Member Reviews

I love a story where a woman from earth somehow ends up on another planet, faced with an amazingly hot alien or in this case a Dragon King..
June was hiking along and somehow ends up stumbling across a spaceship.. When she goes inside to explore she ends up hurtling through space with only the food she packed for her hiking trip.
Tristen has just been crowned King after his father was killed in battle.. When they spy an enemy ship (the same enemies that just killed his father) speeding through space right to their own ship.. They definitely don't expect to find a human woman on board brandishing a pocket knife..
I love when stories start like this.. June is strong and stubborn and just a little bit fearless when it comes to interacting with Tristin.. Even though the local wildlife on her new planet scares the bejezus out of her constantly..
I also love the mentions of star trek, and star wars.. it made me laugh out loud.
There are alot of great things that I loved about this book, but I don't want to spoil it so, if you love some sexy dragons, a human woman that brings him to his knees, some great fight scenes, and the beginning of plot that I think will span at least into the next book you should definitely check out this new series..

Ill be checking out this authors other books, as I couldn't put this one down and read it in one sitting!

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Quite the intriguing read. If you are in mystical novels and love a bit of romance even erotica then this would most certainly be the book for you. I found it to be very interesting and fascinating all the while being glued to the pages of the novel, anticipating what i would read on the next page. I believe this should be a highly sort book for those who are keen on the subject matter. I would go as far as to say that it is a must read and certainly ensure you read the whole novel so you get to enjoy the whole novel and its pleasing contents.

The contents are creatively written and enables the reader to use their own imagination to visual the scenario’s and novel contents in their mind. It is to be commended and gets 5/5 from me. Well done on what has been an awesome book.

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There be dragons here! Great read, fantastic dialogue, great story, plenty of angst and exciting action. The feels will keep you going right to the HEA. Enjoy!

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This book had a lot of potential, I just felt that there was no real climax. There was not a clear antagonist, which was disappointing because I loved the characters. Even the side characters were great. Even if the friction with Leonora was better it would have created that good tension. It made me laugh and had great potential, but was missing that angst.

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I found this book highly interesting and I definitely wanted to know more about the MC journey as I progressed.

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This is the first of the Dragon Lords series, a spin-off of the Fay's Shadow quest. This is King Tristan Okora's story, a dragon/alien shifter and June a human trapped in the ship. I love the romance and steamy scenes in the story, definitely like the emotional side of it all and how family losses brings them together. I like the plotline, it intrigued me with the mystery and suspense behind it, there is a lot going on and I can't wait to find out in the next books.

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Kiersten Fay's Tempting The Dragon King is devastating... it will take your breath away. This pananormal story has suspense, danger, action, intrigue, and romance. I loved it!! I received an advanced copy of this book from Netgallery and am enthusiastically leaving an honest review. #TemptingtheDragonKing #NetGalley

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Tempting the Dragon King by Kiersten Fay

June and Tristan’s story is touching. June’s life has been filled with abuse, struggle and loss. It is amazing that she is as level-headed and kind-hearted as she is. Still, she struggles with learning to trust Tristan’s declarations of love. Tristan is also struggling with guilt and loss after his father’s death and the unexpected new role as king of his people. I really enjoyed their story. The author’s blend of comical moments, action, and private scenes between the main characters makes you want to keep reading to see what happens next. I was loving the book up to the final chapters. The climactic battle and resolution seemed to come out of left field. I think that the political threat to Tristan and June’s relationship could have been more developed. I also would have preferred a detailed description of what came next rather than June’s wrap up at the end. I am trying hard not to give away any spoilers because you should read this book! Over all, I loved the book; I only wish there was more to the story.
Review left on Amazon and Goodreads.

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Tempting the Dragon King is a marvelously refreshing paranormal romance! It isn't just a paranormal romance, but you also have the added pleasure of a space and plant element to this incredible journey. I love when an author can weave more then one compelling twist to an already amazing story line. It only makes the story shine that much brighter, and this one shines so brilliantly that you will have to look away at times.

Tristan Okora has just experienced his heart being viciously torn from him with the death of his father. This was nothing he ever anticipated or foreseen, so he is left reeling and forced to pick up the pieces and the heavy mantel left by his amazing father. He doesn't know if he can be half as good of a leader as his father was, but he will give it his all. Juniper Jacobs made one careless mistake which landed her as a prisoner until the truth of her arrival is sorted out. She is made a guest of Tristan and his mother as they figure out how to get her back home. While she finds herself inexplicably drawn to Tristan, she fights it until he obliterates her last defense. Can she save her heart, or will she find that something she never even dreamed of could be her greatest gift and treasure?

I loved how no nonsense Juniper was. She didn't let Tristan get away with anything, and he enjoyed that push and pull with her. She challenged and made him better, and he saw that and wanted more. He wanted forever, and yet he had to fight for it every step because of a painful past she had to endure. Tristan had to prove his love and devotion were true and honest and would last the test of time. Of course, that was no burden for him because he knew he would never make it without her by his side.

This is the first book that I have read by Kiersten Fay, and I was left thoroughly entranced and wildly entertained. I couldn't get enough of her incredible characters, and her story line was full of delicious twists and wicked turns. I hope to be able to dive back into her brilliant world of shifters who love with their whole being.

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**Copy Provided by Netgalley and Entangled Publishing, LLC for an honest review**

Sexy romance? In space? With dragons? Check, check and check!
Book follows Tristan, new king of planet Legura. After assuming mantle of king after his father dies and older brother abdicated, he feels the pressure of the crown. From alliances to future marriage. It all gets even more complicated when they rescue Juniper of Earth, June, from certain death...

I really enjoyed these characters still had emotional depth to them, human flaws. It wasn’t just about the sex. Story was fun and easy to get into, but I did struggle with some plot holes. Branches of this story feel a bit pointless, more of dead ends than really contributing to the overall cute and sexy couple! Romance Star Trek Dragons, did I mention that?!

In any case, quite a fun read! I would definitely read more about this world!

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Very good book I wish I could go for a hike and stumble into a space ship that takes me to handsome dragons. Well written and I have some unanswered questions that I hope get coved in future books. This is the first book by this author I have read but I know it won’t be the last. Thanks NetGalley

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Intriguing fantasy read about other species. I loved to read about a dragon shifter, because there are not a lot of books about them. Other shifters have plenty, but dragons there are just few.
It was fun to read about a human transported into space.
Their love story was predicted but nice. The suspense is mild but the justice is served.

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Blog name: Storytellers by Marlou
Posting date: December 8th, 2020

I love Kiersten Fay's Creatures of Darkness series, I didn't like the first book of her Shadow Quest series and this one... I'm not quite sure. It's a quick, fun, smutty romance, but I'm used to much better stuff from Fay 🤷🏻‍♀️

Writing style: I love Fay's writing. I can't quite describe it, it's just fun and easy, but it always has an edge to it. I don't know why I'm so addicted to her writing, but I am and I'm not complaining. She writes such great men who are all for women empowerment, but can also do the whole cavemen act pretty well 😂👌🏼

Characters: As mentioned above, Fay knows how to write men. It wasn't any different with our male love interest in this book AND HE'S A DRAGON KING FROM ANOTHER PLANET 😍
Our main girl was pretty fun to read about, but she really could have had more personality... Everyone could use a healthy dose of extra personality to be honest. Everyone was a little two dimensional which was a pity.

Story: It was fun, quick, and verrrrry smutty. Unfortunately, because of all the smut there was very little plot. It was fast paced and most of the time it was too fast... This story should not be published yet, it needs some work. It should be fleshed out more and some plot holes should definitely be fixed. The smut was tastefully done though, so that was nice.

All in all, if it wasn't Fay writing this book I might have DNFed it or given it an even lower rating. I've decided to go with two stars for this one.

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I wanted to try a new genre I love to do it in NetGalley and so here is my honest opinion in exchange for the ebook.

This was classified as Erotica/Romance. The blurb promises dragons, magic and interplanetary travel. The main female lead is a human from Earth and he is dragon shape-shifter. It is fair to say I was expecting the worst.

I loved the characters. They had different goals and problems than how and when go to bed. One wanted to return home, to Earth, the other wanted to be a king and establish powerful kingdom. Their relationship was huge part of the story but didn't feel like it is the only focus which I really loved. She wasn't the classic damsel in distress. She was fierce and strong and sassy, confident woman. I ABSOLUTELY loved that. And he was always a good guy. They always talked things out and cleared misunderstandings which in my opinion never happens in erotica/romance books. They both had good backstories that felt real and deep.

Writing style was great although what really annoyed me were two words: "flesh" and "assault" in the sex scenes I don't consider these to be positive or sexy. Right the opposite and I would like the author to use synonyms. I don't think there is anything wrong with simple words like "touch" or "coress" instead of assault. I was also confronted with "breath he didn't know he was holding" (eyeroll). But these are my own, personal pet peeves.
The story over all was fast paced and very well thought through. The first half of the book was better than second. The end was too perfect. Too good and also too predictable. It was more of a fantasy/sci-fi story with slightly more detailed sex than in YA and I LOVE it! It was great and very enjoyable read.
I think I found my favorite erotica book series! And I am already excited for the next book!

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Tempting the Dragon King is the first book in Kiersten Fay's Dragon Lords series. This first entry follows Tristan who recently lost his father in a battle and is now king, a position he wasn't ready for. His life is complicated even more when June, a human who accidentally got into an alien spaceship, starts to win his heart. But with her having to go back to Earth soon and the fact he has a much longer lifespan, can they even have a relationship?

One of the things I don't like in royalty books like this is that political things are just window dressing. On one hand I understand that the draw for books like these is to get lost in a fantasy where a guy totally out of your league falls head over heals with you. But it is still something that bothers me.

At one point in the book there is a rumor that Tristan killed his own father in his lust for power. While a fight does break out, this subplot is hardly mentioned. By the end of the book it isn't a problem at all and Tristan doesn't have to do anything to appease his own subjects. It would've been interesting for his relationship with June and the rumor to collide. Thus making him have to show his people that just because he loves a human doesn't mean he would kill his own father.

There is another point where Tristan starts thinking of June in...different positions and easily gets out of a meeting. This is a meeting where the rumor he killed his own father was mentioned. So why could he get out of that meeting without backlash? Why do we never find out who started the rumor that Tristan killed his own father?

Finally on the topic of royal political intrigue: Leanora.

Leanora was supposed to be Tristan's wife and queen. She had the right blood and upbringing to make the union worthwhile. Royal marriages aren't known for involving love, but they are known for solidifying political connections. So it would have been interesting for Leanora to not like June because of the political unrest the human marrying Tristan could bring. Leanora could also be worried that June, as a human, wouldn't be able to understand the galactic political landscape she would be thrown into.

But because this book doesn't really utilize the royalty aspect, Leanora hates June because the human has Tristan's heart. An interesting political sub-plot is tossed to the side just so the other woman who wants Tristan is cruel and unlikable so the reader knows not to root for her.

If you look past those failings, the book more than succeeds in the romance department. Both June and Tristan love each other deeply. It is very fun to read their various sexual encounters as well as how their emotions for each other deepen over the course of the book.

June has a great backstory that shows just how much she is willing to do for those she loves. Plus it also shows that even when she attempts to help things can backfire to an extremely tragic degree. Her backstory doesn't exist merely to provide angst, it is also important in one of the book's sub-plots.

Tristan has a backstory but it isn't as good. It's the usual 'guy that is supposed to be king but doesn't want to be king'. But, hey, he's hot so I'll forgive the book that fault.

I am a fan of dragons and this book doesn't disappoint. There are so many ways to portray dragons. In this book's case a dragon can either appear as a dragon or a sexy human. As a dragon emotions are much more primitive. And, yeah, there is a scene where June rides Tristan in his dragon form.

I would recommend Tempting the Dragon King by Kiersten Fay to those who want a spicy dragon shifter romance.

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Romance and adventure abound in this Fey installment. The characters are interesting, the plot is satisfying yet leaves you wanting more of these characters and their journey. Well done, fans of Fey will not be disappointed.

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This book did not disappoint. It was a fun, action packed, smutty romance full of drama, humor and imagination. When an Earthling is the alien on a world full of dragon shifters something interesting is going to happen. It’s light science fiction meets well written smut meats shifter romance. I would definitely recommend to anyone who likes shifter romance. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher/author for the chance to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Tempting the Dragon King is the first in the Dragon Lords series by Kiersten Fay. This story begins with Juniper Jacobs, a human who is found aboard an enemy vessel by Tristan Okora. Tristan is the king of the dragon shifters and he has just recently acquired the crown. Tristan knows that he will need to show his people that he can be king. He offers Juniper protection until they can get her back to Earth, but as they come to know one another, their feelings become complicated.

But all is not well in Tristan’s land. There is someone who believes he is not fit to be king. Will Tristan and Juniper be able to overcome their invisible foe and let love conquer all or will Tristan accept an arranged marriage in order to save his kingdom?

Juniper also has a choice to make: accept that Tristan may not be able to give her his heart or will she fight for the one she loves.

Both characters are very likable, but they made me shake my head at the choices they made. Juniper’s life before she found herself in the spacecraft was full of sadness and regret, and maybe, just maybe she will have a happy- ending.

I will definitely be reading the rest of the series.

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Juniper or June as she likes to be called is a human who accidentally gets aboard an alien ship and makes her way through space.

Tristan has recently become king after his father dies in battle and a rumour is being spread that he had it planned so he could have control. The last thing he needs is an annoying human around who knows nothing about his planet.

I loved June who referenced Star Wars and Star Trek as her knowledge of space, which flabbergasted Tristan.

The world building has me intrigued enough to read the shadow quest series to find out about some of the characters mentioned in this book.

I need to find out if Zoey has a book or is getting one, being the only other human who plays Queen for the new Queen she seems like fun.

I laughed multiple times while reading this and can't wait for the next book!

4.5 Star Read

I received a free copy of this book via netgalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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Amazing book would highly recommend. High fantasy. Very sexy it's a Brillant read. The writer does a great job or making this world come to life.

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