Member Reviews

Fantastic thrilled fast paced I enjoyed it so much this book kept me guessing from start too finish this is worth a read

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This was not my cup of tea. All of the characters seemed "off" to me, and I had a hard time believing or connecting with any of them. It just all seemed a bit far-fetched, and the ending didn't work for me. Others may enjoy it the mystery, but I was looking for a bit more. Thank you NetGalley and publishers for providing a digital ARC for review.

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I love how this book threw you in the deep end from the beginning and just left you there throughout, flapping about. The book asked you to decide who was the real evil character in the story, or if there is even such a thing as true evil? I was completely undecided about who the true villain was and who to trust. I definitely felt sympathy for Lucia, however. I enjoyed many elements of the story, including the multiple perspectives and the exciting climax. I did feel that the ending was a little too open-ended and unresolved for my liking, so this book is deserving of 4 stars.

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This is a domestic thriller about a young girl.
There was a great twist near the end. It really shocked me.

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Welllllllll… this was a surprising one! I’d been approved for the ARC literally years ago 🤦🏽‍♀️ but better late the never! Great read/listen. Equally great twist!! Never so that coming. It was a bit slow initially, and I didn’t like Mara at first, but she changed my mind!! Definitely recommend giving this one a go 👌🏼

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Sadly this book just was not for me. This sat on my kindle for quite some time - twice I have attempted to read and twice I did not finish.

Thankyou for the opportunity but I will not be providing feedback on any commercial sites for this book.

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This book is full of twists and turns and has a great shocking ending. There were some points that seemed a little too outrageous, but it kept the pages turning.

I give this book 4/5 stars

I got this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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Have you ever wondered what happens when a missing girl returns home, well this story gives you a little insight. Told first from the brother in laws perspective (Damien), we the reader form certain opinions about Mara the missing girl. Boom! midway through the book we are getting Mara's story. Everything we felt is now turned upside down. Kept my attention and interest.
Thank you Netgalley for the ARC, in return for my honest review.

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At the age of eleven, Maria is taken in the middle of night. Over a decade later, Maria is found nearby - with no recollection of the missing years. Great plot concept - but not executed well.

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A great read, twisty and keeps you guessing. Some good twists and i was on the edge of my seat throughout. Looking forward to reading more from the author.

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His Wife’s Sister, by A.J. Will’s, is a mystery/thriller based on a family. Not your every day family.. A family whose sister, who has been missing for 19 years ago, is found. Being found doesn’t really answer anyone’s questions. She has been captive for so long she can’t temper much and doesn’t want to speak of the other things. She knows she was abducted and kept in an underground cell. Finding answers is like pulling teeth. Her sister and her brother in law bring her to their home. They hope to provide her a place to help her heal and get back on her feet. Mara seems to have other plans.. Damian, her brother in law, starts to believe Mara isn’t ok. He believes she is a danger to him and his family. She isn’t stable and he wants her to leave. But his wife, thinks she just needs more time, more love, more attention. As Damian’s suspicions mount.. his family life falls apart. He needs to find out the truth about the abduction and he needs to find it out quickly. Otherwise his nice life will implode. This was a good story with some twists. I liked it but it wasn’t a fast read for me. It took me a few times to start and finally finish it. This was a 3 star read for me. I want to thank Netgalley & the author my copy for an honest review. It was my pleasure to read and review.. what are your thoughts on this book? I am interested in hearing..

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The idea I had about how this book would unfold didn't meet the expectations. It draws you in with Mara Sitwell being found after missing for years abducted as a child. Gives a lot of where was she, who took her, etc. questions that come up and can take the story to an interesting turn of events.... except it didn't. The first half of the book not so bad and reads and flows well. Without going into details some of the "plot twists" were either just so obvious or more on the exaggerated dramatic side for my taste. I hate to really not like a book but when I lose enough interest I put it down and then try to come back to it and it still isn't fulfilling that suspenseful need I chase in mystery/thrillers I just can't say that I enjoy it. Some of it was confusing, the plot holes lost me on a lot of likeness for the story, and just things not making much sense to connect pieces too. Some of it wasn't bad nd some parts I enjoyed, but it was also harder when I didn't really find a character I liked they were just "meh" for me all the way through. Thank you NetGalley for the copy.

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I thought it sounded pretty similar to other thrillers I've read and that it would just be another of the same old thing. But no, it was worse. It was really hard to get through to be honest.

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This book was disappointing.

When I first read the synopsis, it really grabbed me as this is exactly the type of thriller I like to read. Unfortunately, it was poorly executed, and the characters, while they started out okay, deteriorated as the story went on. There were several plot holes, and the ending was a bit of a let down.

Lucia's sister Mara was abducted when they were young. Now, almost two decades later, Mara has been found stumbling around in the woods confused. At first Lucia is tentative about getting to know her sister again, but that apprehension quickly turns to full-blown sisterly duty and Mara is invited into the family home to live with Lucia, her husband Damian, and their two children.

Then weird things start happening. Damian notices that Mara is acting strangely. Mara suddenly has unexplained bruises. Lucia and Damian's child ends up in the hospital. And through it all, Lucia tells Damian that he is imagining things and that it is all part of Mara settling in to life in the real world after being held captive for so many years.

Told mainly from Damian's point of view but switching around a bit with some of Lucia's and Mara's perspective, he starts to doubt his sanity as the story goes on, and when the true unreliable narrator and cul[rit is revealed I think that is when the story really jumps off the tracks, at least that's when it lost me. Because at that point, everything started to feel forced and it just did not seem believable anymore.

I gave it a three out of five, because it was still a decent mystery, and I did finish it because I had to know exactly what happened and how it ended, but the negative points outweighed the good. Oddly enough, I also read it in one it does have that in its favour!

Thank-you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for my advanced reader copy.

Plot: ⭐⭐⭐
Characters: ⭐⭐⭐
Mystery: ⭐⭐⭐
Writing: ⭐⭐⭐
Overall: ⭐⭐⭐

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Honestly, this book is a hot mess. It is obvious from the very beginning how this situation is going to play out. Coincidences and plot holes galore and to top it all off none of this would have ever of happened had Mara just been honest about what happened to her when she was discovered. There wasn't any reason that she shouldn't have been truthful. She basically just said "I don't know. I didn't feel like it." Really??? 2 stars!

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His Wife's Sister had me feeling a mix of frustration and pure captivation up until the plot twist, and then I was over it. I never trusted Damian simply based off much of his dialogue and thoughts throughout the book, but the twist didn't make sense to me after reading everything else. He was an unreliable narrator for sure, but it just didn't work for me here. This book does have super short chapters, which I love to see, and it certainly kept me on my toes, but in the end, it just isn't a new favorite of mine!

CW for kidnapping, abuse, cheating, violence.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Cherry Tree Publishing for the ARC of His Wife's Sister by AJ Wills.

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Awesome book. New to me author and I really enjoyed it. Very much will recommend to others! Highly look forward to more by this author!

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After being abducted at the age of 11 and held captive for 19 years, Mara Sitwell was discovered walking through the woods, disoriented and malnourished. Her sister Lucia has been overwhelmed with guilt for 19 years and insists on Mara living with the family once she’s healed enough to head home. Lucia’s husband is not on board, he’s worried about the safety of their children and isn’t convinced of the story she told the police.

His Wife’s Sister is a great fast-paced, quick read psychological thriller. This story had me questioning everything as it’s told from Damian’s POV until just over 3/4ths into the story. The twists kept coming, and got better and better at each turn, it was so hard to figure out what was going on. The writing style was engaging, and the character development was decent. The ending was rushed and way too out there, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.

Thank you Cherry Tree Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Absolutely love this authors writing style, draws you in from page one and keeps you hooked until the very end!!!
A totally new and fresh take on a kidnap story, I was convinced I knew what was happening… but no not at all!! Just read it…. A must read book for all thriller lovers!!!

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I love the cover of this novel and the inside. "His Wife's Sister: is an exciting novel by A J Willis. A page turner for sure.

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