Member Reviews

Great thriller that kept me turning the pages. Great story, great writing and characters. Really enjoyable and would read this author again.

A simplistic overview of this book is that's it's a conspiracy thriller with a Bondesque villain wanting to take over the world.
Let me get some of the negative points out of the way first. I thought there were a lot of spelling mistakes throughout the whole book, this interrupted my flow of reading as I had to re-read a few sentences to get it to make sense, these errors wouldn't have been picked up by a spell check as the words were correct, just the wrong context or meaning. There was a lot of repetition, especially in the first part of the book. I took this to mean it was key plot points that would come into affect in the last act of the book, but weren't mentioned again. The final negative point was the open way the author showed his political following by highlighting negative aspects of the "previous" President. As an UK reader, yes I have to read about politics in the news or social media, and expect people to comment accordingly, I'm not a fan of authors incorporating it into fiction. But please note, this is my personal opinion.
Overall the story was easy to follow, with some twists and turns like you would expect for this type of novel.. There was a good build up of the main story, was let down with a bit of an abrupt finish at the end, but the story was closed out well. If you like a good conspiracy thriller, then this is a book for you.
This review is based on a free digital ARC copy provided by NetGalley. My views are provided based on the book content only.

This is the first time I have read a book by this author, Steve Jaffe. It has an interesting story line considering the current political situation in the US. The build-up of the plot I thought was quite interesting, the ending seemed a bit too abrupt for me but I really enjoyed it.
My thanks to NetGalley and BooksgoSocial for allowing me to read and review honestly.

Lots of twists and turns of real life events. Thought provoking and realistic in the possibility that this could happen great read couldn't put it down

The Architect's Manifesto is a tale with twists and turns. An interesting drama about possible real-world events. The author has quite an imagination. It makes the reader wonder if this doomsday scenario could actually happen. Jaffe earns a lot of credit for his timeliness, invoking questions about the limits of the American government's power, the efficacy of its checks and balances, and the fragile state of journalistic institutions the world over. A bumpy roller-coaster ride that delivers thrills and serious issues. I would recommend this book to everyone who enjoys a riveting suspense thriller.

I'm not exactly sure what to make of this book. Set in the current day, the premise is that a family patriarch made a decision 150 years ago to rule the earth (especially the USA) and set his plan in motion at the end of the 1800's grooming family members and other supporters to carry out his "manifesto" in due time - the time being now, 2020, with the upcoming election.
Because of references to particular situations with the current and immediate past presidents, I first thought he was creating his story out of headlines. However, that was not supported by further situations cited in his novel. There was lots of fiction (lots of it which didn't add up), a few facts thrown in for good measure, and plenty of confusion.
I appreciate this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.