Member Reviews

This was a pretty good book. The story was well paced. The main characters were really exciting to follow during this mystery. I’m always iffy about second chance romances but this one was pretty good. It was a quick read and I just really enjoyed it. I highly recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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I’ve read a lot of Harlequin Intrigue publications lately, and I’ve really enjoyed every book I’ve read so far. Delores Fossen is an author that I’ve read before and liked her work, so I went into Settling an Old Score with high hopes that were not disappointed. This novel starts with Texas Ranger Eli Slater finding a baby on his porch, quickly followed by the frantic mother pointing a gun at him when she assumes that he kidnapped her recently adopted baby. New mother Ashlyn Darrow has bad blood with her ex-boyfriend Eli, and she all too easily believed that Eli could have kidnapped her baby when someone pointed in his direction when her baby disappeared in the night.

They both quickly realize that someone is out to get both of them when the bullets start to fly at his house, and the action seems almost non-stop for the rest of this fast-paced book. The big question is who is after them, and can Eli get to the bottom of it before anyone gets hurt? As they dodge bullets and chase down leads, both Eli and Ashlyn realize that they never really got over each other, and if they make it out of this, maybe they should try again.

Eli is a strong, caring, and capable lawman, and he definitely sees things through to the end. He has a very loyal group of people around him–both family and coworkers–and they definitely make him that much stronger. Ashlyn has a hard time forgiving Eli for his perceived part in the murder of her best friend turned informant three years earlier, but she’s tried to make the best of her life post-gunshot wound by adopting a baby and moving on. But with Eli her only hope of finding who’s trying to take her out, she remembers why she and Eli were so good together when they were younger.

I give Settling an Old Score a 4.5 out of 5. Although this is the third book in the series, I was able to jump right in and Delores Fossen brings you up to speed. It did, however, leave me wanting to know more about Eli’s brothers, whom I assume are the main characters in the other books in the Longview Ridge Ranch series… While this book was lighter on the romance, it definitely made up for it with intense shoot outs and law enforcement scenes. The intensity just built and built throughout the book until it exploded at the end. I recommend this for anyone who likes romantic thrillers and suspense that are on the faster reading side.

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Settling an Old Score (Longview Ridge Ranch #3). By Delores Fossen. 2020. Harlequin Intrigue (ARC eBook).

Texas Ranger Eli Slater and new mother Ashlyn Darrow find themselves in a dangerous situation when Eli is awakened by footsteps on his front porch, a baby at his doorstep and a car speeding up his driveway. When Ashlyn, his ex, gets out of the car and pulls a gun on him, accusing him of kidnapping her adopted baby Cora, they quickly realize they’ve been set up. And then bullets begin to fly.

Settling an Old Score has lots of action and plenty of suspects to go around. Eli and Ashlyn, along with the Sheriff's office led by Eli’s brother Kellan, come together to unravel the truth and make sure Cora stays safe. Along the way Eli and Ashlyn’s feelings for each other resurface. A satisfying romantic suspense all the way!

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There's something about seeing the Harlequin logo that has me one-clicking, ready to indulge in a great romance. And this author definitely brought me that.

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Storyline at first was a bit far fetched, but I did like the twisty-ness as it went along. I loved Eli and Ashlyn as a couple though.

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From the eruptive start to the very last scene the fast-paced tale of action and intrigue is a wild ride of survival; to stay alive, to find out who is behind the attacks and to deal with the combustible attraction still simmering between Texas Ranger Eli Slater and his ex, Ashlyn Darrow.
A lot is going on in this story, the non-stop action, the deadly attacks, and the multiple suspects, the tension between the exes, the efforts to keep the baby safe... I took a deep breath and jumped right in the middle of a tale that kept going forward like a high-speed race that left very little room for anything else than to fight back and hope for the best.
Eli and Ashlyn had known each other since childhood and they have a romantic history from their high school years. Now in the mids of the mayhem brought to their doorsteps, facing a potentially deadly situation, the realization that the attraction still burns piping hot seems like a lifeline for both of them. There is no chance to deal with what happened before or develop a relationship while guns are blazing and madmen are lurking around every corner, yet the emotional connection is like a fierce, strong, palpable pull towards the other.
I loved the premises of the story. I liked the characters, the tale itself was intense and frenzied, the suspense, the whodunit was filled with intensity. What I wished would have gotten more attention was the ardent second chance love story between Eli and Ashlyn.
~ Three Spoons with a teaspoon on the side

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This is an action packed read from the very start! Eli Slater is a Texas Ranger and when he hears footsteps outside his home the last thing he anticipated was to discover a baby there! What makes it even more dramatic is when his gun totting high school ex, Ashlyn Darrow, turns up threatening to shoot him for kidnapping her adopted daughter. The men who kidnapped the child had told her it was on his orders but the two soon realise this was a set up – they’d hoped she would kill him. Their past attraction is still there but there’s been so much drama to drive them apart, can Eli convince her to let him keep her and Cora safe? As he investigates who kidnapped Cora this turns into a truly intriguing read with three main potential perpetrators behind it all but just who is trying to get Eli killed and Ashlyn out of the way? There’ll be lots of gunfire, plenty of surprises and dangerous encounters before this couple can have any chance at a second chance romance and then it can only happen if they both survive…..

This story is an edge of your seat suspense with so many twists and turns to keep you guessing! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and didn’t want to put it down until all was well again for the main characters. It is a story with the family of law men determined to keep Ashlyn and her daughter safe as well as bringing the criminals to justice. I have no hesitation in highly recommending it to anyone who enjoys a huge helping of mystery and intrigue served with their romance.

I requested and was gifted a copy of this book and this is my honest review after choosing to read it.

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This had a lot of action right from the start. You really get the sense of danger and get pulled in. The romance between Eli and Ashlyn was sweet and I enjoyed it. I do wish we got more details of when Marta died, that may have filled in some missing pieces for me - however that may be because I haven't read the first two books in the series. But there were a lot of suspects and, while I had my suspicions who it was, I wasn't completely sure until the end.
I'm definitely going to go back and read the first two books in the series.

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Rating : 4

Would I recommend it? Yes

Would I read more of this series ? Yes

Would I read more by this author? Yes

First off I want to thank Harlequin Intrigue for inviting me to read and review this book, because so far they've never let me down when it comes to their Suspense romance , and every time I pick up one of their books I tend to get lost in their stories as well as in their characters . And the same can be said about this one. Right from the start the story the story had me hooked and the characters themselves became some of my all time favorite ones. I loved how close Eli and his family was , how they was there for each others back when ever they needed help. As for Ashlyn herself I loved how she was strong and would do anything to keep her daughter safe, and how she came to realize that it wasn't Eli fault that her best friend was killed . As for the story itself here is what I loved about how it was an intense, fast-paced read that grabbed my attention from the very first page and didn't let go until the end. There was plenty of drama, action, and suspense to keep me on the edge of my seat, and after reading it I realized that I wanted to read more books by this author .

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Eli is surprised to find a child on his porch and even more so when he finds his ex pointing a gun at him. After its revealed that it was a plot to point the two against eachother now they must find out who is behind whats going on because clearly someone is out to get one of them.

There was so much going on and if you love a good action packed fast paced read then look no further. From the beginning of the book theres the altercation between the two and the confusion of what type of situation they got themselves into and wondering who was behind it. Then theres the whole attraction between the two so you know things might get a bit steamy for these two ex's during this high tension times. I just loves following along to what was going on and seeing as the tension grows with each action with each close call. Just a great read, I really enjoyed myself reading this book.

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A Texas Ranger and his Ex Face Danger to Protect an Infant

Texas Ranger Eli Slater had fallen into bed exhausted when he heard footsteps on his porch. When he went to investigate to his surprise a baby in a car seat was sitting by the door. Unsure what to do with this strange gift, he sees a car race into his driveway. The driver, Ashlyn Darrow, his ex, leaps out pointing a gun at him.

Eli manages to get the gun away from her, brings her and the baby inside, none to early when two men dressed as policemen start firing into the house. These are the same two men who kidnapped the baby. Eli would like to get their story, but the gun battle ends with them both dead. Now he and Ashlyn have to figure out who wants them dead and they must protect the baby, Cora.

If you like plenty of violence and a fast paced narrative this is your book. Starting with the first chapter it’s a non-stop race to find out who wants Eli and Ashlyn dead. In spite of the danger and non-stop action, Eli and Ashlyn feel old feelings being rekindled. While the romance is there, the emphasis is on finding the reason for the attack on them.

I received this book from Harlequin for this review.

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Delores Fossen continues to thrill her legion of readers and win scores of new fans with the latest title in her nail-biting Longview Ridge Ranch series: Settling an Old Score.

A tragic accident had changed Texas Ranger Eli Slater’s forever and derailed any hope he might have had of spending the rest of his life with the woman he loved with all of his heart: Ashlyn Darrow. During that horrific shooting, Ashlyn had lost somebody very close to her and not only did she have to endure the grief and anguish of losing a much-loved family member, but she also had been given the earth-shattering news that she would never be able to carry a pregnancy to full term. As Ashlyn and Eli had found themselves drifting even further apart, their relationship came to an acrimonious end – but fate, it seems, is keen to bring the two together again…

When Eli is awoken in the middle of night, he reaches for his gun and heads out on the porch to investigate and arrest the foolish criminal who wants to burgle his house. But what Eli finds is not a burglar, but an infant. Somebody had abandoned a child on his doorstep. Initially, Eli thinks that this is an accident or some kind of cruel practical joke – until Ashlyn comes charging in demanding to know what on earth he is doing with her adopted baby, Cora. Ashlyn had been incensed when cops sent by Eli had barged their way into her house, used a stun gun and took her baby. Only, Eli had not sent anyone to Ashlyn’s house, but before he can explain himself gun shots ring out in his and Ashlyn’s direction.

A dangerous enemy with murder on his mind is determined to shut Eli up once and for all – and he is ready to use all the nefarious means at his disposal to achieve his aim: even Ashlyn. Eli, however, is not about to give up without a fight. He will unmask his blood-thirsty foe and will do whatever it takes to protect Ashlyn from harm. Forced in close proximity again, never forgotten feelings come rushing back to the surface, but will Eli and Ashlyn find the courage to give their relationship another try? Or will they end up being torn apart…forever!

When you pick up a romantic suspense novel by Delores Fossen, you know that you are in the hands of a virtuoso of the genre and in Settling an Old Score she has penned a chilling, tense and terrifying tale of vengeance, danger and desire that kept me turning the pages until two in the morning.

Delores Fossen deftly juggles nail-biting tension and hair-raising intrigue with intense emotion and sizzling sensuality in her latest Longview Ridge Ranch series, Settling an Old Score.

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SETTLING AN OLD SCORE is the third book in the LONGVIEW RIDGE RANCH series. Although I haven’t read the first two books in the series, I was able to fill in some of the blanks quickly. It helped to have the listing of the cast of characters in the beginning of the book with some information on each of them.

This is a fast-paced read set in Texas with lots of suspense and intrigue along the way. Ashlyn and Eli have a past that they haven’t dealt with, but when she shows up at his house looking for blood along with her kidnapped baby, look out! There’s still an attraction they are both fighting. Ashlyn is a good mom, although she and her baby are in the thick of things too many times to count. There are a lot of police involved in solving the crime, including Eli, a Texas Ranger and his brothers, who are a sheriff and deputy.

The story does really well with the suspense and host of colorful suspects, and the villain surprised me. There was closure but enough loose ends to take us to the last book in the series, HIS BRAND OF JUSTICE, which I’m looking forward to reading. I also plan to read the two books I missed, SAFETY BREACH and A THREAT TO HIS FAMILY, to round out the picture and fill in all the blanks.

SETTLING AN OLD SCORE is a thrilling romantic suspense from the talented Delores Fossen.

I rated the book 4.5 stars but rounded to 5 stars here and on other sites.

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An intense fast-paced easy-to-read suspense mixed with enemies to lovers and second-chance romance, yup it's a mouthful but oh so good. An engaging story from the beginning till the end and with a twist here and there, this book can be devoured easily in just one sitting and let's not forget to mention loveable characters that I can't not root for their happy ending.
Yes this book has a great interesting suspense story and a wonderful characters,
A perfect amount of suspense and romance and with a twist, I so recommend this book for a light suspense romance fans.

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When widow Roz Martin is diagnosed with cancer, she has no-one to turn to.
Or that’s what she thinks— until she finds that her brother-in-law. He accepts, after all Roz is family and her kids need someone else to be there for them while Roz fights.

Can Paul step up to the challenge?

Or will the feelings that he has always had for Roz be too overpowering?

I felt for everyone in this book, but especially for Roz and her kids. I was wondering if Roz would pull through and the writing certainly kept me guessing.

My only criticism would be that I wish the diagnosis chosen wasn’t cancer, as this is too often the case with books where there’s an illness, it just seemed a predictable choice as cancer is the chosen diagnosis in many books.

There are so many conditions that could leave a person fighting for their life if complications arose and if something else was the health issue it would go a long way to raising awareness.
How about MS or ALS or Spinal Muscular Atrophy or something Roz was born with like Cerebral Palsy or Spina Bifida? Just to change the diagnosis and make her fight and the story a little different.
But the way the plot played out was good.

The Single Mom’s Second Chance is a quick and engaging book about fighting for what and who you want. It’s about conflicting loyalties and choosing between what’s right and maybe not so much. It shows the dilemmas we can be faced with when someone we value falls gravely ill. And the lives at stake, whether that’s an adult’s or child’s life.

This is the first I have reviewed in the series, amd I look forward to more.

Thanks to Kathy Douglass and publisher for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

4 stars.

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Not only does Texas Ranger Eli Slater find a baby on his doorstep, he is facing the barrel of a gun held by is ex, Ashlyn Darrow. She was told Eli kidnapped her newly adopted daughter, Cora, and Eli quickly assures her that he did nothing of the sort. So, what is going on? Who took Ashlyn's daughter, and why bring Cora to Eli?

The reason begins to become clear. What is more, however, is that Ashlyn and Cora need protection. Despite the difficult past Ashlyn and Eli shared, Eli steps up. With trust being a difficult thing for either to have, all while fighting the attraction that quickly reignited, safety and protection have a tenuous hold. With Ashyln's life at risk, will the pair get the opportunity to reexamine their feelings for one another, feelings that never truly died? What about the danger, will that ever let up long enough for them to get that chance?

Just like the first two books in this exciting series by Delores Fossen, Settling an Old Score doesn't miss one minute of action. The sizzling romance indeed gets its chance, but will it prove to be something that can bring long-term happiness? I loved being drawn into this story, whether the drama, danger or romance. It all blended together remarkably well, especially as Eli and Ashlyn are forced to face their past, while never being able to look away from the danger facing them. I am more than eager to read the final book in this series, His Brand of Justice, which is very high in my review queue.

Many thanks to Harlequin Intrigue and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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Texas Ranger Eli Slater is woken up in the middle of the night when he hears someone on his doorstep. When he opens the door he finds a baby in a car seat and soon after that a car whirls into his driveway and a woman gets out wielding a gun. He comes face to face with his ex girlfriend Ashlyn Darrow. When he convinces Ashlyn to drop the gun, they quickly find themselves in a race against the clock to find out just who wants Ashlyn and Eli dead. Eli has vowed to do anything and everything to keep Ashlyn and her baby Cora safe.

Can this have something to do with a shooting gone wrong from their past? Eli, Ashlyn and local law enforcement, who happen to also be Eli’s brothers don’t waste anytime in trying to get to the bottom of this. There are more than a few suspects and in between more than one shoot out, they are all working round the clock to keep Ashlyn, Eli and Cora safe. Will they figure out who has paid the hired guns before it’s too late?

This was a fast paced novel full of suspense, twists and turns. I loved Delores Fossen’s writing style and even though this was the first book I read in the series, I did not have any problems filling in the back stories of the characters, and I would though like to go back and read the rest of the series. Thank you so much to the author Delores Fossen, Harlequin and NetGalley for an advanced copy of the book to review. It was fabulous! All opinions expressed for this review are unbiased and entirely my own.

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3.5 Stars

Texas Ranger Eli has a shock when his old flame, Ashlyn, shows up in the middle of the night accusing him of kidnapping her infant daughter. That accusation is quickly thrown aside when shots are fired, and they realize they must band together to ferret out their mutual threat. There are several suspects on their list but is seems likely that it’s someone involved with the murder of Ashlyn’s best friend, Marta, three years earlier.

Ashlyn and Eli have a troubled history. Once young and in love, but life separated them, and they went their separate ways. However, they meet again under tragic circumstances ending with Ashlyn being shot and her friend murdered. Ashlyn blames Eli for that night, but since spending time together again she realizes it was unfair to hold him responsible.

Old feelings of attraction resurface as they fight off every new assault. Eli had a protective streak a mile long, and he was determined to protect Ashlyn and her newly adopted daughter, Cora. As their feelings spark again, he’s also determined to not let their second chance at happiness get away.

Settling an Old Score was packed full of action and danger from the get-go and hardly let up! It was a fun combination of danger, thrills, and romance, and I was pulled into the story right away. There were several suspects, and I wasn’t sure which was the real culprit until the end. I will say I did feel like I was missing some of the story, the whole night of Marta’s death and Ashlyn’s injury is alluded to, but not fully explained. Like it was maybe some of it took place in a previous book? Still, the story was a quick and entertaining escape from reality!

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There were a lot of characters presented as possible bad guys. They kept bringing them into Police station for questions which got to be repetitive and unnecessary.

Although Eli and Ashlyn have a past history, the attraction is still there. That's the romance in this latest romantic suspense story but it's lacking. Overall an okay story, but not one of the author's best.

I received a free ARC eBook from net Galley and the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I have not read much from this author but I am fixing that. Intrigue line of reading has me hooked especially since of late a good intrigue fills my need alot lately. So my heart goes pitter patter when this one has a Texas Ranger in it. Eli is the cause whom also has a surprise but also a dangerous one. A baby used as a object kinda chapped my bottom. Ashlyn is having to learn trust again but they way she has to will not be a easy rode. This also is a second chance romance mixed in this intrigue which makes this a gold mine of a find. The thing with these two they are ones that you find easy to stick with them to solve what it is going on.

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