Member Reviews

Sorry, due to being in college again I did not get the time to read this book before it expired. I will look out for it as it looks interesting.

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When single mother Roz Martin is diagnosed with cancer, she knows she’s going to need help taking care of her kids. There’s only one man she can think of asking, even if it stirs up the history that was never quite settled between them – her late husband’s brother, Paul Stephens.

The Single Mom’s Second Chance is an emotional, family-oriented romance story with a lot of heart. Roz’s cancer is wrenching, but well handled in the story. Realities of her diagnosis and treatment are faced, but with care and delicacy, not any traumatic lingering on details that some readers might find uncomfortable or triggering. (That said, it is frank about some cancer realities, and readers who are sensitive to such subjects may wish to steer clear of Roz’s story.) After a bit of a rocky start, the development of Roz and Paul’s romantic relationship is honest and heart-warming, and further deepening the story is the familial interaction between not only Roz and her kids, but Paul and the kids as well. Through the story, they really grow to be a family. The Single Mom’s Second Chance is a sweet, poignant second-chance romance. Also, though the book is the seventh in the author’s Sweet Briar Sweethearts series, and other series characters make appearances, it is definitely not necessary to have read the other books in the series to enjoy this tale.

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New to me author, Kathy Douglass penned a beautifully heart filling book about a widowed mom who's in the fight for her life as she's reunited with a former flame.

With a sudden cancer diagnosis, Roz Martin tries to figure out which way is up. Juggling her job, her children, and now her health, she realizes she can't do it all alone and must ask for help from her estranged brother-in-law, Paul Stephens.

Paul wants to help his nieces and nephew, but being this close to Roz again and suppressing those feelings he had for her so long ago, prove to be difficult.

As she navigates her treatments and obstacles facing her, she leans on Paul, who realizes despite their history, being here now is the sweetest of second chances.

This sweet novel is the seventh of the Sweet Briar Sweethearts Book series and lovely story about two people who find forgiveness and hope in each others' strength and understanding.

I received a copy of this book for an honest review.

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There's something about seeing the Harlequin logo that has me one-clicking, ready to indulge in a great romance. And this author definitely brought me that. This story really got to me.

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First, thank you to both NetGalley and Harlequin for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The Single Mom's Second Chance is a very sweet and slow burn second chance romance novel. The book's main character Roz Martin been diagnosed with cancer, and she has three young children to care for that she knows she will not be able to do it alone. Roz must ask the one person who doesn't think will ever come to her aid, her ex-boyfriend, who also happened to have been her brother in law.

Many years ago Paul loved Roz with all his heart but a misunderstanding leads her to marry his older half brother. Paul doesn't want anything to do with us, that is until Roz tells him she has cancer and needs his help to take care of his nieces and nephew. But is Paul ready to forgive Roz for betraying him?

Together they learn to navigate this disease and be able to make sure that the children are doing well. Together they learn the truth of this pass and come back together.

Things I loved about the book:
I loved how Paul was there for Roz and the kids
I enjoyed reading a book that had a huge focus on the kids
It was more of a sweet romance and not a sexual romance since there was no sex throughout the book.

Trigger Warning for anyone who has taken care of someone with a serious illness.

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Kathy Douglass has penned a hopeful, heartfelt and emotional small town romance with her latest novel, The Single Mom’s Second Chance.

Roz Martin has endured her fair share of heartbreak in the last few years. Her fireman husband died in a tragic accident on the job and she has just been diagnosed with cervical cancer. With three young kids to look after, Roz realizes that she is going to need help and the only person she can ask to come to her aid is the last person in the world she wants anything to do with: her brother in law, gym owner Paul Stephens. Roz and Martin had met before she’d met her husband when they were teenagers, but when their fledgling relationship had fizzled out when Paul had gone to college, Roz had found herself drawn to his half brother instead. Since then, their relationship has been strained to say the least, but with nobody else turn to, Roz asks Paul to step in and help her out in the coming months.

Paul was shocked to his core when Roz had turned up at the gym unannounced and asked to see him. Although he has never forgotten the acrimonious end of their relationship, now that Roz needs his help, he is going to let bygones be bygones and do his utmost to ensure that he does everything he can for Roz and his three nephews and nieces. Moving town and into Roz’s house means that he will be spending a lot of time with the woman he has never quite managed to put behind him…and falling in love with her all over again.

Brought together by fate in the most unexpected of ways, Paul and Roz’s feelings for one another quickly intensify. Will this be the second chance they’ve been waiting for for so long? Or will they find themselves torn asunder once more just when they’d found each other again?

A poignant, dramatic and heart-warming contemporary romance about new beginnings, healing from the past and the power of love, Kathy Douglass’ The Single Mom’s Second Chance is a moving and captivating read that, despite it being about a woman diagnosed with cancer, is not a sad book, but one that is uplifting, enjoyable and wonderfully romantic. Roz and Paul are two terrific characters readers will be cheering for on their journey to their happy ever after.

Kathy Douglass’ The Single Mom’s Second Chance was the first book of hers I read, but it certainly won’t be my last.

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The Single Mom's Second Chance has some of my favorite romance tropes. I love a good second chance romance, and when you combine that with a small-town story, I'm in. That said, I struggled with this one a bit, but not because the book isn't good. It is really good, but Roz's cancer diagnosis hit me on a very personal level. I knew from the blurb to expect it, but I didn't expect it to hit me quite like it did. I suppose reading this just as I'm allowing myself a first sigh of relief on the heels of my husbands thankfully successful cancer treatment took a bigger toll than I thought. So, yes, that element was hard on me, but at the same time, the story kept me turning pages, and my heart went out to these characters. It's an emotional and compelling romance, and it was very easy to get lost in, so harder than I expected but so worth it. This is my first read in the Sweet Briar Sweethearts series, but it won't be my last. I was a little worried about being lost this far into the series, but that wasn't a problem at all.

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What an excellent heart-tingling in all the right places kind of book! Roz had a hard life as a child, ended up marrying the brother of her childhood sweetheart and now she has been diagnosed with cancer. A widow with three children she has no one else to call on except her brother-in-law, Paul Martin. Paul reluctantly leaves his prosperous fitness center empire behind to go to Sweet Briar to help Roz as she undergoes treatment and hopefully recovers. This book touched me in all of the right ways. With a theme of forgiveness and second chances, it was well-written with charming characters. Little Suzanne, a precocious six year old, is totally besotted with her Uncle Paul as he helps her to overcome her fears about her mommy’s future. Nathaniel, a mature eleven year old, is happy to have the help with his mom and sisters and needs the role model that Paul provides. Roz and Paul have a long way on a separate journey to go before there is even the possibility that they can get together again. This is a totally clean read, which is always a real bonus to me. Fans of romance that is uplifting will enjoy this book. Even if you are like me and have not read any of the other Sweet Briar books, you will definitely find something to enjoy in this one: love, hope, laughter, and even a few tears.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, “Guides Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

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I love the trope where one main character falls in love with the sibling of their previous partner. In this book, the female main character is paired up with the brother of her deceased husband. I thought this book was a little slow at times. It had a lot of focus on the heroine’s cancer diagnosis and their past connection but not enough on their present connection to make me fully believe in their HEA. This story is relatively short and it felt a little rushed.

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When widow Roz Martin is diagnosed with cancer, she has no-one to turn to.

Or that's what she thinks— until she finds that her brother-in-law. He accepts, after all Roz is family and her kids need someone else to be there for them while Roz fights.

Can Paul step up to the challenge?

Or will the feelings that he has always had for Roz be too overpowering?

I felt for everyone in this book, but especially for Roz and her kids. I was wondering if Roz would pull through and the writing certainly kept me guessing.

My only criticism would be that I wish the diagnosis chosen wasn't cancer, as this is too often the case with books where there's an illness, it just seemed a predictable choice as cancer is the chosen diagnosis in many books.

There are so many conditions that could leave a person fighting for their life if complications arose and if something else was the health issue it would go a long way to raising awareness.

How about MS or ALS or Spinal Muscular Atrophy or something Roz was born with like Cerebral Palsy or Spina Bifida? Just to change the diagnosis and make her fight and the story a little different.

But the way the plot played out was good.

The Single Mom's Second Chance is a quick and engaging book about fighting for what and who you want. It's about conflicting loyalties and choosing between what's right and maybe not so much. It shows the dilemmas we can be faced with when someone we value falls gravely ill. And the lives at stake, whether that's an adult's or child's life.

This is the first I have reviewed in the series, amd I look forward to more.

Thanks to Kathy Douglass and publisher for my ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

4 stars.

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She picked his brother, they have been coldly distant for years, and now, she needs his help with her children as she fights cancer. I spotted the blurb on this one and I had to leap in with both feet. Between a second chance at romance and a widowed heroine fighting for her very life and trying to hold together her family. She seemed as tough as it gets and I wanted her story.

The Single Mom’s Second Chance is the seventh book in the Sweet Briar Sweethearts series. I chose this one out of order and had no trouble jumping in. I think the setting as well as brief glimpses of past stories is the loose connection a reader can anticipate.

The story opens with Roz Martin nervously approaching her brother-in-law, Paul Stephens, for the biggest favor of her life. He has hated her since she married his half-brother even though she saw how it was when he went away from college and slowly drifted away from her. Paul is a busy, successful businessman so what she is asking of him is huge, but he is the only one she can turn to. She never stopped caring and can only hope that she can survive the cancer and being near Paul once again.

Paul is shocked when the woman who turned to his brother after he had such huge plans and dreams for them together stands before him and begs him to come to her home and look after his nieces and nephew while she undergoes cancer treatment. They have done their best to avoid each other for years, but this shock makes him let go of some of the anger and hurt. He only has one answer to give and will be fighting his feelings the whole time.

The Single Mom’s Second Chance had all the markings of a story full of emotion and angst. It is also something of a gamble to center a romance around a situation like a heroine undergoing cancer treatments. The author deftly rode the line between drudging along too heavily and flitting across the emotions and physical ailments too lightly. There are descriptions of a mom and her kids who have barely started healing from the loss of her husband and their dad, now they face the cancer treatments and the reunion with Paul. Each element was acknowledged and the hardships were not ignored or glossed over. Roz struggles with illness, frustration over her weakness, her kids fears, and even her looks. The kids act out or withdraw. Friends were there for them as was Paul. Paul was a pillar, but he had to figure it all out even while jiving the past with where they are at now so they can be at peace. Like I said, it had reality, but didn’t become morose.

As to the romance, I thought the cancer gave them a good excuse to come together and keep things less personal, but at the same time, they could actually talk now like they never had in the past. It would be easy to say miscommunication was at the heart and get frustrated with them both, but the truth was, it was complicated. For one, they were very young. But, for another, they both brought family baggage to the table that played a huge role. Roz interpreted Paul’s less than frequent contact and claims of being busy as abandonment and losing interest in her because she grew up an orphan child in her aunt’s house knowing the aunt didn’t want her and felt obligated. After Roz decided to interpret Paul’s busyness at college as feeling obligated and not caring, her choice to go to his half-brother who never liked Paul and was the golden boy to their dad was a knife to the gut. So, beyond the cancer, they had a lot to iron out. I appreciated how the author brought the romance along steadily and left it more of a sweet slow burn. It suited the story.

All in all, I through this one was a fabulous book and I would definitely like to read more of the author’s Sweet Briar stories. She puts heart, real life situations, and a lovely community all into her contemporary romances that I can definitely recommend.

I received this book from Harlequin via Net Galley to read in exchange for an honest review.

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Roz Martin, is a widowed mother of three and has just found out she has cancer. She has no where to turn but to her brother in law Paul Stephens for help with her children while she battles surgery and chemotherapy. He is the last person she wants to turn to, but she has no choice. Will he help her even if she is the one person he hates?

Paul Stephens is facing a woman whom he was in love with long ago. The same woman who betrayed him and married his half brother. Now she needs help with her children as she battles cancer. Will he turn his back on her when she needs him the most?

Paul leaves his job and his home to move into Roz’s house and help look after not only her but her three children. The more they are together, the less they want to be apart. When Roz has surgery and recovers, will Paul leave her and the children and go back to his bachelor life?

This was such a heartwarming story of love, loss and friendship. Kathy Douglass is a brilliant writer and you can’t help but fall in love with each of the characters as the story develops. This is a fabulous book to curl up with!

Thank you so much to the author Kathy Douglass, Harlequin and NetGalley for an advanced copy of the book to review. It was fabulous! All opinions expressed for this review are unbiased and entirely my own.

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I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I hadn’t read any Kathy Douglass before, but I was intrigued by The Single Mom’s Second Chance, particularly how it would handle the sometimes controversial concept of in-laws in love (something that doesn’t bother me as long as there’s no cheating) and the inciting incident of a cancer diagnosis.

And it works well on both counts. The story is fairly low-angst, but does delve into the issues at hand with enough care that the diagnosis never feels like it was done lightly. It leads Roz and Paul to reckon with their feelings for one another, and whether things can still work between them, in spite of what happened in the past.

And of course, there’s the kids. I loved seeing the role they played in the story and shaping Roz and Paul’s more mature romance.

This was a nice sweet read, full of hope and the power of second chances. And with a picturesque small-town setting, it’s sure to delight fans of small-town romance.

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The Single Moms second Chance by Kathy Douglas is exactly what it sounds like, a second chance at love lost for a single mother. When Roz finds out she has cancer the only person she can turn to for help with her treatments, recovering and help with her three children is her ex brother-in-law Paul. Paul also so happens to be her first love and after she went and married his step-brother things between them have been less than pleasant. Yet no matter his feelings toward her, Paul accepts the responsibility because he loves his nieces and nephew. With the new forced proximity between them and trying to hold Roz's family together they will have to face the miscommunications from the past and see if a future for them is possible.

The story as a whole is sweet and moving. Roz seems to have crap luck in life but the best thing to happen to her are her children, and she is a wonderful mother to them. They are each a bundle of personality that will put a smile on your face. I really liked Paul's character and I'm going to be honest when it comes to his and Roz's past relationship I thought it was big of him to feel like he should shoulder half the blame. In my opinion the blame falls on Roz and her insecurities, I would be equally as angry in Paul's position. Their second chance conclusion was sweet but it felt a little abrupt, I went to turn the page to see what their life was like acknowledging each others love but there was no more book left.

Overall, The Single Mom's Second Chance by Kathy Douglas is a quick sweet romance about family and second chances.

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100% enjoyed this read! I want to say this is the best of the Sweet Briar series yet. The very real issue that the heroine finds herself in, paired with a 'we might not have the chance to get this right again' premise with the hero, plus the added second chance, small town living trope is my exact catnip. I ate this up in an afternoon and I think anyone who gives this book a few hours to visit Sweet Briar will enjoy it as well.
An added note that a) i'm loving a tad softer Charlotte and b) I don't generally like children in novels but they aren't used as a plot device here and they're ADORABLE. They just love their mom and they're worried for her and want her to be happy and I just love that.

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I loved the care and compassion of these characters, and having a gorgeous person show up and do all the cooking and cleaning is excellent wish fulfillment. But these two had a misunderstanding that could have been solved by a simple conversation, and it took too long for that to happen. I lost interest.

I do like the author’s writing style, it’s surprisingly low-angst for a book about cancer.

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My first foray into this author and it was a great introduction. Roz and Paul were teen sweethearts until he went off to college. Roz felt alone especially after her aunt died and found comfort in Paul's brother Terrance. When Paul finds out he felt betrayed and was never close to his brother and Roz ever again. Fast forward twelve years later Terrance has passed away and Roz finds out she has cancer and will need surgery and is worried how she will be able to take care of her three children. She ask's Paul to help her with the children and so begin them reconnected. I love how the author was able to write about a serious subject matter but yet weave the romance level in so well. Reviews on amazon and goodreads.

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