Member Reviews

This is a good practical travel guide. It is perfect for walking or cycling tours. Well known historic sites are included as well as some hidden gems. It also makes a wonderful armchair travel guide if you are unable to travel now. Enjoy

I really wanted to look at this book but I just couldn't work out how to view it. Sorry but this means I cannot give a realistic review and it was not available for long enough for me to get help to work out how to download it.

a travel/nature book of Liverpool surrounding area. There are links in the text. Good for those who like or have an interest in that area.

A great little guide to anyone who likes local history or wants to take a wander around the Mersey Estuary.

The first thing to say about The Mersey Estuary: A Travel Guide is I live on the Mersey in an area mentioned in the book and I had no idea about a lot of the things in this book. It is well written and has an abundance of information split into sections on places to visit along the Mersey, the natural environment, the history of the estuary, the maritime connections and wildlife.
Amongst all of this information and great photography, Kevin Sene provides walking and cycling routes throughout Merseyside as well as several links to for local travel and further reading on the different areas around the estuary.
This is highly recommended for anyone looking to visit the area and for local residents looking to learn more about what the Mersey has to offer them.

informative and interesting guide to the Mersey estuary with cycling and walking routes to occupy yourself with historical and natural history notes as well to get the full picture of the Mersey.

A decent guide to the whole area alongside the Mersey estuary, which managed to bring back fond memories of Liverpool city centre, "Another Place" and more for me. It's very nice pictorially, reminding anyone of the diverse pleasures to be had in the area (although to my disappointment it didn't detour round to Meols and a certain famous phone box). I did think it a little woolly, however, in the text – the general information bit promised us too often we'd see something in the future, and was a little namby-pamby, the text can be quite repetitive at times, and the cycling trip guides aren't nearly as comfortingly detailed as I'd have expected. You'd have to really gen up on maps before striking off, even if mostly they're straight waterside routes – either that or I'm just some southern softie who wouldn't know a real lobscouse when it hit him.
We then get further, more competent and discursive looks at the geology and tides of the whole estuary, and how tide prediction as a science was partly born in the area – and how to do it today; the history of the area as a maritime hotbed; and the wildlife of both the waterways and skies thereabouts. In the finish I can see this as having a strong market in the area, and not just those in Liverpool or on the Wirral itself, as it covers much inland ground too, and I would think it some good interest to those wishing to stay in and learn about the region. I wish it success.

Sorry couldn’t downloaded it,won’t open in kindle app,shame I couldn’t read it,haven’t had a problem before

The Mersey Estuary is a travel guide to the area by Kevin Sene. Released 28th April 2020 by Matador, it's 256 pages and available in ebook format (other editions available in other formats). It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately.
This is a good general guide to the area with a richly varied collection of associated activities both solitary and family/social oriented. The introduction (with a good traveller's safety segment) is followed by particular places to visit arranged by geographic area (Lower estuary - Liverpool, Wirral - Cheshire, and upper estuary), with more attractions arranged thematically (rivers & tides, maritime, and wildlife). Many of the sites listed in the book conveniently include active links for further reading. The pictures (most of which are credited to the author himself) are clear and illustrative. (Note: the book should be viewed full screen for the photos to display correctly).
The author also includes a short bibliography and reading list for further information.
I would definitely recommend this guide to anyone contemplating a trip to the area as well as people (like me) who aren't travelling at all in the midst of the pandemic and just needed to "leave home" without leaving home, as it were.
Five stars. Very well written, down to earth, and up to date.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.