Member Reviews

Constable Marley is a good cop who does the wrong thing for right reason is attack with a knife wound when Dr. Devon who is a psychologist on her way to HR where she works to ask for more time leave stumble upon a injured Marley she stays with her until the paramedics arrive.
Devon feels a pull towards Marley and she feels Marley is not telling the whole true. Marley who feels embarrassed on how they met unburdened herself on Devon and ask for help. Devon offers to help despite her trying to get better herself so she can return to work.
Marley and Devon vow to help keep Aimee and her grandmother Carla safe from her son Randolph who mixed up in drugs. Aimee who doesn’t speak has a secret she afraid to tell. As Marley and her colleagues tries to figure out how this new drug came here and why there are side affects they are in a race to make sure no more people are affected by this drug. We do see how it works because there is a character between chapters showings us the side effects.
This was a good read. I like that Devon Marley Aimee and Carla form a family. Devon and Marley romance was great I like how their friendship grew deeper and then became more. I was hoping there was going to be a cameo with Kate and Andy I miss these characters.
I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.