Member Reviews

Wynn Jamison is a woman who wishes she could have a do over. She has been successful professionally, but her love life is disappointing. Unfortunately, Wynn has always lived in her older sister Jordan’s shadow. Back when Wynn thought she found “the one” woman, Carly Evans, she foolishly steps aside and lets her sister romance and marry Carly.
Carly Evans has found herself in a loveless marriage. Jordan Jamison has basically gotten bored and is no longer interested in her wife. Carly had thought she would be in a loving marriage that would eventually lead to having a family. She also does not understand why Wynn is aloof.
One night there is a thunderstorm and, you guessed it, Wynn is thrown back in time to the night she stepped aside. Instead of just one do over, the day is repeated until her actions make a difference in her life as well as Carly’s, the neighbors’, and her business associates.
I enjoyed the story although I wanted the do overs to be completed. Ms. Blake’s practice of repeating the events led to building momentum in the story. I have read several books where the main characters are zoomed backward or forward in time, but this story had a twist with the multiple do overs. Also, Ms. Blake has done a nice job of character development.
Kiss Me Every Day is a good romance. I have read several of Ms. Blake’s books and have not been disappointed. I rate it with 4 out of 5 stars.
I received this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

I didn't like the characters and I found the plot boring but I liked the queer representation in this.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books, Inc for an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.
I don't really know what to say about this book, I'm lost for words. I don't think this was a bad book - I just found it to be way too long for the amount of plot and with the "groundhog day"-esque idea, the book became quite repetitive in some parts. I found myself really wanted this book to be over because it just tended to drag on unfortunately. I enjoyed that this was an LGBT romance but it's just unfortunate that the book didn't work for me.
I don't think the "groundhog day" elements complimented this book very well honestly, and personally I would've preferred this story to have been told as a linear love story, but I understand that's not for everyone and this added a different spin to your usual contemporary.
Overall, if I hadn't committed to an arc of this book, I more than likely would've DNF'd it quite early on as I just didn't enjoy it enough to justify spending my time reading it.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Wynn is crazy about Carly, who just so happens to be her sister-in-law. It's not her fault though, she was interested in Carly before she married Wynn's sister Jordan. Now Carly and Jordan are unhappy together and Wynn can't help but wonder what would she do differently if she could relive that day over... and over and over again.
I adored Wynn as a main character. Yes, she was far from perfect but I really enjoyed following her throughout the story. She is fun and sweet. We get to watch her grow so much as a person through the course of this book. I couldn't help but root and cheer for her every step of the way.
I thought the pace of this story was perfect! It wasn't rushed but it wasn't dragged out either. It carried itself out so that I was completely entertained the entire time, yet on the edge of my seat during the end. I think Dena Blake did an amazing job with this one. I really enjoyed it a lot.
There were definitely some cheesy moments and some moments that made me cringe, but overall I absolutely adored this book. If you're looking for a cute f/f romance with just a touch of drama, I strongly recommend checking this one out.

I usually like the Groundhog Day trope, I love watching how people learn and change over the course of a singular day, over and over and over again. So when I found out that Kiss Me Every Day was a sapphic romance take on the trope, I was super excited. Unfortunately, it didn't hold up to what I wanted. I only made it approximately halfway through before I decided to skim the last half and then read the epilogue.
Kiss Me Every Day follows Wynn, a successful business woman who regrets not winning over Carly, the woman who eventually married her sister. When she ends up getting dinner with Carly, they begin to rekindle their feelings for each other, only to have Wynn wake up on the day she let Carly go to her sister. It's a dual POV, alternating between Wynn and Carly every chapter.
While the idea of having the two sisters fighting over the same woman made me hesitate, it didn't actually bother me the way I guessed it might. In fact, I thought Blake did a good job of making sure that the reader knew why everything had fallen apart the way it had. Unfortunately, that's really the only pro I have for this book. I had no connection to any of the characters in the entire book, despite the book primarily focusing on three characters: Carly, Wynn and her sister, Jordan. Not having a connection made it really difficult to get into the book, and I honestly found it difficult to differentiate between Carly and Wynn, the only difference was that Wynn didn't seem to have any morals until the end of the book. I didn't click with the writing either, so overall I just didn't particularly enjoy this. It's not the writing was bad, there just wasn't enough pizzazz for me I guess? It felt more tell than show, but it's definitely a style that other people could enjoy.

Overall this was such a fun read and would highly recommend to anyone looking for a light, fast paced romance! There were definitely parts where the logic of the story was a bit lacking, it takes Wynn ages to work out what is happening when she starts reliving days, despite some pretty obvious indicators, but later when she shares with some others they just believe her. It also started to get a bit repetitive, and I thought the twist of the last thing Wynn needed to fix was a bit obvious, and also didn't make a lot of sense that Wynn didn't realize. However I just got so sucked into the romance between Wynn and Carly, on the whole the pacing was great, I read this in one sitting I just couldn't put it down once I started. I loved seeing the groundhog day concept retold with a f/f romance. There were some wonderful scenes with adopting dogs that just made me so happy. Wynn's character arc was a tad cliche, but it all the right beats for a fun light hearted romance.

Mindblowing. Seriously.
Wynn and Carly make a perfect couple. I like the way that this was revealed to us: it's clear that before the fundraiser, they aren't more than acquaintances, with just the kindling spark of hope for something more. As we go through the days, Wynn gets to know Carly better each time, which is instrumental in the chemistry that they have on the last day.
The time loop was nicely done, but not perfect. I thought that Carly's perspective on top of the loop was too much discontinuity, and it kept taking me out of the story. We didn't really need to hear Carly's side when it was mostly repetitive, apart from the gradual build of her feelings. I thought that Suzanna was a bit quick to believe Wynn, when there wasn't as much evidence as there was with Carly. I suppose Wynn was lucky to find an emotional outlet. The fact that Carly ends up not knowing what happened niggles at me. Since this was ultimately not the problem, Wynn could have shed some light on her behaviour.
The ending was heartwarming, especially when Wynn internally vows to give everything up to help her neighbour. The transition back to "reality," or the future reality, is a little confusing. It would have been clearer if Mrs. P. hadn't suffered a heat stroke on both occasions, because I went through a couple of paragraphs thinking that it was still the past. I suppose any transition would have been a little bumpy.
Six out of five stars. Why isn't that an option?

I have been craving a good female-female romance for the longest time, finally I read one that checked all the boxes. This book has a Groundhog Day plot, where Wynn finds herself reliving the same day over and over again. She must correct all of her mistakes in order to escape the time loop.
Things I loved:
▪ Wynn's journey of self-discovery is wonderful to witness. She develops compassion, love and finds happiness. Her character development is phenomenal.
▪ I loved the romance. Romance isn't my favourite genre, I tend to find it cringy and often lose interest. The romance in Kiss Me Every Day was the complete opposite. It was beautiful and exhilarating and consuming. It presented love in a truly magical way making the book a wonder to read.
▪ The PUPPIES. Honestly, whenever a puppy is mentioned in a book, my love for the novel increases tenfold. Puppies are my weakness, and whenever Shadow or Buttercup was mentioned I couldn't help but smile.
If you're looking for a stunning romance book with a female/female romance, then this is definitely the one for you. I highly recommend.

I'm sorry but this book was not it for me! Might be a good read for other readers, but the ”time loop” and repetitive read got me bored and tired.
Maybe I just had high expectations for this book, and I had no idea it was gonna be about a time loop.
Love to Netgalley for an ARC!

An ARC of this novel was sent to me by NetGalley for reviewing purposes. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
The idea of this book is quite fun, but I found myself cringing at a lot of the parts.

This was great! I love a good groundhog day story, and this one really delivered. Great characters and a super interesting story.

This is a lesbian version of the Groundhog Day film where Wynn Jamison relives the day she gave up Carly Evans to her sister Jordan. It was interesting to see how Wynn tries to change events in the day to correct her mistake and win Carly's heart. I liked how she tried to improve herself and fight hard to be with Carly, but after awhile I grew tired of Wynn having to redo the same day over. The premise was intriguing, but the execution was somewhat lacking. In the end, we get Wynn waking up to a married life with Carly and somehow remembering all the details of their life together. Even though Wynn breaking the cycle and ending up with Carly was expected, I wished it didn't skip forward to them already being married together. I would have liked a smoother transition. I will say that the sex scenes were good, but wished the story-line could have been more solid. I would rate this a 3/5

Well one thing I can say is that Ms Blake actually did a book that used the ‘Ground Hog Day’ syndrome in a way that for once I didn’t mind. When I first came to that I thought ‘oh no’ but as I continued it soon came apparent that with the right characters and plot it can be done.
Carly Evans works as a marriage therapist, so the idea of admitting her own marriage was on the rocks wasn’t something she wanted to face. A year before she’d met Wynn Jamison and the attraction was immediate but just as they were starting to get to know each other along comes Wynn’s older sister, Jordan, who quickly honed in on Carly. Within a few minutes she got the impression that Carly was happy with Jordan’s attention. Especially after Jordan pulls her aside and lets her know she wants Carly for herself.
That was the problem with Wynn and Jordan’s relationship. Over the years every time Wynn had an idea, or acted like she wanted something Jordan had a habit of stepping all over her, Wynn always stepped back letting Jordan take the lead. Now a year has passed and Wynn wishes that for once she’d stood up to Jordan because it’s painfully apparent Carly isn’t happy with her marriage to Jordan. If only she’d handled the situation differently, perhaps it would be her celebrating an anniversary with Carly.
Didn’t expect to like this book and glad to find out I was wrong.Very enjoyable read.
ARC via NetGalley/Bold Stroke Books

I dnf this book at 30%. I did not like the time jump and it made me cringe so much. And if a book makes me want to cringe I won't pick it up anymore.

This lesbian version of "The groundhog day" was quite fun to read! I loved the idea, and even though it could have become boring with all the repetition, it was avoided by some miracle - every single time a new development was added to the day, which made everything more interesting.

This was a « groundhog day » type of book where the same story repeats itself but it has a sapphic twist!
There are many things I liked in this book, the first one being Wynn's character development. It wasn’t that Wynn was particularly unlikable in the beginning, it’s just that she became kinder by the day. It was wonderful seeing her opening up to others, listening to them and teaming up with them. That made her friendly and relatable.
The second thing I loved was her chemistry with Carly. That’s why the beginning was so frustrating to read because it felt like they were stuck in their lives so it was wonderful seeing them falling in love each day. It was amazing to see how well and purely their relationship evolved. The last chapter and epilogue were very cute and satisfying. I really enjoyed them. I also liked how several stories were intertwined and how a single day can impact your future, it was a perfect exemplification of the butterfly effect; I loved that! I also liked how each day wasn’t identical to the following one - it was even raining at some point. The highlight of the story was definitely Suzanna's kindness as well as the dogs! They were so cute!
However I gave this book three stars because several things bothered me:
-The slow beginning. I know we needed many elements to set the story and see which things where meant to be "fixed" but I think it was a little too slow and Wynn and Carly’s chemistry wasn’t really there even though it was supposed to be. Also, I liked none of the characters at the beginning and it almost kept me from continuing the story. (I am very glad I did though).
-Jordan. Jordan was the WORST. She treated Carly terribly and almost "pimped" her to her sister. How messed up is that? She was mean, condescending and inconsiderate. She was almost caricatural because she was two-dimensional and that bothered me. When I read the blurb I kind of expected a love triangle. I would have liked her to have more depth so Carly and Wynn’s situation would have been more challenging. I’m sorry but lust is not strong enough to get people to marry one another. I don’t believe the fact that they got married so quickly. I don’t feel like there was any spark between Jordan and Carly. That part disappointed me a little.
-The last thing that disappointed me was the ending. The last pages were too quick! The last chapter needed to be longer. I know the author needed a transition (with the hospital) and it was kind of smooth but I was confused. I think this could have played out a bit better. And once again it was too quick.
The ending was still satisfying and well-written so that’s okay but a few more pages wouldn’t have hurt.

The writing style was great however I just couldn’t get on board with the storyline. Carly is married to one sister but has feelings for the other. That with the Groundhog Day spin just wasn’t my cup of tea.

I had to DNF this book. I just couldn't get into it, the story was too wacky. Carly is married to one sister but into the other. Wynn and Jordan's family members are telling Carly she should be with Wynn and not Jordan...it's just weird.

I wasn't sure about this book in the first four chapters, however I take all of that thoughts back because the set up of this book is <i>soo</i> worth it. What an amazing writing tool Dena Blake used - the set up was so much better than I thought it ever could be.
The premise of this story is great, I love how Wynn took a day or two to realise what was happening and how each time she focused on what was most important to her something else fell by the wayside until she realised and rectified so many things that had gone wrong.
I loved her family, especially Wynn's mum. <i>LOVE</I>
The Equilogue made me super happy too. Not going to lie!

Thanks for this book to Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books. The romance genre is refreshing with the LGBTQA narrative which is as smooth it gets. The characters evolve over time and show us different shades of the two main characters Wynn and Carly. It's a delight to get away from heterosexual pairing but we forget how love is love. It's got nothing to do with gender. I especially liked how Dena Blake did not make it about homosexuality but the love between two people and its as romantic as I have read earlier. I enjoyed the magical realism and Wynn's struggles to do things right. I recommend this book.