Member Reviews

Future events foretold is about what is going to happen between 2021 until 2050.

I was very curious abut this book that is why I decided to read it. The author gives a lot of information about the end times relaying on the prophecies from the bible and visions from well-known christians.

He describes how and when World war III will happen, conflicts will arise in the middle east, terrorist attacks will increase, earthquake, tsunamis will devastate the earth…

Those things can be terrifying and it’s very important for christians to stay close to God, the author also said that there will be a great revival.

This book can open our eyes about what we’re living and the things to come but everything is in God’s hands. He is sovereign. I don’t know if things will happen exactly as J.C Adams said but God is real and He will accomplish what he said in his time.

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This was my first book by this author, It was pretty enjoyable. I would give this book a 3.5 star rating! It was a pretty Quick and easy read!

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This was a very shocking and troubling book. It has really opened my eyes. It is like the author took everything people fear and made a book about it. Truth be told, I am hoping none of these predictions come true. They scare the dickens out of me.

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While well argued and some serious thought has gone into the book, I found a lot of it was a little too much. Some of the references are Wikipedia too which is a massive no for me.

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I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

This was a very interesting read which was easy to understand and follow. I enjoy reading books about predictions and the theories behind them and this book was very interesting.

The author has translated sections of the Bible and researched them and made predictions based on this information. I'm not sure how true these predictions will be and some are very frightening to think about happening.

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Very, very interesting book, some fascinating and thought provoking forecasts of events in the past and future. Quite in depth at times but if you sift through it is certainly both frightening and descriptive, not sure if I go along with all the theories though.

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It's been some time since I read a book specifically dealing with end times prophecy so I was curious to read this. It will appeal to anyone already interested in this area but I'm afraid for me it's just too full of conjecture and leaps of imagination. Some of the future events foretold could apply to times and events in the past and that's part of the issue for me; the prophecies, even if legitimate, are open to multiple interpretations and we have to take it on faith (without sufficient evidence I'm afraid) that the author's insights are correct. It's fascinating but for me just stretches credulity too often. Not one for me but I'm sure others will take more from it.

Thanks to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for ARC.

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I was given a copy of this for review purpose.

The author has given a detailed timeline for the endtime events and the specific locations of these events. The author has listed each event based on bibilcial verse and then goes into great detail as to when this will happen, all based on customs, dates and the usagre of hebrew language.

I found the book to be very well written and the arguments stated here did give me a great deal of thought, even though I have not decided if i agree.

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I thought this was a very interesting book and very well done. For those interested in the book of Revelation, it provides an interesting commentary and breaks down scenarios based on years to come.

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Thankyou to NetGalley, BooksGoSocial and the author, J C Adam, for the opportunity to read a digital copy of 2021 - 2050 Future Events Foretold in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.
I thought the author has written a very informative and interesting book about what the future may hold for the human race. It certainly makes you think.
Worth a read.

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I love how the author explains revelations step-by-step. He breaks down each tribulation into it's parts. Visions of people that have co e to pass are also detailed. For those of us who have accepted jesus Christ as our savior, we need not fear. For those who haven't, these are very scary times! This book is a must read for believers and non believers alike.

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After reading this book I came away with a renewed interest in the Bible and the Prophecies it contains.. Mr Adam has written a very succinct biblical based look at the end times. He also brings in other peoples prophecies that give clues to Christs return. I could not put this book down . I finished it in one reading as it feels very sincerely written and also very wise. all of the prophecy in the book is backed up with scripture and some very interesting interpretations of events to come that I have never heard of before. The section on the possibility of war with China is worth the price of this book as Mr Adam has a remarkable idea about what could lead to the decimation of many armies. After reading this part of the book many headlines and scientific discoveries make sense.
Mr Adam states something I agree with and states it often. Nothing can take us from the love of God and the need to remain in hope and faith in Jesus. Who would have thought Corona would come out of nowhere and bring the world to its knees but it did, This book is a roadmap and a directory that will point you in the right direction to navigate the coming times.

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What did I just read? This was very interesting to read to be honest. I liked how the author explained where he got the ideas from and to see what was going to happen in the next few years. However I do not believe in any of this. It remains to be seen if any of these events play out as the author claims. If these events will actually happen, then I will believe this book. But for now I remain sceptic of the book. It is an entertaining book though.

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