Member Reviews

This book was SUCH a fun read!! At the beginning, I was immediately rooting for Carly and Wynn, and then when the groundhog loop started I was starting to get so frustrated because I just wanted them to have their happily ever after!! This was such a fun, interesting book to read and i thoroughly enjoyed it; the characters were super easy to like, the romance was super cute and I loved seeing each little thing that Wynn changed every day!

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Everyone has wished they could go back on time and get a do-over.....Groundhog Day style! Wynn and Carly were meant to be together but unfortunately, Wynn believed her sister's lies. She didn't think she could win Carly's heart with her dashing sister in the way, so she bowed out gracefully. What she didn't know was that Carly really had feelings for her, but because Wynn disappeared from her life, and Jordan told her everything she wanted to hear, she married Jordan.
The next year turned Wynn into a cutthroat, step on everyone you can to get to the top, kind of human. When she finally learned the truth about Jordan and Carly's marriage, she wished she could do it all over again. She got that wish. What followed was Wynn's discovery of the good person that she was underneath all along. I loved Wynn's character development and the romance between her and Carly. This is a feel good book that will have you smiling throughout! Thanks Dena for another really fantastic read!

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I received an advanced reader copy for an honest review from #net galley. I don't want to give any spoilers. I didn't enjoy this book as well as I could have because of personal preference.

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I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

The was cute story.

Wynn just turn 31 and she not having the best birthday. Wynn realize she still has feelings for her sister Jordan wife Carly she remember the first time they kiss but when she learns her sister has feelings for Carly she steps aside.

Carly remember the kiss she share with Wynn and it never left her she realize she may have chose the wrong sister especially when she realize her marriage isn’t great.

Wynn gets a second chance to win Carly when she wakes up on the day they share their first kiss at the fundraiser. As she continue to wake up on the same day will she able to get Carly this time around.

I like the premise of this book because I believe if we had that chance to relive one day in our life what day would you choose and will you change anything about that day.

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This was really interest and nothing like what I expected at all. A lesbian groundhogs day! I really enjoyed the new day the first few times but was hoping that we could have moved the story along in a different way. I gotta say that the MC’s were wonderful as I was rooting for them from the beginning. And Jordan was a jerk but I guess that she has to be so that we can all feel better about rooting Wynn and Carly on. I feel like the ending was rushed as there were some things that I was still confused about. But overall a good book

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This book had a fun premise - a woman is in love with her sister-in-law and her life is full of what-ifs. One day she wakes up and soon realizes that she can change everything.

I thought it was a fun twist that Wynn experiences her own personal groundhog day, but the story got a little old after a while and I found myself skimming through towards the end just to see if I was right about Mrs. P, and to see how Wynn and Carly got together. Even though the reader has to suspend reality, at some points, I found the story just too unbelievable. Wynn tells Carly and her sister about her situation - that she's reliving the same day over and over, and they both believe her within seconds. The ending was a little hard to comprehend too. Wynn's situation ends when she helps her neighbor, but when she "wakes up" that same neighbor is in the hospital again for the same condition a year later? Just a bit confusing.

Overall, this was a cute book. Despite the repetitive theme, the author did a good job of making each day different with new dialogue and events. If I had to read that Buttercup was Shadow's mother one more time though...

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Have you ever lamented on some of the opportunities that you passed up in life? What if you were given a chance of a do-over?

Even when Wynn was completely enamoured with the woman she shared a kiss with at an event, her lack of self belief and feelings of inadequacy stopped her from pursuing the one, Carly, and had to watch on when the woman became her sister in law.

We tend to pass up on so many things in life, through wasted opportunities, lack of courage, determination, self belief, fear of the unknown or feelings of inadequacy. This book is big on some of the above.

When Wynn woke up one day and found herself back to the same day before she shared the kiss with Carly, the story comes to life.

How many wrongs before Wynn gets one right? Will Wynn pass up on the opportunity for a chance with Carly again or will she turn the tide? There is a delicateness written into the character of Wynn who is an introvert at heart, someone who is uncertain of herself and oblivious of the quiet strength she possesses. I recommend the book and hope you’ll find yourself rooting for Wynn like I did.

I just reviewed Kiss Me Every Day by Dena Blake. #NetGalley

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3.5 stars

It's a day before her 31st birthday, and Wynn Jamison is unhappy with her life. She gave the orders to lay off thousands of employees in the morning, and her dinner with her sister's wife Carly has made her realize that she still has feelings for her sister-in-law. But Carly and Jordan's marriage is falling apart, and the night ends with a searing kiss between Wynn and Carly. The next morning, Wynn wakes up to discover that she's gone back in time one year, to the day she shared an amazing first kiss with Carly, before she lost her to her Jordan. As Wynn repeatedly wakes up on the same day, she realizes that she's been given a chance to correct the record. Will Wynn ever escape the time loop, and maybe get the girl as well?

This was a cute story, despite the unoriginal premise. It was very much a lesfic version of <i>Groundhog Day</i>, except Wynn starts off much more likable.

The Characters: Wynn and Carly were cute and nice, but they lacked depth. I felt like a lot of adjectives got thrown around, but I had a very muddled picture of both characters. The side characters were pretty one-dimensional as well, though a few were very likable. The sister, Jordan, seemed like a straight up sociopath.

The Romance: There were definitely some good bits of romance in here, but I think things started to get a bit crazy by the end. There were big gestures that didn't quite make sense. It felt a bit like I was being sold the idea of, "they are meant to be!" rather than being convinced that the MCs should be together through the plot. For example, they would have some average conversation and spend some time doing a fun activity, and then the narration would say something along the lines of how one MC knew the other MC was The One for her because it all felt so easy. I wanted to feel the chemistry more, instead of being told that it existed.

The Plot: I liked how there were other subplots that Wynn had to try and fix in addition to the romantic one. This kept things interesting as Wynn tried different methods to fix everything by the end of the day. However, I think some of the plot lines did not make sense, and there were some actions and choices that seemed out of character. Also, some of the resolutions were a bit basic.

The Writing: There were a lot of typos in this one, although I did read an ARC, so those will hopefully get fixed in the final product. I wasn't a big fan of the writing style. It was very straight forward, a lot of "telling" as opposed to "showing," and there wasn't much flow. The story was told in alternating third person limited POV of Wynn and Carly.

All in all, this was an entertaining book. While it wasn't the most well-written or well-thought out story, Dena Blake's enthusiasm for her characters' HEA makes it a better read. If you're a fan of this do-over trope, this may be the book for you.

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I was so close on skipping this. but since I'm reading the author's other books right now I liked her style. so i gave this a try, tho the description made me uncomfortable. once I began reading I was so glad that I picked this up. very well written. For me Carly was just amazing. very likable, mature and so sophisticated. I also liked the fact that Wynn character was developing throughout the book.

Highly recommended.

many thanks for the author and her team for the free copy in exchange of honest opinion

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Lesbian groundhog’s day! What’s not to like? I enjoyed the premise and the characters of this book, and I thought it was very fun and cute. The author gets around infidelity with the groundhog premise and by making it clear that Wynn’s sister never loved Carly; I’m sure this is partially a requirement of the genre, but I would’ve liked to see the complications therein dealt with a little more seriously, but I also understand that’s not what people come to the genre for. Overall, very enjoyable.

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This was a cute sweet romance that put a smile on my face when I read the end.
Wynn Jamison has always loved Carly from the moment they kissed at a fundraiser but Wynn lost her chance when her sister tells her she has feelings for Carly and Wynn sadly steps aside. A year later Carly is in a very unhappy marriage to Wynns sister but feels she must do what she can to try to work things out, even though her heart tells her she married the wrong sister, and she has never forgotten that kiss.
Wynn has never gotten over Carly and she regrets the day she stepped aside for her sister, especially when she finds out her sister never loved Carly. But what would happen if she had that chance to go back in time to the day of the fundraiser and can prove to Carly she was The One all along.
Think groundhogs day but in a lesbian romance.
4.5 stars and would happily buy this book

I received this ARC via NetGalley and publisher for an honest review. Many Thanks!

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