career with no distraction. She considers Blaze a distraction to her goals. Oooh, but she can't stay away...Oooh. yuk, I didn't like her. I kept thinking...Blaze, what's the attraction? Move on.
Their love story is boring. I don't know why Blaze picks Trinity to be the love of her life. Blaze is a real catch and should look harder for someone that values the relationship.
Instead Blaze continues to pine for Trinity. And pine and pine.
I felt like the 2 main characters should have run away with their best friends Kelly and DJ and be done with all this angst.
But of course it all gets resolved in a 5 page epilogue and they all live happily ever after.

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Ms Roman has authored a fair number of books and I still can’t seem to say I out right love it. This book falls in with the rest. Liked it some and didn’t really care for it.
Trinity Greene wants to be head nurse in the emergency department and will do whatever it takes to get there. Working hard building up a reputation as someone who can be counted on. If you need extra hands on her day’s off just call Trinity. It was very helpful that she loves being a nurse. Going back to school, studying hard didn’t leave much time to just relax and have some fun.
Blaze Carter had her dream job. Like her grandfather and father before her she loved working with wood, making furniture for those who wanted something a little different. She takes great pride in doing her very best. That is until she has an accident leaving her with a mangled arm. After surgery, where the doctors tried to give her back full function with her arm, she now has to work hard at regaining the strength she would need to complete the orders that kept coming in. She’s also got to the stage in her life where she wasn’t looking for another one night stand, now she wants to find that special someone to share her life with.
The two women meet in the ED when Blaze has her accident but how will they have any kind of relationship when all Trinity wants is a one or two night stand whereas Blaze wants it to be ‘ happy ever after’. As I first said Ms Romans characters are not the kind that when you put down the book you announce to the world just how much you love them. That is my problem, I don’t care for either main characters but I still wanted to read about them. Until the end and I realize I just don’t like either woman. If you like a book where you don’t need to care about the characters this is for you. Saying that I do realize that my inability to connect with the MC’s could be my problem, not yours. So read and hopefully you will love this book.
ARC via NetGalley/ Bold Stroke Books

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Blaze Carter, has almost got it all, confidence, charisma, good looks, successful business and a gorgeous house she built herself. Blaze has always been a player but now that lifestyle is suddenly no longer appealing, she wants to find her true love and start a family.  Trinity Greene grew up in a dysfunctional family and had to work and study hard to get where she is. No one is going to come between her and her ambitions, that is, until she meets Blaze.
This is a really nice slow burn of a story. It was well written and the storyline believable. The characters were great and Blaze was just plain cool and there was some nice chemistry between the two. I think some more detail about Trinity's family and her upbringing would have been helpful in gaining more empathy for Trinity and her hesitation in getting into a relationship.
Overall a nice read.

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Blaze is a carpenter. She's also a bit of a player, but, wants commitment and something longer lasting more than anything. She also loves her job creating things out of wood. And then she's in a horrible accident and there's a question of if she'll ever be able to do what she loves again.

Trinity is her nurse in the ED when she first gets there. She's totally focused on her job. On getting to her goals, and making sure she is never in the same situation that she was as a kid. As she starts falling for Blaze, and Blaze for Trinity they both have to confront their own issues before they can maybe find each other.

It was awesome characters for sure, and while mostly a usual sort of romance, the storyline flowed well too. I will say that I thought that there'd be a little more tension when it came to Blaze's injury. It was emphasized at first, but, then seemed like it was forgotten really fast.

Overall it was a fun read though!

I was given this ARC by Netgalley on behalf of Bold Strokes Books.

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This is hearwarming and uplifting story about 2 wonderful people who are scared of taking the next step. But as I say, what is going to happen,it will happen. I really likes this story. It was sweet, moving at times ready to break your heart. Both main characters are awesome. Hard not to fall in love.

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I don't really know what I was expecting from this book, but somehow it didn't live up to my expectations.

Blaze is cool lady, drives a Harley, is a master carpenter and can get anyone she wants but lately she has been feeling like it isn't enough any longer, she is lonely. When she is feeling restless one evening she goes out for a drive. She gets hit by a drunk driver, she jumps from her bike and breaks her arm pretty badly. In the hospital, she meets Trinity, a nurse who is focussed on her career. Trinity has this magnetic pull to Blaze that has her coming back to her room and feeling concerned when she should have been just another patient. Blaze feels the same. They skirt around dating each other, mostly because Trinity thinks she can only have her career or a miserable life that maybe once was a life with a loving partner. When they can't seem to stay away from each other they start building a foundation of a relationship, but Trinity keeps questioning everything. Blaze remains unfazed by all it, she just wants Trinity to start a family of their own and spend the rest of their lives loving each other.

I really disliked the Trinity character, so many things about her didn't make sense or were frustrating for me. Her behaviour almost made Blaze seems like the stalker type, which I think wasn't the intention (I definitely hope it wasnt!). Blaze is a nice character, a bit too positve, almost hopping into the naive for my liking, but that doesn't suit the rest of the character. Their push and pull story isn't something I like, mostly because it seems so one sided. I did appreciate the writing style of the author, it was an easy read, even when you are really invested in the story.

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The Nurse and Her Patient
Trinity is an ED nurse who has dreams of becoming Head Nurse, She grew up poor with loser parents and will not go back to that life, and therefore she is not going to let anything stand in her way. Not even or maybe especially a relationship. Blaze is a third generation carpenter who loves her life but is lonely. She wants a wife and children to fill her life and to pass her knowledge down to. Easier said than done. When Blaze is involved in a severe accident, Trinity is one of her nurses. There is something about the wounded woman that claims Trinity’s attention and she can’t help but be drawn to her… Blaze finds the nurse very much to her liking as well. Can these two women find a way to be more than friends or will fears and insecurities stand in their way?

This was such a wonderful story! I loved how well written this book was. It was full of emotions and happy sighs as well as some concerned suspense. The characters were so perfect! I not only adored their names but who they were. They were strong and resilient, shy and reluctant, they wanted to believe in a future but were scarred by the past… They were so realistic and I could understand why they felt and reacted the way they did. Trinity and Blaze had so much to overcome and watching them do so was a gift.

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I really enjoyed this book and read it in one day. I didn’t want to put it down.

I loved Blaze - could totally see why everyone fell in love with her !! Trinity was also like able, complicated but I still liked her!! I could understand her backwards and forwards but really felt for Blaze living it!

I really did NOT like DJ at all. Not one bit and would have been happy not to see her again towards the end of the book but on the contrary i LOVED Kelly and all of Blaze’s family - the connections Blaze and her Pop had just warmed me from inside and you could totally see woth both characters how upbringing can affect future relationships

I will definitely read more from this author - I identified with a lot that was going on in this book

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The story description drew me in. This is a read about coming to grips with your past and finding that special someone. Blaze Carter, master carpenter, gentlewoman with a warm heart looking for a forever love. Trinity Greene, emergency room nurse, driven and running from a tough childhood. Trinity is not looking for a forever love and does not think she deserves one.

The story has this stop start aspect that is appealing yet frustrating. To some extent that is a good thing because life does not unfold smoothly. There are bumps and valleys along the way that a person has to navigate and sometimes we do it alone and other times we need a hand to hold or a shoulder to cry on.

There was a need for more background information especially about Trinity. There was much to like about Blaze as she interacted with Trinity. Blaze is quite the gentlewoman which makes her very appealing.

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I haven't read many of Roman's previous works and thought the subject seemed interesting enough so here I am giving you my thoughts. Blaze Carter and Trinity Greene meet in the ER after Blaze is injured after an accident. Blaze is pretty much an ideal butch woman. You could say she is pretty perfect. Trinity Greene is career driven and only focuses on that because she had a tough upbringing. She is afraid of relationships and normally sticks to hook-ups. Trinity has seen Blaze in the local lesbians bar and is for some reason drawn to Blaze. She is her ideal butch woman but she is not interested in dating.

Bonded Love moves rather quickly in the time line, but I found it repetitive in places. This makes the book drag in some places while I was reading. I really did like Blaze. She might have been a tad bit too perfect, but hey this is a romance and I'm okay with that. Trinity on the other end was a pill. She was likable at times, but she was very indecisive and seemed to string Blaze along. We got a glimpse of why she might have been skittish early in the book and wish that explanation had been detailed a lot sooner than it was. There are some things that I rather enjoyed. I thought the chemistry between the mains was good and so was the secondary characters. I also thought Roman did a rather good job with the sex scenes. If you like angst, there is plenty in this story. Trinity is full of angst. Overall it was a decent read. 3.25 stars.

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3.50 Stars. I thought this was one of Roman’s better books but it was still very up and down for me. Roman tends to write some storylines or characters that I really like, but then there is always something that doesn’t work for me. It puts a lot of her books in the middle or the road category for me, with this one being a little better than average. I feel like Roman is just a few steps away from writing a book that I absolutely love, and that feeling is why I keep reading her books.

When I saw that the two characters in this book had the jobs of emergency room nurse and master carpenter, my interest was piqued immediately. I have always been interested in wood working and I love anything even remotely medical romance-ish. I did like the scenes revolving around the characters jobs, but I wish there was more of it. I must have read the blurb wrong (which happens to me way too often) but I thought the nurse character was going to be “nursing” the carpenter back to health and their time together would be when they fell in love. That wasn’t the case though and instead I felt their connection was pretty insta quick. This is a moderately slow burn romance so it’s not insta love, but I just thought they needed more time together so that when they constantly thought of each other, it would seem more realistic.

An example of my ups and downs really came in with the characters. One character was great, romantic hot butch who is a complete gentlewoman with a good heart. I mean her character was almost too good. The other woman didn’t know how to communicate, was wishy-washy and wicked flighty. I was having trouble understanding what about her the too good to be true character liked so much. The only thing I could think of is since we are told over and over how beautiful she is, is it must be all physical attraction. It was just hard because one character is so great that you want to see her be with someone just as great.

My other main issue was how slow parts of this book were. It took me three days to read this. That is not normal for me. I pick a book up and I finish it the same day, when it comes to average sized reads. The first 50% really slowed down and there wasn’t much keeping me reading. I don’t think enough really happened in the beginning of the book. But, here comes the up, the last 50%. I enjoyed the second half much more and I flew through it in a few hours on the third day. The pace was so much better and the book more enjoyable.

There was so much of this book that was almost there for me. For every issue I had, there was something good to counterbalance. I feel like Roman is so close to a big hit if she can just put all those ups together without the downs. If you are looking for a slower paced romance with a decent amount of angst, this might be for you. I do think this was one of her better books so I’m hoping her next will take that final step and be a real winner for me.

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