Member Reviews

Not sure about this something just didn't click for me.
I didn’t not like this, I just didn't really enjoy it. Started off well and then fell away. Not for me this one.

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Not the best book I’ve ever read. While it was quite enjoyable I wasn’t a huge fan of how it played out towards the end. Ruined it for me. Shame as the plot had the makings of a good book

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Wow, this book kept me wanting more! Definitely an intriguing, edge of your seat read! You will not want to put it down! I can't wait to read more books by this author!!!

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Lucia and Mara, sisters are torn apart at age 11 when Mara goes missing overnight. She is abducted, or so they think. Cut to almost 20 years later, and Mara is found in the woods, stumbling around lost. Where was she for all this time?

Lucia brings her into her house, but her husband is not really sure about Mara, he reckons something isn't right.

I didn't enjoy this book, it's messy and it's very predictable, from my review you will figure it out and I haven't even said anything! It could have been a bit less "cliche"

Thanks NetGalley and Cherry Tree Publishing for this ARC in exchange for an honest review

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Mara disappeared when her and her sister, Lucia, were camping in their back yard. Nineteen years later Mara is found and reunited with Lucia. Riddled with guilt, Lucia resolves to help Mara overcome the nightmare she lived since her abduction.

This was not a book for me. I found it disjointed and hard to get into. I did not find any character at all likeable - a doormat and two manipulators.

Thank you NetGalley, AJ Wills and Cherry Tree Publishing for this edition and hearing my honest review. Looking forward to reading more with you

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i dont know where to begin, so ill keep it short. the storytelling was unconvincing, and the character's individual motivations were just not strong enough for me to really indulge into the story.

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

A little slow-paced for me. I also found the characters a little unbelievable and boring. Not really my cup of tea.

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I didn’t dislike this book as much as some others, however I also didn’t love it. I felt that it started off really strong and had a good premise but I didn’t enjoy the way the story went and the twist in the ending.

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I felt cheated by the author. The reader should always be able to trust the narrator to present the truth. Any author can come up with a twist that cannot be predicted by the reader if the narrator is not being honest. That's plain cheating by the author and lazy writing. The author should be clever enough to allow the narrator to present an honest account of events and yet still be able to surprise the reader. Add to that a completely ridiculous and unbelievable ending and two stars starts to look generous.

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Oh man I wanted this to be good. I wanted this to be a guilty pleasure book I could add to my collection when I have readers block.

But this book was trash, I feel really bad saying that because someone spent time writing it but the book read like a script for a really bad soap opera aka Riverdale

I agree with other reviewers that the plot twists were shocking and surprising but they were only shocking and surprising because it’s not plausible in any way shape or form

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I liked the premise here. The description perfectly fits the type of book I enjoy--abduction survivor, shady backstory, unreliable narrators. The best part of this book was the atmosphere. It was truly creepy, and I couldn't stop reading because I needed to understand what was going on. The author did a good job of making the reader need to know the ending. It was fast-paced and an easy read once you get going.

However, around halfway through the plot became a little too implausible for my liking. The ending/explanation wasn't for me, but I don't want to spoil it for other readers. The twist is certainly unexpected, though!

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I really enjoyed this book. It was gripping, thrilling, full of twists and turns, suspenseful and wonderfully written! Would definitely recommend!

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Really enjoyed and was totally hooked from the start. I would and have recommend to friends who are into similar reads.

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This book blew me away and yet reminded me of another book. Overall great story and plot. I would recommend to friends.

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I loved the book! First book i've read by A J Willis and it won't be the last. Keep me engrossed from beginning till the last page. This was really good!

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This is the first book I read from this author and it kept me gripped from the beginning. The characters were very believable and the plot very engaging. It as a very enjoyable reading and I’m looking forward to reading more books from this author.

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this book was honestly so bad, half of the plot did not make any bit of sense and it also just did not fuck with me with damon’s wife being MIA for her kids life.

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This book was a good read, but it seemed dragged on. The story line was intriguing I just wish there wouldn’t have been so much filler and more action!

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This book was incredible!. The writing style was perfection, the plot had the reader hooked from the first page and kept that interest right to the very end as the suspense built. Throw into the mix and ending that I simply did not see coming, and this book is without a doubt a perfect thriller!.

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What a read!! Loved it!

Mara Sitwell was only eleven when she went missing.

Nineteen years later, she’s been found wandering through remote woodland, alone and confused.

She says she’s been kept in an underground cell for all these years - but refuses to reveal anything about the man who snatched her.

What does she have to hide? And who’s she’s protecting?

Her brother-in-law, Damian, certainly doubts she’s telling the whole truth.

He fears she might even be danger to his young children, especially when his wife insists on moving Mara into their home.

To save his family, Damian will have to prove what really happened to Mara all those years ago.

But the truth is never easy to uncover when it’s been buried so deep. . .

Really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend. I can’t wait to read more from this author! Thank you netgalley for my ARC

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