Member Reviews

What a book!!!

His wife's sister is a story told from the point of view of Damian. His sister in law Mara manages to escape her captor after 19 years. She is very clingy to her sister Lucia. Lucia has always blamed herself for her sisters kidnap, so when she returns she can't help but pander to her every need. Damian doesn't trust Mara he thinks she dangerous. Then things start to go wrong really quickly.

This book had me gripped from the very begining. I couldn't put it down. This has to be one of the best psychological thrillers I've read in a very long time.
I am still confused about what really happened and I'm okay with that.
Damian has a very unhealthy obsession with Mara's kidnappung. The way he narrates the story is really gripping.

I recommend this book to everyone. If you love psychological thrillers you will not be disappointed. The ending took such a twist I fifnt even see it coming at all! I loved it. Easy 5 stars 🌟 if you loved the book thd silent patient you will love this!

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Oh wow!!!!!! This book took me by surprise, being as animated as I am, I am debating if I should give a mini review without spoiling every damn thing or just leave it like this.


But nope, I have to do a little something and give my reasons why, of course. Lucia has never given up hope that her sister is still alive after being abducted when she was very young, and when Mara came back into her life, I damn near almost cried, I thought that was the most beautiful thing ever. But then we have Damian, Lucia’s husband, who from the beginning I found weird. He is a stay at home dad, a freelancer, and also a tad bit controlling. He appears to be this supportive husband, but we later find out things about him that are a little eerie. And we can’t rule out Mara as well, she was SPOOKY! Or at least we thought, UNTIL THE END!!

Lucia was a character that I found to be so annoying and oblivious to everything around her, but Damian and Mara were not what they seemed, and it made me look at Lucia in a whole different light.

“Not what they seemed” seems to be my overall feeling of this book, keep that in mind when you read it. I finished it in one day, a page turner for sure.

Thank you Netgalley, AJ Willis and his publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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The first few lines of this book made my heart beat faster! Its the nightmare every mother dreads. I was so happy when she came home. I totally believed Damien, why, because he was so convincing. I really thought Mara's ordeal had left her so damaged that she hated him, how wrong was I. Mara was so brave and it was a lovely happy ending for her. I loved this book!:)

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This is a gripping and completely enthralling book which I have read in a matter of hours. I haven’t been able to put this one down. Although, on occasions I’ve found myself suspicious of Mara and Damian, there is absolutely no way I could’ve predicted the action packed and shocking ending which took place.
I have absolutely loved it and this is a book I highly recommend.

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Thank you Cherry Tree Publishing and AJ Wills for the copy of this book.

Lucia was just a child when her 11 year old sister Mara was kidnapped.
19 years later, married to her husband Damien and living a busy and successful life, she receives a phone call. Mara has been found alive.
Once released from hospital Mara moves in with Lucia and Damien. She's not forthcoming with details so the police don't have much to go on in regards to her kidnapper. Damien doesn't like this, or trust Mara in the slightest and feels like she is having a bad influence on Lucia. So he begins a plan to make her leave their home but things don't go as planned. Is Damien the innocent loving husband he claims to be, or is something else afoot?

This was a hard story to finish. What started as a fairly decent thriller finished with a convoluted twist that was so farfetched it was unbelievable. I do see what the author was trying to do but in this case they just didn't pull it off.

2.5 stars

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Lucia has spent her adult life without who sister Mara, who was abducted when she was 11.

19 years later she has a phone call from the police - Mara has been found.

After a brief stay in hospital she goes to live with Lucia and her husband Damian, but something is not quite right with her. Damian suspects Mara is turning Lucia against him. What is going on?

I really enjoyed this, although the twist was a bit unbelievable and unexpected! I liked the bad feeling between Mara and Damian and thought it was a great psychological thriller.

It does feature kidnap and details of how Mara was kept, so some may find this upsetting. I thought it added some reality to a slightly far fetched story line.

Thanks to netgalley for my copy in exchange for an honest review

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Struggled to get into this if I am entirely honest, felt like it could of been improved in areas, seemed like a few plot holes, missing pieces that just prevented me from connecting with this fully! Although it won't put me of reading from this author as I will always give a shot leaving behind my honest thoughts

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Like with most thrillers, we could have wrapped this up in about 25 pages if the characters were just honest. This read like a great draft that needed a round of beta readers to give feedback. There are some plot holes, and aggravating writing decisions. Overall is just felt underdeveloped. The twists were obvious and the ended didn't have the big reveal moment we were led to believe we were working towards.

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This was not for me - I was drawn into the book at first but the midpoint it took a turn for the worst with far fetched plot twists and a highly unlikeable ending.

Thanks for the opportunity to read and review

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I really liked it but is was a bit predictable. I guess when you read a lot of thrillers you know what I mean. Nevertheless the writhing was verry good and the story captivating. I enjoyed it. A great summer read. I reccomend it!

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Very good storyline and characters well developed. The plot was captivating but a little cut and dried at the end. Almost predictable. The sister was depicted in an intriguing way . Great summer read

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This was a great thriller! I was very surprised about the turn of events. Usually I see them coming but did not even expect this one. I am so happy I came across this book!
The story is as follows:
He stole her childhood. Now she wants it back.
A woman is found alone and confused wandering through remote woodland.
She claims to be Mara Sitwell, the little girl who mysteriously vanished from her home nineteen years ago.
She says she was abducted and has been held captive in an underground cell.
But not everyone’s convinced she’s telling the truth.
Her brother-in-law, Damian, thinks she’s hiding a dark secret and so psychologically scarred she’s a danger to his young family.
But no one’s listening to him.
His only choice is to prove what really happened to Mara.
But the truth is never easy to uncover, especially when it’s been buried so deep...
#HisWifesSister #NetGalley

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The premise was promising and the story did start off good. But I got mixed feelings about certain characters getting falsely framed. Also the plot execution on certain parts were not much striking as I expected them to be. But honestly I couldn’t put it down.


Thank you Cherry Tree publishing, AJ Wills & Netgalley for the arc. This review is my own honest opinion.

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This was the first book by this author I've read, and I can't wait to see what else the author has written. The book was thrilling until the end, and you just don't know what to expect next! Recommended.

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Absolutely awesome. This read kept me on the edge of my seat! I never knew what was coming next. I can't wait to find what else this author has done. A must read!

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3 for neutral, wasn’t able to get into this book enough to finish! Will update if able to finish at a later date!

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This was more than great, I liked the idea of the book, but did not like where it went.
So, we have weak Lucia feeling guilty for her sister's abduction. Then Mara escaped after 19 years and the sisters are reunited. Mara is wicked, hiding things about all these years. Damien, Lucia's husband is not so sure about Mara's innocence. And now the tricky part, Damien is kicked out from the house, because only Mara is telling the truth and Lucia believes her without blinking. How can Mara figure out the password of Damien's laptop, after 19 years of isolation and being deprived of so many things, including electronic devices, because she was kept in the woods and she was seeing tv rarely? So, Damien is turning in to a cold-blooded killer???
And the ending is worse than all this.
Lots of things don't add up.
Even so, it was a fast pacing thriller and I really enjoyed it.
Thank y, ou NetGalley for this nice book.

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Mara was kidnapped at 11 years old from her back garden and was then found wandering the woods 19 years later!
Her sister Lucia, who is wracked with guilt for sleeping through the abduction takes her under her wing and welcomes her into her family and house - and thus is where things start going wrong!
For some reason this book has had some bad reviews but I really enjoyed it all from start to finish.
I didn't like Damian from the start - he actually made my skin crawl.
But I enjoyed getting to know Mara and learning more about what happened to her over the 19 years.
Glad I didn't listen to the reviews and made my own mind up - great read.

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Great book! Suspenseful and will keep you guessing. Mara was abducted while outside in a tent with her sister Lucia. . She was 11 years old. It’s 19 years later and the police have found Mara alive. Lucia is married now and has two children. Of course Lucia wants Mara to come live with them but her husband isn’t so sure. Damian is worried about what it will do to their children. He believes Mara might be dangerous.

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This was an okay book. It started off quite promising but seemed to just veer off and changed the whole dynamic of the book

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